# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT: controls - a container for various Rappture controls # # This widget is a smart frame acting as a container for controls. # Controls are added to this panel, and the panel itself decides # how to arrange them given available space. # ====================================================================== # AUTHOR: Michael McLennan, Purdue University # Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ====================================================================== package require Itk package require BLT option add *Controls.padding 4 widgetDefault option add *Controls.labelFont \ -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-* widgetDefault itcl::class Rappture::Controls { inherit itk::Widget itk_option define -layout layout Layout "" itk_option define -padding padding Padding 0 constructor {owner args} { # defined below } destructor { # defined below } public method insert {pos path} public method delete {first {last ""}} public method index {name} public method control {args} public method refresh {} protected method _layout {} protected method _monitor {name state} protected method _controlChanged {name} protected method _controlValue {path {units ""}} protected method _formatLabel {str} protected method _changeTabs {{why -program}} protected method _resize {} private variable _owner "" ;# controls belong to this owner private variable _tabs "" ;# optional tabset for groups private variable _frame "" ;# pack controls into this frame private variable _counter 0 ;# counter for control names private variable _dispatcher "" ;# dispatcher for !events private variable _controls "" ;# list of known controls private variable _showing "" ;# list of enabled (showing) controls private variable _name2info ;# maps control name => info private variable _scheme "" ;# layout scheme (tabs/vert/horz/sentence) private variable _sentenceparts ;# info for layout scheme "sentence:" } itk::usual Controls { } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::constructor {owner args} { Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher $_dispatcher register !layout $_dispatcher dispatch $this !layout "[itcl::code $this _layout]; list" $_dispatcher register !resize $_dispatcher dispatch $this !resize "[itcl::code $this _resize]; list" set _owner $owner Rappture::Scroller $itk_interior.sc -xscrollmode none -yscrollmode auto pack $itk_interior.sc -expand yes -fill both set f [$itk_interior.sc contents frame] set _tabs [blt::tabset $f.tabs -borderwidth 0 -relief flat \ -side top -tearoff 0 -samewidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \ -selectbackground $itk_option(-background) \ -selectcommand [itcl::code $this _changeTabs -user]] pack $_tabs -expand yes -fill both set _frame [frame $_tabs.inner] pack $_frame -expand yes -fill both # # Put this frame in whenever the control frame is empty. # It forces the size to contract back now when controls are deleted. # frame $_frame.empty -width 1 -height 1 # # Set up a binding that all inserted widgets will use so that # we can monitor their size changes. # bind Controls-$this \ [list $_dispatcher event -idle !resize] eval itk_initialize $args } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::destructor {} { delete 0 end } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: insert # # Clients use this to insert a control into this panel. The control # is inserted into the list at position , which can be an integer # starting from 0 or the keyword "end". Information about the control # is taken from the specified . # # Returns a name that can be used to identify the control in other # methods. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::insert {pos path} { if {$pos ne "end" && ![string is integer $pos]} { set pos [index $pos] } incr _counter set name "control$_counter" set path [$_owner xml element -as path $path] set _name2info($name-path) $path set _name2info($name-id) [$_owner xml element -as id $path] set _name2info($name-label) "" set _name2info($name-type) "" set _name2info($name-value) [set w $_frame.v$name] set _name2info($name-enable) "yes" set _name2info($name-disablestyle) "greyout" set type [$_owner xml element -as type $path] set _name2info($name-type) $type switch -- $type { choice { Rappture::ChoiceEntry $w $_owner $path bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } filechoice { Rappture::FileChoiceEntry $w $_owner $path bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } filelist { Rappture::FileListEntry $w $_owner $path bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } group { Rappture::GroupEntry $w $_owner $path } loader { Rappture::Loader $w $_owner $path -tool [$_owner