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Is it possible to simulate DGMOSFETs with channel thickness less than 5nm and length less than 15nm in MOCA?

Is it possible to simulate DGMOSFETs with channel thickness less than 5nm and length less than 15nm? Is it possible to download the source code of MOCA?

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1 Responses

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    Greeting, MOCA is not suitable generally for dimensions below 5nm due to the strong carrier confinement. Please refer to the following article which compares MOCA with NEGF at such limits :

    Comparison of Monte Carlo and NEGF Simulations of Double Gate MOSFETs, Journal of Computational Electronics, Volume 4, Issue 1-2, pp 39-43 April 2005,

    moca is a closed source and may not be downloaded from the nanoHUB.

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