# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT: videopreview - previewing movies # # ====================================================================== # AUTHOR: Derrick Kearney, Purdue University # Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of # this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ====================================================================== package require Itk package require BLT package require Img package require Rappture package require RapptureGUI option add *Video.width 300 widgetDefault option add *Video.height 300 widgetDefault option add *Video.font \ -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-* widgetDefault itcl::class Rappture::VideoPreview { inherit itk::Widget itk_option define -width width Width -1 itk_option define -height height Height -1 itk_option define -variable variable Variable "" constructor { args } { # defined below } destructor { # defined below } public method load {type data} public method loadcb {args} public method video {args} public method query {type} protected method Play {} protected method Seek {n} protected method fixSize {} protected method _fixValue {args} protected method Upload {args} protected method eventually {args} private common _settings private common _pendings private variable _variable "" ;# quick way to change movie private variable _path "" ;# path of movie private variable _width -1 ;# start x for rubberbanding private variable _height -1 ;# start x for rubberbanding private variable _movie "" ;# movie we grab images from private variable _lastFrame 0 ;# last frame in the movie private variable _imh "" ;# current image being displayed private variable _id "" ;# id of the next play command from after private variable _framerate 30 ;# video frame rate private variable _mspf 7 ;# milliseconds per frame wait time private variable _ofrd 19 ;# observed frame retrieval delay of ;# underlying c lib in milliseconds private variable _delay 0 ;# milliseconds between play calls private variable _nextframe 0 ;# } itk::usual VideoPreview { } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::constructor {args} { array set _settings [subst { $this-framenum 0 $this-play 0 }] array set _pendings [subst { play 0 }] itk_component add main { canvas $itk_interior.main \ -background black } { usual rename -background -controlbackground controlBackground Background } bind $itk_component(main) [itcl::code $this fixSize] # hold the video frames in an image on the canvas set _imh [image create photo] $itk_component(main) create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image $_imh # setup movie controls itk_component add moviecontrols { frame $itk_interior.moviecontrols } { usual rename -background -controlbackground controlBackground Background } # setup frame number frame itk_component add frnumfr { frame $itk_component(moviecontrols).frnumfr } { usual rename -background -controlbackground controlBackground Background } set imagesDir [file join $RapptureGUI::library scripts images] # Play itk_component add play { Rappture::PushButton $itk_component(moviecontrols).play \ -onimage [Rappture::icon flow-pause] \ -offimage [Rappture::icon flow-play] \ -disabledimage [Rappture::icon flow-play] \ -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-play)] \ -command [itcl::code $this video play] } set fg [option get $itk_component(hull) font Font] Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(play) \ "Play/Pause movie" $itk_component(play) disable # Video Dial Major itk_component add dialmajor { Rappture::Videodial1 $itk_component(moviecontrols).dialmajor \ -length 10 -valuewidth 0 -valuepadding 0 -padding 6 \ -linecolor "" -activelinecolor "" \ -min 0 -max 1 \ -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-framenum)] \ -dialoutlinecolor black \ -knobimage [Rappture::icon knob2] -knobposition center@middle } { usual ignore -dialprogresscolor rename -background -controlbackground controlBackground Background } $itk_component(dialmajor) current 0 bind $itk_component(dialmajor) <> [itcl::code $this video update] itk_component add framenumlabel { label $itk_component(frnumfr).framenuml -text "Frame:" -font $fg \ -highlightthickness 0 } { usual ignore -highlightthickness rename -background -controlbackground controlBackground Background } # Current Frame Number itk_component add framenum { label $itk_component(frnumfr).framenum \ -width 5 -font "arial 9" \ -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-framenum)] } { usual ignore -highlightthickness rename -background -controlbackground controlBackground Background } Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(framenum) \ "Current frame