source: geovis/trunk/geovis_protocol.txt @ 5924

Last change on this file since 5924 was 5924, checked in by ldelgass, 9 years ago

coverage tag shouldn't have been added to general map layer add doc (it is for
image layers only)

File size: 14.8 KB
3Protocol for geovis render server. 
5Commands take the general form of command and arguments using Tcl syntax and are
6terminated by a newline.  Some command arguments expect a Tcl list which can be
7sent by enclosing the list in curly braces to prevent the interpreter from
8splitting the list into multiple arguments.  Likewise, strings with spaces
9should be quoted or enclosed in curly braces.  In the documentation below,
10arguments are indicated by angle brackets and optional arguments are surrounded
11by question marks -- the brackets and question marks are not part of the
12protocol and should not be included in argument strings.  The arguments shown
13in angle brackets should be replaced with a string (where there are fixed
14choices this document indicates valid values by separating them with pipe
15symbols), a list in Tcl syntax, or a numeric value.  Boolean arguments can take
16the form of 0|1, true|false, or yes|no.  Since the protocol commands are
17executed in a Tcl interpreter, Tcl code such as math expressions in expr
18commands enclosed in square brackets are also allowed.  Since the interpreter
19is a "safe" interpreter, some Tcl commands that could cause security issues may
20not be available for use.
22When binary data is to be sent, it should follow the newline after a command
23that indicates incoming data including a byte count argument.
29== General scene and renderer commands ==
31camera delete <name>
32       Delete named viewpoint
33camera dist <distance>
34       Set camera distance from focal point
35camera extent <xmin> <ymin> <xmax> <ymax> <?duration?> <?srs?>
36       Zoom to extent.  Will fit the extent to the vertical FOV and center on
37       the extent centroid.
38       <xmin>,<ymin>,<xmax>,<ymax> = extent bounds in the specified SRS,
39       or in the map's SRS if none is specified.
40       <duration> = Duration of viewpoint move animation in seconds
41       <srs> = The SRS of the extent bounds
42camera get
43       Request camera parameters
44camera go <x> <y> <?zoomFactor?> <?duration?>
45       Move camera to new focal point.
46       <x>,<y> = Screen/mouse coordinates
47       <zoomFactor> = Zoom distance multiplier, 1.0=no zoom
48       <duration> = Duration of viewpoint move animation in seconds
49camera lextent <layerName> <?duration?>
50       Zoom to layer extent.  Will fit the extent to the vertical FOV and center
51       on the extent centroid.
52       <layerName> = Name of layer to use for extent.
53       <duration> = Duration of viewpoint move animation in seconds
54camera orient <quatW> <quatX> <quatY> <quatZ>
55       Set scene orientation using a quaternion
56camera pan <x> <y>
57       <x,y> viewport coordinates (window center at 0,0).  Positive x pan
58       means pan object to right (camera to left).  Positive y pan means
59       pan object down (camera up).  For example a pan of 0.5, 0.5 would
60       move the object center to the lower right corner of the window
61camera reset <?all?>
62       Option all resets orientation/rotation as well as pan/zoom/clip range
63camera restore <name> <?duration?>
64       Set viewpoint to a named viewpoint, with optional animation duration in
65       seconds
66camera rotate <x> <y>
67       Specify relative rotation in viewport coordinates
68camera save <name>
69       Save current viewpoint to a named viewpoint
70camera set <x> <y> <z> <heading> <pitch> <distance> <?duration?> <?srs?> <?vertDatum?>
71       Explicitly set camera parameters, with optional animation duration in
72       seconds
73       <x>, <y> = Map coordinates of focal point
74       <z> = Altitude of focal point (see vertDatum)
75       <heading> = Azimuth in degrees
76       <pitch> = Elevation in degrees
77       <distance> = Distance of camera from focal point in map units(?)
78       <srs> = coordinate system, defaults to map coordinate system
79       <vertDatum> = vertical datum for interpreting z coordinate
80camera throw <bool>
81       Enable/disable throw inertia for panning/rotating when using mouse events
82       through protocol
83camera zoom <y>
84       Specify zoom by viewport coordinates (i.e. normalized y mouse coords)
86clientinfo <list>
88colormap add <colorMapName> <colorMap>
89         (Re-)define a colormap.  If colorMapName doesn't exist, it is created,
90         otherwise the colormap is redefined and all users will be updated.
91         colorMap = Tcl list of {value r g b a} control points
92colormap define <colorMapName> <colorMap>
93         (Re-)define a colormap (same as 'add')
94colormap delete <?colorMapName?>
95colormap res <numberOfTableEntries>
96         Set the "resolution" or number of lookup table entries in the colormap
97         <numberOfTableEntries> = integer or "default"
99legend <colormapName> <w> <h> <?opaque?> <?bgR?> <?bgG?> <?bgB?>
100       Render a legend colorbar.
101       <colormapName> - Name of the colormap defined with the colormap command
102       <w>,<h> - width and height of colorbar
103       <opaque> - If false, blend with background color
104       <bgR>,<bgG>,<bgB> - Background color (defaults to black)
106renderer render
107         Force a new image to be rendered
109screen bgcolor <r> <g> <b>
110screen coords <token> <coordList> <?srs?> <?verticalDatum?>
111       Transate map coordinates to screen/mouse coordinates.
112       <token> - String token, included in response
113       <coordList> - A list of x,y,z map coordinates.  If <srs> is not given,
114       these are in the map's coordinate system.
