/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * Nanovis: Visualization of Nanoelectronics Data * * dxReader.cpp * This module contains openDX readers for 2D and 3D volumes. * * ====================================================================== * AUTHOR: Wei Qiao * Michael McLennan * Purdue Rendering and Perceptualization Lab (PURPL) * * Copyright (c) 2004-2013 HUBzero Foundation, LLC * * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and * redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. * ====================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // common file/data reader functions #include "ReaderCommon.h" #include "config.h" #include "nanovis.h" #include "dxReader.h" #include "Unirect.h" #include "Volume.h" using namespace nv; /** * \brief Load a 3D volume from a dx-format file * * In DX format: * rank 0 means scalars, * rank 1 means vectors, * rank 2 means matrices, * rank 3 means tensors * * For rank 1, shape is a single number equal to the number of dimensions. * e.g. rank 1 shape 3 means a 3-component vector field */ Volume * nv::load_dx_volume_stream(const char *tag, std::iostream& fin) { TRACE("Enter tag:%s", tag); Rappture::MeshTri2D xymesh; int dummy, nx, ny, nz, nxy, npts; // origin double x0, y0, z0; // deltas (cell dimensions) double dx, dy, dz; // length of volume edges double lx, ly, lz; // temps for delta values double ddx, ddy, ddz; char line[128], type[128], *start; int isrect = 1; dx = dy = dz = 0.0; x0 = y0 = z0 = 0.0; // May not have an origin line. nx = ny = nz = npts = nxy = 0; while (!fin.eof()) { fin.getline(line, sizeof(line) - 1); if (fin.fail()) { ERROR("error in data stream"); return NULL; } for (start = line; *start == ' ' || *start == '\t'; start++) ; // skip leading blanks if (*start != '#') { // skip comment lines if (sscanf(start, "object %d class gridpositions counts %d %d %d", &dummy, &nx, &ny, &nz) == 4) { // found grid size isrect = 1; } else if (sscanf(start, "object %d class array type float rank 1 shape 3 items %d data follows", &dummy, &nxy) == 2) { isrect = 0; double xx, yy, zz; for (int i = 0; i < nxy; i++) { fin.getline(line,sizeof(line)-1); if (sscanf(line, "%lg %lg %lg", &xx, &yy, &zz) == 3) { xymesh.addNode(Rappture::Node2D(xx, yy)); } } char fpts[128]; sprintf(fpts, "/tmp/tmppts%d", getpid()); char fcells[128]; sprintf(fcells, "/tmp/tmpcells%d", getpid()); std::ofstream ftmp(fpts); // save corners of bounding box first, to work around meshing // problems in voronoi utility int numBoundaryPoints = 4; // Bump out the bounds by an epsilon to avoid problem when // corner points are already nodes double XEPS = (xymesh.rangeMax(Rappture::xaxis) - xymesh.rangeMin(Rappture::xaxis)) / 10.0f; double YEPS = (xymesh.rangeMax(Rappture::yaxis) - xymesh.rangeMin(Rappture::yaxis)) / 10.0f; ftmp << xymesh.rangeMin(Rappture::xaxis) - XEPS << " " << xymesh.rangeMin(Rappture::yaxis) - YEPS << std::endl; ftmp << xymesh.rangeMax(Rappture::xaxis) + XEPS << " " << xymesh.rangeMin(Rappture::yaxis) - YEPS << std::endl; ftmp << xymesh.rangeMax(Rappture::xaxis) + XEPS << " " << xymesh.rangeMax(Rappture::yaxis) + YEPS << std::endl; ftmp << xymesh.rangeMin(Rappture::xaxis) - XEPS << " " << xymesh.rangeMax(Rappture::yaxis) + YEPS << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < nxy; i++) { ftmp << xymesh.atNode(i).x() << " " << xymesh.atNode(i).y() << std::endl; } ftmp.close(); char cmdstr[512]; sprintf(cmdstr, "voronoi -t < %s > %s", fpts, fcells); if (system(cmdstr) == 0) { int cx, cy, cz; std::ifstream ftri(fcells); while (!ftri.eof()) { ftri.getline(line,sizeof(line)-1); if (sscanf(line, "%d %d %d", &cx, &cy, &cz) == 3) { if (cx >= numBoundaryPoints && cy >= numBoundaryPoints && cz >= numBoundaryPoints) { // skip boundary points we added xymesh.addCell(cx - numBoundaryPoints, cy - numBoundaryPoints, cz - numBoundaryPoints); } } } ftri.close(); } else { ERROR("triangularization failed"); return NULL; } unlink(fpts); unlink(fcells); } else