Wish List - Wish List: Wish #219

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Gerhard Klimeck

give some additional secondary citation stats on the citation page.

Please list the total number of secondary citations, (around 3100) , the h-index, the average number of citation per per paper. Link the explanation to the topics page that has some info on this. https://nanohub.org/topics/CitationMaps#nanoHUB_h-index

Comments (1)

  1. George B. Adams III

    We might scrape Google Scholar once a month to generate the secondary citation list for each resource and post the secondary count along with the date it is current on each resource page. The full list of secondary citations might be a “for sale” item, since we have saved you the work of getting it yourself.

    Anywhere we post a “average” metric on the site we should also consider posting a “median” value in addition or instead of. Averages can be so misleading.

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