115       <srs> - Optional horizontal srs init string for coordinate system of
116       x,y,z
117       <verticalDatum> - Optional vertical srs init string for coordinate system
118       of x,y,z
119screen size <width> <height>
121== Mouse and Keyboard Events ==
123key press <key>
124key release <key>
126mouse click <button> <x> <y>
127mouse dblclick <button> <x> <y>
128mouse drag <button> <x> <y>
129mouse motion <x> <y>
130mouse release <button> <x> <y>
131mouse scroll <direction>
133== Map Commands ==
135map attrib <string>
136    <string> - Attribution/copyright to display in corner of map
138map coords <token> <coordList> <?srs?> <?verticalDatum?>
139    Translate screen/mouse coordinates into map coordinates.
140    <token> - String token, included in response
141    <coordList> - A list of x,y screen/mouse coordinates
142    <srs> - Optional horizontal srs init string for coordinate system to return
143    <verticalDatum> - Optional vertical srs init string for coordinate system to
144    return
146map grid <bool> <?type?>
147    Toggle graticule and set type
148    <type> = geodetic|utm|mgrs
150General form:
151map layer add <layerName> <type> <driver> <?url?> <?cache?> ...
152    <type> = image|elevation|icon|line|point|polygon|text
153    <driver> = arcgis|colorramp|debug|gdal|ogr|tfs|tms|wfs|wms|xyz
154    <cache> = bool indicating if tiles should be cached on disk
156Specific image layer types:
157map layer add <layerName> image colorramp <url> <cache> <coverage> <elevdriver> <profile> <colormapName>
158    Add a colormapped image layer from a file or URL
159    <url> = URL of source
160    <cache> = bool indicating if tiles should be cached on disk
161    <coverage> = bool indicating if data should not be interpolated (true means
162    no interpolation)
163    <elevdriver> = Elevation driver to read source
164    <profile> = profile of source
165    <colormapName> = Name of colormap
166map layer add <layerName> image arcgis <url> <?cache?> <?coverage?> <?token?> <?layers?>
167    Add an ArcGIS MapServer image layer from a URL
168    <url> = URL of source
169    <cache> = bool indicating if tiles should be cached on disk
170    <coverage> = bool indicating if data should not be interpolated (true means
171    no interpolation)
172    <token> = login credential
173map layer add <layerName> image gdal <url> <?cache?> <?coverage?>
174    Add a GDAL image layer from a file or URL
175    <url> = URL of source
176    <cache> = bool indicating if tiles should be cached on disk
177    <coverage> = bool indicating if data should not be interpolated (true means
178    no interpolation)
179map layer add <layerName> image wms <url> <cache> <coverage> <layers> <format> <transparent>
180    Add a WMS image layer from a URL + layer string
181    <url> = URL of WMS service
182    <cache> = bool indicating if tiles may be cached on disk
183    <coverage> = bool indicating if data should not be interpolated (true means
184    no interpolation)
185    <layers> = layers string for WMS server
186    <format> = Image format to return (e.g. 'png')
187    <transparent> = bool
188map layer add <layerName> image tms <url> <cache> <coverage>
189    Add a TMS image layer from a URL
190    <url> = URL of TMS service
191    <cache> = bool indicating if tiles should be cached on disk
192    <coverage> = bool indicating if data should not be interpolated (true means
193    no interpolation)
194map layer add <layerName> image xyz <urlPattern> <cache> <coverage>
195    Add an image layer from a web map using a template URL
196    <urlPattern> = URL template of source.  '{x}', '{y}', '{z}' will be replaced
197    with tile row (x), column (y) and zoom level (z).  A block of characters in
198    square braces can be used to specify round-robin server numbers, e.g.
199    'host[012]' will exand to 'host0', host1', 'host2'.
