Science at the Theater: Get Smart About Carbon

In This Series

  1. Science at the Theater: Putting Carbon in its Place

    31 Jan 2011 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Ian Walker, Cindy Regnier, Eric Masanet

    Berkeley Lab scientists reveal the latest research on how to reduce your carbon footprint at home, work, and when you shop. Learn how even small choices can have a big impact.

  2. Science at the Theater: Cool Cities, Cool Planet

    31 Jan 2011 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Arthur Rosenfeld, Melvin Pomerantz, Ronnen Levinson

    Berkeley Lab scientists discuss how white roofs can cool your building, your city ... and our planet, and the role of the other carbon -- black carbon -- in global warming.

  3. Science at the Theater: Trading Carbon: Can cookstoves light the way?

    31 Jan 2011 | Online Presentations | Contributor(s): Ashok Gadgil, Kayje Booker, Adam Rausch

    Learn how families in Africa, using stoves designed by Berkeley Lab, are at the forefront of global carbon reduction.