Calculate scattering and absorption of electromagnetic waves by targets with arbitrary geometries and complex refractive index.
Interact with simulations of surfaces functionalized with a variety of biomolecules.
cadnano simplifies and enhances the process of designing three-dimensional DNA origami nanostructures
Explore the mechanical behavior and response of biological material to nanoindentation.
Using inverse methods to estimate the Young's Modulus of soft materials for a given nanoindentation force-displacement experimental data.
Finds viscoelastic parameters of Standard Linear Solid models from experimental data.
Solves dCME by optimal enumeration of finitely buffered state space.
Learn about the hydrodynamic particle trapping tool developed at Illinois and run a simulation.
Use this tool to learn about, evaluate and predict the performance parameters of Biosensors
Use this tool to simulate realistic 1, 2, or 3-dimension nano-optical systems using the FDTD method.
Use this FDTD-based tool to explore the interaction of light with an array of metallic nano-particles.
Extinction, Scattering and Absorption efficiencies of single and multilayer nanoparticles
Nanosphere Optics Lab uses Mie theory to calculate the absorption, scattering, and extinction spectra of spherical nanoparticles.
Use this FDTD-based tool to help understand the reflection and transmission properties of metallic and dielectric nano-particles.
Use this tool to simulate the passage of light through biological tissue embedded with nano-particles.
Use this tool to calculate absorption spectra, two-dimensional echo-spectra, and track the exciton populations and coherences.