source: branches/blt4/gui/scripts/drawingentry.tcl @ 2988

Last change on this file since 2988 was 2988, checked in by gah, 12 years ago

additions for drawing entry

File size: 24.2 KB
2# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3#  COMPONENT: DrawingEntry - widget for entering numeric values
5#  This widget represents a <number> entry on a control panel.
6#  It is used to enter numeric values.
7# ======================================================================
8#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
9#  Copyright (c) 2004-2005  Purdue Research Foundation
11#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
12#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
13# ======================================================================
14package require Itk
16itcl::class Rappture::DrawingEntry {
17    inherit itk::Widget
18    itk_option define -state state State "normal"
20    private variable _canvasHeight 0
21    private variable _canvasWidth 0
22    private variable _cname2controls
23    private variable _cname2id
24    private variable _cname2image
25    private variable _drawingHeight 0
26    private variable _drawingWidth 0
27    private variable _owner
28    private variable _path
29    private variable _showing ""
30    private variable _xAspect 0
31    private variable _xMin 0
32    private variable _xOffset 0
33    private variable _xScale 1.0
34    private variable _yAspect 0
35    private variable _yMin 0
36    private variable _yOffset 0
37    private variable _yScale 1.0
39    constructor {owner path args} { # defined below }
41    public method value { args }
42    public method label {}
43    public method tooltip {}
45    private method AdjustDrawingArea { xAspect yAspect }
46    private method Highlight { tag }
47    private method ParseDescription {}
48    private method ParseGrid { cpath cname }
49    private method ParseHotspot { cpath cname }
50    private method ParseLine { cpath cname }
51    private method ParseOval { cpath cname }
52    private method ParsePicture { cpath cname }
53    private method ParsePolygon { cpath cname }
54    private method ParseRectangle { cpath cname }
55    private method ParseScreenCoordinates { values }
56    private method ParseBackground {}
57    private method ParseSubstitutions {}
58    private method ParseText { cpath cname }
59    private method Redraw {}
60    private method ScreenCoords { coords }
61    private method ScreenX { x }
62    private method ScreenY { y }
63    private method Activate { tag }
64    private method Deactivate { tag }
65    private method Invoke { name x y }
68itk::usual DrawingEntry {
69    keep -cursor -font
70    keep -foreground -background
71    keep -textbackground
72    keep -selectbackground -selectforeground -selectborderwidth
75# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
77# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
78itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::constructor {owner path args} {
79    if {[catch {$owner isa Rappture::ControlOwner} valid] != 0 || !$valid} {
80        error "bad object \"$owner\": should be Rappture::ControlOwner"
81    }
82    set _path $path
83    set _owner $owner
84    #
85    # Display the current drawing.
86    #
87    itk_component add drawing {
88        canvas $itk_interior.canvas -background white -relief sunken -bd 1
89    } {
90        ignore -background
91    }
92    pack $itk_component(drawing) -expand yes -fill both
93    bind $itk_component(drawing) <Configure> [itcl::code $this Redraw]
94    Redraw
95    eval itk_initialize $args
98# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
99# USAGE: label
101# Clients use this to query the label associated with this widget.
102# Reaches into the XML and pulls out the appropriate label string.
103# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
104itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::label {} {
105return ""
106    set label [$_owner xml get $_path.about.label]
107    if {"" == $label} {
108        set label "Drawing"
109    }
110    return $label
113# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
114# USAGE: tooltip
116# Clients use this to query the tooltip associated with this widget.
117# Reaches into the XML and pulls out the appropriate description
118# string.  Returns the string that should be used with the
119# Rappture::Tooltip facility.
120# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
121itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::tooltip {} {
122return ""
123    set str [$_owner xml get $_path.about.description]
124    return [string trim $str]
127# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
129# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
130itcl::configbody Rappture::DrawingEntry::state {
131    set valid {normal disabled}
132    if {[lsearch -exact $valid $itk_option(-state)] < 0} {
133        error "bad value \"$itk_option(-state)\": should be [join $valid {, }]"
134    }
137itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::Redraw {} {
138    # Remove exists canvas items and hints
139    $itk_component(drawing) delete all
140    # Delete any images that we created.
