2 00:00:00,869 --> 00:00:06,199 [Slide 1] Hey everyone. 3 00:00:06,199 --> 00:00:07,090 Welcome back. 4 00:00:07,090 --> 00:00:13,330 So this is lecture 1.22 and this is going to be a summary of the overall Unit 1. 5 00:00:13,330 --> 00:00:19,810 Kind of looking back at what did we learn from all the information that I presented. 6 00:00:19,810 --> 00:00:25,910 [Slide 2] So the first really big take home message of this unit is that 7 00:00:25,910 --> 00:00:31,180 we can formulate an Eigenproblem for Maxwell's equations. 8 00:00:31,180 --> 00:00:35,930 And that that Eigenproblem can be solved using the Bloch Theorem. 9 00:00:35,930 --> 00:00:37,210 So why is that so important? 10 00:00:38,540 --> 00:00:43,670 First of all, that will allow us to predict the relationship between 11 00:00:43,670 --> 00:00:48,815 frequency and wave vector and then it will also tell us a lot about if we have any 12 00:00:48,815 --> 00:00:54,760 kind of unusual or non-trivial behavior such as photonic bandgaps in the system. 13 00:00:54,760 --> 00:00:58,910 And then that of course can lead to lots of different applications down the road, 14 00:00:58,910 --> 00:01:01,790 which I'll talk in a little more detail about later. 15 00:01:01,790 --> 00:01:05,220 But for now, we can just basically first of all write down 16 00:01:05,220 --> 00:01:11,071 the Maxwell Eigenproblem, which again is just a combination of a Faraday's law and 17 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:13,950 Amphere's Law with Maxwell's correction. 18 00:01:13,950 --> 00:01:18,840 And enforcing the transversality of each because there are no magnetic mono poles. 19 00:01:18,840 --> 00:01:22,820 And then we can use the Bloch solution which is just a combination of 20 00:01:22,820 --> 00:01:25,250 a periodic function for each. 21 00:01:25,250 --> 00:01:29,780 Which can be also written as a Fourier series times a plane wave. 22 00:01:29,780 --> 00:01:34,260 And then that allows us to turn what otherwise looks like a very unwieldy 23 00:01:34,260 --> 00:01:38,265 analytical problem into a matrix algebra type problem. 24 00:01:38,265 --> 00:01:44,890 And then you can see that actually the matrix formulation kind of looks this. 25 00:01:44,890 --> 00:01:48,720 And then we can actually solve that using a tool that's already 26 00:01:48,720 --> 00:01:51,760 in existence called MIT Photonic Bands. 27 00:01:51,760 --> 00:01:57,782 [Slide 3] And you can access it at this website, jdj.mit.edu/mpb. 28 00:01:57,782 --> 00:02:02,270 And then once we have that capability then we can start to calculate all kinds of 29 00:02:02,270 --> 00:02:05,960 things when we have periodic dielectric media. 30 00:02:05,960 --> 00:02:09,740 So, if we start with 2D structures, 31 00:02:09,740 --> 00:02:14,588 which we could say are kinda the first real innovations in photonic crystals, 32 00:02:14,588 --> 00:02:20,570 given that 1D periodic structures have been known for more than a century. 33 00:02:20,570 --> 00:02:25,023 Then we find that we get actually potentially photonic 34 00:02:25,023 --> 00:02:29,962 bandgaps both in transverse-electric and transverse-magnetic 35 00:02:29,962 --> 00:02:34,610 polarizations which basically correspond to E fields or 36 00:02:34,610 --> 00:02:40,059 H fields being in the plane of the 2D Photonic Crystal structure. 37 00:02:40,059 --> 00:02:45,661 And in particular, if we have a triangular lattice of holes that are punched 38 00:02:45,661 --> 00:02:50,825 into high index medium, we find that in this special region of radii, 39 00:02:50,825 --> 00:02:56,161 we can actually get fairly significant bandgaps and we can actually tune 40 00:02:56,161 --> 00:03:01,700 the bandgap based on the radius as well, both for TE and TM at the same time. 41 00:03:02,880 --> 00:03:07,560 [Slide 4] And then second we actually find that we can have 1D periodic 42 00:03:07,560 --> 00:03:13,410 structures that are etched into index-guided structures. 