


How do I chop off extra material on the sides of a device?

In your BIPAD input deck, include a line like:

  edit delete x.min=1.3 x.max=4.6
For this example, the device will be truncated in the horizontal direction so that all coordinates lie in the range 1.3 microns to 4.6 microns.

How do I chop off extra material at the bottom of a device?

In your BIPAD input deck, include a line like:

  edit delete y.max=2.3
For this example, the device will be truncated at a depth of 2.3 microns. BIPAD may give a warning message like this: ** Warning in line # 2 Prophet/Sup must postpone y-delete to skel; possible error 178 but if you examine the "skel" file, you will see that it is indeed truncated.

If for some reason this does not work (this may fail for BICEPS output files) try omitting the delete keyword:

  edit y.max=2.3

Region xxx has no permittivity

In a rectangular mesh, if you define a region with the keywords
region name=silicon semi ix.lo=1 ...
then Padre does not consider this as a priveleged material that it knows about, but as a new material that you are defining from first principles. For instance, you might be defining a SiGe alloy. In that case it expects perimittivity, mobility data, and so on. If you want a material already known to Padre, use the region cards like this:
region silicon ix.lo=1 ...