141    foreach name [array names _cname2image] {
142        image delete $_cname2image($name)
143    }
144    # Recompute the size of the canvas/drawing area
145    set _canvasWidth [winfo width $itk_component(drawing)]
146    if { $_canvasWidth < 2 } {
147        set _canvasWidth [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(drawing)]
148    }
149    set _canvasHeight [winfo height $itk_component(drawing)]
150    if { $_canvasHeight < 2 } {
151        set _canvasHeight [winfo reqheight $itk_component(drawing)]
152    }
153    set _drawingWidth $_canvasWidth
154    set _drawingHeight $_canvasHeight
155    set _xOffset 0
156    set _yOffset 0
157    ParseDescription
161# ParseDescription --
163itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseDescription {} {
164    #puts stderr "ParseDescription owner=$_owner path=$_path"
165    ParseBackground
166    ParseSubstitutions
167    foreach cname [$_owner xml children $_path.components] {
168        switch -glob -- $cname {
169            "line*" {
170                ParseLine $_path.components.$cname $cname
171            }
172            "grid*" {
173                ParseGrid $_path.components.$cname $cname
174            }
175            "text*" {
176                ParseText $_path.components.$cname $cname
177            }
178            "picture*" {
179                ParsePicture $_path.components.$cname $cname
180            }
181            "rectangle*" {
182                ParseRectangle $_path.components.$cname $cname
183            }
184            "oval*" {
185                ParseOval $_path.components.$cname $cname
186            }
187            "polygon*" {
188                ParsePolygon $_path.components.$cname $cname
189            }
190            "hotspot*" {
191                ParseHotspot $_path.components.$cname $cname
192            }
193        }
194    }
198# ParseGrid --
200itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseGrid { cpath cname } {
201    #puts stderr "ParseGrid owner=$_owner cpath=$cpath"
202    array set attr2option {
203        "linewidth"     "-width"
204        "arrow"         "-arrow"
205        "dash"          "-dash"
206        "color"         "-fill"
207    }
208    # Set default options first and then let tool.xml override them.
209    array set options {
210        -arrow          none
211        -width          0
212        -fill           black
213        -dash           ""
214    }
215    # Coords
216    set xcoords [$_owner xml get $cpath.xcoords]
217    set xcoords [string trim $xcoords]
218    set ycoords [$_owner xml get $cpath.ycoords]
219    set ycoords [string trim $ycoords]
220    if { $ycoords == "" } {
221        set ycoords "0 1"
222        set ymax 1
223        set ymin 0
224    } else {
225        set list {}
226        set ymax -10000
227        set ymin 10000
228        foreach c $ycoords {
229            set y [ScreenY $c]
230            if { $y > $ymax } {
231                set ymax $y
232            }
233            if { $y < $ymin } {
234                set ymin $y
235            }
236            lappend list $y
237        }
238        set ycoords $list
239    }
240    if { $xcoords == "" } {
241        set xcoords "0 1"
242        set xmax 1
243        set xmin 0
244    } else {
245        set list {}
246        set xmax -10000
247        set xmin 10000
248        foreach c $xcoords {
249            set x [ScreenX $c]
250            if { $x > $xmax } {
251                set xmax $x
252            }
253            if { $x < $xmin } {
254                set xmin $x
255            }
256            lappend list $x
257        }
258        set xcoords $list
259    }
260    #puts stderr "ParseGrid owner=$_owner cpath=$cpath xcoords=$xcoords ycoords=$ycoords"
261    set list {}
262    foreach attr [$_owner xml children $cpath] {
263        if { [info exists attr2option($attr)] } {
264            set option $attr2option($attr)
265            set value [$_owner xml get $cpath.$attr]
266            set options($option) $value
267        }
268    }
269    set options(-tags) $cname
270    foreach y $ycoords {
271        lappend ids \
272            [eval $itk_component(drawing) create line $xmin $y $xmax $y \
273                 [array get options]]
274    }
275    foreach x $xcoords {
276        lappend ids \
277            [eval $itk_component(drawing) create line $x $ymin $x $ymax \
278                 [array get options]]
279    }
280    set _cname2id($cname) $ids
284# ParseHotspot --
286itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseHotspot { cpath cname } {
287    array set attr2option {
288        "color" "-fill"
289        "anchor" "-anchor"
290    }
291    #puts stderr "ParseHotspot owner=$_owner cpath=$cpath"
292    # Set default options first and then let tool.xml override them.
