# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT: SidebarFrame - pop-out controls for visualization widgets # # The sidebar provides a way to put a thin strip of controls along the # side of a visualization widget, with tabs that cause control panels # to pop out. The SidebarFrame has an empty frame (component "frame") # on the left and a sidebar that pops out on the right. # ====================================================================== # AUTHOR: George Howlett, Michael McLennan, Purdue University # Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ====================================================================== package require Itk option add *SidebarFrame.width 3i widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.height 3i widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.titlebarBackground #6666cc widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.titlebarForeground white widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.controlBackground gray widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame*cntls*highlightBackground gray widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.sashRelief flat widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.sashActiveRelief solid widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.sashColor gray widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.sashWidth 2 widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.sashPadding 2 widgetDefault option add *SidebarFrame.sashCursor sb_h_double_arrow itcl::class Rappture::SidebarFrame { inherit itk::Widget itk_option define -sashrelief sashRelief Relief "" itk_option define -sashactiverelief sashActiveRelief SashActiveRelief "" itk_option define -sashcolor sashColor SashColor "" itk_option define -sashwidth sashWidth SashWidth 0 itk_option define -sashpadding sashPadding SashPadding 0 itk_option define -sashcursor sashCursor Cursor "" public variable resizeframe 1 constructor {args} { # defined below } public method insert {pos args} public method exists {which} public method panel {which} public method select {which} public method pop {what} public method width { size } { set _width $size } public method enable { which } public method disable { which } protected method _toggleTab {which} protected method _sash {op x} protected method _fixLayout {args} protected method TabIndex { which } private variable _dispatcher "" ;# dispatcher for !events private variable _state "closed" ;# sidebar open/closed private variable _panels ;# maps panel => title, etc. private variable _selected "" ;# selected panel private variable _width "auto" ;# width adjusted by sash or "auto" private variable _counter 0 ;# counter for auto-generated names private variable _title2panel } itk::usual SidebarFrame { keep -background -cursor keep -titlebarbackground -titlebarforeground } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::constructor {args} { itk_option add hull.width hull.height # create a dispatcher for events Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher $_dispatcher register !layout $_dispatcher dispatch $this !layout [itcl::code $this _fixLayout] # fix the layout whenever the window size changes bind SidebarFrame [itcl::code %W _fixLayout] # # Empty frame for main widget # itk_component add frame { frame $itk_interior.f } # # Sash along the left side of sidebar # itk_component add sashbg { frame $itk_interior.sashbg } { usual rename -cursor -sashcursor sashCursor Cursor } itk_component add sash { frame $itk_component(sashbg).sash -borderwidth 1 } { usual ignore -background -borderwidth rename -relief -sashrelief sashRelief Relief rename -width -sashwidth sashWidth SashWidth rename -cursor -sashcursor sashCursor Cursor } pack $itk_component(sash) -side left -fill y foreach c {sash sashbg} { bind $itk_component($c) \ [itcl::code $this _sash enter %X] bind $itk_component($c) \ [itcl::code $this _sash leave %X] bind $itk_component($c) \ [itcl::code $this _sash grab %X] bind $itk_component($c) \ [itcl::code $this _sash drag %X] bind $itk_component($c) \ [itcl::code $this _sash release %X] } itk_component add sidebar { frame $itk_interior.sbar } # # Title bar along top of sidebar # itk_component add titlebar { frame $itk_component(sidebar).tbar -highlightthickness 0 } { usual ignore -highlightthickness rename -background -titlebarbackground titlebarBackground Background } pack $itk_component(titlebar) -side top -fill x itk_component add popbutton { button $itk_component(titlebar).popb \ -borderwidth 1 -relief flat -overrelief raised \ -highlightthickness 0 \ -image [Rappture::icon sbar-open] \ -command [itcl::code $this pop toggle] } { usual ignore -borderwidth -relief -overrelief -highlightthickness rename -background -titlebarbackground titlebarBackground Background rename -activebackground -titlebarbackground titlebarBackground Background } pack $itk_component(popbutton) -side left -padx 6 -pady 2 Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(popbutton) \ "Open/close the sidebar" itk_component add title { label $itk_component(titlebar).title -anchor w -font "Arial 10" } { usual ignore -font rename -foreground -titlebarforeground titlebarForeground Foreground rename -background -titlebarbackground titlebarBackground Background } pack $itk_component(title) -side left -expand yes -fill both -padx 1 -pady 1 # # Area for active panel # itk_component add area { Rappture::Scroller $itk_component(sidebar).area \ -xscrollmode auto -yscrollmode auto \ -highlightthickness 0 } $itk_component(area) contents frame itk_component