# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT: tool - represents an entire tool # # This object represents an entire tool defined by Rappture. # Each tool resides in an installation directory with other tool # resources (libraries, examples, etc.). Each tool is defined by # its inputs and outputs, which are tied to various widgets in the # GUI. Each tool tracks the inputs, knows when they're changed, # and knows how to run itself to produce new results. # ====================================================================== # AUTHOR: Michael McLennan, Purdue University # Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ====================================================================== package require BLT itcl::class Rappture::Tool { inherit Rappture::ControlOwner constructor {xmlobj installdir args} { Rappture::ControlOwner::constructor "" } { # defined below } destructor { # defined below } public method installdir {} { return $_installdir } public method run {args} public method abort {} public method reset {} protected method _mkdir {dir} protected method _output {data} private variable _origxml "" ;# copy of original XML (for reset) private variable _installdir "" ;# installation directory for this tool private variable _outputcb "" ;# callback for tool output private common job ;# array var used for blt::bgexec jobs private common jobnum 0 ;# counter for unique job number # get global resources for this tool session public proc resources {{option ""}} public common _resources public proc setAppName {name} { set _resources(-appname) $name } public proc setHubName {name} { set _resources(-hubname) $name } public proc setHubURL {name} { set _resources(-huburl) $name } public proc setSession {name} { set _resources(-session) $name } public proc setJobPrt {name} { set _resources(-jobprotocol) $name } public proc setResultDir {name} { set _resources(-resultdir) $name } } # must use this name -- plugs into Rappture::resources::load proc tool_init_resources {} { Rappture::resources::register \ application_name Rappture::Tool::setAppName \ application_id Rappture::Tool::setAppId \ hub_name Rappture::Tool::setHubName \ hub_url Rappture::Tool::setHubURL \ session_token Rappture::Tool::setSession \ job_protocol Rappture::Tool::setJobPrt \ results_directory Rappture::Tool::setResultDir } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Tool::constructor {xmlobj installdir args} { if {![Rappture::library isvalid $xmlobj]} { error "bad value \"$xmlobj\": should be Rappture::Library" } set _xmlobj $xmlobj # stash a copy of the original XML for later "reset" operations set _origxml [Rappture::LibraryObj ::#auto ""] $_origxml copy "" from $_xmlobj "" if {![file exists $installdir]} { error "directory \"$installdir\" doesn't exist" } set _installdir $installdir eval configure $args } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Tool::destructor {} { itcl::delete object $_origxml } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: resources ?-option? # # Clients use this to query information about the tool. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Tool::resources {{option ""}} { if {$option == ""} { return [array get _resources] } if {[info exists _resources($option)]} { return $_resources($option) } return "" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: run ? ...? ?-output ? # # This method causes the tool to run. All widgets are synchronized # to the current XML representation, and a "driver.xml" file is # created as the input for the run. That file is fed to the tool # according to the string, and the job is executed. # # Any " " arguments are used to override the current # settings from the GUI. This is useful, for example, when filling # in missing simulation results from the analyzer. # # If the -output argument is included, then the next arg is a # callback command for output messages. Any output that comes in # while the tool is running is sent back to the caller, so the user # can see progress running the tool. # # Returns a list of the form {status result}, where status is an # integer status code (0=success) and result is the output from the # simulator. Successful output is something like {0 run1293921.xml}, # where 0=success and run1293921.xml is the name of the file containing # results. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Tool::run {args} { global env errorInfo # # Make sure that we save the proper application name. # Actually, the best place to get this information is # straight from the "installtool" script, but just in # case we have an older tool, we should insert the # tool name from the resources config file. # if {[info exists _resources(-appname)] && "" != $_resources(-appname) && "" == [$_xmlobj get tool.name]} { $_xmlobj put tool.name $_resources(-appname) } # sync all widgets to the XML tree sync # if there are any args, use them to override parameters set _outputcb "" foreach {path val} $args { if {$path == "-output"} { set _outputcb $val } else { $_xmlobj put $path.current $val } } foreach item {control output error} { set job($item) "" } # write out the driver.xml file for the tool set file "driver[pid].xml" set status [catch { set fid [open $file w] puts $fid "" puts $fid [$_xmlobj xml] close $fid } result] # Set limits for cpu time set limit [$_xmlobj get tool.limits.cputime] if { $limit == "unlimited" } { set limit 43200; # 12 hours } else { if { [scan $limit "%d" dum] != 1 } { set limit 14400; # 4 hours by default } elseif { $limit > 43200 } { set limit 43200; # limit to 12 hrs. } elseif { $limit < 10 } { set limit 10; # lower bound is 10 seconds. } } Rappture::rlimit set cputime $limit # execute the tool using the path from the tool description if {$status == 0} { set cmd [$_xmlobj get tool.command] regsub -all @tool $cmd $_installdir cmd regsub -all @driver $cmd $file cmd regsub -all {\\} $cmd {\\\\} cmd set cmd [string trimleft $cmd " "] if { $cmd == "" } { puts stderr "cmd is empty" return [list 1 "Command is empty.