source: branches/1.7/gui/scripts/pager.tcl @ 6231

Last change on this file since 6231 was 6231, checked in by gah, 8 years ago

fix: code to _job(exitcode) in task.tcl, add -nosim configuration option to pager, use -nosim in analyzer to prevent automatically simulating when switching pages

File size: 23.5 KB
1# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3#  COMPONENT: pager - notebook for displaying pages of widgets
5#  This widget is something like a tabbed notebook, but with a little
6#  more flexibility.  Pages can be inserted and deleted, and then shown
7#  in various arrangements.
8# ======================================================================
9#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
10#  Copyright (c) 2004-2012  HUBzero Foundation, LLC
12#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
13#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
14# ======================================================================
15package require Itk
16package require BLT
18option add *Pager.arrangement "pages" widgetDefault
19option add *Pager.width 0 widgetDefault
20option add *Pager.height 0 widgetDefault
21option add *Pager.padding 8 widgetDefault
22option add *Pager.crumbColor black widgetDefault
23option add *Pager.crumbNumberColor white widgetDefault
24option add *Pager.dimCrumbColor gray70 widgetDefault
25option add *Pager.activeCrumbColor blue widgetDefault
26option add *Pager.crumbFont \
27    -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-* widgetDefault
29blt::bitmap define Pager-arrow {
30#define arrow_width 9
31#define arrow_height 9
32static unsigned char arrow_bits[] = {
33   0x10, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01, 0xff, 0x00,
34   0x70, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00};
37itcl::class Rappture::Pager {
38    inherit itk::Widget
40    itk_option define -width width Width 0
41    itk_option define -height height Height 0
42    itk_option define -padding padding Padding 0
43    itk_option define -crumbcolor crumbColor Foreground ""
44    itk_option define -crumbnumbercolor crumbNumberColor Foreground ""
45    itk_option define -crumbfont crumbFont Font ""
46    itk_option define -dimcrumbcolor dimCrumbColor DimForeground ""
47    itk_option define -activecrumbcolor activeCrumbColor ActiveForeground ""
48    itk_option define -arrangement arrangement Arrangement ""
50    constructor {args} { # defined below }
52    public method insert {pos args}
53    public method delete {first {last ""}}
54    public method index {name}
55    public method page {args}
56    public method current {args}
58    public method busy { bool }
60    protected method _layout {}
61    protected method _fixSize {}
62    protected method _drawCrumbs {how}
64    private variable _counter 0      ;# counter for page names
65    private variable _dispatcher ""  ;# dispatcher for !events
66    private variable _pages ""       ;# list of known pages
67    private variable _page2info      ;# maps page name => -frame,-title,-command
68    private variable _current ""     ;# page currently shown
69    public variable nosim 0
72itk::usual Pager {
75# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
77# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
78itcl::body Rappture::Pager::constructor {args} {
79    Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher
80    $_dispatcher register !layout
81    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !layout "[itcl::code $this _layout]; list"
82    $_dispatcher register !fixsize
83    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !fixsize "[itcl::code $this _fixSize]; list"
85    itk_component add controls {
86        frame $itk_interior.cntls
87    }
89    itk_component add next {
90        button $itk_component(controls).next -text "Next >" \
91            -command [itcl::code $this current next>]
92    }
93    pack $itk_component(next) -side right
95    itk_component add back {
96        button $itk_component(controls).back -text "< Back" \
97            -command [itcl::code $this current <back]
98    }
99    pack $itk_component(back) -side left
101    set font [$itk_component(next) cget -font]
102    set ht [font metrics $font -linespace]
103    itk_component add breadcrumbarea {
104        frame $itk_interior.bcarea
105    }
106    itk_component add breadcrumbs {
107        canvas $itk_component(breadcrumbarea).breadcrumbs \
108            -width 10 -height [expr {$ht+2}]
109    }
110    pack $itk_component(breadcrumbs) -side left -expand yes -fill both \
111        -padx 8 -pady 8
113    itk_component add line {
114        frame $itk_interior.line -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
115    }
118    itk_component add inside {
119        frame $itk_interior.inside
120    }
121    pack $itk_component(inside) -expand yes -fill both
122    pack propagate $itk_component(inside) no
124    eval itk_initialize $args
125    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
128# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
129# USAGE: insert <pos> ?-name <name>? ?-title <label>? ?-command <str>?