if (sscanf(start, "object %d class regulararray count %d", &dummy, &nz) == 2) { // found z-grid } else if (sscanf(start, "origin %lg %lg %lg", &x0, &y0, &z0) == 3) { // found origin } else if (sscanf(start, "delta %lg %lg %lg", &ddx, &ddy, &ddz) == 3) { // found one of the delta lines int count = 0; if (ddx != 0.0) { dx = ddx; count++; } if (ddy != 0.0) { dy = ddy; count++; } if (ddz != 0.0) { dz = ddz; count++; } if (count > 1) { ERROR("don't know how to handle multiple non-zero" " delta values"); return NULL; } } else if (sscanf(start, "object %d class array type %s rank 0 items %d data follows", &dummy, type, &npts) == 3) { if (isrect && (npts != nx*ny*nz)) { ERROR("inconsistent data: expected %d points" " but found %d points", nx*ny*nz, npts); return NULL; } else if (!isrect && (npts != nxy*nz)) { ERROR("inconsistent data: expected %d points" " but found %d points", nxy*nz, npts); return NULL; } break; } else if (sscanf(start, "object %d class array type %s rank 0 times %d data follows", &dummy, type, &npts) == 3) { if (npts != nx*ny*nz) { ERROR("inconsistent data: expected %d points" " but found %d points", nx*ny*nz, npts); return NULL; } break; } } } TRACE("found nx=%d ny=%d nxy=%d nz=%d\ndx=%g dy=%g dz=%g\nx0=%g y0=%g z0=%g", nx, ny, nxy, nz, dx, dy, dz, x0, y0, z0); lx = (nx - 1) * dx; ly = (ny - 1) * dy; lz = (nz - 1) * dz; // read data points if (fin.eof()) { ERROR("data not found in stream"); return NULL; } Volume *volume = NULL; float *data = NULL; double vmin = DBL_MAX; double nzero_min = DBL_MAX; double vmax = -DBL_MAX; if (isrect) { #ifdef DOWNSAMPLE_DATA Rappture::Mesh1D xgrid(x0, x0 + lx, nx); Rappture::Mesh1D ygrid(y0, y0 + ly, ny); Rappture::Mesh1D zgrid(z0, z0 + lz, nz); Rappture::FieldRect3D field(xgrid, ygrid, zgrid); #else // !DOWNSAMPLE_DATA data = new float[nx * ny * nz * 4]; memset(data, 0, nx*ny*nz*4); #endif // DOWNSAMPLE_DATA double dval[6]; int nread = 0; int ix = 0; int iy = 0; int iz = 0; while (!fin.eof() && nread < npts) { fin.getline(line,sizeof(line)-1); if (fin.fail()) { ERROR("error reading data points"); return NULL; } int n = sscanf(line, "%lg %lg %lg %lg %lg %lg", &dval[0], &dval[1], &dval[2], &dval[3], &dval[4], &dval[5]); for (int p = 0; p < n; p++) { #ifdef notdef if (isnan(dval[p])) { TRACE("Found NAN in input at %d,%d,%d", ix, iy, iz); } #endif #ifdef DOWNSAMPLE_DATA int nindex = iz*nx*ny + iy*nx + ix; field.define(nindex, dval[p]); #else // !DOWNSAMPLE_DATA int nindex = (iz*nx*ny + iy*nx + ix) * 4; data[nindex] = dval[p]; if (dval[p] < vmin) { vmin = dval[p]; } else if (dval[p] > vmax) { vmax = dval[p]; } if (dval[p] != 0.0 && dval[p] < nzero_min) { nzero_min = dval[p]; } #endif // DOWNSAMPLE_DATA nread++; if (++iz >= nz) { iz = 0; if (++iy >= ny) { iy = 0; ++ix; } } } } // make sure that we read all of the expected points if (nread != npts) { ERROR("inconsistent data: expected %d points" " but found %d points", npts, nread); return NULL; } #ifndef DOWNSAMPLE_DATA // scale all values [0-1], -1 => out of bounds normalizeScalar(data, npts, 4, vmin, vmax); computeSimpleGradient(data, nx, ny, nz, dx, dy, dz); #else // DOWNSAMPLE_DATA // figure out a good mesh spacing int nsample = 64; double dmin = pow((lx*ly*lz)/((nsample-1)*(nsample-1)*(nsample-1)), 0.333); nx = (int)ceil(lx/dmin) + 1; ny = (int)ceil(ly/dmin) + 1; nz = (int)ceil(lz/dmin) + 1; #ifndef HAVE_NPOT_TEXTURES // must be an even power of 2 for older cards nx = (int)pow(2.0, ceil(log10((double)nx)/log10(2.0))); ny = (int)pow(2.0, ceil(log10((double)ny)/log10(2.0))); nz = (int)pow(2.0, ceil(log10((double)nz)/log10(2.0))); #endif dx = lx /(double)(nx - 1); dy = ly /(double)(ny - 1); dz = lz /(double)(nz - 1); vmin = field.valueMin(); vmax = field.valueMax(); nzero_min = DBL_MAX; double dv = vmax - vmin; if (dv == 0.0) { dv = 1.0; } int ngen = 0; #ifdef FILTER_GRADIENTS // Sobel filter expects a single float at // each node const int step = 1; float *cdata = new float[nx*ny*nz * step]; #else // !FILTER_GRADIENTS // Leave 3 floats of space for gradients // to be filled in by computeSimpleGradient() const int step = 4; data = new float[nx*ny*nz * step]; #endif // FILTER_GRADIENTS for (int iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) { double zval = z0 + iz*dz; for (int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) { double yval = y0 + iy*dy; for (int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) { double xval = x0 + ix*dx; double v = field.value(xval, yval, zval); #ifdef notdef if (isnan(v)) { TRACE("NAN at %d,%d,%d: (%g, %g, %g)", ix, iy, iz, xval, yval, zval); } #endif if (v != 0.0 && v < nzero_min) { nzero_min = v; } #ifdef FILTER_GRADIENTS // NOT normalized, may have NaNs (FIXME: how does gradient filter handle NaN?) cdata[ngen] = v; #else // !FILTER_GRADIENTS // scale all values [0-1], -1 => out of bounds v = (isnan(v)) ? -1.0 : (v - vmin)/dv; data[ngen] = v; #endif // FILTER_GRADIENTS ngen += step; } } } #ifdef FILTER_GRADIENTS // computeGradient returns a new array with gradients // filled in, so data is now 4 floats per node data = computeGradient(cdata, nx, ny, nz, dx, dy, dz, vmin, vmax); delete [] cdata; #else // !FILTER_GRADIENTS computeSimpleGradient(data, nx, ny, nz, dx, dy, dz); #endif // FILTER_GRADIENTS #endif // DOWNSAMPLE_DATA } else { Rappture::Mesh1D zgrid(z0, z0 + (nz-1)*dz, nz); Rappture::FieldPrism3D field(xymesh, zgrid); double dval; int nread = 0; int ixy = 0; int iz = 0; while (!fin.eof() && nread < npts) { fin >> dval; if (fin.fail()) { ERROR("after %d of %d points: can't read number", nread, npts); return NULL; } else { int nid = nxy*iz + ixy; field.define(nid, dval); nread++; if (++iz >= nz) { iz = 0; ixy++; } } } // make sure that we read all of the expected points if (nread != npts) { ERROR("inconsistent data: expected %d points" " but found %d points", npts, nread); return NULL; } x0 = field.rangeMin(Rappture::xaxis); lx = field.rangeMax(Rappture::xaxis) - field.rangeMin(Rappture::xaxis); y0 = field.rangeMin(Rappture::yaxis); ly = field.rangeMax(Rappture::yaxis) - field.rangeMin(Rappture::yaxis); z0 = field.rangeMin(Rappture::zaxis); lz = field.rangeMax(Rappture::zaxis) - field.rangeMin(Rappture::zaxis); // figure out a good mesh spacing int nsample = 64; double dmin = pow((lx*ly*lz)/((nsample-1)*(nsample-1)*(nsample-1)), 0.333); nx = (int)ceil(lx/dmin) + 1; ny = (int)ceil(ly/dmin) + 1; nz = (int)ceil(lz/dmin) + 1; #ifndef HAVE_NPOT_TEXTURES // must be an even power of 2 for older cards nx = (int)pow(2.0, ceil(log10((double)nx)/log10(2.0))); ny = (int)pow(2.0, ceil(log10((double)ny)/log10(2.0))); nz = (int)pow(2.0, ceil(log10((double)nz)/log10(2.0))); #endif dx = lx /(double)(nx - 1); dy = ly /(double)(ny - 1); dz = lz /(double)(nz - 1); vmin = field.valueMin(); vmax = field.valueMax(); nzero_min = DBL_MAX; double dv = vmax - vmin; if (dv == 0.0) { dv = 1.0; } data = new float[4*nx*ny*nz]; // generate the uniformly sampled data that we need for a volume int ngen = 0; for (int iz = 0; iz < nz; iz++) { double zval = z0 + iz*dz; for (int iy = 0; iy < ny; iy++) { double yval = y0 + iy*dy; for (int ix = 0; ix < nx; ix++) { double xval = x0 + ix*dx; double v = field.value(xval, yval, zval); if (v != 0.0 && v < nzero_min) { nzero_min = v; } // scale all values [0-1], -1 => out of bounds v = (isnan(v)) ? -1.0 : (v - vmin)/dv; data[ngen] = v; ngen += 4; } } } computeSimpleGradient(data, nx, ny, nz, dx, dy, dz); } TRACE("nx = %i ny = %i nz = %i", nx, ny, nz); TRACE("x0 = %lg y0 = %lg z0 = %lg", x0, y0, z0); TRACE("lx = %lg ly = %lg lz = %lg", lx, ly, lz); TRACE("dx = %lg dy = %lg dz = %lg", dx, dy, dz); TRACE("dataMin = %lg dataMax = %lg nzero_min = %lg", vmin, vmax, nzero_min); volume = NanoVis::loadVolume(tag, nx, ny, nz, 4, data, vmin, vmax, nzero_min); volume->xAxis.setRange(x0, x0 + lx); volume->yAxis.setRange(y0, y0 + ly); volume->zAxis.setRange(z0, z0 + lz); volume->updatePending = true; delete [] data; return volume; }