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how to use the file and in rappture from the downloaded file

After putting the file in the file startup  of the installation of  Blender, the button "Export mesh to DDSCAT" appears in the lower left corner of Blender,and where are the files and shoud put?

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1 Responses

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    Hi Anonymous,

    I recommend that you run the nanoDDSCAT+ tool in the browser instead of a local installation. We even provide remote cluster resources if you need to run a large simulation online with

    If you want to locally install, then you will need to have all the required compiler packages as well as a local installation of Rappture in order to build and run the nanoDDSCAT+ tool. Installation is intended for a Linux environment. There is a Makefile provided in the /src/ folder which will automatically compile the executables for you. After you build the tool, you will be able to run and through the Rappture interface automatically as they will be available from the command line. The file to run with Rappture is called "toolmenu" and is also in the /src/ folder.


    Please let me know if you have any further questions!

    AbderRahman Sobh

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      thank you for your reply.

      Because my computer is not allowed to connect to the Internet, I want to install Blender on my computer and calculate scatting offline.

      I don't know how to use the. py file (startup. py, ddscat. py, ddaconvert. py in file rappture) downloaded, so I have the questions that the .py file are used in Blender or used as Python code alone.

      In addition, I use vs2017, ivf2019 on windows10 to compile the .f90 files(in build_pip file and get the pip.exe file, then I use this EXE file to process the. obj file generated by Blender. The pip.exe doesn't report errors but the shape. dat file does not appear. I don't know why.

      Can you give an e-mail box? 

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        Hi Anon,

        The python files cannot run without Rappture. If you open the source code of for example, you will see that we load in the Rappture driver (i.e. line 1132, driver.get('input.phase(page3).choice(PERIOD).current') )

         The exact steps to get this tool running locally are as follows:

        1) Download Rappture and make sure you can run the examples:

        2) Download the source code for nanoDDSCAT+ (from the tool page or you can click here)

        3) Unzip the source code

        4) Using a console,  navigate to the /src/ directory.

        5) Type the command "make all install" and press enter. This will build all the executable files as well as the Rappture toolmenu, and place them all in the /bin/ folder. If you check the contents of the file "Makefile", you will see exactly what is being built.

        6) Now navigate to the /bin/ folder. Type "rappture" and hit enter to launch the tool interface. If this has an error, you can also try the command "rappture toolmenu" or just simply "./toolmenu"

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        Michael James

        Dear Professor Abby,

        I want to know how to build up the model which is made up of more than 1 material with Blender before calculating the scattering parameters with ddscat software.

        For example, the model is made up of a cylinder with material 1 and a cone with material 2, in the Blender panel, I click the button "material","assign", but when I use the pip.exe in the cmd window and input “pip 50 shape.obj shape.dat”, the material parameter in shape.dat is 1 1 1,not 1 1 1 and 2 2 2.

        thank you very much.


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