number" pack $itk_component(framenumlabel) -side left pack $itk_component(framenum) -side right blt::table $itk_component(moviecontrols) \ 0,0 $itk_component(play) -padx {2 0} \ 0,1 $itk_component(dialmajor) -fill x -padx {2 2} \ 0,2 $itk_component(frnumfr) -padx {2 4} blt::table configure $itk_component(moviecontrols) c* -resize none blt::table configure $itk_component(moviecontrols) c1 -resize both blt::table configure $itk_component(moviecontrols) r0 -pady 1 blt::table $itk_interior \ 0,0 $itk_component(main) -fill both \ 1,0 $itk_component(moviecontrols) -fill x blt::table configure $itk_interior c* -resize both blt::table configure $itk_interior r0 -resize both blt::table configure $itk_interior r1 -resize both eval itk_initialize $args $itk_component(main) configure -background black } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::destructor {} { array unset _settings $this-* if {[info exists _imh]} { image delete $_imh } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # load - load a video file # type - type of data, "data" or "file" # data - what to load. # if type == "data", data is treated like binary data # if type == "file", data is treated like the name of a file # and is opened and then loaded. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::load {type data} { # open the file set fname "" switch $type { "data" { set fname "/tmp/tmpVV[pid].video" set fid [open $fname "w"] fconfigure $fid -translation binary -encoding binary puts $fid $data close $fid set type "file" set data $fname } "file" { # do nothing } default { error "bad value: \"$type\": should be \"load \[data|file\] \"" } } video stop if {([info exists _movie]) && ("" != ${_movie})} { ${_movie} release } set _movie [Rappture::Video $type $data] file delete $fname set _framerate [${_movie} framerate] set _mspf [expr round(((1.0/${_framerate})*1000))] set _delay [expr {${_mspf} - ${_ofrd}}] video seek 0 # update the dial and framenum widgets set _settings($this-framenum) 0 # setup the image display foreach {w h} [query dimensions] break if {${_width} == -1} { set _width $w } if {${_height} == -1} { set _height $h } set _lastFrame [${_movie} get position end] # update the dial with video information $itk_component(dialmajor) configure -min 0 -max ${_lastFrame} $itk_component(play) enable fixSize } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # loadcb - load callback # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::loadcb {args} { video stop Rappture::filexfer::upload {piv tool} {id label desc} [itcl::code $this Upload] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Upload - # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::Upload {args} { array set data $args video stop if {[info exists data(error)]} { Rappture::Tooltip::cue $itk::component(main) $data(error) puts stderr $data(error) } if {[info exists data(path)] && [info exists data(data)]} { Rappture::Tooltip::cue hide ;# take down note about the popup window # load data load "data" $data(data) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _fixValue ? ? # # Invoked automatically whenever the -variable associated with this # widget is modified. Copies the value to the current settings for # the widget. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::_fixValue {args} { if {"" == $itk_option(-variable)} { return } upvar #0 $itk_option(-variable) var if {[file readable $var]} { # load and start playing the video set _path $var load file ${_path} set _settings($this-play) 1 video play } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # fixSize # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::fixSize {} { if {[string compare "" ${_movie}] == 0} { return } if {![winfo ismapped $itk_component(hull)]} { return } set cw [winfo width $itk_component(main)] set ch [winfo height $itk_component(main)] # FIXME: right now we only deal with 16:9 ratio videos # always keep the aspect ratio correct set _width [expr int(int($cw/16.0)*16.0)] set _height [expr int(${_width}/(16.0/9.0))] if {${_height} > $ch} { # if height is limiting us, shrink some more set _height [expr int(int($ch/9.0)*9.0)] set _width [expr int(${_height}*(16.0/9.0))] } # get an image with the new size ${_imh} blank ${_imh} put [${_movie} get image ${_width} ${_height}] # make the canvas fit the image $itk_component(main) configure -width ${_width} -height ${_height} } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # video - play, stop, rewind, fastforward the video # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::video { args } { set option [lindex $args 0] switch -- $option { "play" { if {$_settings($this-play) == 1} { eventually play } else { # pause/stop after