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Golam Rabbani

What is the best way to solve 3D Poisson when used in self-consistent loop with NEGF?

Hi, I have some familiarity with the simulator nanomos and how the 2D Poisson there is solved. Now I am trying to build an NEGF-Poisson solver for sinw in 3D and having difficulty with the Poisson. I understand I have to use some form of the nonlinear Poisson but what would be the best way for that. If some one has done work on this I can benefit from his/her experience. Some references are also welcome. Thanks in advance.

Golam Rabbani

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    SungGeun Kim

    I don’t understand what you mean by nonlinear poisson. I have once used fishpack from which solve poisson equation. However, I think it was linear equation. I am not sure. So please look for the package in from which you could find one that you want.

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