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In addition to the unit cells, can you also show larger chunks of the crystal

The tool could be dramatically improved if not only the unit cells were shown, but also multiple unit cells to form a larger chunk of the crystal. It would also be great to be able to see different crystal planes and the exposed bonds on the various surfaces, like a Si 100, 110 aand 111 surface.

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    Abhijeet Paul

    Thanks for the suggestions. The work on the plane has been done, though the visualization is not that good but you can see different planes by choosing the planes from a drop down menu. About larger crystals we can show that. Work is underway to improve some of these aspects in the tool.

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1 Responses

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    Benjamin P Haley


    Thanks for your interest in the nanoHUB. Your request has been added to the NCN @ Purdue tool wish list, at

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