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Pablo M Roque

Documentation anywhere?

Hi all, my thesis topic concerns about active materials, in particular erbium-silicon nanoclusters systems for optical gain applications, so I’m really interested in the possibility of using the tool for simulating active materials inside photonics structures. Anyway this site does not explain how the code can be used nor further documentation appears. Please, I’ll be deeply grateful if you can send me more information about how I can use the software.

Thank you all for your time

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    Baudilio Tejerina

    Hi Pablo:

    The tool “Active Media Nanophotonics Device Simulator” may be very useful in your research. We’re experience some difficulties with the tool’s interface to submit jobs to the TeraGrid and we hope to have the problem solved in a reasonable time. We apologize for the delay.

    Aside from this unfortunate technical difficulty, we are working in the preparation of instructional material that will cover topics such as how to design the device, how to use the tool, and how to get and analyze the results.


    Baudilio Tejerina (Development team member)

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