# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT: gauge - compact readout for real values # # This widget is a readout for a real value. It has a little glyph # filled with color according to the value, followed by a numeric # representation of the value itself. The value can be edited, and # a list of predefined values can be associated with a menu that # drops down from the value. # ====================================================================== # AUTHOR: Michael McLennan, Purdue University # Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ====================================================================== package require Itk package require BLT option add *Gauge.sampleWidth 30 widgetDefault option add *Gauge.sampleHeight 20 widgetDefault option add *Gauge.borderWidth 2 widgetDefault option add *Gauge.relief sunken widgetDefault option add *Gauge.valuePosition "right" widgetDefault option add *Gauge.textBackground #cccccc widgetDefault option add *Gauge.editable yes widgetDefault itcl::class Rappture::Gauge { inherit itk::Widget itk_option define -editable editable Editable "" itk_option define -state state State "normal" itk_option define -spectrum spectrum Spectrum "" itk_option define -type type Type "real" itk_option define -units units Units "" itk_option define -minvalue minValue MinValue "" itk_option define -maxvalue maxValue MaxValue "" itk_option define -presets presets Presets "" itk_option define -valueposition valuePosition ValuePosition "" itk_option define -image image Image "" itk_option define -samplewidth sampleWidth SampleWidth 0 itk_option define -sampleheight sampleHeight SampleHeight 0 itk_option define -log log Log "" itk_option define -varname varname Varname "" itk_option define -label label Label "" itk_option define -validatecommand validateCommand ValidateCommand "" itk_option define -uq uq Uq no constructor {args} { # defined below } public method value {args} public method edit {option} public method bump {delta} protected method _redraw {} protected method _resize {} protected method _hilite {comp state} protected method _editor {option args} protected method _presets {option} protected method _layout {} protected method _log {event args} protected method _change_param_type {choice} protected method _pop_uq {win} protected method _pop_uq_deactivate {} private variable _value 0 ;# value for this widget private variable _mode exact ;# current mode private variable _pde "" ;# ProbDistEditor private variable _val "" ;# value choice combobox private variable uq no blt::bitmap define GaugeArrow { #define arrow_width 9 #define arrow_height 4 static unsigned char arrow_bits[] = { 0x7f, 0x00, 0x3e, 0x00, 0x1c, 0x00, 0x08, 0x00}; } } itk::usual Gauge { keep -cursor -font -foreground -background keep -selectbackground -selectforeground -selectborderwidth } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::constructor {args} { # puts "GAUGE CONS: $args" array set attrs $args itk_option remove hull.borderwidth hull.relief component hull configure -borderwidth 0 itk_component add icon { canvas $itk_interior.icon -width 1 -height 1 \ -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 } { usual ignore -highlightthickness -highlightbackground -highlightcolor ignore -borderwidth -relief } bind $itk_component(icon) [itcl::code $this _redraw] if {[info exists attrs(-uq)]} { set uq $attrs(-uq) if {[string is true $uq]} { set uq 1 itk_component add uq { button $itk_interior.uq -image [Rappture::icon UQ] \ -command [itcl::code $this _pop_uq $itk_interior] } pack $itk_component(uq) -side right -padx 10 } else { set uq 0 } } else { set uq 0 } itk_component add -protected vframe { frame $itk_interior.vframe } { keep -borderwidth -relief } itk_component add value { label $itk_component(vframe).value -width 20 \ -borderwidth 1 -relief flat -textvariable [itcl::scope _value] } { keep -font rename -background -textbackground textBackground Background } pack $itk_component(value) -side left -expand yes -fill both bind $itk_component(value) [itcl::code $this _hilite value on] bind $itk_component(value) [itcl::code $this _hilite value off] bind $itk_component(value) <> [itcl::code $this edit cut] bind $itk_component(value) <> [itcl::code $this edit copy] bind $itk_component(value) <> [itcl::code $this edit paste] itk_component add emenu { menu $itk_component(value).menu -tearoff 0 } { usual ignore -tearoff } $itk_component(emenu) add command -label "Cut" -accelerator "^X" \ -command [list event generate $itk_component(value) <>] $itk_component(emenu) add command -label "Copy" -accelerator "^C" \ -command [list event generate $itk_component(value) <>] $itk_component(emenu) add command -label "Paste" -accelerator "^V" \ -command [list event generate $itk_component(value) <>] bind $itk_component(value) <> \ [itcl::code $this _editor menu %X %Y] itk_component add editor { Rappture::Editor $itk_interior.editor \ -activatecommand [itcl::code $this _editor activate] \ -validatecommand [itcl::code $this _editor validate] \ -applycommand [itcl::code $this _editor apply] } bind $itk_component(value) \ [itcl::code $this _editor popup] itk_component add spinner { frame $itk_component(vframe).spinner } itk_component add spinup { button $itk_component(spinner).up -image [Rappture::icon intplus] \ -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -highlightthickness 0 \ -command [itcl::code $this bump 1] } { usual ignore -borderwidth -highlightthickness rename -background -buttonbackground buttonBackground Background } pack $itk_component(spinup) -side left -expand yes -fill both itk_component add spindn { button $itk_component(spinner).down -image [Rappture::icon intminus] \ -borderwidth 1 -relief raised -highlightthickness 0 \ -command [itcl::code $this bump -1] } { usual ignore -borderwidth -highlightthickness rename -background -buttonbackground buttonBackground Background } pack $itk_component(spindn) -side right -expand yes -fill both itk_component add presets { button $itk_component(vframe).psbtn -bitmap GaugeArrow \ -borderwidth 1 -highlightthickness 0 -relief raised } { usual ignore -borderwidth -relief -highlightthickness } bind $itk_component(presets) [itcl::code $this _hilite presets on] bind $itk_component(presets) [itcl::code $this _hilite presets off] itk_component add presetlist { Rappture::Dropdownlist $itk_component(presets).plist \ -postcommand [itcl::code $this _presets post] \ -unpostcommand [itcl::code $this _presets unpost] \ } bind $itk_component(presetlist) <> \ [itcl::code $this _presets select] $itk_component(presets) configure -command \ [list $itk_component(presetlist) post $itk_component(vframe) left] eval itk_initialize $args } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: value ?-check? ?? # # Clients use this to query/set the value for this widget. With # no args, it returns the current value for the widget. If the # is specified, it sets the value of the widget and # sends a <> event. If the -check flag is included, the # new value is not actually applied, but just checked for correctness. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::value {args} { #puts "Gauge value: $args" # Query. Just return the current value. if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $_value } set i [lsearch -exact $args -check] if {$i >= 0} { set onlycheck 1 set args [lreplace $args $i $i] } else { set onlycheck 0 } if {[llength $args] != 1} { error "wrong # args: should be \"value ?-check? ?newval?\"" } set newval [Rappture::Units::mcheck_range [lindex $args 0] \ $itk_option(-minvalue) $itk_option(-maxvalue) $itk_option(-units)] set newmode [lindex $newval 0] switch -- $newmode { uniform - gaussian { set _mode $newmode } exact - default { set _mode exact } } switch -- $itk_option(-type) { integer { if { [scan $newval "%g" value] != 1 || int($newval) != $value } { error "bad value \"$newval\": should be an integer value" } } } # # If there's a -validatecommand option, then invoke the code # now to check the new value. # if {[string length $itk_option(-validatecommand)] > 0} { set cmd "uplevel #0 [list $itk_option(-validatecommand) [list $newval]]" set result [eval $cmd] } if {$onlycheck} { return } set _value $newval $itk_component(value) configure -width [string length $_value] _redraw event generate $itk_component(hull) <> if {"" != $_pde} { set val [$_val translate [$_val value]] $_val value $_mode $_pde value $_value } return $_value } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: edit cut # USAGE: edit copy # USAGE: edit paste # # Used internally to handle cut/copy/paste operations for the current # value. Usually invoked by <>, <>, <> events, but # can also be called directly through this method. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::edit {option} { if {$itk_option(-state) == "disabled"} { return ;# disabled? then bail out here! } switch -- $option { cut { edit copy _editor popup $itk_component(editor) value "" $itk_component(editor) deactivate } copy { clipboard clear clipboard append $_value } paste { _editor popup $itk_component(editor) value [clipboard get] $itk_component(editor) deactivate } default { error "bad option \"$option\": should be cut, copy, paste" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: bump # # Changes the current value up/down by the value. Used # internally by the up/down spinner buttons when the value is # -type integer. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::bump {delta} { set val $_value if {$val == ""} { set val 0 } if {[catch {value [expr {$val+$delta}]} result]} { if {[regexp {allowed here is (.+)} $result match newval]} { set _value $newval $itk_component(value) configure -text $newval } if {[regexp {^bad.*: +(.)(.+)} $result match first tail] || [regexp {(.)(.+)} $result match first tail]} { set result "[string toupper $first]$tail" } bell Rappture::Tooltip::cue $itk_component(value) $result _log warning $result return 0 } _log input [value] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _redraw # # Used internally to redraw the gauge on the internal canvas based # on the current value and the size of the widget. In this simple # base class, the gauge is drawn as a colored block, with an optional # image in the middle of it. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_redraw {} { set c $itk_component(icon) set w [winfo width $c] set h [winfo height $c] if {"" == [$c find all]} { # first time around, create the items $c create rectangle 0 0 1 1 -outline black -tags block $c create image 0 0 -anchor center -image "" -tags bimage $c create rectangle 0 0 1 1 -outline "" -fill "" -stipple gray50 -tags screen } if {"" != $itk_option(-spectrum)} { set color [$itk_option(-spectrum) get $_value] } else { set color "" } # update the items based on current values $c coords block 0 0 [expr {$w-1}] [expr {$h-1}] $c coords screen 0 0 $w $h $c itemconfigure block -fill $color $c coords bimage [expr {0.5*$w}] [expr {0.5*$h}] if {$itk_option(-state) == "disabled"} { $c itemconfigure screen -fill white } else { $c itemconfigure screen -fill "" } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _resize # # Used internally to resize the internal canvas based on the -image # option or the size of the text. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_resize {} { set w 0 set h 0 if {"" != $itk_option(-image) || "" != $itk_option(-spectrum)} { if {$itk_option(-samplewidth) > 0} { set w $itk_option(-samplewidth) } else { if {$itk_option(-image) != ""} { set w [expr {[image width $itk_option(-image)]+4}] } else { set w [winfo reqheight $itk_component(value)] } } if {$itk_option(-sampleheight) > 0} { set h $itk_option(-sampleheight) } else { if {$itk_option(-image) != ""} { set h [expr {[image height $itk_option(-image)]+4}] } else { set h [winfo reqheight $itk_component(value)] } } } if {$w > 0 && $h > 0} { $itk_component(icon) configure -width $w -height $h } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _hilite # # Used internally to resize the internal canvas based on the -image # option or the size of the text. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_hilite {comp state} { if {$itk_option(-state) == "disabled"} { set state 0 ;# disabled? then don't hilite } if {$comp == "value" && !$itk_option(-editable)} { $itk_component(value) configure -relief flat return } if {$state} { $itk_component($comp) configure -relief flat } else { if {$comp eq "presets"} { $itk_component($comp) configure -relief raised } else { $itk_component($comp) configure -relief flat } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _editor popup # USAGE: _editor activate # USAGE: _editor validate # USAGE: _editor apply # USAGE: _editor menu # # Used internally to handle the various functions of the pop-up # editor for the value of this gauge. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_editor {option args} { # puts "Gauge::editor option=$option args=$args" if {$itk_option(-state) == "disabled"} { return ;# disabled? then bail out here! } switch -- $option { popup { if {$itk_option(-editable)} { $itk_component(editor) activate } } activate { return [list text $_value \ x [winfo rootx $itk_component(value)] \ y [winfo rooty $itk_component(value)] \ w [winfo width $itk_component(value)] \ h [winfo height $itk_component(value)]] } validate { if {[llength $args] != 1} { error "wrong # args: should be \"_editor validate val\"" } set val [lindex $args 0] if {[catch {value -check $val} result]} { if {[regexp {allowed here is (.+)} $result match newval]} { $itk_component(editor) value $newval } if {[regexp {^bad.*: +(.)(.+)} $result match first tail] || [regexp {(.)(.+)} $result match first tail]} { set result "[string toupper $first]$tail" } bell Rappture::Tooltip::cue $itk_component(editor) $result _log warning $result return 0 } } apply { if {[llength $args] != 1} { error "wrong # args: should be \"_editor apply val\"" } set newval [lindex $args 0] value $newval _log input $newval } menu { eval tk_popup $itk_component(emenu) $args } default { error "bad option \"$option\": should be popup, activate, validate, apply, and menu" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _presets post # USAGE: _presets unpost # USAGE: _presets select # # Used internally to handle the list of presets for this gauge. The # post/unpost options are invoked when the list is posted or unposted # to manage the relief of the controlling button. The select option # is invoked whenever there is a selection from the list, to assign # the value back to the gauge. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_presets {option} { switch -- $option { post { set i [$itk_component(presetlist) index $_value] if {$i >= 0} { $itk_component(presetlist) select clear 0 end $itk_component(presetlist) select set $i } after 10 [list $itk_component(presets) configure -relief sunken] } unpost { $itk_component(presets) configure -relief raised } select { set val [$itk_component(presetlist) current] if {"" != $val} { value $val _log input $val } } default { error "bad option \"$option\": should be post, unpost, select" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _layout # # Used internally to fix the layout of widgets whenever there is a # change in the options that affect layout. Puts the value in the # proper position according to the -valueposition option. Also, # adds or removes the icon if it needs to be shown. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_layout {} { foreach w [pack slaves $itk_component(hull)] { pack forget $w } if {$itk_option(-type) != "integer" && $uq} { pack $itk_component(uq) -side right -padx 10 } array set side2anchor { left e right w top s bottom n } set pos $itk_option(-valueposition) pack $itk_component(vframe) -side $pos \ -expand yes -fill both -ipadx 2 $itk_component(value) configure -anchor $side2anchor($pos) if {"" != $itk_option(-image) || "" != $itk_option(-spectrum)} { pack $itk_component(icon) -side $pos -padx 2 } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _log event ?arg arg...? # # Used internally to send info to the logging mechanism. If the -log # argument is set, then this calls the Rappture::Logger mechanism to # log the rest of the arguments as an action. Otherwise, it does # nothing. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_log {event args} { if {$itk_option(-log) ne ""} { eval Rappture::Logger::log $event [list $itk_option(-log)] $args } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -editable # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Gauge::editable { if {![string is boolean -strict $itk_option(-editable)]} { error "bad value \"$itk_option(-editable)\": should be boolean" } if {!$itk_option(-editable) && [winfo ismapped $itk_component(editor)]} { $itk_component(editor) deactivate -abort } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -state # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Gauge::state { set valid {normal disabled} if {[lsearch -exact $valid $itk_option(-state)] < 0} { error "bad value \"$itk_option(-state)\": should be [join $valid {, }]" } $itk_component(value) configure -state $itk_option(-state) $itk_component(spinup) configure -state $itk_option(-state) $itk_component(spindn) configure -state $itk_option(-state) $itk_component(presets) configure -state $itk_option(-state) _redraw ;# fix gauge } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -spectrum # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Gauge::spectrum { if {$itk_option(-spectrum) != "" && ([catch {$itk_option(-spectrum) isa ::Rappture::Spectrum} valid] || !$valid)} { error "bad option \"$itk_option(-spectrum)\": should be Rappture::Spectrum object" } _resize _layout _redraw } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -image # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Gauge::image { if {$itk_option(-image) != "" && [catch {image width $itk_option(-image)}]} { error "bad value \"$itk_option(-image)\": should be Tk image" } _resize _layout $itk_component(icon) itemconfigure bimage -image $itk_option(-image) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -units # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Gauge::units { if {$itk_option(-units) != "" && [::Rappture::Units::System::for $itk_option(-units)] == ""} { error "unrecognized system of units \"$itk_option(-units)\"" } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -valueposition # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Gauge::valueposition { set pos $itk_option(-valueposition) set opts {left right top bottom} if {[lsearch -exact $opts $pos] < 0} { error "bad value \"$pos\": should be [join $opts {, }]" } _layout } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -presets # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Gauge::presets { if {"" == $itk_option(-presets)} { pack forget $itk_component(presets) } else { if {$itk_option(-valueposition) == "left"} { set s "left" } else { set s "right" } set first [lindex [pack slaves $itk_component(vframe)] 0] pack $itk_component(presets) -before $first -side $s -fill y $itk_component(presetlist) delete 0 end $itk_component(presetlist) insert end $itk_option(-presets) } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -type # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Gauge::type { switch -- $itk_option(-type) { integer { set first [lindex [pack slaves $itk_component(vframe)] 0] if {$first == $itk_component(presets)} { pack $itk_component(spinner) -after $first -side left -fill y } else { pack $itk_component(spinner) -before $first -side right -fill y } } real { pack forget $itk_component(spinner) } default { error "bad number type \"$itk_option(-type)\": should be integer or real" } } } itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_pop_uq {win} { # puts "min=$itk_option(-minvalue) max=$itk_option(-maxvalue) units=$itk_option(-units)" set varname $itk_option(-varname) set popup .pop_uq_$varname if { ![winfo exists $popup] } { Rappture::Balloon $popup -title $itk_option(-label) set inner [$popup component inner] frame $inner.type pack $inner.type -side top -fill x label $inner.type.l -text "Parameter Value:" pack $inner.type.l -side left set _val [Rappture::Combobox $inner.type.val -width 20 -editable no] pack $_val -side left -expand yes -fill x $_val choices insert end exact "Exact Value" $_val choices insert end uniform "Uniform Distribution" $_val choices insert end gaussian "Gaussian Distribution" bind $_val <> [itcl::code $this _change_param_type $inner] set _pde [Rappture::ProbDistEditor $inner.entry \ $itk_option(-minvalue) $itk_option(-maxvalue) $itk_option(-units) $_value] $_val value $_mode $_pde value $_value pack $inner.entry -expand yes -fill both -pady {10 0} $popup configure \ -deactivatecommand [itcl::code $this _pop_uq_deactivate] } update $popup activate $win right } itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_pop_uq_deactivate {} { # puts "deactivate [$_pde value]" value [$_pde value] } itcl::body Rappture::Gauge::_change_param_type {inner} { set val [$_val translate [$_val value]] $_pde mode $val }