# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT: mesh - represents a structured mesh for a device # # This object represents a mesh in an XML description of simulator # output. A mesh is a structured arrangement of points, as elements # composed of nodes representing coordinates. This is a little # different from a cloud, which is an unstructured arrangement # (shotgun blast) of points. # ====================================================================== # AUTHOR: Michael McLennan, Purdue University # Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ====================================================================== package require Itcl namespace eval Rappture { # forward declaration } itcl::class Rappture::Mesh { private variable _xmlobj "" ; # Ref to XML obj with device data private variable _mesh "" ; # Lib obj representing this mesh private variable _dim 0; # Dimension of mesh (1, 2, or 3) private variable _type ""; # Indicates the type of mesh. private variable _axis2units; # System of units for x, y, z private variable _axis2labels; # private variable _hints private variable _limits ; # Array of mesh limits. Keys are # xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, ... private variable _numPoints 0 ; # # of points in mesh private variable _numCells 0 ; # # of cells in mesh private variable _vtkdata ""; # Mesh in vtk file format. private variable _isValid 0; # Indicates if the mesh is valid. constructor {xmlobj path} { # defined below } destructor { # defined below } public method points {} public method elements {} public method mesh {{-type "vtk"}} public method size {{what -points}} public method dimensions {} public method limits {which} public method units { axis } public method label { axis } public method hints {{key ""}} public method isvalid {} { return $_isValid } public proc fetch {xmlobj path} public proc release {obj} public method vtkdata {{what -partial}} public method type {} { return $_type } public method numpoints {} { return $_numPoints } public method numcells {} { return $_numCells } private common _xp2obj ; # used for fetch/release ref counting private common _obj2ref ; # used for fetch/release ref counting private variable _xv "" private variable _yv "" private variable _zv "" private variable _xCoords ""; # For the blt contour only private variable _yCoords ""; # For the blt contour only private method ReadNodesElements {path} private method GetDimension { path } private method GetDouble { path } private method GetInt { path } private method InitHints {} private method ReadGrid { path } private method ReadUnstructuredGrid { path } private method ReadVtk { path } private method WriteTriangles { path xv yv zv triangles } private method WriteQuads { path xv yv zv quads } private method WriteVertices { path xv yv zv vertices } private method WriteLines { path xv yv zv lines } private method WritePolygons { path xv yv zv polygons } private method WriteTriangleStrips { path xv yv zv trianglestrips } private method WriteTetrahedrons { path xv yv zv tetrahedrons } private method WriteHexahedrons { path xv yv zv hexhedrons } private method WriteWedges { path xv yv zv wedges } private method WritePyramids { path xv yv zv pyramids } private method WriteHybridCells { path xv yv zv cells celltypes } private method WritePointCloud { path xv yv zv } private method GetCellType { name } private method GetNumIndices { type } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: Rappture::Mesh::fetch # # Clients use this instead of a constructor to fetch the Mesh for # a particular in the . When the client is done with # the mesh, he calls "release" to decrement the reference count. # When the mesh is no longer needed, it is cleaned up automatically. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::fetch {xmlobj path} { set handle "$xmlobj|$path" if {[info exists _xp2obj($handle)]} { set obj $_xp2obj($handle) incr _obj2ref($obj) return $obj } set obj [Rappture::Mesh ::#auto $xmlobj $path] set _xp2obj($handle) $obj set _obj2ref($obj) 1 return $obj } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: Rappture::Mesh::release # # Clients call this when they're no longer using a Mesh fetched # previously by the "fetch" proc. This decrements the reference # count for the mesh and destroys the object when it is no longer # in use. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::release {obj} { if {[info exists _obj2ref($obj)]} { incr _obj2ref($obj) -1 if {$_obj2ref($obj) <= 0} { unset _obj2ref($obj) foreach handle [array names _xp2obj] { if {$_xp2obj($handle) == $obj} { unset _xp2obj($handle) } } itcl::delete object $obj } } else { error "can't find reference count for $obj" } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::constructor {xmlobj path} { package require vtk if {![Rappture::library isvalid $xmlobj]} { error "bad value \"$xmlobj\": should be Rappture::library" } set _xmlobj $xmlobj set _mesh [$xmlobj element -as object $path] # Initialize mesh bounds to empty foreach axis {x y z} { set _limits($axis) "" } set units [$_mesh get units] set first [lindex $units 0] foreach u $units axis { x y z } { if { $u != "" } { set _axis2units($axis) $u } else { set _axis2units($axis) $first } } foreach label [$_mesh get labels] axis { x y z } { if { $label != "" } { set _axis2labels($axis) $label } else { set _axis2labels($axis) [string toupper $axis] } } # Meshes comes in a variety of flavors # # Dimensionality is determined from the tag. # # described mesh # + definitions # rectangular mesh # homogeneous cell type mesh. # Check that only one mesh type was defined. set subcount 0 foreach cname [$_mesh children] { foreach type { vtk grid unstructured } { if { $cname == $type } { incr subcount break } } } if {[$_mesh element "node"] != "" || [$_mesh element "element"] != ""} { incr subcount } if { $subcount == 0 } { puts stderr "WARNING: no mesh specified for \"$path\"." return } if { $subcount > 1 } { puts stderr "WARNING: too many mesh types specified for \"$path\"." return } set result 0 if { [$_mesh element "vtk"] != ""} { set result [ReadVtk $path] } elseif {[$_mesh element "grid"] != "" } { set result [ReadGrid $path] } elseif {[$_mesh element "unstructured"] != "" } { set result [ReadUnstructuredGrid $path] } elseif {[$_mesh element "node"] != "" && [$_mesh element "element"] != ""} { set result [ReadNodesElements $path] } set _isValid $result InitHints } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::destructor {} { # don't destroy the _xmlobj! we don't own it! itcl::delete object $_mesh if { $_xCoords != "" } { blt::vector destroy $_xCoords } if { $_yCoords != "" } { blt::vector destroy $_yCoords } } # # vtkdata -- # # This is called by the field object to generate a VTK file to send to # the remote render server. Returns the vtkDataSet object containing # (at this point) just the mesh. The field object doesn't know (or # care) what type of mesh is used. The field object will add field # arrays before generating output to send to the remote render server. # itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::vtkdata {{what -partial}} { if {$what == "-full"} { append out "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n" append out "[hints label]\n" append out "ASCII\n" append out $_vtkdata return $out } else { return $_vtkdata } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: points # # Returns the vtk object containing the points for this mesh. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::points {} { return "" } # # units -- # # Returns the units of the given axis. # itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::units { axis } { if { ![info exists _axis2units($axis)] } { return "" } return $_axis2units($axis) } # # label -- # # Returns the label of the given axis. # itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::label { axis } { if { ![info exists _axis2labels($axis)] } { return "" } return $_axis2labels($axis) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: elements # # Returns a list of the form {plist r plist r ...} for each element # in this mesh. Each plist is a list of {x y x y ...} coordinates # for the mesh. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::elements {} { # build a map for region number => region type foreach comp [$_mesh children -type region] { set id [$_mesh element -as id $comp] set regions($id) [$_mesh get $comp] } set regions() "unknown" set rlist "" foreach comp [$_mesh children -type element] { set rid [$_mesh get $comp.region] # # HACK ALERT! # # Prophet puts out nodes in a funny "Z" shaped order, # not in proper clockwise fashion. Switch the last # two nodes for now to make them correct. # set nlist [$_mesh get $comp.nodes] set n2 [lindex $nlist 2] set n3 [lindex $nlist 3] set nlist [lreplace $nlist 2 3 $n3 $n2] lappend nlist [lindex $nlist 0] set plist "" foreach nid $nlist { eval lappend plist [$_mesh get node($nid)] } lappend rlist $plist $regions($rid) } return $rlist } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: mesh # # Returns the vtk object representing the mesh. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::mesh { {type "vtk"} } { switch $type { "vtk" { return "" } default { error "Requested mesh type \"$type\" is unknown." } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: size ?-points|-elements? # # Returns the number of points in this mesh. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::size {{what -points}} { switch -- $what { -points { return $_numPoints } -elements { return $_numCells } default { error "bad option \"$what\": should be -points or -elements" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: dimensions # # Returns the number of dimensions for this object: 1, 2, or 3. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::dimensions {} { return $_dim } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: limits x|y|z # # Returns the {min max} coords for the limits of the specified axis. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::limits {axis} { if {![info exists _limits($axis)]} { error "bad axis \"$which\": should be x, y, z" } return $_limits($axis) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: hints ?? # # Returns a list of key/value pairs for various hints about plotting # this field. If a particular is specified, then it returns # the hint for that , if it exists. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::hints {{keyword ""}} { if {$keyword != ""} { if {[info exists _hints($keyword)]} { return $_hints($keyword) } return "" } return [array get _hints] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: InitHints # # Returns a list of key/value pairs for various hints about plotting # this mesh. If a particular is specified, then it returns # the hint for that , if it exists. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::InitHints {} { foreach {key path} { camera camera.position color about.color label about.label style about.style units units } { set str [$_mesh get $path] if {"" != $str} { set _hints($key) $str } } foreach {key path} { toolid tool.id toolname tool.name toolcommand tool.execute tooltitle tool.title toolrevision tool.version.application.revision } { set str [$_xmlobj get $path] if { "" != $str } { set _hints($key) $str } } } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::GetDimension { path } { set string [$_xmlobj get $path.dim] if { $string == "" } { puts stderr "WARNING: no tag found in mesh \"$path\"." return 0 } if { [scan $string "%d" _dim] == 1 } { if { $_dim == 1 || $_dim == 2 || $_dim == 3 } { return 1 } } puts stderr "WARNING: bad tag value \"$string\": should be 1, 2 or 3." return 0 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::GetDouble { path } { set string [$_xmlobj get $path] if { [scan $string "%g" value] != 1 } { puts stderr "ERROR: can't get double value \"$string\" of \"$path\"" return 0.0 } return $value } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::GetInt { path } { set string [$_xmlobj get $path] if { [scan $string "%d" value] != 1 } { puts stderr "ERROR: can't get integer value \"$string\" of \"$path\"" return 0.0 } return $value } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::ReadVtk { path } { set _type "vtk" if { ![GetDimension $path] } { return 0 } # Create a VTK file with the mesh in it. set _vtkdata [$_xmlobj get $path.vtk] append out "# vtk DataFile Version 3.0\n" append out "mesh\n" append out "ASCII\n" append out "$_vtkdata\n" # Write the contents to a file just in case it's binary. set tmpfile file[pid].vtk set f [open "$tmpfile" "w"] fconfigure $f -translation binary -encoding binary puts $f $out close $f # Read the data back into a vtk dataset and query the bounds. set reader $this-datasetreader vtkDataSetReader $reader $reader SetFileName $tmpfile $reader Update set output [$reader GetOutput] set _numPoints [$output GetNumberOfPoints] set _numCells [$output GetNumberOfCells] foreach { xmin xmax ymin ymax zmin zmax } [$output GetBounds] break set _limits(x) [list $xmin $xmax] set _limits(y) [list $ymin $ymax] set _limits(z) [list $zmin $zmax] file delete $tmpfile rename $output "" rename $reader "" return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::ReadGrid { path } { set _type "grid" if { ![GetDimension $path] } { return 0 } set numUniform 0 set numRectilinear 0 set numCurvilinear 0 foreach axis { x y z } { set min [$_xmlobj get "$path.grid.${axis}axis.min"] set max [$_xmlobj get "$path.grid.${axis}axis.max"] set num [$_xmlobj get "$path.grid.${axis}axis.numpoints"] set coords [$_xmlobj get "$path.grid.${axis}coords"] set dim [$_xmlobj get "$path.grid.${axis}dim"] if { $min != "" && $max != "" && $num != "" && $num > 0 } { set ${axis}Min $min set ${axis}Max $max set ${axis}Num $num if {$min > $max} { puts stderr "ERROR: grid $axis axis minimum larger than maximum" return 0 } incr numUniform } elseif { $coords != "" } { incr numRectilinear set ${axis}Coords $coords } elseif { $dim != "" } { set ${axis}Num $dim incr numCurvilinear } } set _dim [expr $numRectilinear + $numUniform + $numCurvilinear] if { $_dim == 0 } { # No data found. puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": no data found" return 0 } if { $numCurvilinear > 0 } { # This is the 2D/3D curilinear case. We found , , or if { $numRectilinear > 0 || $numUniform > 0 } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": can't mix curvilinear and rectilinear grids." return 0 } set points [$_xmlobj get $path.grid.points] if { $points == "" } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": no found." return 0 } if { ![info exists xNum] } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": invalid dimensions for curvilinear grid: missing from grid description." return 0 } set all [blt::vector create \#auto] set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] set