293    array set options {
294        -fill red
295        -anchor c
296    }
297    array unset _cname2controls $cname
298    foreach attr [$_owner xml children $cpath] {
299        if { [info exists attr2option($attr)] } {
300            set option $attr2option($attr)
301            set value [$_owner xml get $cpath.$attr]
302            set options($option) $value
303        } elseif { [string match "controls*" $attr] } {
304            set value [$_owner xml get $cpath.$attr]
305            lappend _cname2controls($cname) $value
306        }
307    }
308    # Coordinates
309    set coords [$_owner xml get $cpath.coords]
310    set coords [ScreenCoords $coords]
311    if { $coords == "" } {
312        set coords "0 0 1 1"
313    }
314    set c $itk_component(drawing)
315    set img [image create picture -file ~/Resize-Handle.png]
316    foreach { x1 y1 } $coords break
317    set id [$itk_component(drawing) create image $x1 $y1]
318    array unset options -fill
319    set options(-tags) $cname
320    set options(-image) $img
321    eval $c itemconfigure $id [array get options]
322    set _cname2id($cname) $id
323    set _cname2image($cname) $img
324    #$c bind $id <Enter> [itcl::code $this Activate $cname]
325    #$c bind $id <Leave> [itcl::code $this Deactivate $cname]
326    #$c bind $id <ButtonPress-1> [itcl::code $this Depress $cname]
327    $c bind $id <ButtonRelease-1> [itcl::code $this Invoke $cname $x1 $y1]
331# ParseLine --
333itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseLine { cpath cname } {
334    array set attr2option {
335        "linewidth"     "-width"
336        "arrow"         "-arrow"
337        "dash"          "-dash"
338        "color"         "-fill"
339    }
340    # Set default options first and then let tool.xml override them.
341    array set options {
342        -arrow          none
343        -width          0
344        -fill           black
345        -dash           ""
346    }
347    # Coords
348    set coords {}
349    set coords [$_owner xml get $cpath.coords]
350    set coords [string trim $coords]
351    if { $coords == "" } {
352        set coords "0 0"
353    } else {
354        set coords [ScreenCoords $coords]
355    }
356    #puts stderr "ParseLine owner=$_owner cpath=$cpath coords=$coords"
357    set list {}
358    foreach attr [$_owner xml children $cpath] {
359        if { [info exists attr2option($attr)] } {
360            set option $attr2option($attr)
361            set value [$_owner xml get $cpath.$attr]
362            set options($option) $value
363        }
364    }
365    set options(-tags) $cname
366    set id [eval $itk_component(drawing) create line $coords]
367    set _cname2id($cname) $id
368    eval $itk_component(drawing) itemconfigure $id [array get options]
372# ParseOval --
374itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseOval { cpath cname } {
375    array set attr2option {
376        "outline"       "-outline"
377        "fill"          "-fill"
378        "linewidth"     "-linewidth"
379    }
380    #puts stderr "ParseOval owner=$_owner cpath=$cpath"
382    # Set default options first and then let tool.xml override them.
383    array set options {
384        -fill blue
385        -linewidth 1
386        -outline black
387    }
388    foreach attr [$_owner xml children $cpath] {
389        if { [info exists attr2option($attr)] } {
390            set option $attr2option($attr)
391            set value [$_owner xml get $cpath.$attr]
392            set options($option) $value
393        }
394    }
395    # Coordinates
396    set coords {}
397    set coords [$_owner xml get $cpath.coords]
398    set coords [string trim $coords]
399    if { $coords == "" } {
400        set coords "0 0 1 1"
401    }
402    foreach { x1 y1 x2 y2 } [ScreenCoords $coords] break
403    set id [eval $itk_component(drawing) create oval $coords]
404    set _cname2id($cname) $id
408# ParsePicture --
410itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParsePicture { cpath cname } {
411    array set attr2option {
412        "anchor"        "-anchor"
413    }
414    #puts stderr "ParsePicture owner=$_owner cpath=$cpath"
415    # Set default options first and then let tool.xml override them.
