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Orthorhombic and Tetragonal unit cells are not properly displayed.

Orthorhombic and Tetragonal unit cells are not properly displayed. They both seem to appear just like cubic cells.

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    Abhijeet Paul

    Thanks for bringing the problem into light. There was a mixup in trigonal and tetragonal bravais lattice which has been corrected. Also the default settings of lattice sizes have been changed to bring out the difference in different lattice systems. The default values of atomic size has been increased too. Also in case you want to further adjust the atomic size you can use the new setting key on the output pane of rappture tool. It has an atomic scaling slider button to adjust the atomic sizes. I hope this resolves the issue

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1 Responses

  1. 0 Like 1 Dislike

    Abhijeet Paul

    They are indeed displayed correctly. You must set the values of a and c in the left side to see other sizes of these bravais lattices. These two sizes are input for these bravais lattices. Please set them as you need.

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