add controlbar { frame $itk_component(sidebar).cbar } { usual rename -background -controlbackground controlBackground Background } pack $itk_component(controlbar) -side left -fill y # # Control area above the tabs # itk_component add controls { frame $itk_component(controlbar).cntls -height 20 } { usual rename -background -controlbackground controlBackground Background } pack $itk_component(controls) -side top -pady {8 20} # # Tabs used to select sidebar panels. # # Note: Bugs in BLT 2.4 tabset/VNC server crashes the server # when -outerpad is set to 0. # itk_component add tabs { blt::tabset $itk_component(controlbar).tabs \ -highlightthickness 0 -tearoff 0 -side left \ -bd 0 -gap 0 -tabborderwidth 1 \ -outerpad 1 } { keep -background -cursor ignore -highlightthickness -borderwidth rename -highlightbackground -controlbackground controlBackground \ Background rename -background -controlbackground controlBackground \ Background } pack $itk_component(tabs) -side top -expand yes -anchor e -padx {4 0} -fill y eval itk_initialize $args # make sure we fix up the layout at some point $_dispatcher event -idle !layout } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: insert ?-title t? ?-icon i? # # Adds a new panel into this widget at the given position . The # panel has a tab with the specified -icon, and is labeled by the # -title string in the titlebar area when it is selected. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::insert {pos args} { Rappture::getopts args panel " value -title Options value -icon [Rappture::icon cboff] " if {[llength $args] > 0} { error "wrong # args: should be \"insert pos ?-title t? ?-icon i?\"" } set f [$itk_component(area) contents] set pname "panel[incr _counter]" itk_component add $pname { frame $f.$pname } $itk_component(tabs) insert $pos $pname \ -image $panel(-icon) -text "" -padx 0 -pady 0 \ -command [itcl::code $this _toggleTab $pname] set _title2panel($panel(-title)) $pname Rappture::Tooltip::text $itk_component(tabs)-$pname \ "Open/close sidebar for $panel(-title)" $itk_component(tabs) bind $pname \ [list ::Rappture::Tooltip::tooltip pending %W-$pname @%X,%Y] $itk_component(tabs) bind $pname \ [list ::Rappture::Tooltip::tooltip cancel] $itk_component(tabs) bind $pname \ [list ::Rappture::Tooltip::tooltip cancel] $itk_component(tabs) bind $pname \ [list ::Rappture::Tooltip::tooltip cancel] set _panels($pname-title) $panel(-title) if { ![info exists _panels(all)] || $pos == "end" } { lappend _panels(all) $pname } else { set _panels(all) [linsert $_panels(all) $pos $pname] } if {$_selected == ""} { set _selected $pname if {$_state == "open"} { $itk_component(title) configure -text $panel(-title) } } return $itk_component($pname) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: panel # # Returns the frame representing the requested panel. The # argument can be a panel index, name, or title, or the keyword # "current" for the selected panel. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::panel {which} { switch -glob -- $which { current { return $itk_component($_selected) } [0-9]* { set pname [lindex $_panels(all) $which] return $itk_component($pname) } panel[0-9]* { if {[info exists itk_component($which)]} { return $itk_component($which) } error "bad panel name \"$which\"" } default { foreach pname $_panels(all) { if {[string equal $_panels($pname-title) $which]} { return $itk_component($pname) } } error "bad panel title \"$which\"" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: exists # # Returns the frame representing the requested panel. The # argument can be a panel index, name, or title, or the keyword # "current" for the selected panel. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::exists { title } { if { [info exists _title2panel($title)] } { return 1 } return 0 } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: select # # Pops open the sidebar and selects the specified panel. The # argument can be a panel index, name, or title. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::select {which} { set pname "" switch -glob -- $which { [0-9]* { set pname [lindex $_panels(all) $which] } panel[0-9]* { if {[info exists itk_component($which)]} { set pname $which } } default { foreach p $_panels(all) { if {[string equal $_panels($p-title) $which]} { set pname $p break } } } } if {$pname == ""} { error "bad panel name \"$which\": should be panel id, title, or index" } if {$_state == "closed"} { pop open } set minw [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(controlbar)] if {$_width != "auto" && $_width < $minw+50} { set _width [expr {$minw+50}] $_dispatcher event -idle !layout } set n [$itk_component(tabs) index -name $pname] $itk_component(tabs) select $n $itk_component(title) configure -text $_panels($pname-title) set f [$itk_component(area) contents] foreach w [pack slaves $f] { pack forget $w } pack $itk_component($pname) -expand yes -fill both # # HACK ALERT! Force the scroller to check the size of the # panel that we just slid in under the covers. Make it # think the panel and the scroller itself have changed size. # event generate [winfo parent $f] event generate $f set _selected $pname return $pname } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: pop open|close|toggle # # Used to open/close the sidebar area. When open, the selected panel # appears and the titlebar shows its name. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::pop {how} { if {$how == "toggle"} { if {$_state == "closed"} { set how "open" } else { set how "close" } } switch -- $how { open { $itk_component(popbutton) configure \ -image [Rappture::icon sbar-closed] pack $itk_component(area) -side right -expand yes -fill both set _state "open" select $_selected $_dispatcher event -idle !layout } close { $itk_component(popbutton) configure \ -image [Rappture::icon sbar-open] $itk_component(title) configure -text "" pack forget $itk_component(area) set _state "closed" $_dispatcher event -idle !layout } default { error "bad option \"$how\": should be open, close, toggle" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: disable # # Pops open the sidebar and selects the specified panel. The # argument can be a panel index, name, or title. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::disable {which} { set index [TabIndex $which] set tab [$itk_component(tabs) get $index] $itk_component(tabs) tab configure $tab -state disabled } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: enable # # Pops open the sidebar and selects the specified panel. The # argument can be a panel index, name, or title. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::enable {which} { set index [TabIndex $which] set tab [$itk_component(tabs) get $index] $itk_component(tabs) tab configure $tab -state normal } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: TabIndex # # Pops open the sidebar and selects the specified panel. The # argument can be a panel index, name, or title. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::TabIndex {which} { set pname "" switch -glob -- $which { [0-9]* { set pname [lindex $_panels(all) $which] } panel[0-9]* { if {[info exists itk_component($which)]} { set pname $which } } default { foreach p $_panels(all) { if {[string equal $_panels($p-title) $which]} { set pname $p break } } } } if {$pname == ""} { error "bad panel name \"$which\": should be panel id, title, or index" } set n [$itk_component(tabs) index -name $pname] return $n } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _toggleTab # # Invoked automatically when the user clicks on a tab for the sidebar. # If the sidebar is closed, it is automatically opened and the tab is # selected. If the sidebar is opened, then it's closed. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::_toggleTab {which} { if {$_state == "closed"} { pop open select $which } elseif {[$itk_component(tabs) index -name $_selected] == [$itk_component(tabs) index -name $which]} { pop close } else { select $which } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _sash # # Invoked automatically when the user clicks/drags on a sash, to resize # the sidebar. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::_sash {op X} { switch -- $op { enter { # mouse over sash -- make it active if {$itk_option(-sashactiverelief) != ""} { $itk_component(sash) configure -relief $itk_option(-sashactiverelief) } } leave { # mouse left sash -- back to normal $itk_component(sash) configure -relief $itk_option(-sashrelief) } grab { if {$_state == "closed"} { pop open } _sash drag $X } drag { set w [winfo width $itk_component(hull)] set minw [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(controlbar)] set dx [expr {$X - [winfo rootx $itk_component(hull)]}] set sashw [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(sashbg)] set _width [expr {$w - $dx - $sashw/2}] if {$_width < $minw} { set _width $minw } if {$_width > $w-50} { set _width [expr {$w-50}] } _fixLayout } release { set minw [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(controlbar)] if {$_width-$minw < 40} { set _width "auto" pop close } } default { error "bad option \"$op\": should be enter, leave, grab, drag, release" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _fixLayout ?...? # # Used internally to update the layout of panes whenever a new pane # is added or a sash is moved. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::SidebarFrame::_fixLayout {args} { set w [winfo width $itk_component(hull)] set h [winfo height $itk_component(hull)] set sashw [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(sashbg)] set tabw [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(tabs)] set btnw [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(controls)] set ctrlw [expr {($tabw > $btnw) ? $tabw : $btnw}] if {$_state == "closed"} { set sbarw $ctrlw } else { if {$_width == "auto"} { # pop open to the size of the widest pane set sbarw 0 foreach pname $_panels(all) { set pw [winfo reqwidth $itk_component($pname)] if {$pw > $sbarw} { set sbarw $pw } } set sbarw [expr {$sbarw + $ctrlw + $sashw}] } else { set sbarw $_width } } # don't let the sidebar take up too much of the window area if {$sbarw > 0.75*$w} { set sbarw [expr {int(0.75*$w)}] } set x1 [expr {$w - $sbarw - $sashw}] set x2 [expr {$w - $sbarw}] if { $resizeframe } { set framew $x1 } else { set framew [expr $w - $ctrlw - $sashw] } place $itk_component(frame) -x 0 -y 0 -anchor nw -width $framew -height $h place $itk_component(sashbg) -x $x1 -y 0 -anchor nw -width $sashw -height $h place $itk_component(sidebar) -x $x2 -y 0 -anchor nw \ -width $sbarw -height $h } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -sashpadding # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::SidebarFrame::sashpadding { pack $itk_component(sash) -padx $itk_option(-sashpadding) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -sashcolor # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::SidebarFrame::sashcolor { if {$itk_option(-sashcolor) != ""} { $itk_component(sash) configure -background $itk_option(-sashcolor) } else { $itk_component(sash) configure -background $itk_option(-background) } }