source: branches/1.3/gui/scripts/deviceViewer1D.tcl @ 4069

Last change on this file since 4069 was 3844, checked in by ldelgass, 11 years ago

Sync with trunk. Branch now differs only from trunk by r3722 (branch is version
1.3, trunk is version 1.4)

File size: 29.9 KB
1# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3#  COMPONENT: deviceViewer1D - visualizer for 1D device geometries
5#  This widget is a simple visualizer for 1D devices.  It takes the
6#  Rappture XML representation for a 1D device and draws various
7#  facets of the data.  Each facet shows the physical layout along
8#  with some other quantity.  The "Electrical" facet shows electrical
9#  contacts.  The "Doping" facet shows the doping profile, and so
10#  forth.
11# ======================================================================
12#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
13#  Copyright (c) 2004-2012  HUBzero Foundation, LLC
15#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
16#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
17# ======================================================================
18package require Itk
19package require Img
20package require BLT
22option add *DeviceViewer1D.padding 4 widgetDefault
23option add *DeviceViewer1D.deviceSize 0.25i widgetDefault
24option add *DeviceViewer1D.deviceOutline black widgetDefault
25option add *DeviceViewer1D*graph.width 3i widgetDefault
26option add *DeviceViewer1D*graph.height 2i widgetDefault
28itcl::class Rappture::DeviceViewer1D {
29    inherit itk::Widget
31    itk_option define -device device Device ""
33    constructor {owner args} { # defined below }
34    destructor { # defined below }
36    public method add {dataobj {settings ""}}
37    public method get {}
38    public method delete {args}
39    public method parameters {title args} { # do nothing }
41    public method controls {option args}
42    public method download {option args}
44    protected method _loadDevice {}
45    protected method _loadParameters {frame path}
46    protected method _changeTabs {{why -program}}
47    protected method _fixSize {}
48    protected method _fixAxes {}
49    protected method _align {}
51    protected method _marker {option {name ""} {path ""}}
53    protected method _controlCreate {container libObj path}
54    protected method _controlSet {widget libObj path}
56    private variable _owner ""      ;# thing managing this control
57    private variable _dlist ""      ;# list of dataobj objects
58    private variable _dobj2raise    ;# maps dataobj => raise flag
59    private variable _device ""     ;# XML library with <structure>
60    private variable _tab2fields    ;# maps tab name => list of fields
61    private variable _field2parm    ;# maps field path => parameter name
62    private variable _units ""      ;# units for field being edited
63    private variable _marker        ;# marker currently being edited
66itk::usual DeviceViewer1D {
69# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
71# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
72itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::constructor {owner args} {
73    set _owner $owner
75    pack propagate $itk_component(hull) no
77    itk_component add tabs {
78        blt::tabset $itk_interior.tabs -borderwidth 0 -relief flat \
79            -side bottom -tearoff 0 \
80            -selectcommand [itcl::code $this _changeTabs -user]
81    } {
82        keep -activebackground -activeforeground
83        keep -background -cursor -font
84        rename -highlightbackground -background background Background
85        keep -highlightcolor -highlightthickness
86        keep -tabbackground -tabforeground
87        rename -selectbackground -background background Background
88        rename -selectforeground -foreground foreground Foreground
89    }
90    pack $itk_component(tabs) -expand yes -fill both
92    itk_component add -protected inner {
93        frame $itk_component(tabs).inner
94    }
96    itk_component add top {
97        frame $itk_component(inner).top
98    }
99    pack $itk_component(top) -fill x
101    itk_component add layout {
102        Rappture::DeviceLayout1D $itk_component(inner).layout
103    }
104    pack $itk_component(layout) -side top -fill x -pady 4
106    itk_component add graph {
107        blt::graph $itk_component(inner).graph \
108            -highlightthickness 0 -plotpadx 0 -plotpady 0
109    } {
110        keep -background -foreground -cursor -font
111    }
112    pack $itk_component(graph) -expand yes -fill both
113    $itk_component(graph) legend configure -hide yes
115    bind $itk_component(graph) <Configure> "
116        [list after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _align]]]
117        [list after 100 [list catch [itcl::code $this _align]]]
118    "
120    itk_component add geditor {
121        Rappture::Editor $itk_component(graph).editor \
122            -activatecommand [itcl::code $this _marker activate] \
123            -validatecommand [itcl::code $this _marker validate] \
124            -applycommand [itcl::code $this _marker apply]
125    }
127    itk_component add devcntls {
128        Rappture::Notebook $itk_component(inner).devcntls
129    }
130    pack $itk_component(devcntls) -side bottom -fill x
132    eval itk_initialize $args
134    after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _fixSize]]
135    after idle [list catch [itcl::code $this _fixSize]]
138# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
140# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
141itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::destructor {} {
142    set _device ""
143    foreach name [array names _tab2fields] {
144        eval itcl::delete object $_tab2fields($name)
145    }
146    after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _fixAxes]]
147    after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _align]]
148    after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _loadDevice]]
151# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
152# USAGE: add <dataobj> ?<settings>?