tool] bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } multichoice { Rappture::MultiChoiceEntry $w $_owner $path bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } number { Rappture::NumberEntry $w $_owner $path bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } integer { Rappture::IntegerEntry $w $_owner $path bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } boolean { Rappture::BooleanEntry $w $_owner $path bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } string { Rappture::TextEntry $w $_owner $path bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } drawing { Rappture::DrawingEntry $w $_owner $path } map { Rappture::MapEntry $w $_owner $path } image { Rappture::ImageEntry $w $_owner $path } control { set label [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.label]] if {"" == $label} { set label "Simulate" } set service [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.service]] button $w -text $label -command [list $service run] } separator { frame $w -class Separator -height 10 } note { Rappture::Note $w $_owner $path } periodicelement { Rappture::PeriodicElementEntry $w $_owner $path bind $w <> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name] } default { error "don't know how to add control type \"$type\"" } } # # If this element has an expression, then register # its controlling widget here. # set disablestyle [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.about.disablestyle]] if { $disablestyle != "" } { set _name2info($name-disablestyle) $disablestyle } # # If this element has an expression, then register # its controlling widget here. # set enable [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.about.enable]] if {"" == $enable} { set enable yes } if {![string is boolean $enable]} { set re {([a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*|\([^\(\)]+\)|[a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*\([^\(\)]+\))(\.([a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*|\([^\(\)]+\)|[a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*\([^\(\)]+\)))*(:[-a-zA-Z0-9/]+)?} set rest $enable set enable "" set deps "" while {1} { if {[regexp -indices $re $rest match]} { foreach {s0 s1} $match break if {[string index $rest [expr {$s0-1}]] == "\""} { # string in ""'s? then leave it alone append enable [string range $rest 0 [expr {$s0-1}]] set rest [string range $rest $s0 end] if {[regexp -indices {[^\"]+\"} $rest match]} { foreach {s0 s1} $match break append enable [string range $rest $s0 $s1] set rest [string range $rest [expr {$s1+1}] end] } else { puts stderr "WARNING: mismatched quote in enable condition for $path" puts stderr " expr: [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.about.enable]]" set rest "" } } else { # # This is a symbol which should be substituted # it can be either: # input.foo.bar # input.foo.bar:units # set cpath [string range $rest $s0 $s1] set parts [split $cpath :] set ccpath [lindex $parts 0] set units [lindex $parts 1] # make sure we have the standard path notation set stdpath [$_owner regularize $ccpath] if {"" == $stdpath} { puts stderr "WARNING: don't recognize parameter $cpath in expression for $path. This may be buried in a structure that is not yet loaded." set stdpath $ccpath } # substitute [_controlValue ...] call in place of path append enable [string range $rest 0 [expr {$s0-1}]] append enable [format {[_controlValue %s %s]} $stdpath $units] lappend deps $stdpath set rest [string range $rest [expr {$s1+1}] end] } } else { append enable $rest break } } foreach cpath $deps { $_owner dependenciesfor $cpath $path } } set _name2info($name-enable) $enable $_owner widgetfor $path $w if {[lsearch {control group drawing map separator note} $type] < 0} { # make a label for this control set label [$w label] if {$label ne ""} { set _name2info($name-label) $_frame.l$name set font [option get $itk_component(hull) labelFont Font] label $_name2info($name-label) -text [_formatLabel $label] \ -font $font } # register the tooltip for this control set tip [$w tooltip] if {$tip ne ""} { Rappture::Tooltip::for $w $tip -log $path # add the tooltip to the label too, if there is one if {$_name2info($name-label) ne ""} { Rappture::Tooltip::for $_name2info($name-label) $tip -log $path } } } # insert the new control onto the known list set _controls [linsert $_controls $pos $name] _monitor $name on # now that we have a new control, we should fix the layout $_dispatcher event -idle !layout _controlChanged $name return $name } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: delete ?? # # Clients use this to delete one or more controls from this widget. # The and represent the integer index of the desired # control. You can use the "index" method to convert a control name to # its integer index. If only is specified, then that one # control is deleted. If is specified, then all controls in the # range to are deleted. