Resources for Materials Science and Engineering

by Gerhard Klimeck, Alejandro Strachan, Benjamin P Haley

This is a draft accumulation of the electronic structure and molecular dynamics codes hosted on nanoHUB. When complete, this page will link to both the tools and the supplemental material.


StrainBands powered by: Electronic structure calculations performed by [PWscf and Quantum-Espresso v3.2.2]. Maximally-localized Wannier functions calculated by [Wannier90 v1.0.2].

:This tool can be used to explore the influence of strain on first-principles bandstructures of semiconductors.

DFT calculations with Quantum ESPRESSO

:This tool enables nanoHUB users to run quantum ESPRESSO, a powerful electronic structure code. Users can perform total energy calculations, energy minimization to predict structures, obtain the Kohn-Sham band structure of periodic systems as well as phonons.


QC-Lab powered by GAMESS

nanoMATERIALS SeqQuest DFT powered by Seaquest

nano-Materials Simulation Toolkit powered by Strachan Group MD

Supplemental Material

Molecular dynamics simulations of materials is a topics page on MD which summarizes some of the MD tools.

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