/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 HUBzero Foundation, LLC * * Author: Leif Delgass */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Stats.h" #include "RenderServer.h" #include "Trace.h" using namespace GeoVis; /* * Session information: * - Name of render server * - Process ID * - Hostname where server is running * - Start date of session * - Start date of session in seconds * - Number of data sets loaded from client * - Number of data bytes total loaded from client * - Number of frames returned * - Number of bytes total returned (in frames) * - Number of commands received * - Total elapsed time of all commands * - Total elapsed time of session * - Exit code of vizserver * - User time * - System time * - User time of children * - System time of children */ int GeoVis::serverStats(const Stats& stats, int code) { double start, finish; { struct timeval tv; /* Get ending time. */ gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); finish = CVT2SECS(tv); tv = stats.start; start = CVT2SECS(tv); } std::ostringstream oss; char buf[BUFSIZ]; gethostname(buf, BUFSIZ-1); buf[BUFSIZ-1] = '\0'; std::string hostname(buf); strcpy(buf, ctime(&stats.start.tv_sec)); buf[strlen(buf) - 1] = '\0'; std::string date(buf); oss << "render_stop " << "renderer geovis " << "pid " << getpid() << " " << "host " << hostname << " " << "date {" << date << "} " << "date_secs " << stats.start.tv_sec << " " << "num_data_sets " << stats.nDataSets << " " << "data_set_bytes " << stats.nDataBytes << " " << "num_frames " << stats.nFrames << " " << "frame_bytes " << stats.nFrameBytes << " " << "num_commands " << stats.nCommands << " " << "cmd_time " << stats.cmdTime << " " << "session_time " << (finish - start) << " " << "status " << code << " "; { long clocksPerSec = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); double clockRes = 1.0 / clocksPerSec; struct tms tms; memset(&tms, 0, sizeof(tms)); times(&tms); oss << "utime " << (tms.tms_utime * clockRes) << " " << "stime " << (tms.tms_stime * clockRes) << " " << "cutime " << (tms.tms_cutime * clockRes) << " " << "cstime " << (tms.tms_cstime * clockRes) << " "; } oss << std::endl; int fd = getStatsFile(); std::string ostr = oss.str(); int result = writeToStatsFile(fd, ostr.c_str(), ostr.length()); close(fd); return result; } int GeoVis::getStatsFile(const char *key) { char fileName[33]; md5_state_t state; md5_byte_t digest[16]; if (key == NULL || g_statsFile >= 0) { return g_statsFile; } std::ostringstream keyStream; keyStream << key << " " << getpid(); std::string keystr = keyStream.str(); TRACE("Stats file key: '%s'", keystr.c_str()); md5_init(&state); md5_append(&state, (const md5_byte_t *)keystr.c_str(), keystr.length()); md5_finish(&state, digest); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { sprintf(fileName + i * 2, "%02x", digest[i]); } std::ostringstream oss; oss << STATSDIR << "/" << fileName; g_statsFile = open(oss.str().c_str(), O_EXCL | O_CREAT | O_WRONLY, 0600); if (g_statsFile < 0) { ERROR("can't open \"%s\": %s", fileName, strerror(errno)); return -1; } return g_statsFile; } int GeoVis::writeToStatsFile(int fd, const char *s, size_t length) { if (fd >= 0) { ssize_t numWritten; numWritten = write(fd, s, length); if (numWritten == (ssize_t)length) { close(dup(fd)); } } return 0; }