200    <cache> = bool indicating if tiles should be cached on disk
201    <coverage> = bool indicating if data should not be interpolated (true means
202    no interpolation)
204Elevation layers:
205map layer add <layerName> elevation <driver> <url> <?cache?>
206    Add an elevation image layer from a file or URL
207    <driver> = gdal|tms|wms
209Feature/model layers:
210In the following:
211<driver> = ogr|tfs|wfs
212<format> = json|gml (for tfs or wfs driver)
213<typeName> = layer name for wfs driver
214<clamping> = none|terrain|relative|absolute
215<clamptechnique> = drape|gpu|scene|map
217map layer add <layerName> icon <driver> <format> <typeName> <url> <cache> <icon> <scale> <heading> <declutter> <placement> <alignment> <?visibilityRangeMin?> <?visibilityRangeMax?>
218    Add an icon feature layer from a file or URL
219    <placement> = vertex|centroid|interval|random
220    <alignment> = left_top|left_center|left_bottom|center_top|center_center|center_bottom|right_top|right_center|right_bottom
221map layer add <layerName> line <driver> <format> <typeName> <url> <cache> <r> <g> <b> <width> <?cap?> <?join?> <?stipplePattern?> <?stippleFactor?> <?clamping?> <?clamptechnique?> <?visibilityRangeMin?> <?visibilityRangeMax?>
222    Add a line feature layer from a file or URL
223    cap/join only used if width > 1
224    <cap> = flat|square|round
225    <join> = mitre|round
226map layer add <layerName> point <driver> <format> <typeName> <url> <cache> <r> <g> <b> <size> <?clamping?> <?clamptechnique?> <?visibilityRangeMin?> <?visibilityRangeMax?>
227    Add a point feature layer from a file or URL
228map layer add <layerName> polygon <driver> <format> <typeName> <url> <cache> <r> <g> <b> <?lineWidth?> <?strokeR?> <?strokeG?> <?strokeB?> <?clamping?> <?clamptechnique?> <?visibilityRangeMin?> <?visibilityRangeMax?>
229    Add a polygon feature layer from a file or URL
230map layer add <layerName> text <driver> <format> <typeName> <url> <cache> <content> <priority> <fgR> <fgG> <fgB> <bgR> <bgG> <bgB> <haloWidth> <fontSize> <removeDupes> <declutter> <alignment> <xoffset> <yoffset> <?visibilityRangeMin?> <?visibilityRangeMax?>
231    Add a text symbol layer from a file or URL
232    <alignment> = left_top|left_center|left_bottom|center_top|center_center|center_bottom|right_top|right_center|right_bottom|left_baseline|center|baseline|right_baseline|left_bottom_baseline|center_bottom_baseline|right_bottom_baseline
234map layer delete <layerName>
235map layer opacity <opacity> <layerName>
236map layer move <pos> <layerName>
237map layer visible <bool> <layerName>
239map load data follows <nbytes>
240    Send an .earth file over the wire
241map load file <path>
242    Load an .earth file from a filesystem mounted on the server
243map load url <url>
244    Load an .earth file from a network address
246map posdisp <bool> <?format?> <?precision?>
247    Toggle coordinate/position display, set format and precision
248    <format> = latlong_decimal_degrees|latlong_degrees_decimal_minutes|
249               latlong_degrees_minutes_seconds|mgrs
250    <precision> = integer number of digits to display
252map reset <type> <r> <g> <b> <?profile?> <?xmin?> <?ymin?> <?xmax?> <?ymax?>
253    Clear the scene and rebuild a new map from scratch.  When resetting the
254    map to geocentric, a profile and extents should be omitted.  When the map
255    type is projected, the profile is required and extents are optional.
256    <type> = geocentric|projected
257    <r>,<g>,<b> - Background color red, green and blue components [0,1]
258    <profile> = Well known profile string, e.g. 'global-geodetic',
259    'global-mercator'.  If specifying bounds (i.e. not global), use 'geodetic'
260    or 'spherical-mercator' or an SRS init string (such as an EPSG code)
261    xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = map bounds (in profile projection/units)
263map scalebar <bool> <?units?>
264    Toggle scale label/bar
265    <units> = meters|feet|us_survey_feet|nautical_miles
266map setpos <x> <y>
267    Set the coordinate/position display based on mouse coordinates
268map terrain edges <bool>
269    *Not currently implemented*
270map terrain lighting <bool>
271map terrain linecolor <r> <g> <b>
272    *Not currently implemented*
273map terrain vertscale <val>
274    Set scale factor for terrain height
275map terrain wireframe <bool>
276map time <?hours?> <?day?> <?month?> <?year?>
277    Set ephemeris time for sky.  When args are omitted, set to current time.
278    Time is interpreted as UTC.
283nv>image -type image -bytes <nbytes>
284  <binary RGB data>
285nv>legend <colormapName> <rmin> <rmax> <nbytes>
286  <binary RGB data>
287nv>map coords <token> <mapCoordList> <?srs?> <?verticalDatum?>
288   Reply to query of map coordinates from screen coordinates.  The mapCoordList
289   is a list of x,y,z map coordinates.  The srs of the map coordinates may be
290   included if not in map's native coordinate system.  NaN in the results
291   indicates off-map input coordinates.
292nv>screen coords <token> <screenCoordList>
293   Reply to query of screen coordinates from map coordinates.  The
294   screenCoordList is a list of x,y,z screen coordinates (z is the depth).  NaN
295   in the results indicates a point outside the view frustum or invalid input
296   map coordinate
297nv>ok -token <seqnum>
298   Reply indicated commands through <seqnum> (numbered beginning at 0) have been
299   processed, but no new image was rendered
301Error Replies:
303nv>viserror -bytes <nbytes>
304   <multi-line error string of nbytes>
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