416    array set options {
417        -anchor nw
418    }
419    foreach attr [$_owner xml children $cpath] {
420        if { [info exists attr2option($attr)] } {
421            set option $attr2option($attr)
422            set value [$_owner xml get $cpath.$attr]
423            set options($option) $value
424        }
425    }
426    # Coordinates
427    set coords {}
428    set coords [$_owner xml get $cpath.coords]
429    set coords [ScreenCoords $coords]
430    if { [llength $coords] == 2 } {
431        foreach { x1 y1 } $coords break
432        set w [$_owner xml get $cpath.width]
433        if { $w == "" || ![string is number $w] || $w <= 0.0 } {
434            set width [expr [image width $img] / 4]
435        } else {
436            set width [expr [ScreenX $w] - [ScreenX 0]]
437        }
438        set h [$_owner xml get $cpath.height]
439        if { $h == "" || ![string is number $h] || $h <= 0.0 } {
440            set height [expr [image height $img] / 4]
441        } else {
442            set height [expr [ScreenY $h] - [ScreenY 0]]
443        }
444        if { $width != [image width $img] || $height != [image height $img] } {
445            set dst [image create picture -width $width -height $height]
446            $dst resample $img -filter box
447            image delete $img
448            set img $dst
449        }
450    } elseif { [llength $coords] == 4 } {
451        foreach { x1 y1 x2 y2 } $coords break
452        if { $x1 > $x2 } {
453            set tmp $x1
454            set x1 $x2
455            set x2 $tmp
456        }
457        if { $y1 > $y2 } {
458            set tmp $x1
459            set x1 $x2
460            set x2 $tmp
461        }
462        set width [expr $x2 - $x1 + 1]
463        set height [expr $x2 - $x1 + 1]
464        if { $width != [image width $img] || $height != [image height $img] } {
465            set dst [image create picture -width $width -height $height]
466            $dst resample $img -filter box
467            image delete $img
468            set img $dst
469        }
470    } else {
471        set width [expr [image width $img] / 4]
472        set height [expr [image height $img] / 4]
473        set dst [image create picture -width $width -height $height]
474        $dst resample $img -filter box
475        image delete $img
476        set img $dst
477        set x1 0
478        set y1 0
479    }
480    set contents [$_owner xml get $cpath.contents]
481    if { [string compare -length 5 $contents "file:"] } {
482        set fileName [string range $contents 5 end]
483        set img [image create picture -file $fileName]
484    } elseif { [string compare -length 5 $contents "http:"] } {
485        puts stderr  "don't know how to handle http"
486    } else {
487        set img [image create picture -data $contents]
488    }
489    set options(-tags) $cname
490    set options(-image) $img
491    set id [eval $itk_component(drawing) create oval $coords]
492    set _cname2image($cname) $img
493    set _cname2id($cname) $id
494    eval $itk_component(drawing) itemconfigure $id [array get options]
498itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParsePolygon { cpath cname } {
499    array set attr2option {
500        "linewidth"     "-width"
501        "arrow"         "-arrow"
502        "color"         "-fill"
503    }
504    # Set default options first and then let tool.xml override them.
505    array set options {
506        -arrow          none
507        -width          0
508        -fill           black
509    }
510    # Coords
511    set coords {}
512    set coords [$_owner xml get $cpath.coords]
513    set coords [string trim $coords]
514    if { $coords == "" } {
515        set coords "0 0"
516    } else {
517        set coords [ScreenCoords $coords]
518    }
519    set x1 [lindex $coords 0]
520    set y1 [lindex $coords 1]
521    lappend coords $x1 $y1
522    #puts stderr "ParsePolygon owner=$_owner cpath=$cpath coords=$coords"
523    set list {}
524    foreach attr [$_owner xml children $cpath] {
525        if { [info exists attr2option($attr)] } {
526            set option $attr2option($attr)
527            set value [$_owner xml get $cpath.$attr]
528            set options($option) $value
529        }
530    }
531    set options(-tags) $cname
532    set id [eval $itk_component(drawing) create polygon $coords]
533    set _cname2id($cname) $id
534    eval $itk_component(drawing) itemconfigure $id [array get options]
538# ParseRectangle --
540itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseRectangle { cpath cname } {
541    array set attr2option {
542        "outline"       "-outline"
543        "fill"          "-fill"
544        "linewidth"     "-linewidth"
545    }
546    #puts stderr "ParseRectangle owner=$_owner cpath=$cpath"
548    # Set default options first and then let tool.xml override them.
549    array set options {
550        -fill blue
551        -linewidth 1
552        -outline black
553    }
554    foreach attr [$_owner xml children $cpath] {
555        if { [info exists attr2option($attr)] } {
556            set option $attr2option($attr)
557            set value [$_owner xml get $cpath.$attr]
558            set options($option) $value
559        }
560    }
561    # Coordinates
562    set coords {}
563    set coords [$_owner xml get $cpath.coords]
564    set coords [string trim $coords]
565    if { $coords == "" } {
566        set coords "0 0 1 1"
567    }
568    foreach { x1 y1 x2 y2 } [ScreenCoords $coords] break
569    set id [eval $itk_component(drawing) create rectangle $coords]
570    set _cname2id($cname) $id
574# ParseText --
576itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseText { cpath cname } {
577    array set attr2option {
578        "font"          "-font"
579        "color"         "-fill"
580        "text"          "-text"
581        "anchor"        "-anchor"
582    }
583    #puts stderr "ParseText owner=$_owner cpath=$cpath"
585    # Set default options first and then let tool.xml override them.
