/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 HUBzero Foundation, LLC * * Authors: * Wei Qiao * Insoo Woo * George A. Howlett * Leif Delgass */ #include #include #include #include #include "nanovis.h" #include "Flow.h" #include "FlowCmd.h" #include "FlowTypes.h" #include "FlowParticles.h" #include "FlowBox.h" #include "LIC.h" #include "VelocityArrowsSlice.h" #include "Switch.h" #include "Unirect.h" #include "Volume.h" #include "Trace.h" #include "TransferFunction.h" using namespace nv; using namespace vrmath; bool Flow::updatePending = false; double Flow::magMin = DBL_MAX; double Flow::magMax = -DBL_MAX; Flow::Flow(Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *name) : _interp(interp), _name(name), _volume(NULL) { memset(&_sv, 0, sizeof(FlowValues)); _sv.sliceVisible = 1; _sv.transferFunction = NanoVis::getTransferFunction("default"); _cmdToken = Tcl_CreateObjCommand(_interp, (char *)name, (Tcl_ObjCmdProc *)FlowInstObjCmd, this, FlowInstDeleteProc); } Flow::~Flow() { TRACE("Enter"); FreeSwitches(_switches, &_sv, 0); if (_volume != NULL) { NanoVis::removeVolume(_volume); _volume = NULL; } for (BoxHashmap::iterator itr = _boxTable.begin(); itr != _boxTable.end(); ++itr) { delete itr->second; } _boxTable.clear(); for (ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr = _particlesTable.begin(); itr != _particlesTable.end(); ++itr) { delete itr->second; } _particlesTable.clear(); } void Flow::getBounds(Vector3f& min, Vector3f& max, bool onlyVisible) { TRACE("Enter"); if (onlyVisible && !visible()) return; BBox allBounds; if (isDataLoaded()) { BBox bbox; _volume->getBounds(bbox.min, bbox.max); allBounds.extend(bbox); } for (BoxHashmap::iterator itr = _boxTable.begin(); itr != _boxTable.end(); ++itr) { FlowBox *box = itr->second; if (!onlyVisible || box->visible()) { BBox bbox; box->getBounds(bbox.min, bbox.max); allBounds.extend(bbox); } } min = allBounds.min; max = allBounds.max; } float Flow::getRelativePosition(FlowPosition *position) { if (position->flags == RELPOS) { return (float)position->value; } switch (position->axis) { case AXIS_X: return (float)((position->value - _volume->xAxis.min()) / (_volume->xAxis.max() - _volume->xAxis.min())); case AXIS_Y: return (float)((position->value - _volume->yAxis.min()) / (_volume->yAxis.max() - _volume->yAxis.min())); case AXIS_Z: return (float)((position->value - _volume->zAxis.min()) / (_volume->zAxis.max() - _volume->zAxis.min())); } return 0.0f; } void Flow::resetParticles() { for (ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr = _particlesTable.begin(); itr != _particlesTable.end(); ++itr) { itr->second->reset(); } } void Flow::advect() { for (ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr = _particlesTable.begin(); itr != _particlesTable.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->second->visible()) { itr->second->advect(); } } } void Flow::render() { for (ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr = _particlesTable.begin(); itr != _particlesTable.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->second->visible()) { itr->second->render(); } } renderBoxes(); } FlowParticles * Flow::createParticles(const char *particlesName) { ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr = _particlesTable.find(particlesName); if (itr != _particlesTable.end()) { TRACE("Deleting existing particle injection plane '%s'", particlesName); delete itr->second; _particlesTable.erase(itr); } FlowParticles *particles = new FlowParticles(particlesName); _particlesTable[particlesName] = particles; return particles; } FlowParticles * Flow::getParticles(const char *particlesName) { ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr; itr = _particlesTable.find(particlesName); if (itr == _particlesTable.end()) { TRACE("Can't find particle injection plane '%s' in '%s'", particlesName, name()); return NULL; } return itr->second; } void Flow::deleteParticles(const char *particlesName) { ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr = _particlesTable.find(particlesName); if (itr == _particlesTable.end()) { TRACE("Can't find particle injection plane '%s' in '%s'", particlesName, name()); return; } delete itr->second; _particlesTable.erase(itr); } void Flow::getParticlesNames(std::vector& names) { for (ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr = _particlesTable.begin(); itr != _particlesTable.end(); ++itr) { names.push_back(std::string(itr->second->name())); } } FlowBox * Flow::createBox(const char *boxName) { BoxHashmap::iterator itr = _boxTable.find(boxName); if (itr != _boxTable.end()) { TRACE("Deleting existing box '%s'", boxName); delete itr->second; _boxTable.erase(itr); } FlowBox *box = new FlowBox(boxName); _boxTable[boxName] = box; return box; } FlowBox * Flow::getBox(const char *boxName) { BoxHashmap::iterator itr = _boxTable.find(boxName); if (itr == _boxTable.end()) { TRACE("Can't find box '%s' in '%s'", boxName, name()); return