cancel $_id set _pendings(play) 0 set _settings($this-play) 0 } } "seek" { Seek [lreplace $args 0 0] } "stop" { after cancel $_id set _settings($this-play) 0 } "update" { # eventually seek [expr round($_settings($this-framenum))] Seek [expr round($_settings($this-framenum))] } default { error "bad option \"$option\": should be play, stop, toggle, position, or reset." } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # query - query things about the video # # dimensions - returns width and height as a list # frames - number of frames in video (last frame + 1) # framenum - current position # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::query { type } { set ret "" switch -- $type { "dimensions" { set ret [${_movie} size] } "frames" { set ret [expr [${_movie} get position end] + 1] } "framenum" { set ret [${_movie} get position cur] } default { error "bad type \"$type\": should be dimensions, frames, framenum." } } return $ret } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Play - get the next video frame # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::Play {} { set cur ${_nextframe} # time how long it takes to retrieve the next frame set _ofrd [time { # use seek instead of next fxn incase the ${_nextframe} is # not the current frame+1. this happens when we skip frames # because the underlying c lib is too slow at reading. $_movie seek $cur $_imh put [${_movie} get image ${_width} ${_height}] } 1] regexp {(\d+\.?\d*) microseconds per iteration} ${_ofrd} match _ofrd set _ofrd [expr {round(${_ofrd}/1000)}] # calculate the delay we shoud see # between frames being placed on screen # taking into account the cost of retrieving the frame set _delay [expr {${_mspf}-${_ofrd}}] if {0 > ${_delay}} { set _delay 0 } set cur [${_movie} get position cur] # update the dial and framenum widgets set _settings($this-framenum) $cur # no play cmds pending set _pendings(play) 0 # schedule the next frame to be displayed if {$cur < ${_lastFrame}} { set _id [after ${_delay} [itcl::code $this eventually play]] } else { video stop } event generate $itk_component(hull) <> } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Seek - go to a frame in the video # Seek +5 # Seek -5 # Seek 35 # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::Seek {args} { set val [lindex $args 0] if {"" == $val} { error "bad value: \"$val\": should be \"seek value\"" } set cur [${_movie} get position cur] if {[string compare $cur $val] == 0} { # already at the frame to seek to return } ${_movie} seek $val ${_imh} put [${_movie} get image ${_width} ${_height}] # update the dial and framenum widgets set _settings($this-framenum) [${_movie} get position cur] event generate $itk_component(main) <> } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # eventually - # seek # play # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::VideoPreview::eventually {args} { set option [lindex $args 0] switch -- $option { "seek" { if {$_pendings(seek) == 0} { # no seek pending, schedule one set $_pendings(seek) 1 after idle [itcl::code $this Seek [lindex $args 1]] } else { # there is a seek pending, update its seek value } } "play" { if {0 == $_pendings(play)} { # no play pending schedule one set _pendings(play) 1 set _nextframe [expr {[${_movie} get position cur] + 1}] after idle [itcl::code $this Play] } else { # there is a play pending, update its frame value incr _nextframe } } default { } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURE: -variable # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::VideoPreview::variable { if {"" != $_variable} { upvar #0 $_variable var trace remove variable var write [itcl::code $this _fixValue] } set _variable $itk_option(-variable) if {"" != $_variable} { upvar #0 $_variable var trace add variable var write [itcl::code $this _fixValue] # sync to the current value of this variable if {[info exists var]} { _fixValue } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -width # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::VideoPreview::width { # $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize if {[string is integer $itk_option(-width)] == 0} { error "bad value: \"$itk_option(-width)\": width should be an integer" } set _width $itk_option(-width) after idle [itcl::code $this fixSize] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -height # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::VideoPreview::height { # $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize if {[string is integer $itk_option(-height)] == 0} { error "bad value: \"$itk_option(-height)\": height should be an integer" } set _height $itk_option(-height) after idle [itcl::code $this fixSize] }