yv [blt::vector create \#auto] set zv [blt::vector create \#auto] $all set $points set numCoords [$all length] if { [info exists zNum] } { set _dim 3 set _numPoints [expr $xNum * $yNum * $zNum] set _numCells [expr ($xNum > 1 ? ($xNum - 1) : 1) * ($yNum > 1 ? ($yNum - 1) : 1) * ($zNum > 1 ? ($zNum - 1) : 1)] if { ($_numPoints*3) != $numCoords } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": invalid grid: \# of points does not match dimensions * * " return 0 } if { ($numCoords % 3) != 0 } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": wrong \# of coordinates for 3D grid" return 0 } $all split $xv $yv $zv foreach axis {x y z} { set vector [set ${axis}v] set _limits($axis) [$vector limits] } append out "DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "DIMENSIONS $xNum $yNum $zNum\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" append out [$all range 0 end] append out "\n" set _vtkdata $out } elseif { [info exists yNum] } { set _dim 2 set _numPoints [expr $xNum * $yNum] set _numCells [expr ($xNum > 1 ? ($xNum - 1) : 1) * ($yNum > 1 ? ($yNum - 1) : 1)] if { ($_numPoints*2) != $numCoords } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": \# of points does not match dimensions * " return 0 } if { ($numCoords % 2) != 0 } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": wrong \# of coordinates for 2D grid" return 0 } foreach axis {x y} { set vector [set ${axis}v] set _limits($axis) [$vector limits] } set _limits(z) [list 0 0] $zv seq 0 0 [$xv length] $all merge $xv $yv $zv append out "DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "DIMENSIONS $xNum $yNum 1\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" append out [$all range 0 end] append out "\n" set _vtkdata $out } else { set _dim 1 set _numPoints $xNum set _numCells [expr $xNum - 1] if { $_numPoints != $numCoords } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": \# of points does not match " return 0 } set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [list 0 0] set _limits(z) [list 0 0] $yv seq 0 0 [$xv length] $zv seq 0 0 [$xv length] $all merge $xv $yv $zv append out "DATASET STRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "DIMENSIONS $xNum 1 1\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" append out [$all range 0 end] append out "\n" set _vtkdata $out } blt::vector destroy $all $xv $yv $zv return 1 } if { $numRectilinear == 0 && $numUniform > 0} { # This is the special case where all axes 2D/3D are uniform. # This results in a STRUCTURED_POINTS if { $_dim == 1 } { if {$xNum == 1} { set xSpace 0 } else { set xSpace [expr ($xMax - $xMin) / double($xNum - 1)] } set _numPoints $xNum set _numCells [expr $xNum - 1] append out "DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n" append out "DIMENSIONS $xNum 1 1\n" append out "ORIGIN $xMin 0 0\n" append out "SPACING $xSpace 0 0\n" set _vtkdata $out set _limits(x) [list $xMin $xMax] set _limits(y) [list 0 0] set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } elseif { $_dim == 2 } { if {$xNum == 1} { set xSpace 0 } else { set xSpace [expr ($xMax - $xMin) / double($xNum - 1)] } if {$yNum == 1} { set ySpace 0 } else { set ySpace [expr ($yMax - $yMin) / double($yNum - 1)] } set _numPoints [expr $xNum * $yNum] set _numCells [expr ($xNum > 1 ? ($xNum - 1) : 1) * ($yNum > 1 ? ($yNum - 1) : 1)] append out "DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n" append out "DIMENSIONS $xNum $yNum 1\n" append out "ORIGIN $xMin $yMin 0\n" append out "SPACING $xSpace $ySpace 0\n" set _vtkdata $out foreach axis {x y} { set _limits($axis) [list [set ${axis}Min] [set ${axis}Max]] } set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } elseif { $_dim == 3 } { if {$xNum == 1} { set xSpace 0 } else { set xSpace [expr ($xMax - $xMin) / double($xNum - 1)] } if {$yNum == 1} { set ySpace 0 } else { set ySpace [expr ($yMax - $yMin) / double($yNum - 1)] } if {$zNum == 1} { set zSpace 0 } else { set zSpace [expr ($zMax - $zMin) / double($zNum - 1)] } set _numPoints [expr $xNum * $yNum * $zNum] set _numCells [expr ($xNum > 1 ? ($xNum - 1) : 1) * ($yNum > 1 ? ($yNum - 1) : 1) * ($zNum > 1 ? ($zNum - 1) : 1)] append out "DATASET STRUCTURED_POINTS\n" append out "DIMENSIONS $xNum $yNum $zNum\n" append out "ORIGIN $xMin $yMin $zMin\n" append out "SPACING $xSpace $ySpace $zSpace\n" set _vtkdata $out foreach axis {x y z} { set _limits($axis) [list [set ${axis}Min] [set ${axis}Max]] } } else { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": bad dimension \"$_dim\"" return 0 } return 1 } # This is the hybrid case. Some axes are uniform, others are nonuniform. set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] if { [info exists xMin] } { $xv seq $xMin $xMax $xNum } else { $xv set [$_xmlobj get $path.grid.xcoords] set xMin [$xv min] set xMax [$xv max] set xNum [$xv length] } set yv [blt::vector create \#auto] if { $_dim > 1 } { if { [info exists yMin] } { $yv