131# Clients use this to insert a new page into this pager.  The page is
132# inserted into the list at position <pos>, which can be an integer
133# starting from 0 or the keyword "end".  The optional <name> can be
134# used to identify the page.  If it is not supplied, a name is created
135# for the page.  The -title and -command are other values associated
136# with the page.
138# Returns the name used to identify the page.
139# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
140itcl::body Rappture::Pager::insert {pos args} {
141    if {"end" == $pos} {
142        set pos [llength $_pages]
143    } elseif {![string is integer $pos]} {
144        error "bad index \"$pos\": should be integer or \"end\""
145    }
147    Rappture::getopts args params {
148        value -name page#auto
149        value -title "Page #auto"
150        value -command ""
151    }
152    if {[llength $args] > 0} {
153        error "wrong # args: should be \"insert pos ?-name n? ?-title t? ?-command c?\""
154    }
156    incr _counter
157    if {$_counter > 1} {
158        set subst "#$_counter"
159    } else {
160        set subst ""
161    }
162    if {[regexp {#auto} $params(-name)]} {
163        regsub -all {#auto} $params(-name) $subst params(-name)
164    }
165    if {[regexp {#auto} $params(-title)]} {
166        regsub -all {#auto} $params(-title) $subst params(-title)
167    }
169    # allocate the page
170    if {[info exists _page2info($params(-name)-frame)]} {
171        error "page \"$params(-name)\" already exists"
172    }
173    set win $itk_component(inside).page$_counter
174    frame $win
175    set _page2info($params(-name)-frame) $win
176    set _page2info($params(-name)-title) $params(-title)
177    set _page2info($params(-name)-command) $params(-command)
178    set _pages [linsert $_pages $pos $params(-name)]
180    bind $win <Configure> \
181        [itcl::code $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize]
183    # the number of pages affects the arrangment -- force an update
184    configure -arrangement $itk_option(-arrangement)
186    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
188    return $params(-name)
191# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
192# USAGE: delete <first> ?<last>?
194# Clients use this to delete one or more pages from this widget.
195# The <first> and <last> represent the integer index of the desired
196# page.  You can use the "index" method to convert a page name to
197# its integer index.  If only <first> is specified, then that one
198# page is deleted.  If <last> is specified, then all pages in the
199# range <first> to <last> are deleted.
200# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
201itcl::body Rappture::Pager::delete {first {last ""}} {
202    if {$last == ""} {
203        set last $first
204    }
205    if {![regexp {^[0-9]+|end$} $first]} {
206        error "bad index \"$first\": should be integer or \"end\""
207    }
208    if {![regexp {^[0-9]+|end$} $last]} {
209        error "bad index \"$last\": should be integer or \"end\""
210    }
212    foreach name [lrange $_pages $first $last] {
213        if {[info exists _page2info($name-frame)]} {
214            destroy $_page2info($name-frame)
215            unset _page2info($name-frame)
216            unset _page2info($name-title)
217            unset _page2info($name-command)
218        }
219    }
220    set _pages [lreplace $_pages $first $last]
222    # the number of pages affects the arrangment -- force an update
223    configure -arrangement $itk_option(-arrangement)
225    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
228# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
229# USAGE: index <name>|@n
231# Clients use this to convert a page <name> into its corresponding
232# integer index.  Returns an error if the <name> is not recognized.
233# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
234itcl::body Rappture::Pager::index {name} {
235    set i [lsearch $_pages $name]
236    if {$i >= 0} {
237        return $i
238    }
239    if {[regexp {^@([0-9]+)$} $name match i]} {
240        return $i
241    }
242    error "bad page name \"$name\": should be @int or one of [join [lsort $_pages] {, }]"
245# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
246# USAGE: page
247# USAGE: page <name>|@n ?-frame|-title|-command? ?<newvalue>?
249# Clients use this to get information about pages.  With no args, it
250# returns a list of all page names.  Otherwise, it returns the
251# requested information for a page specified by its <name> or index
252# @n.  By default, it returns the -frame for the page, but it can
253# also return the -title and -command.  The -title and -command
254# can also be set to a <newvalue>.
255# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
256itcl::body Rappture::Pager::page {args} {
257    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
258        return $_pages
259    }
260    set i [index [lindex $args 0]]
261    set name [lindex $_pages $i]
263    set args [lrange $args 1 end]
264    Rappture::getopts args params {
265        flag what -frame default
266        flag what -title
267        flag what -command
268    }
270    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
271        set opt $params(what)
272        return $_page2info($name$opt)
273    } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
274        set val [lindex $args 0]
275        if {$params(-title)} {
276            set _page2info($name-title) $val
277        } elseif {$params(-command)} {
278            set _page2info($name-command) $val
279        }
280    } else {
281        error "wrong # args: should be \"page ?which? ?-frame|-title|-command? ?newvalue?\""
282    }
285# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
286# USAGE: current ?<name>|next>|<back?
288# Used to query/set the current page in the notebook.  With no args,
289# it returns the name of the current page.  Otherwise, it sets the
290# current page.  The special token "next>" is used to set the pager
291# to the next logical page, and "<back" sets to the previous.
292# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
293itcl::body Rappture::Pager::current {args} {
294    switch -- [llength $args] {
295        0 {
296            return $_current
297        }
298        1 {
299            if {$itk_option(-arrangement) != "pages"} {
300                return ""
301            }
302            set name [lindex $args 0]
303            set index 0
304            if {$name == "next>"} {
305                if {$_current == ""} {
306                    set index 0
307                } else {
308                    set i [lsearch -exact $_pages $_current]
309                    set index [expr {$i+1}]
310                    if {$index >= [llength $_pages]} {
311                        set index [expr {[llength $_pages]-1}]
312                    }
313                }
314                set _current [lindex $_pages $index]
315            } elseif {$name == "<back"} {
316                if {$_current == ""} {
317                    set index end
318                } else {
319                    set i [lsearch -exact $_pages $_current]
320                    set index [expr {$i-1}]
321                    if {$index < 0} {
322                        set index 0
323                    }
324                }
325                set _current [lindex $_pages $index]
326            } else {
327                if {$name == ""} {
328                    set _current ""
329                    set index 0
330                } else {
331                    set index [lsearch -exact $_pages $name]
332                    if {$index < 0} {
333                        error "can't move to page \"$name\""
334                    }
335                    set _current [lindex $_pages $index]
336                }
337            }
339            foreach w [pack slaves $itk_component(inside)] {
340                pack forget $w
341            }
342            if {$_current != ""} {
343                pack $_page2info($_current-frame) -expand yes -fill both \
344                    -padx $itk_option(-padding) -pady $itk_option(-padding)
345            }
347            if {$index == 0} {
348                pack forget $itk_component(back)
349            } else {
350                set prev [expr {$index-1}]
351                if {$prev >= 0} {
352                    set label "< [page @$prev -title]"
353                } else {
354                    set label "< Back"
355                }
356                $itk_component(back) configure -text $label
357                pack $itk_component(back) -side left
358            }
359            if {$index == [expr {[llength $_pages]-1}]} {
360                pack forget $itk_component(next)
361            } else {
362                set next [expr {$index+1}]
363                if {$next <= [llength $_pages]} {
364                    set label "[page @$next -title] >"
365                } else {
366                    set label "Next >"
367                }
368                $itk_component(next) configure -text $label
369                pack $itk_component(next) -side right
370            }
371            _drawCrumbs current
373            #
374            # If this new page has a command associated with it, then
375            # invoke it now.
376            #
377            if {"" != $_current && !$nosim &&
378                  [string length $_page2info($_current-command)] > 0} {
379                uplevel #0 $_page2info($_current-command)
380            }
381        }
382        default {
383            error "wrong # args: should be \"current name|next>|<back\""
384        }
385    }
388# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
389# USAGE: _layout
391# Used internally to fix the current page management whenever pages
392# are added or deleted, or when the page arrangement changes.
393# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
394itcl::body Rappture::Pager::_layout {} {
395    if {$itk_option(-arrangement) == "pages"} {
396        if {$_current == ""} {
397            set _current [lindex $_pages 0]
398            if {$_current != ""} {
399                current $_current
400            }
401        }
402        _drawCrumbs all
403    }
406# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
407# USAGE: _fixSize
409# Invoked automatically whenever a page changes size or the -width
410# or -height options change.  When the -width/-height are zero, this
411# method computes the minimum size needed to accommodate all pages.