586    array set options {
587        -font {Arial 8}
588        -text {}
589        -fill black
590        -anchor c
591    }
592    foreach attr [$_owner xml children $cpath] {
593        if { [info exists attr2option($attr)] } {
594            set option $attr2option($attr)
595            set value [$_owner xml get $cpath.$attr]
596            set options($option) $value
597        }
598    }
599    # Coords
600    set coords {}
601    set coords [$_owner xml get $cpath.coords]
602    set coords [string trim $coords]
603    if { $coords == "" } {
604        set coords "0 0"
605    } else {
606        set coords [ScreenCoords $coords]
607    }
608    set options(-tags) $cname
609    set id [eval $itk_component(drawing) create text $coords]
610    set _cname2id($cname) $id
611    eval $itk_component(drawing) itemconfigure $id [array get options]
615itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ScreenX { x } {
616    set norm [expr ($x - $_xMin) * $_xScale]
617    set x [expr int($norm * $_drawingWidth) + $_xOffset]
618    return $x
621itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ScreenY { y } {
622    set norm [expr ($y - $_yMin) * $_yScale]
623    set y [expr int($norm * $_drawingHeight) + $_yOffset]
624    return $y
627itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ScreenCoords { coords } {
628    set list {}
629    foreach {x y} $coords {
630        lappend list [ScreenX $x] [ScreenY $y]
631    }
632    return $list
635itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::AdjustDrawingArea { xAspect yAspect } {
636    set _drawingWidth $_canvasWidth
637    set _drawingHeight $_canvasHeight
638    if { $xAspect <= 0 || $yAspect <= 0 } {
639        return
640    }
641    set current [expr double($_canvasWidth) / double($_canvasHeight)]
642    set wanted [expr double($xAspect) / double($yAspect)]
643    if { $current > $wanted } {
644        set sw [ expr int($_canvasWidth * $wanted)]
645        if { $sw < 1 } {
646            set sw 1
647        }
648        set _xOffset [expr $_canvasWidth - $sw]
649        set _drawingWidth $sw
650    } else {
651        set sh [expr int($_canvaseHeight / $wanted)]
652        if { $sh < 1 }  {
653            set sh 1
654        }
655        set _xOffset [expr $_canvasHeight - $sh]
656        set _drawingHeight $sh
657    }
661#      <background>
662#       <!-- background color of the drawing canvas (default white) -->
663#       <color>black</color>
664#       <!-- coordinate system:  x0 y0 ?at screenx screeny? x1 y1
665#                               ?at screenx screeny?
666#            The screenx/screeny values are optional, so you can also say
667#          something like "-.1 0 1.1 1" as you had in your example.
668#          This lets you put the origin at a specific point on screen,
669#          and also define the directions of the axes.  We still compute
670#          the overall bounding box.  In the example below, the bounding
671#          box goes from -1,1 in the upper-left corner to 1,-1 in the
672#          lower right.
673#       -->
674#       <coordinates>0 0 at 50% 50% 1 1 at 100% 100%</coordinates>
676#       <!-- aspect ratio:  scales coordinate system so that pixels may not
677#            be square.  A coordinate system like the one above implies a
678#          square drawing area, since x and y both go from -1 to 1.  But
679#          if you set the aspect to 2:1, you'll get something twice as
680#          wide as it is tall.  This effectively says that x goes from
681#          -1 to 1 in a certain distance, but y goes from -1 to 1 in half
682#          that screen distance.  Default is whatever aspect is defined
683#          by the coordinates.  If x goes 0-3 and y goes 0-1, then the
684#          drawing (without any other aspect ratio) would be 3x wide and
685#          1x tall.  The aspect ratio could be used to force it to be
686#          square instead by setting "1 1" instead.  In that case, x goes
687#          0-3 over the width, and y goes 0-1 over the same screen distance
688#          along the height.