\n\nThere is no command specified by\n\n \n \n\nin the tool.xml file."] } # if job_protocol is "submit", then use use submit command if {[resources -jobprotocol] == "submit"} { set cmd [linsert $cmd 0 submit --local] } $_xmlobj put tool.execute $cmd # starting job... Rappture::Logger::log run started Rappture::rusage mark if {0 == [string compare -nocase -length 5 $cmd "ECHO "] } { set status 0; set job(output) [string range $cmd 5 end] } else { set status [catch { set ::Rappture::Tool::job(control) "" eval blt::bgexec \ ::Rappture::Tool::job(control) \ -keepnewline yes \ -killsignal SIGTERM \ -onoutput [list [itcl::code $this _output]] \ -output ::Rappture::Tool::job(output) \ -error ::Rappture::Tool::job(error) \ $cmd } result] if { $status != 0 } { # We're here because the exec-ed program failed set logmesg $result if { $::Rappture::Tool::job(control) != "" } { foreach { token pid code mesg } \ $::Rappture::Tool::job(control) break if { $token == "EXITED" } { # This means that the program exited normally but # returned a non-zero exitcode. Consider this an # invalid result from the program. Append the stderr # from the program to the message. set logmesg "Program finished: exit code is $code" set result "$logmesg\n\n$::Rappture::Tool::job(error)" } elseif { $token == "abort" } { # The user pressed the abort button. set logmesg "Program terminated by user." set result "$logmesg\n\n$::Rappture::Tool::job(output)" } else { # Abnormal termination set logmesg "Abnormal program termination: $mesg" set result "$logmesg\n\n$::Rappture::Tool::job(output)" } } Rappture::Logger::log run failed [list $logmesg] return [list $status $result] } } # ...job is finished array set times [Rappture::rusage measure] if {[resources -jobprotocol] != "submit"} { set id [$_xmlobj get tool.id] set vers [$_xmlobj get tool.version.application.revision] set simulation simulation if { $id != "" && $vers != "" } { set pid [pid] set simulation ${pid}_${id}_r${vers} } puts stderr "MiddlewareTime: job=[incr jobnum] event=$simulation start=$times(start) walltime=$times(walltime) cputime=$times(cputime) status=$status" # # Scan through stderr channel and look for statements that # represent grid jobs that were executed. The statements # look like this: # # MiddlewareTime: job=1 event=simulation start=3.001094 ... # set subjobs 0 while {[regexp -indices {(^|\n)MiddlewareTime:( +[a-z]+=[^ \n]+)+(\n|$)} $job(error) match]} { foreach {p0 p1} $match break if {[string index $job(error) $p0] == "\n"} { incr p0 } catch {unset data} array set data { job 1 event simulation start 0 walltime 0 cputime 0 status 0 } foreach arg [lrange [string range $job(error) $p0 $p1] 1 end] { foreach {key val} [split $arg =] break set data($key) $val } set data(job) [expr {$jobnum+$data(job)}] set data(event) "subsimulation" set data(start) [expr {$times(start)+$data(start)}] set stmt "MiddlewareTime:" foreach key {job event start walltime cputime status} { # add required keys in a particular order append stmt " $key=$data($key)" unset data($key) } foreach key [array names data] { # add anything else that the client gave -- venue, etc. append stmt " $key=$data($key)" } puts stderr $stmt incr subjobs # done -- remove this statement set job(error) [string replace $job(error) $p0 $p1] } incr jobnum $subjobs } } else { set job(error) "$result\n$errorInfo" } if {$status == 0} { file delete -force -- $file } # see if the job was aborted if {[regexp {^KILLED} $job(control)]} { Rappture::Logger::log run aborted return [list 0 "ABORT"] } # # If successful, return the output, which should include # a reference to the run.xml file containing results. # if {$status == 0} { set result [string trim $job(output)] if {[regexp {=RAPPTURE-RUN=>([^\n]+)} $result match file]} { set status [catch {Rappture::library $file} result] if {$status == 0} { # add cputime info to run.xml file $result put output.walltime $times(walltime) $result put output.cputime $times(cputime) if {[info exists env(SESSION)]} { $result put output.session $env(SESSION) } } else { global errorInfo set result "$result\n$errorInfo" } # if there's a results_directory defined in the resources # file, then move the run.xml file there for storage if {$status == 0 && [info exists _resources(-resultdir)] && $_resources(-resultdir) ne ""} { catch { if {![file exists $_resources(-resultdir)]} { _mkdir $_resources(-resultdir) } set tail [file tail $file] set fid [open [file join $_resources(-resultdir) $tail] w] puts $fid "" puts $fid [$result xml] close $fid file delete -force -- $file } } } else { set status 1 set result "Can't find result file in output.\nDid you call Rappture ::result in your simulator?" } } elseif {$job(output) ne "" || $job(error) ne ""} { set result [string trim "$job(output)\n$job(error)"] } # log final status for the run if {$status == 0} { Rappture::Logger::log run finished } else { Rappture::Logger::log run failed [list $result] } return [list $status $result] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _mkdir # # Used internally to create the in the file system. # The parent directory is also created, as needed. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Tool::_mkdir {dir} { set parent [file dirname $dir] if {"." != $parent && "/" != $parent} { if {![file exists $parent]} { _mkdir $parent } } file mkdir $dir } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: abort # # Clients use this during a "run" to abort the current job. # Kills the job and forces the "run" method to return. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Tool::abort {} { Rappture::Logger::log run abort set job(control) "abort" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: reset # # Resets all input values to their defaults. Sometimes used just # before a run to reset to a clean state. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Tool::reset {} { $_xmlobj copy "" from $_origxml "" foreach path [Rappture::entities -as path $_xmlobj input] { if {[$_xmlobj element -as type $path.default] ne ""} { set defval [$_xmlobj get $path.default] $_xmlobj put $path.current $defval } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _output # # Used internally to send each bit of output coming from the # tool onto the caller, so the user can see progress. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Tool::_output {data} { if {[string length $_outputcb] > 0} { uplevel #0 $_outputcb [list $data] } }