seq $yMin $yMax $yNum } else { $yv set [$_xmlobj get $path.grid.ycoords] set yMin [$yv min] set yMax [$yv max] set yNum [$yv length] } } else { set yNum 1 } set zv [blt::vector create \#auto] if { $_dim == 3 } { if { [info exists zMin] } { $zv seq $zMin $zMax $zNum } else { $zv set [$_xmlobj get $path.grid.zcoords] set zMin [$zv min] set zMax [$zv max] set zNum [$zv length] } } else { set zNum 1 } if { $_dim == 3 } { set _numPoints [expr $xNum * $yNum * $zNum] set _numCells [expr ($xNum > 1 ? ($xNum - 1) : 1) * ($yNum > 1 ? ($yNum - 1) : 1) * ($zNum > 1 ? ($zNum - 1) : 1)] append out "DATASET RECTILINEAR_GRID\n" append out "DIMENSIONS $xNum $yNum $zNum\n" append out "X_COORDINATES $xNum double\n" append out [$xv range 0 end] append out "\n" append out "Y_COORDINATES $yNum double\n" append out [$yv range 0 end] append out "\n" append out "Z_COORDINATES $zNum double\n" append out [$zv range 0 end] append out "\n" set _vtkdata $out foreach axis {x y z} { if { [info exists ${axis}Min] } { set _limits($axis) [list [set ${axis}Min] [set ${axis}Max]] } } } elseif { $_dim == 2 } { set _numPoints [expr $xNum * $yNum] set _numCells [expr ($xNum > 1 ? ($xNum - 1) : 1) * ($yNum > 1 ? ($yNum - 1) : 1)] append out "DATASET RECTILINEAR_GRID\n" append out "DIMENSIONS $xNum $yNum 1\n" append out "X_COORDINATES $xNum double\n" append out [$xv range 0 end] append out "\n" append out "Y_COORDINATES $yNum double\n" append out [$yv range 0 end] append out "\n" append out "Z_COORDINATES 1 double\n" append out "0\n" foreach axis {x y} { if { [info exists ${axis}Min] } { set _limits($axis) [list [set ${axis}Min] [set ${axis}Max]] } } set _limits(z) [list 0 0] set _vtkdata $out } elseif { $_dim == 1 } { set _numPoints $xNum set _numCells [expr $xNum - 1] append out "DATASET RECTILINEAR_GRID\n" append out "DIMENSIONS $xNum 1 1\n" append out "X_COORDINATES $xNum double\n" append out [$xv range 0 end] append out "\n" append out "Y_COORDINATES 1 double\n" append out "0\n" append out "Z_COORDINATES 1 double\n" append out "0\n" if { [info exists xMin] } { set _limits(x) [list $xMin $xMax] } set _limits(y) [list 0 0] set _limits(z) [list 0 0] set _vtkdata $out } else { puts stderr "WARNING: bad grid \"$path\": invalid dimension \"$_dim\"" return 0 } blt::vector destroy $xv $yv $zv return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WritePointCloud { path xv yv zv } { set _type "cloud" set _numPoints [$xv length] append out "DATASET POLYDATA\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out "$x $y $z\n" } set _vtkdata $out set _limits(x) [$xv limits] if { $_dim > 1 } { set _limits(y) [$yv limits] } else { set _limits(y) [list 0 0] } if { $_dim == 3 } { set _limits(z) [$zv limits] } else { set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WriteTriangles { path xv yv zv triangles } { set _type "triangles" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set celltypes {} foreach { a b c } $triangles { append data " 3 $a $b $c\n" append celltypes "5\n" incr _numCells } append out "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } set count [expr $_numCells * 4] append out "CELLS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data append out "CELL_TYPES $_numCells\n" append out $celltypes set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] if { $_dim == 3 } { set _limits(z) [$zv limits] } else { set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WriteQuads { path xv yv zv quads } { set _type "quads" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set celltypes {} foreach { a b c d } $quads { append data " 4 $a $b $c $d\n" append celltypes "9\n" incr _numCells } append out "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } set count [expr $_numCells * 5] append out "CELLS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data append out "CELL_TYPES $_numCells\n" append out $celltypes set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] if { $_dim == 3 } { set _limits(z) [$zv limits] } else { set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WriteVertices { path xv yv zv vertices } { set _type "vertices" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set lines [split $vertices \n] set count 0 foreach { line } $lines { set numIndices [llength $line] if { $numIndices == 0 } { continue } append data " $numIndices $line\n" incr _numCells set count [expr $count + $numIndices + 1] } append out "DATASET POLYDATA\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } append out "VERTICES $_numCells $count\n" append out $data set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] if { $_dim == 3 } { set _limits(z) [$zv limits] } else { set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WriteLines { path xv yv zv polylines } { set _type "lines" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set lines [split $polylines \n] set count 0 foreach { line } $lines { set numIndices [llength $line] if { $numIndices == 0 } { continue } append data " $numIndices $line\n" incr _numCells set count [expr $count + $numIndices + 1] } append out "DATASET POLYDATA\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } append out "LINES $_numCells $count\n" append out $data set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] if { $_dim == 3 } { set _limits(z) [$zv limits] } else { set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WritePolygons { path xv yv zv polygons } { set _type "polygons" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set lines [split $polygons \n] set count 0 foreach { line } $lines { set numIndices [llength $line] if { $numIndices == 0 } { continue } append data " $numIndices $line\n" incr _numCells set count [expr $count + $numIndices + 1] } append out "DATASET POLYDATA\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } append out "POLYGONS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] if { $_dim == 3 } { set _limits(z) [$zv limits] } else { set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WriteTriangleStrips { path xv yv zv trianglestrips } { set _type "trianglestrips" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set lines [split $trianglestrips \n] set count 0 foreach { line } $lines { set numIndices [llength $line] if { $numIndices == 0 } { continue } append data " $numIndices $line\n" incr _numCells set count [expr $count + $numIndices + 1] } append out "DATASET POLYDATA\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } append out "TRIANGLE_STRIPS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] if { $_dim == 3 } { set _limits(z) [$zv limits] } else { set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WriteTetrahedrons { path xv yv zv tetras } { set _type "tetrahedrons" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set celltypes {} foreach { a b c d } $tetras { append data " 4 $a $b $c $d\n" append celltypes "10\n" incr _numCells } append out "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } set count [expr $_numCells * 5] append out "CELLS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data append out "CELL_TYPES $_numCells\n" append out $celltypes set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] set _limits(z) [$zv limits] set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WriteHexahedrons { path xv yv zv hexas } { set _type "hexahedrons" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set celltypes {} foreach { a b c d e f g h } $hexas { append data " 8 $a $b $c $d $e $f $g $h\n" append celltypes "12\n" incr _numCells } append out "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } set count [expr $_numCells * 9] append out "CELLS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data append out "CELL_TYPES $_numCells\n" append out $celltypes set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] set _limits(z) [$zv limits] set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WriteWedges { path xv yv zv wedges } { set _type "wedges" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set celltypes {} foreach { a b c d e f } $wedges { append data " 6 $a $b $c $d $e $f\n" append celltypes "13\n" incr _numCells } append out "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } set count [expr $_numCells * 7] append out "CELLS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data append out "CELL_TYPES $_numCells\n" append out $celltypes set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] set _limits(z) [$zv limits] set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WritePyramids { path xv yv zv pyramids } { set _type "pyramids" set _numPoints [$xv length] set _numCells 0 set data {} set celltypes {} foreach { a b c d e } $pyramids { append data " 5 $a $b $c $d $e\n" append celltypes "14\n" incr _numCells } append out "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" foreach x [$xv range 0 end] y [$yv range 0 end] z [$zv range 0 end] { append out " $x $y $z\n" } set count [expr $_numCells * 6] append out "CELLS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data append out "CELL_TYPES $_numCells\n" append out $celltypes set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] set _limits(z) [$zv limits] set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::WriteHybridCells { path xv yv zv cells celltypes } { set _type "unstructured" set lines [split $cells \n] set numCellTypes [llength $celltypes] if { $numCellTypes == 1 } { set celltype [GetCellType $celltypes] } set _numPoints [$xv length] set data {} set count 0 set _numCells 0 set celltypes {} foreach line $lines { set length [llength $line] if { $length == 0 } { continue } if { $numCellTypes > 1 } { set cellType [GetCellType [lindex $cellTypes $_numCells]] } set numIndices [GetNumIndices $celltype] if { $numIndices > 0 && $numIndices != $length } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": wrong \# of indices specified for celltype $celltype on line \"$line\"" return 0 } else { set numIndices $length } append data " $numIndices $line\n" lappend celltypes $celltype incr count $length; # Include the indices incr count; # and the number of indices incr _numCells } append out "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" set all [blt::vector create \#auto] $all merge $xv $yv $zv append out [$all range 0 end] blt::vector destroy $all append out "CELLS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data append out "CELL_TYPES $_numCells\n" append out $celltypes set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] if { $_dim < 3 } { set _limits(z) [list 0 0] } else { set _limits(z) [$zv limits] } set _vtkdata $out return 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::ReadUnstructuredGrid { path } { set _type "unstructured" if { ![GetDimension $path] } { return 0 } # Step 1: Verify that there's only one cell tag of any kind. set numCells 0 foreach type { cells hexahedrons lines polygons pyramids quads tetrahedrons triangles trianglestrips vertices wedges } { set data [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.$type] if { $data != "" } { incr numCells } } # The generic tag requires there be a tag too. set celltypes [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.celltypes] if { $numCells == 0 && $celltypes != "" } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstuctured grid \"$path\": no description found." return 0 } if { $numCells > 1 } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": too many , , ... descriptions found: should be only one." return 0 } foreach type { cells hexahedrons lines polygons pyramids quads tetrahedrons triangles trianglestrips vertices wedges } { set data [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.$type] if { $data != "" } { break } } # Step 2: Allow points to be specified as or # , , . Split and convert into # 3 vectors, one for each coordinate. if { $_dim == 1 } { set xcoords [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.xcoords] set ycoords [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.ycoords] set zcoords [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.zcoords] set data [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.points] if { $ycoords != "" } { put stderr "can't specify with a 1D mesh" return 0 } if { $zcoords != "" } { put stderr "can't specify with a 1D mesh" return 0 } if { $xcoords != "" } { set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] $xv set $xcoords } elseif { $data != "" } { Rappture::ReadPoints $data dim points if { $points == "" } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": no found." return 0 } if { $dim != 1 } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": \# of coordinates per point is \"$dim\": does not agree with dimension specified for mesh \"$_dim\"" return 0 } set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] $xv set $points } else { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": no points specified." return 0 } set yv [blt::vector create \#auto] set zv [blt::vector create \#auto] $yv seq 0 0 [$xv length]; # Make an all zeroes vector. $zv seq 0 0 [$xv length]; # Make an all zeroes vector. } elseif { $_dim == 2 } { set xcoords [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.xcoords] set ycoords [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.ycoords] set zcoords [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.zcoords] set data [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.points] if { $zcoords != "" } { put stderr "can't specify with a 2D mesh" return 0 } if { $xcoords != "" && $ycoords != "" } { set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] set yv [blt::vector create \#auto] $xv set $xcoords $yv set $ycoords } elseif { $data != "" } { Rappture::ReadPoints $data dim points if { $points == "" } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": no found." return 0 } if { $dim != 2 } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": \# of coordinates per point is \"$dim\": does not agree with dimension specified for mesh \"$_dim\"" return 0 } set all [blt::vector create \#auto] set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] set yv [blt::vector create \#auto] $all set $points $all split $xv $yv blt::vector destroy $all } else { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": no points specified." return 0 } set zv [blt::vector create \#auto] $zv seq 0 0 [$xv length]; # Make an all zeroes vector. } elseif { $_dim == 3 } { set xcoords [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.xcoords] set ycoords [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.ycoords] set zcoords [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.zcoords] set data [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.points] if { $xcoords != "" && $ycoords != "" && $zcoords != "" } { set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] set yv [blt::vector create \#auto] set