154# Clients use this to add a data object to the plot.  The optional
155# <settings> are used to configure the plot.  Allowed settings are
156# -color, -brightness, -width, -linestyle, and -raise. Only
157# -brightness and -raise do anything.
158# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
159itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::add {dataobj {settings ""}} {
160    array set params {
161        -color auto
162        -brightness 0
163        -width 1
164        -raise 0
165        -linestyle solid
166        -description ""
167        -param ""
168    }
169    array set params $settings
171    set pos [lsearch -exact $_dlist $dataobj]
173    if {$pos < 0} {
174        if {![Rappture::library isvalid $dataobj]} {
175            error "bad value \"$dataobj\": should be Rappture::library object"
176        }
178        lappend _dlist $dataobj
179        set _dobj2raise($dataobj) $params(-raise)
181        after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _loadDevice]]
182        after idle [list catch [itcl::code $this _loadDevice]]
183    }
186# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
187# USAGE: get
189# Clients use this to query the list of objects being plotted, in
190# order from bottom to top of this result.
191# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
192itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::get {} {
193    # put the dataobj list in order according to -raise options
194    set dlist $_dlist
195    foreach obj $dlist {
196        if {[info exists _dobj2raise($obj)] && $_dobj2raise($obj)} {
197            set i [lsearch -exact $dlist $obj]
198            if {$i >= 0} {
199                set dlist [lreplace $dlist $i $i]
200                lappend dlist $obj
201            }
202        }
203    }
204    return $dlist
207# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
208# USAGE: delete ?<dataobj> <dataobj> ...?
210# Clients use this to delete a dataobj from the plot. If no dataobjs
211# are specified, then all dataobjs are deleted.
212# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
213itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::delete {args} {
214    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
215        set args $_dlist
216    }
218    # delete all specified dataobjs
219    set changed 0
220    foreach dataobj $args {
221        set pos [lsearch -exact $_dlist $dataobj]
222        if {$pos >= 0} {
223            set _dlist [lreplace $_dlist $pos $pos]
224            catch {unset _dobj2raise($dataobj)}
225            set changed 1
226        }
227    }
229    # if anything changed, then rebuild the plot
230    if {$changed} {
231        after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _loadDevice]]
232        after idle [list catch [itcl::code $this _loadDevice]]
233    }
236# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
237# USAGE: controls insert <pos> <xmlobj> <path>
239# Clients use this to add a control to the internal panels of this
240# widget.  Such controls are usually placed at the top of the widget,
241# but if possible, they are integrated directly onto the device
242# layout or the field area.
243# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
244itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::controls {option args} {
245    switch -- $option {
246        insert {
247            if {[llength $args] != 3} {
248                error "wrong # args: should be \"controls insert pos xmlobj path\""
249            }
250            set pos [lindex $args 0]
251            set xmlobj [lindex $args 1]
252            set path [lindex $args 2]
253            if {[string match *structure.parameters* $path]} {
254            } elseif {[string match structure.components* $path]} {
255                $itk_component(layout) controls insert $pos $xmlobj $path
256            }
257        }
258        default {
259            error "bad option \"$option\": should be insert"
260        }
261    }
265# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
266# USAGE: download coming
267# USAGE: download controls <downloadCommand>
268# USAGE: download now
270# Clients use this method to create a downloadable representation
271# of the plot.  Returns a list of the form {ext string}, where
272# "ext" is the file extension (indicating the type of data) and
273# "string" is the data itself.
274# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
275itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::download {option args} {
276    switch $option {
277        coming {
278            # nothing to do
279        }
280        controls {
281            # no controls for this download yet
282            return ""
283        }
284        now {
285            return ""  ;# not implemented yet!
286        }
287        default {
288            error "bad option \"$option\": should be coming, controls, now"
289        }
290    }
293# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
294# USAGE: _loadDevice
296# Used internally to search for fields and create corresponding
297# tabs whenever a device is installed into this viewer.
298# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
299itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::_loadDevice {} {
300    set _device [lindex [get] end]
302    #
303    # Release any info left over from the last device.
304    #
305    foreach name [array names _tab2fields] {
306        eval itcl::delete object $_tab2fields($name)
307    }
308    catch {unset _tab2fields}
309    catch {unset _field2parm}
311    if {[winfo exists $itk_component(top).cntls]} {
312        $itk_component(top).cntls delete 0 end
313    }
315    #
316    # Scan through the current device and extract the list of
317    # fields.  Create a tab for each field.
318    #
319    if {$_device != ""} {
320        foreach nn [$_device children fields] {
321            set name [$_device get fields.$nn.about.label]
322            if {$name == ""} {
323                set name $nn
324            }
326            set fobj [Rappture::Field ::#auto $_device fields.$nn]
327            lappend _tab2fields($name) $fobj
328        }
329    }
330    set tabs [lsort [array names _tab2fields]]
332    if {[$itk_component(tabs) size] > 0} {
333        $itk_component(tabs) delete 0 end
334    }
336    if {[llength $tabs] <= 0} {
337        #
338        # No fields?  Then we don't need to bother with tabs.
339        # Just pack the inner frame directly.  If there are no
340        # fields, get rid of the graph.
341        #
342        pack $itk_component(inner) -expand yes -fill both
343        if {[llength $tabs] > 0} {
344            pack $itk_component(graph) -expand yes -fill both
345        } else {
346            pack forget $itk_component(graph)
347            $itk_component(layout) configure -leftmargin 0 -rightmargin 0
348        }
349    } else {
350        #
351        # Two or more fields?  Then create a tab for each field
352        # and select the first one by default.  Make sure the
353        # graph is packed.
354        #
355        pack forget $itk_component(inner)
356        pack $itk_component(graph) -expand yes -fill both
358        foreach name $tabs {
359            $itk_component(tabs) insert end $name \
360                -activebackground $itk_option(-background)
361        }
362        $itk_component(tabs) select 0
363    }
365    #
366    # Scan through and look for any parameters in the <structure>.
367    # Register any parameters associated with fields, so we can
368    # add them as active controls whenever we install new fields.
369    # Create controls for any remaining parameters, so the user
370    # can see that there's something to adjust.
371    #
372    if {$_device != ""} {
373        _loadParameters $itk_component(top) parameters
374    }
376    #
377    # Install the first tab
378    #
379    _changeTabs
381    #
382    # Fix the right margin of the graph so that it has enough room
383    # to display the right-hand edge of the device.
384    #
385    $itk_component(graph) configure \
386        -rightmargin [$itk_component(layout) extents bar3D]
388    after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _fixSize]]
389    after idle [list catch [itcl::code $this _fixSize]]
392# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
393# USAGE: _loadParameters <frame> <path>
395# Used internally in _loadDevice to load child parameters at the
396# specified <path> into the <frame>.  If any of the children are
397# groups, then this is called recursively to fill in the group
398# children.
399# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
400itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::_loadParameters {frame path} {
401    foreach cname [$_device children $path] {
402        set handled 0
403        set type [$_device element -as type $path.$cname]
404        if {$type == "about"} {
405            continue
406        }
407        if {$type == "number"} {
408            set name [$_device element -as id $path.$cname]
410            # look for a field that uses this parameter
411            set found ""
412            foreach fname [$_device children fields] {
413                foreach comp [$_device children fields.$fname] {
414                    set v [$_device get fields.$fname.$comp.constant]
415                    if {[string equal $v $name]} {
416                        set found "fields.$fname.$comp"
417                        break
418                    }
419                }
420                if {"" != $found} break
421            }
423            if {"" != $found} {
424                set _field2parm($found) $name
425                set handled 1
426            }
427        }
429        #
430        # Any parameter that was not handled above should be handled
431        # here, by adding it to a control panel above the device
432        # layout area.
433        #
434        if {!$handled} {
435            if {![winfo exists $frame.cntls]} {
436                Rappture::Controls $frame.cntls $_owner
437                pack $frame.cntls -expand yes -fill both
438            }
439            $frame.cntls insert end $path.$cname
441            #
442            # If this is a group, then we must add its children
443            # recursively.
444            #
445            if {$type == "group"} {
446                set gr [$frame.cntls control -value end]
447                _loadParameters [$gr component inner] $path.$cname
448            }
449        }
450    }
453# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
454# USAGE: _changeTabs ?-user|-program?