43 00:03:13,410 --> 00:03:17,720 And then this gives rise to a set of bandgaps that are below what 44 00:03:17,720 --> 00:03:19,680 we call the light line. 45 00:03:19,680 --> 00:03:23,420 And then when we're below the light line in this yellow region, 46 00:03:23,420 --> 00:03:26,850 then we can actually also add defects on top of that. 47 00:03:26,850 --> 00:03:30,540 And then these defects create strongly localized modes. 48 00:03:30,540 --> 00:03:34,570 And they're partially localized because of the photonic bandgap or 49 00:03:34,570 --> 00:03:36,390 periodicity in one direction. 50 00:03:36,390 --> 00:03:43,900 But also partially localized by the index guiding effect which creates confinement 51 00:03:43,900 --> 00:03:49,350 at one or more bandgap frequencies which are somewhere in the yellow region. 52 00:03:49,350 --> 00:03:52,644 And they can be tuned based on the nature of the defect that you introduce. 53 00:03:53,665 --> 00:03:58,034 [Slide 5] And then we also found something very similar holds if we have a 2D 54 00:03:58,034 --> 00:04:02,006 structure that has a finite thickness with periodicity in the 55 00:04:02,006 --> 00:04:05,754 x and y directions which we call photonic crystal slab. 56 00:04:05,754 --> 00:04:10,812 And then in the photonic crystal slab again we have a bandgap which is 57 00:04:10,812 --> 00:04:16,152 depicted in this case in blue and then we can also again create defects. 58 00:04:16,152 --> 00:04:20,242 In this case I've created a whole array of defects in a line and so 59 00:04:20,242 --> 00:04:22,502 this creates kind of a wave guide. 60 00:04:22,502 --> 00:04:27,610 And then this wave guide actually can be index guided out of the board and 61 00:04:27,610 --> 00:04:30,750 you can see that here in the far right illustration, 62 00:04:30,750 --> 00:04:34,320 that it exponentially decays up and down in the z direction. 63 00:04:34,320 --> 00:04:40,330 And at the same time it can flow smoothly in the lateral directions. 64 00:04:40,330 --> 00:04:42,800 And you can even adjust 65 00:04:42,800 --> 00:04:46,500 the direction of the defects to go wherever you need it to go. 66 00:04:47,710 --> 00:04:53,513 [Slide 6] And then also we found that we can create 3D photonic crystals out of composites 67 00:04:53,513 --> 00:04:59,850 of different 2D structures that are stacked layer-by-layer into 3D capability. 68 00:04:59,850 --> 00:05:05,135 And they have actually true 3D photonic bandgaps in all possible directions and 69 00:05:05,135 --> 00:05:06,306 polarizations. 70 00:05:06,306 --> 00:05:09,619 And then we also found that we can have confinement, 71 00:05:09,619 --> 00:05:14,630 not just in the lateral direction, but also in the vertical direction. 72 00:05:14,630 --> 00:05:17,190 Even if we were to remove the high index materials. 73 00:05:17,190 --> 00:05:21,310 So, we could actually get away from relying on refractive index 74 00:05:21,310 --> 00:05:27,010 wave guiding in this 3D structure, and have a true 3D confinement, 75 00:05:27,010 --> 00:05:30,630 with very high quality factor and very low volume. 76 00:05:31,810 --> 00:05:37,780 [Slide 7] And then in terms of the solvers that we talked about, the key methodology, 77 00:05:37,780 --> 00:05:45,410 was using MPB which essentially reformulates the essential Eigenproblem, 78 00:05:45,410 --> 00:05:49,810 which we mentioned at the beginning in a very efficient way. 79 00:05:49,810 --> 00:05:56,250 And it essentially rewrites the H field as a discreet Fourier Transform problem. 80 00:05:56,250 --> 00:06:01,880 And then that can be solved using a combination of fast Fourier transforms and 81 00:06:01,880 --> 00:06:04,190 then inverse fast Fourier transforms. 82 00:06:04,190 --> 00:06:07,280 And it's augmented by tensor-based averaging. 83 00:06:07,280 --> 00:06:12,180 And essentially afterwards, performs a conjugate gradient minimization 84 00:06:12,180 --> 00:06:16,900 of a block Rayleigh quotient, which is to related to Rayleigh-Ritz minimization. 85 00:06:16,900 --> 00:06:20,800 Which is very common variational method in quantum mechanics. 86 00:06:22,010 --> 00:06:26,790 So in short we showed that it's easy to calculate band structures and 87 00:06:26,790 --> 00:06:27,930 we can learn a lot from them.