/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* The module implements a generic linked list package. * * Copyright 1991-2004 George A Howlett. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include "Chain.h" typedef int (QSortCompareProc) (const void *, const void *); /** * Removes all the links from the chain, freeing the memory for each * link. Memory pointed to by the link (clientData) is not freed. It's * the caller's responsibility to deallocate it. */ void Chain::reset() { ChainLink *oldPtr; ChainLink *linkPtr = _head; while (linkPtr != NULL) { oldPtr = linkPtr; linkPtr = linkPtr->next(); delete oldPtr; } init(); } /** * Inserts a link after another link. If afterPtr is NULL, then the new * link is prepended to the beginning of the chain. */ void Chain::linkAfter(ChainLink *linkPtr, ChainLink *afterPtr) { if (_head == NULL) { _tail = _head = linkPtr; } else { if (afterPtr == NULL) { /* Prepend to the front of the chain */ linkPtr->_next = _head; linkPtr->_prev = NULL; _head->_prev = linkPtr; _head = linkPtr; } else { linkPtr->_next = afterPtr->next(); linkPtr->_prev = afterPtr; if (afterPtr == _tail) { _tail = linkPtr; } else { afterPtr->next()->_prev = linkPtr; } afterPtr->_next = linkPtr; } } _nLinks++; } /** * Inserts a new link preceding a given link in a chain. If beforePtr is * NULL, then the new link is placed at the beginning of the list. * * \param linkPtr New entry to be inserted * \param beforePtr Entry to link before */ void Chain::linkBefore(ChainLink *linkPtr, ChainLink *beforePtr) { if (_head == NULL) { _tail = _head = linkPtr; } else { if (beforePtr == NULL) { // Append to the end of the chain. linkPtr->_next = NULL; linkPtr->_prev = _tail; _tail->_next = linkPtr; _tail = linkPtr; } else { linkPtr->_prev = beforePtr->prev(); linkPtr->_next = beforePtr; if (beforePtr == _head) { _head = linkPtr; } else { beforePtr->prev()->_next = linkPtr; } beforePtr->_prev = linkPtr; } } _nLinks++; } /** * Unlinks a link from the chain. The link is not deallocated, * but only removed from the chain. */ void Chain::unlink(ChainLink *linkPtr) { bool unlinked; /* Indicates if the link is actually removed * from the chain. */ unlinked = false; if (_head == linkPtr) { _head = linkPtr->next(); unlinked = true; } if (_tail == linkPtr) { _tail = linkPtr->prev(); unlinked = true; } if (linkPtr->next() != NULL) { linkPtr->next()->_prev = linkPtr->prev(); unlinked = true; } if (linkPtr->prev() != NULL) { linkPtr->prev()->_next = linkPtr->next(); unlinked = true; } if (unlinked) { _nLinks--; } linkPtr->_prev = linkPtr->_next = NULL; } /** * Unlinks and frees the given link from the chain. It's assumed that * the link belong to the chain. No error checking is performed to verify * this. */ void Chain::deleteLink(ChainLink *linkPtr) { unlink(linkPtr); delete linkPtr; } /** * Creates and new link with the given data and appends it to the end of * the chain. * * \return a pointer to the link created. */ ChainLink * Chain::append(void *clientData) { ChainLink *linkPtr; linkPtr = new ChainLink(clientData); linkBefore(linkPtr, (ChainLink *)NULL); return linkPtr; } /** * Creates and new link with the given data and prepends it to beginning * of the chain. * * \return a pointer to the link created. */ ChainLink * Chain::prepend(void *clientData) { ChainLink *linkPtr; linkPtr = new ChainLink(clientData); linkAfter(linkPtr, (ChainLink *)NULL); return linkPtr; } /** * Find the link at the given position in the chain. * * \param position Index of link to select from front or back of the chain. * * \return the pointer to the link, if that numbered link * exists. Otherwise NULL. */ ChainLink * Chain::getNthLink(long position) { ChainLink *linkPtr; for (linkPtr = _head; linkPtr != NULL; linkPtr = linkPtr->next()) { if (position == 0) { return linkPtr; } position--; } return NULL; } /** * Sorts the chain according to the given comparison routine. * * Side Effects: * The chain is reordered. */ void Chain::sort(ChainCompareProc *proc) { ChainLink *linkPtr; long i; if (_nLinks < 2) { return; } ChainLink **linkArr = new ChainLink *[_nLinks + 1]; if (linkArr == NULL) { return; /* Out of memory. */ } i = 0; for (linkPtr = _head; linkPtr != NULL; linkPtr = linkPtr->next()) { linkArr[i++] = linkPtr; } qsort((char *)linkArr, _nLinks, sizeof(ChainLink *), (QSortCompareProc *)proc); /* Rethread the chain. */ linkPtr = linkArr[0]; _head = linkPtr; linkPtr->_prev = NULL; for (i = 1; i < _nLinks; i++) { linkPtr->_next = linkArr[i]; linkPtr->next()->_prev = linkPtr; linkPtr = linkPtr->next(); } _tail = linkPtr; linkPtr->_next = NULL; delete [] linkArr; }