zv [blt::vector create \#auto] $xv set $xcoords $yv set $ycoords $zv set $zcoords } elseif { $data != "" } { Rappture::ReadPoints $data dim points if { $points == "" } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": no found." return 0 } if { $dim != 3 } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": \# of coordinates per point is \"$dim\": does not agree with dimension specified for mesh \"$_dim\"" return 0 } set all [blt::vector create \#auto] set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] set yv [blt::vector create \#auto] set zv [blt::vector create \#auto] $all set $points $all split $xv $yv $zv blt::vector destroy $all } else { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": no points specified." return 0 } } set _numPoints [$xv length] # Step 3: Write the points and cells as vtk data. if { $numCells == 0 } { set result [WritePointCloud $path $xv $yv $zv] } elseif { $type == "cells" } { set cells [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.cells] if { $cells == "" } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": no cells found." return 0 } set result [WriteHybridCells $path $xv $yv $zv $cells $celltypes] } else { set cmd "Write[string totitle $type]" set cells [$_xmlobj get $path.unstructured.$type] if { $cells == "" } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad unstructured grid \"$path\": no cells found." return 0 } set result [$cmd $path $xv $yv $zv $cells] } # Clean up. blt::vector destroy $xv $yv $zv return $result } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: ReadNodesElements # # Used internally to build a mesh representation based on nodes and # elements stored in the XML. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::ReadNodesElements {path} { set _type "nodeselements" set count 0 # Scan for nodes. Each node represents a vertex. set data {} foreach cname [$_xmlobj children -type node $path] { append data "[$_xmlobj get $path.$cname]\n" } Rappture::ReadPoints $data _dim points if { $_dim == 2 } { set all [blt::vector create \#auto] set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] set yv [blt::vector create \#auto] set zv [blt::vector create \#auto] $all set $points $all split $xv $yv set _numPoints [$xv length] set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] set _limits(z) [list 0 0] # 2D Dataset. All Z coordinates are 0 $zv seq 0.0 0.0 $_numPoints $all merge $xv $yv $zv set points [$all range 0 end] blt::vector destroy $all $xv $yv $zv } elseif { $_dim == 3 } { set all [blt::vector create \#auto] set xv [blt::vector create \#auto] set yv [blt::vector create \#auto] set zv [blt::vector create \#auto] $all set $points $all split $xv $yv $zv set _numPoints [$xv length] set _limits(x) [$xv limits] set _limits(y) [$yv limits] set _limits(z) [$zv limits] set points [$all range 0 end] blt::vector destroy $all $xv $yv $zv } else { error "bad dimension \"$_dim\" for nodes mesh" } array set node2celltype { 3 5 4 10 8 12 6 13 5 14 } set count 0 set _numCells 0 set celltypes {} set data {} # Next scan for elements. Each element represents a cell. foreach cname [$_xmlobj children -type element $path] { set nodeList [$_mesh get $cname.nodes] set numNodes [llength $nodeList] if { ![info exists node2celltype($numNodes)] } { puts stderr "WARNING: bad nodes/elements mesh \$path\": unknown number of indices \"$_numNodes\": should be 3, 4, 5, 6, or 8" return 0 } set celltype $node2celltype($numNodes) append celltypes " $celltype\n" if { $celltype == 12 } { # Formerly used voxels instead of hexahedrons. We're converting # it here to be backward compatible and still fault-tolerant of # non-axis aligned cells. set newList {} foreach i { 0 1 3 2 4 5 7 6 } { lappend newList [lindex $nodeList $i] } set nodeList $newList } append data " $numNodes $nodeList\n" incr _numCells incr count $numNodes incr count; # One extra for the VTK celltype id. } append out "DATASET UNSTRUCTURED_GRID\n" append out "POINTS $_numPoints double\n" append out $points append out "\n" append out "CELLS $_numCells $count\n" append out $data append out "CELL_TYPES $_numCells\n" append out $celltypes append out "\n" set _vtkdata $out set _isValid 1 } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::GetCellType { name } { array set name2type { "vertex" 1 "polyvertex" 2 "line" 3 "polyline" 4 "triangle" 5 "trianglestrip" 6 "polygon" 7 "pixel" 8 "quad" 9 "tetrahedron" 10 "voxel" 11 "hexahedron" 12 "wedge" 13 "pyramid" 14 "pentagonalprism" 15 "hexagonalprism" 16 } if { [info exists name2type($name)] } { return $name2type($name) } if { [string is int $name] == 1 && $name >= 1 && $name <= 16 } { return $name } error "invalid celltype \"$name\"" } itcl::body Rappture::Mesh::GetNumIndices { type } { array set type2indices { 1 1 2 0 3 2 4 0 5 3 6 0 7 0 8 4 9 4 10 4 11 8 12 8 13 6 14 5 15 10 16 12 } if { [info exists type2indices($type)] } { return $type2indices($type) } error "invalid celltype \"$type\"" }