689#       -->
690#       <aspect>2 1</aspect>
691#     </background>
694itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseScreenCoordinates { values } {
695    set len [llength $values]
696    if { $len == 4 } {
697        if { [scan $values "%g %g %g %g" x1 y1 x2 y2] != 4 } {
698            error "bad coordinates specification \"$values\""
699        }
700        set _xScale [expr 1.0 / ($x2 - $x1)]
701        set _yScale [expr 1.0 / ($y2 - $y1)]
702        set _xMin $x1
703        set _yMin $y1
704    } elseif { $len == 10 } {
705        if { [scan $values "%g %g %s %d%% %d%% %g %g %s %d%% %d%%" \
706                  sx1 sy1 at1 x1 y1 sx2 sy2 at2 x2 y2] != 10 } {
707            error "bad coordinates specification \"$values\""
708        }
709        if { $at1 != "at" || $at2 != "at" } {
710            error "bad coordinates specification \"$values\""
711        }           
712        set x1 [expr $x1 / 100.0]
713        set x2 [expr $x2 / 100.0]
714        set y1 [expr $y1 / 100.0]
715        set y2 [expr $y2 / 100.0]
716        set _xScale [expr ($sx2 - $sx1) / ($x2 - $x1)]
717        set _yScale [expr ($sy2 - $sy2) / ($y2 - $y2)]
718        set _xMin $x1
719        set _yMin $y1
720    }
723itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseBackground {} {
724    foreach elem [$_owner xml children $_path.background] {
725        switch -glob -- $elem {
726            "color*" {
727                #  Background color of the drawing canvas (default white)
728                set value [$_owner xml get $_path.background.$elem]
729                $itk_component(drawing) configure -background $value
730            }
731            "aspect*" {
732                set value [$_owner xml get $_path.background.$elem]
733                foreach { xAspect yAspect } $value break
734                AdjustDrawingArea $xAspect $yAspect
735            }
736            "coordinates*" {
737                set value [$_owner xml get $_path.background.$elem]
738                ParseScreenCoordinates $value
739            }
740        }
741    }
744itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseSubstitutions {} {
745    foreach var [$_owner xml children $_path.substitutions] {
746        if { ![string match "variable*" $var] } {
747            continue
748        }
749        set varPath $_path.substitutions.$var
750        foreach elem [$_owner xml children $varPath] {
751            set map ""
752            set name ""
753            set path ""
754            switch -glob -- $elem {
755                #  Background color of the drawing canvas (default white)
756                "name*" {
757                    set name [$_owner xml get $varPath.$elem]
758                }
759                "path*" {
760                    set path [$_owner xml get $varPath.$elem]
761                }
762                "map*" {
763                    set from [$_owner xml get $varPath.$elem.from]
764                    set to [$_owner xml get $varPath.$]
765                    if { $from == "" || $to == "" } {
766                        puts stderr "empty translation in map table \"$varPath\""
767                    }
768                    lappend map $from $to
769                }
770            }
771            if { $name == "" } {
772                puts stderr \
773                    "no name defined for substituion variable \"$varPath\""
774                continue
775            }
776            if { [info exists _name2path($name)] } {
777                puts stderr \
778                    "substitution variable \"$name\" already defined"
779                continue
780            }           
781            set _name2path($name) $path
782            if { $path == "" } {
783                puts stderr \
784                    "no path defined for substituion variable \"$varPath\""
785                continue
786            }
787            set _name2map($name) $map
788        }
789    }
793# Invoke --
795itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::Invoke { cname x y } {
796    set controls $_cname2controls($cname)
797    if { [llength $controls] == 0 } {
798        puts stderr "no controls defined for $cname"
799        return
800    }
801    # Build a popup with the designated controls
802    set popup .drawingentrypopup
803    if { ![winfo exists $popup] } {
804        # Create a popup for the print dialog
805        Rappture::Balloon $popup -title "Change values..."
806        set inner [$popup component inner]
807        Rappture::DrawingControls $inner.controls $_owner \
808            -deactivatecommand [list $popup deactivate]
809        pack $inner.controls -fill both -expand yes
810    } else {
811        set inner [$popup component inner]
812        $inner.controls delete all
813    }
814    foreach path $controls {
815        $inner.controls add $path
816    }
817    update
818    # Activate the popup and call for the output.
819    incr x [winfo rootx $itk_component(drawing)]
820    incr y [winfo rooty $itk_component(drawing)]
822    $popup activate @$x,$y above
826# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
827# USAGE: value ?-check? ?<newval>?
829# Clients use this to query/set the value for this widget.  With
830# no args, it returns the current value for the widget.  If the
831# <newval> is specified, it sets the value of the widget and
832# sends a <<Value>> event.  If the -check flag is included, the
833# new value is not actually applied, but just checked for correctness.
834# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
835itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::value {args} {
836    # drawing entries have no value
837    return ""
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