412# Otherwise, it passes the size request onto the hull.
413# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
414itcl::body Rappture::Pager::_fixSize {} {
415    set sw [expr {[winfo screenwidth $itk_component(hull)]-200}]
416    set sh [expr {[winfo screenheight $itk_component(hull)]-200}]
418    update  ;# force layout changes so sizes are correct
419    switch -- $itk_option(-arrangement) {
420        pages {
421            if {$itk_option(-width) <= 0} {
422                set maxw [expr {
423                    [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(next)]
424                    + 10
425                    + [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(back)]}]
427                foreach name $_pages {
428                    set w [winfo reqwidth $_page2info($name-frame)]
429                    if {$w > $maxw} { set maxw $w }
430                }
431                set maxw [expr {$maxw + 2*$itk_option(-padding)}]
432                if {$maxw > $sw} { set maxw $sw }
433                $itk_component(inside) configure -width $maxw
434            } else {
435                $itk_component(inside) configure -width $itk_option(-width)
436            }
438            if {$itk_option(-height) <= 0} {
439                set maxh 0
440                foreach name $_pages {
441                    set h [winfo reqheight $_page2info($name-frame)]
442                    if {$h > $maxh} { set maxh $h }
443                }
444                set maxh [expr {$maxh + 2*$itk_option(-padding)}]
445                if {$maxh > $sh} { set maxh $sh }
446                $itk_component(inside) configure -height $maxh
447            } else {
448                $itk_component(inside) configure -height $itk_option(-height)
449            }
450        }
451        side-by-side {
452            if {$itk_option(-width) <= 0} {
453                set maxw [expr {
454                    [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(next)]
455                    + 10
456                    + [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(back)]}]
458                set wtotal 0
459                foreach name $_pages {
460                    set w [winfo reqwidth $_page2info($name-frame)]
461                    set wtotal [expr {$wtotal + $w + 2*$itk_option(-padding)}]
462                }
463                if {$wtotal > $maxw} { set maxw $wtotal }
464                if {$maxw > $sw} { set maxw $sw }
465                $itk_component(inside) configure -width $maxw
466            } else {
467                $itk_component(inside) configure -width $itk_option(-width)
468            }
470            if {$itk_option(-height) <= 0} {
471                set maxh 0
472                foreach name $_pages {
473                    set h [winfo reqheight $_page2info($name-frame)]
474                    if {$h > $maxh} { set maxh $h }
475                }
476                set maxh [expr {$maxh + 2*$itk_option(-padding)}]
477                if {$maxh > $sh} { set maxh $sh }
478                $itk_component(inside) configure -height $maxh
479            } else {
480                $itk_component(inside) configure -height $itk_option(-height)
481            }
482        }
483    }
486# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
487# OPTION: -arrangement
488# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
489itcl::configbody Rappture::Pager::arrangement {
490    switch -- $itk_option(-arrangement) {
491        pages {
492            pack forget $itk_component(inside)
493            pack $itk_component(controls) -side bottom -fill x -padx 60 -pady 8
494            pack $itk_component(breadcrumbarea) -side top -fill x
495            pack $itk_component(line) -side top -fill x
496            pack $itk_component(inside) -expand yes -fill both
497            current [lindex $_pages 0]
498        }
499        side-by-side {
500            pack forget $itk_component(controls)
501            pack forget $itk_component(line)
502            pack forget $itk_component(breadcrumbarea)
504            foreach w [pack slaves $itk_component(inside)] {
505                pack forget $w
506            }
507            foreach name $_pages {
508                pack $_page2info($name-frame) -side left \
509                    -expand yes -fill both \
510                    -padx $itk_option(-padding) -pady $itk_option(-padding)
511            }
512        }
513        default {
514            error "bad value \"$itk_option(-arrangement)\": should be pages or side-by-side"
515        }
516    }
517    $_dispatcher event -now !fixsize
520# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
521# OPTION: -width
522# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
523itcl::configbody Rappture::Pager::width {
524    $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize
527# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
528# OPTION: -height
529# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
530itcl::configbody Rappture::Pager::height {
531    $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize
534# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
535# OPTION: -padding
536# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
537itcl::configbody Rappture::Pager::padding {
538    if {$_current != ""} {
539        pack $_page2info($_current-frame) -expand yes -fill both \
540            -padx $itk_option(-padding) -pady $itk_option(-padding)
541    }
542    $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize
545# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
546# USAGE: _drawCrumbs all|current
548# Invoked automatically whenever the pages change.  The value "all"
549# signifies that the number of pages has changed, so all should be
550# redrawn.  The value "current" means that the current page has
551# changed, so there is just a simple color change.
552# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
553itcl::body Rappture::Pager::_drawCrumbs {how} {
554    set c $itk_component(breadcrumbs)
555    set fnt $itk_option(-crumbfont)
557    switch -- $how {
558        all {
559            $c delete all
561            set x 0
562            set y [expr {[winfo reqheight $c]/2}]
563            set last [lindex $_pages end]
565            set num 1
566            foreach name $_pages {
567                set ht [expr {[font metrics $fnt -linespace]+2}]
568                set id [$c create oval $x [expr {$y-$ht/2}] \
569                    [expr {$x+$ht}] [expr {$y+$ht/2}] \
570                    -outline "" -fill $itk_option(-dimcrumbcolor) \
571                    -tags $name]
572                set id [$c create text [expr {$x+$ht/2}] [expr {$y+1}] \
573                    -text $num -fill $itk_option(-crumbnumbercolor) \
574                    -tags [list $name $name-num]]
575                set x [expr {$x + $ht+2}]
577                set id [$c create text $x [expr {$y+1}] -anchor w \
578                    -text [page $name -title] -font $fnt -tags $name]
580                $c bind $name <Enter> [itcl::code $this _drawCrumbs active]
581                $c bind $name <Leave> [itcl::code $this _drawCrumbs current]
582                $c bind $name <ButtonPress> [itcl::code $this current $name]
584                foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox $id] break
585                set x [expr {$x + ($x1-$x0)+6}]
587                if {$name != $last} {
588                    set id [$c create bitmap $x $y -anchor w \
589                        -bitmap Pager-arrow \
590                        -foreground $itk_option(-dimcrumbcolor)]
591                    foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox $id] break
592                    set x [expr {$x + ($x1-$x0)+6}]
593                }
595                incr num
596            }
598            # fix the scrollregion in case we go off screen
599            $c configure -scrollregion [$c bbox all]
601            _drawCrumbs current
602        }
603        current {
604            # make all crumbs dim
605            foreach name $_pages {
606                $c itemconfigure $name \
607                    -fill $itk_option(-dimcrumbcolor)
608                $c itemconfigure $name-num \
609                    -fill $itk_option(-crumbnumbercolor)
610            }
612            # make all the current crumb bright
613            if {$_current != ""} {
614                $c itemconfigure $_current \
615                    -fill $itk_option(-crumbcolor)
616                $c itemconfigure $_current-num \
617                    -fill $itk_option(-crumbnumbercolor)
619                # scroll the view to see the crumb
620                if {[$c bbox $_current] != ""} {
621                    foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox $_current] break
622                    foreach {xm0 ym0 xm1 ym1} [$c bbox all] break
623                    set xm [expr {double($x0)/($xm1-$xm0)}]
624                    $c xview moveto $xm
625                }
626            } else {
627                $c xview moveto 0
628            }
629        }
630        active {
631            foreach tag [$c gettags current] {
632                if {[lsearch -exact $_pages $tag] >= 0} {
633                    $c itemconfigure $tag -fill $itk_option(-activecrumbcolor)
634                    $c itemconfigure $tag-num -fill white
635                }
636            }
637        }
638    }
642# busy --
644#       If true (this indicates a simulation is occurring), the widget
645#       should prevent the user from
646#               1) clicking an item previous in the breadcrumbs, and
647#               2) using the "back" button.
649itcl::body Rappture::Pager::busy { bool } {
650    if { $bool } {
651        blt::busy hold $itk_component(breadcrumbs)
652        $itk_component(back) configure -state disabled
653    } else {
654        blt::busy release $itk_component(breadcrumbs)
655        $itk_component(back) configure -state normal
656    }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.