456# Used internally to change the field being displayed whenever a new
457# tab is selected.
458# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
459itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::_changeTabs {{why -program}} {
460    set graph $itk_component(graph)
462    #
463    # Figure out which tab is selected and make the inner frame
464    # visible in that tab.
465    #
466    set i [$itk_component(tabs) index select]
467    if {$i != ""} {
468        set name [$itk_component(tabs) get $i]
469        $itk_component(tabs) tab configure $name \
470            -window $itk_component(inner) -fill both
471    } else {
472        set name [lindex [array names _tab2fields] 0]
473    }
475    if {$why eq "-user"} {
476        Rappture::Logger::log device1D -field $name
477    }
479    #
480    # Update the graph to show the current field.
481    #
482    eval $graph element delete [$graph element names]
483    eval $graph marker delete [$graph marker names]
485    foreach {zmin zmax} [$itk_component(layout) limits] { break }
486    if {$zmin != "" && $zmin < $zmax} {
487        $graph axis configure x -min $zmin -max $zmax
488    }
490    if {$_device != ""} {
491        set units [$_device get units]
492        if {$units != "arbitrary"} {
493            $graph axis configure x -hide no -title "Position ($units)"
494        } else {
495            $graph axis configure x -hide yes
496        }
497    } else {
498        $graph axis configure x -hide no -title "Position"
499    }
500    $graph axis configure x -checklimits no
502    # turn on auto limits
503    $graph axis configure y -min "" -max "" -checklimits no
505    set flist ""
506    if {[info exists _tab2fields($name)]} {
507        set flist $_tab2fields($name)
508    }
510    set n 0
511    foreach fobj $flist {
512        catch {unset hints}
513        array set hints [$fobj hints]
515        if {[info exists hints(units)]} {
516            set _units $hints(units)
517            $graph axis configure y -title "$name ($hints(units))"
518        } else {
519            set _units ""
520            $graph axis configure y -title $name
521        }
523        if {[info exists hints(scale)]
524              && [string match log* $hints(scale)]} {
525            $graph axis configure y -logscale yes
526        } else {
527            $graph axis configure y -logscale no
528        }
530        foreach comp [$fobj components] {
531            # can only handle 1D meshes here
532            if {[$fobj components -dimensions $comp] != "1D"} {
533                continue
534            }
536            set elem "elem[incr n]"
537            set xv [$fobj mesh $comp]
538            set yv [$fobj values $comp]
540            $graph element create $elem -x $xv -y $yv \
541                -color black -symbol "" -linewidth 2
543            if {[info exists hints(color)]} {
544                $graph element configure $elem -color $hints(color)
545            }
547            foreach {path x y val} [$fobj controls get $comp] {
548                if {$path != ""} {
549                    set id "control[incr n]"
550                    $graph marker create text -coords [list $x $y] \
551                        -text $val -anchor s -name $id -background ""
552                    $graph marker bind $id <Enter> \
553                        [itcl::code $this _marker enter $id]
554                    $graph marker bind $id <Leave> \
555                        [itcl::code $this _marker leave $id]
556                    $graph marker bind $id <ButtonPress> \
557                        [itcl::code $this _marker edit $id $fobj/$path]
558                }
559            }
560        }
561    }
563    # let the widget settle, then fix the axes to "nice" values
564    after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _fixAxes]]
565    after 100 [list catch [itcl::code $this _fixAxes]]
568# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
569# USAGE: _fixSize
571# Used internally to fix the overall size of this widget based on
572# the various parts inside.  Sets the requested width/height of the
573# widget so that it is big enough to display the device and its
574# fields.
575# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
576itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::_fixSize {} {
577    update idletasks
578    set w [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(tabs)]
579    set h [winfo reqheight $itk_component(tabs)]
580    component hull configure -width $w -height $h
583# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
584# USAGE: _fixAxes
586# Used internally to adjust the y-axis limits of the graph to "nice"
587# values, so that any control marker associated with the value,
588# for example, remains on screen.
589# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
590itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::_fixAxes {} {
591    set graph $itk_component(graph)
592    if {![winfo ismapped $graph]} {
593        after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _fixAxes]]
594        after 100 [list catch [itcl::code $this _fixAxes]]
595        return
596    }
598    #
599    # HACK ALERT!
600    # Use this code to fix up the y-axis limits for the BLT graph.
601    # The auto-limits don't always work well.  We want them to be
602    # set to a "nice" number slightly above or below the min/max
603    # limits.