NULL; } return itr->second; } void Flow::deleteBox(const char *boxName) { BoxHashmap::iterator itr = _boxTable.find(boxName); if (itr == _boxTable.end()) { TRACE("Can't find box '%s' in '%s'", boxName, name()); return; } delete itr->second; _boxTable.erase(itr); } void Flow::getBoxNames(std::vector& names) { for (BoxHashmap::iterator itr = _boxTable.begin(); itr != _boxTable.end(); ++itr) { names.push_back(std::string(itr->second->name())); } } void Flow::initializeParticles() { for (ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr = _particlesTable.begin(); itr != _particlesTable.end(); ++itr) { itr->second->initialize(); } } bool Flow::configure() { bool needReset = false; if (_volume != NULL) { _volume->transferFunction(_sv.transferFunction); _volume->dataEnabled(_sv.showVolume); _volume->twoSidedLighting(_sv.twoSidedLighting); _volume->outline(_sv.showOutline); _volume->opacityScale(_sv.opacity); _volume->ambient(_sv.ambient); _volume->diffuse(_sv.diffuse); _volume->specularLevel(_sv.specular); _volume->specularExponent(_sv.specularExp); } float slicePos = getRelativePosition(&_sv.slicePos); // FIXME: LIC and arrows should be per-flow if (NanoVis::licRenderer != NULL) { if (NanoVis::licRenderer->getSliceAxis() != _sv.slicePos.axis) { needReset = true; NanoVis::licRenderer->setSliceAxis(_sv.slicePos.axis); } if (NanoVis::licRenderer->getSlicePosition() != slicePos) { needReset = true; NanoVis::licRenderer->setSlicePosition(slicePos); } NanoVis::licRenderer->visible(_sv.sliceVisible); } if (NanoVis::velocityArrowsSlice != NULL) { NanoVis::velocityArrowsSlice->setSliceAxis(_sv.slicePos.axis); NanoVis::velocityArrowsSlice->setSlicePosition(slicePos); NanoVis::velocityArrowsSlice->visible(_sv.showArrows); } return needReset; } bool Flow::scaleVectorField() { if (_volume == NULL) { ERROR("Called with NULL _volume"); return false; } // FIXME: LIC and arrows should be per-flow if (NanoVis::licRenderer != NULL) { NanoVis::licRenderer->setVectorField(_volume); NanoVis::licRenderer->setSliceAxis(_sv.slicePos.axis); NanoVis::licRenderer->setSlicePosition(getRelativePosition(&_sv.slicePos)); NanoVis::licRenderer->visible(_sv.sliceVisible); } if (NanoVis::velocityArrowsSlice != NULL) { NanoVis::velocityArrowsSlice->setVectorField(_volume); NanoVis::velocityArrowsSlice->setSliceAxis(_sv.slicePos.axis); NanoVis::velocityArrowsSlice->setSlicePosition(getRelativePosition(&_sv.slicePos)); NanoVis::velocityArrowsSlice->visible(_sv.showArrows); } for (ParticlesHashmap::iterator itr = _particlesTable.begin(); itr != _particlesTable.end(); ++itr) { itr->second->setVectorField(_volume); } return true; } void Flow::renderBoxes() { for (BoxHashmap::iterator itr = _boxTable.begin(); itr != _boxTable.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->second->visible()) { itr->second->render(_volume); } } } void Flow::data(Unirect3d *unirect) { float *vdata = getScaledVector(unirect); _volume = makeVolume(unirect, vdata); delete [] vdata; delete unirect; initVolume(); scaleVectorField(); } void Flow::data(Volume *volume) { _volume = volume; initVolume(); scaleVectorField(); } float * Flow::getScaledVector(Unirect3d *unirect) { assert(unirect->nComponents() == 3); size_t n = unirect->nValues() / unirect->nComponents() * 4; float *data = new float[n]; memset(data, 0, sizeof(float) * n); float *dest = data; const float *values = unirect->values(); for (size_t iz = 0; iz < unirect->zNum(); iz++) { for (size_t iy = 0; iy < unirect->yNum(); iy++) { for (size_t ix = 0; ix < unirect->xNum(); ix++) { double vx, vy, vz, vm; vx = values[0]; vy = values[1]; vz = values[2]; vm = sqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz); dest[0] = vm / unirect->magMax(); dest[1] = vx /(2.0 * unirect->magMax()) + 0.5; dest[2] = vy /(2.0 * unirect->magMax()) + 0.5; dest[3] = vz /(2.0 * unirect->magMax()) + 0.5; values += 3; dest += 4; } } } return data; } Volume * Flow::makeVolume(Unirect3d *unirect, float *data) { Volume *volume = NanoVis::loadVolume(_name.c_str(), unirect->xNum(), unirect->yNum(), unirect->zNum(), 4, data, unirect->magMin(), unirect->magMax(), 0); volume->xAxis.setRange(unirect->xMin(), unirect->xMax()); volume->yAxis.setRange(unirect->yMin(), unirect->yMax()); volume->zAxis.setRange(unirect->zMin(), unirect->zMax()); TRACE("mag=%g %g", unirect->magMin(), unirect->magMax()); return volume; } void Flow::initVolume() { _volume->disableCutplane(0); _volume->disableCutplane(1); _volume->disableCutplane(2); /* Initialize the volume with the previously configured values. */ _volume->transferFunction(_sv.transferFunction); _volume->dataEnabled(_sv.showVolume); _volume->twoSidedLighting(_sv.twoSidedLighting); _volume->outline(_sv.showOutline); _volume->opacityScale(_sv.opacity); _volume->ambient(_sv.ambient); _volume->diffuse(_sv.diffuse); _volume->specularLevel(_sv.specular); _volume->specularExponent(_sv.specularExp); Volume::updatePending = true; }