Illinois ME 498 Introduction of Nano Science and Technology, Lecture 1: Concepts in Nanoscale Science

By Nick Fang1; Omar N Sobh2

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 2. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Concepts in Nanoscale Science


  • Below the continuum: quantum mechanics
  • Statistics of small ensembles: molecular transport and thermodynamics
  • Constitutive description of materials: continuum solid mechanics
  • Nanoscale momentum and energy transfer: ballistic and diffusive transport
  • Surface and interface interactions: adhesion, surface tension, lubrication
  • Collective phenomena and temporal-spatial scales

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:

  • Nick Fang, Omar N Sobh (2009), "Illinois ME 498 Introduction of Nano Science and Technology, Lecture 1: Concepts in Nanoscale Science,"

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