604    #
605    set log [$graph axis cget y -logscale]
606    $graph axis configure y -min "" -max ""
607    foreach {min max} [$graph axis limits y] { break }
609    if {$log} {
610        set min [expr {0.9*$min}]
611        set max [expr {1.1*$max}]
612    } else {
613        if {$min > 0} {
614            set min [expr {0.95*$min}]
615        } else {
616            set min [expr {1.05*$min}]
617        }
618        if {$max > 0} {
619            set max [expr {1.05*$max}]
620        } else {
621            set max [expr {0.95*$max}]
622        }
623    }
625    # bump up the max so that it's big enough to show control markers
626    set fnt $itk_option(-font)
627    set h [expr {[font metrics $fnt -linespace] + 5}]
628    foreach mname [$graph marker names] {
629        set xy [$graph marker cget $mname -coord]
630        foreach {x y} [eval $graph transform $xy] { break }
631        set y [expr {$y-$h}]  ;# find top of text in pixels
632        foreach {x y} [eval $graph invtransform [list 0 $y]] { break }
633        if {$y > $max} { set max $y }
634    }
636    if {$log} {
637        set min [expr {pow(10.0,floor(log10($min)))}]
638        set max [expr {pow(10.0,ceil(log10($max)))}]
639    } else {
640        set min [expr {0.1*floor(10*$min)}]
641        set max [expr {0.1*ceil(10*$max)}]
642    }
644    $graph axis configure y -min $min -max $max
646    after cancel [list catch [itcl::code $this _align]]
647    after 100 [list catch [itcl::code $this _align]]
650# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
651# USAGE: _align
653# Used internally to align the margins of the device layout and the
654# graph, so that two areas line up.
655# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
656itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::_align {} {
657    set graph $itk_component(graph)
659    #
660    # Set the left/right margins of the layout so that it aligns
661    # with the graph.  Set the right margin of the graph so it
662    # it is big enough to show the 3D edge of the device that
663    # hangs over on the right-hand side.
664    #
665    update
666    foreach {xmin xmax} [$graph axis limits x] { break }
667    set lm [$graph xaxis transform $xmin]
668    $itk_component(layout) configure -leftmargin $lm
670    set w [winfo width $graph]
671    set rm [expr {$w-[$graph xaxis transform $xmax]}]
672    $itk_component(layout) configure -rightmargin $rm
675# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
676# USAGE: _marker enter <name>
677# USAGE: _marker leave <name>
678# USAGE: _marker edit <name> <path>
679# USAGE: _marker activate
680# USAGE: _marker validate <value>
681# USAGE: _marker apply <value>
683# Used internally to manipulate the control markers draw on the
684# graph for a field.
685# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
686itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::_marker {option {name ""} {path ""}} {
687    switch -- $option {
688        enter {
689            $itk_component(graph) marker configure $name -background #e5e5e5
690            #
691            # BE CAREFUL:  Need an update here to force the graph to
692            #   refresh itself or else a subsequent click on the
693            #   marker will ignore the text that was recently changed,
694            #   and fail to generate a <ButtonPress> event!
695            #
696            update idletasks
697        }
698        leave {
699            $itk_component(graph) marker configure $name -background ""
700            #
701            # BE CAREFUL:  Need an update here to force the graph to
702            #   refresh itself or else a subsequent click on the
703            #   marker will ignore the text that was recently changed,
704            #   and fail to generate a <ButtonPress> event!
705            #
706            update idletasks
707        }
708        edit {
709            set _marker(name) $name
710            set _marker(fobj) [lindex [split $path /] 0]
711            set _marker(path) [lindex [split $path /] 1]
712            $itk_component(geditor) activate
713        }
714        activate {
715            set g $itk_component(graph)
716            set val [$g marker cget $_marker(name) -text]
717            foreach {x y} [$g marker cget $_marker(name) -coords] { break }
718            foreach {x y} [$g transform $x $y] { break }
719            set x [expr {$x + [winfo rootx $g] - 4}]
720            set y [expr {$y + [winfo rooty $g] - 5}]
722            set fnt $itk_option(-font)
723            set h [expr {[font metrics $fnt -linespace] + 2}]
724            set w [expr {[font measure $fnt $val] + 5}]
726            return [list text $val \
727                x [expr {$x-$w/2}] \
728                y [expr {$y-$h}] \
729                w $w \
730                h $h]
731        }
732        validate {
733            if {$_units != ""} {
734                if {[catch {Rappture::Units::convert $name \
735                        -context $_units -to $_units} result] != 0} {
736                    if {[regexp {^bad.*: +(.)(.+)} $result match first tail]
737                          || [regexp {(.)(.+)} $result match first tail]} {
738                        set result "[string toupper $first]$tail"
739                    }
740                    bell
741                    Rappture::Tooltip::cue $itk_component(geditor) $result
742                    Rappture::Logger::log warning $_marker(path) $result
743                    return 0
744                }
745            }
746            if {[catch {$_marker(fobj) controls validate $_marker(path) $name} result]} {
747                bell
748                Rappture::Tooltip::cue $itk_component(geditor) $result
749                Rappture::Logger::log warning $_marker(path) $result
750                return 0
751            }
752            return 1
753        }
754        apply {
755            if {$_units != ""} {
756                catch {Rappture::Units::convert $name \
757                    -context $_units -to $_units} value
758            } else {
759                set value $name
760            }
762            $_marker(fobj) controls put $_marker(path) $value
763            $_owner changed $_marker(path)
764            event generate $itk_component(hull) <<Edit>>
765            Rappture::Logger::log input $_marker(path) $value
767            _changeTabs
768        }
769    }
772# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
773# USAGE: _controlCreate <container> <libObj> <path>
775# Used internally to create a gauge widget and pack it into the
776# given <container>.  When the gauge is set, it updates the value
777# for the <path> in the <libObj>.
778# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
779itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::_controlCreate {container libObj path} {
780    set presets ""
781    foreach pre [$libObj children -type preset $path] {
782        lappend presets \
783            [$libObj get $path.$pre.value] \
784            [$libObj get $path.$pre.label]
785    }
787    set type Rappture::Gauge
788    set units [$libObj get $path.units]
789    if {$units != ""} {
790        set desc [Rappture::Units::description $units]
791        if {[string match temperature* $desc]} {
792            set type Rappture::TemperatureGauge
793        }
794    }
796    set counter 0
797    set w "$container.gauge[incr counter]"
798    while {[winfo exists $w]} {
799        set w "$container.gauge[incr counter]"
800    }
802    # create the widget
803    $type $w -units $units -presets $presets -log $path
804    pack $w -side top -anchor w
805    bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlSet $w $libObj $path]
807    set min [$libObj get $path.min]
808    if {"" != $min} { $w configure -minvalue $min }
810    set max [$libObj get $path.max]
811    if {"" != $max} { $w configure -maxvalue $max }
813    set str [$libObj get $path.default]
814    if {$str != ""} { $w value $str }
816    if {$type == "Rappture::Gauge" && "" != $min && "" != $max} {
817        set color [$libObj get $path.color]
818        if {$color == ""} {
819            set color blue
820        }
821        if {$units != ""} {
822            set min [Rappture::Units::convert $min -to $units -units off]
823            set max [Rappture::Units::convert $max -to $units -units off]
824        }
825        $w configure -spectrum [Rappture::Spectrum ::#auto [list \
826            $min white $max $color] -units $units]
827    }
829    set str [$libObj get $path.label]
830    if {$str != ""} {
831        set help [$libObj get $]
832        if {"" != $help} {
833            append str "\n$help"
834        }
835        if {$units != ""} {
836            set desc [Rappture::Units::description $units]
837            append str "\n(units of $desc)"
838        }
839        Rappture::Tooltip::for $w $str
840    }
842    set str [$libObj get $path.icon]
843    if {$str != ""} {
844        $w configure -image [image create photo -data $str]
845    }
848# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
849# USAGE: _controlSet <widget> <libObj> <path>
851# Invoked automatically whenever an internal control changes value.
852# Queries the new value for the control and assigns the value to the
853# given <path> on the XML object <libObj>.
854# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
855itcl::body Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::_controlSet {widget libObj path} {
856    set newval [$widget value]
857    $libObj put $path.current $newval
858    event generate $itk_component(hull) <<Edit>>
861# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
864# Set to the Rappture::Library object representing the device being
865# displayed in the viewer.  If set to "", the viewer is cleared to
866# display nothing.
867# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
868itcl::configbody Rappture::DeviceViewer1D::device {
869    if {$itk_option(-device) != ""} {
870        if {![Rappture::library isvalid $itk_option(-device)]} {
871            error "bad value \"$itk_option(-device)\": should be Rappture::Library"
872        }
873    }
875    delete
876    if {"" != $itk_option(-device)} {
877        add $itk_option(-device)
878    }
879    _loadDevice
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