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::delete {first {last ""}} { if {$last == ""} { set last $first } if {![string is integer $first]} { set first [index $first] } if {![string is integer $last]} { set last [index $last] } foreach name [lrange $_controls $first $last] { _monitor $name off if {"" != $_name2info($name-label)} { destroy $_name2info($name-label) } if {"" != $_name2info($name-value)} { destroy $_name2info($name-value) } $_owner widgetfor $_name2info($name-path) "" array unset _name2info $name-* } set _controls [lreplace $_controls $first $last] $_dispatcher event -idle !layout } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: index ||@n|end # # Clients use this to convert a control into its corresponding # integer index. Returns an error if the is not recognized. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::index {val} { set i [lsearch $_controls $val] if {$i >= 0} { return $i } if {[regexp {^@([0-9]+)$} $val match i]} { return $i } if {$val eq "end"} { return [expr {[llength $_controls]-1}] } # treat as a path name and search for this path foreach name $_controls { if {$_name2info($name-path) eq $val} { set i [lsearch $_controls $name] if {$i >= 0} { return $i } } } error "bad control name \"$name\": should be @int or \"end\" or path name or one of [join [lsort $_controls] {, }]" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: control ?-label|-value|-path|-enable? ?|@n? # # Clients use this to get information about controls. With no args, it # returns a list of all control names. Otherwise, it returns the frame # associated with a control name. The -label option requests the label # widget instead of the value widget. The -path option requests the # path within the XML that the control affects. The -enable option # requests the enabling condition for this control. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::control {args} { if {[llength $args] == 0} { return $_controls } Rappture::getopts args params { flag switch -value default flag switch -label flag switch -path flag switch -enable flag switch -disablestyle } if {[llength $args] == 0} { error "missing control name" } set i [index [lindex $args 0]] set name [lindex $_controls $i] set opt $params(switch) return $_name2info($name$opt) } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: refresh # # Clients use this to refresh the layout of the control panel # whenever a widget within the panel changes visibility state. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::refresh {} { $_dispatcher event -idle !layout } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _layout # # Used internally to fix the layout of controls whenever controls # are added or deleted, or when the control arrangement changes. # There are a lot of heuristics here trying to achieve a "good" # arrangement of controls. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_layout {} { # # Clear any existing layout # foreach {rmax cmax} [grid size $_frame] break for {set r 0} {$r < $rmax} {incr r} { grid rowconfigure $_frame $r -weight 0 -minsize 0 } grid rowconfigure $_frame 99 -weight 0 for {set c 0} {$c < $cmax} {incr c} { grid columnconfigure $_frame $c -weight 0 -minsize 0 } foreach name $_controls { foreach elem {label value} { set w $_name2info($name-$elem) if {$w ne "" && [winfo exists $w]} { grid forget $w } } } grid forget $_frame.empty if {[$_tabs size] > 0} { $_tabs delete 0 end } # # Decide which widgets should be shown and which should be hidden. # set hidden "" set showing "" foreach name $_controls { set show 1 set cond $_name2info($name-enable) if {[string is boolean $cond] && !$cond} { # hard-coded "off" -- ignore completely # When the "enable" of a control is hardcoded "off", "0", etc., it # means to hide the control. This is used by bandstrlab to add # invisible parameters to a structure. The value of the parameter # is used by other widgets with enable statements. # The proper method for doing this is to add a # hide # tag to the about section of the control. } elseif {[catch {expr $cond} show] == 0} { set type $_name2info($name-type) set disablestyle $_name2info($name-disablestyle) set lwidget $_name2info($name-label) set vwidget $_name2info($name-value) if {[lsearch -exact {group image structure} $type] >= 0 || $disablestyle == "hide" } { if {$show ne "" && $show} { lappend showing $name } else { lappend hidden $name } } else { # show other objects, but enable/disable them lappend showing $name if {$show ne "" && $show} { catch {$vwidget configure -state normal} if {[winfo exists $lwidget]} { $lwidget configure -foreground \ [lindex [$lwidget configure -foreground] 3] } } else { catch {$vwidget configure -state disabled} if {[winfo exists $lwidget]} { $lwidget configure -foreground gray } } } } else { bgerror "Error in expression for \"$_name2info($name-path)\":\n $show" } } # store the showing tabs in the object so it can be used in _changeTabs set _showing $showing # # Decide on a layout scheme: # default ...... tabs for groups of groups; vertical otherwise # tabs ......... tabbed notebook # vertical ..... "label: value" down in rows # horizontal ... "label: value" across columns # sentence ..... text with embedded widgets # set _scheme $itk_option(-layout) if {$_scheme eq "" || $_scheme eq "tabs"} { if {[llength $showing] < 2} { set _scheme "vertical" } else { set _scheme "tabs" foreach name $showing { set w $_name2info($name-value) if {[winfo class $w] ne "GroupEntry"} { # something other than a group? then fall back on vertical set _scheme "vertical" break } } } } # if the layout is "sentence:..." then create new parts if {[string match {sentence:*} $itk_option(-layout)] && [array size _sentenceparts] == 0} { set n 0 set font [option get $itk_component(hull) labelFont Font] set str [string range $itk_option(-layout) 9 end] while {[regexp -indices {\$\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}} $str match name]} { foreach {s0 s1} $name break set name [string range $str $s0 $s1] # create a label for the string before the substitution foreach {s0 s1} $match break set prefix [string trim [string range $str 0 [expr {$s0-1}]]] if {$prefix ne ""} { set lname $_frame.sentence[incr n] label $lname -text $prefix -font $font lappend _sentenceparts(all) $lname lappend _sentenceparts(fragments) $lname } # add the widget for the substitution part set found "" foreach c $_controls { if {$_name2info($c-id) eq $name} { set found $c break } } if {$found ne ""} { lappend _sentenceparts(all) $_name2info($found-value) } else { puts stderr "WARNING: name \"$name\" in sentence layout \"$itk_option(-layout)\" not recognized" } set str [string range $str [expr {$s1+1}] end] } # create a label for any trailing string set str [string trim $str] if {$str ne ""} { set lname $_frame.sentence[incr n] label $lname -text $str -font $font lappend _sentenceparts(all) $lname lappend _sentenceparts(fragments) $lname } } switch -glob -- $_scheme { tabs { # # SCHEME: tabs # put a series of groups into a tabbed notebook # # stop covering up the tabset and put the _frame inside the tabs pack forget $_frame $_tabs configure -width 0 -height 0 set gn 1 foreach name $showing { set wv $_name2info($name-value) $wv configure -heading no set label [$wv component heading cget -text] if {"" == $label} { set label "Group #$gn" } set _name2info($name-label) $label $_tabs insert end $name -text $label \ -activebackground $itk_option(-background) \ -window $_frame -fill both incr gn } # compute the overall size # BE CAREFUL: do this after setting "-heading no" above $_dispatcher event -now !resize grid columnconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 1 $_tabs select 0; _changeTabs } vertical { # # SCHEME: vertical # simple "Label: Value" layout # if {[$_tabs size] > 0} { $_tabs delete 0 end } pack $_frame -expand yes -fill both $_tabs configure -width [winfo reqwidth $_frame] \ -height [winfo reqheight $_frame] set expand 0 ;# most controls float to top set row 0 foreach name $showing { set wl $_name2info($name-label) if {$wl != "" && [winfo exists $wl]} { grid $wl -row $row -column 0 -sticky e } set wv $_name2info($name-value) if {$wv ne "" && [winfo exists $wv]} { if {$wl != ""} { grid $wv -row $row -column 1 -sticky ew } else { grid $wv -row $row -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew } grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 0 switch -- [winfo class $wv] { TextEntry { if {[regexp {[0-9]+x[0-9]+} [$wv size]]} { grid $wl -sticky ne -pady 4 grid $wv -sticky nsew grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $_frame 1 -weight 1 set expand 1 } } GroupEntry { $wv configure -heading yes # # Scan through all children in this group # and see if any demand more space. If the # group contains a structure or a note, then # make sure that the group itself is set to # expand/fill. # set queue [winfo children $wv] set expandgroup 0 while {[llength $queue] > 0} { set w [lindex $queue 0] set queue [lrange $queue 1 end] set c [winfo class $w] if {[lsearch {DeviceEditor Note} $c] >= 0} { set expandgroup 1 break } eval lappend queue [winfo children $w] } if {$expandgroup} { set expand 1 grid $wv -sticky nsew grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 1 } } Note { grid $wv -sticky nsew grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 1 set expand 1 } } grid columnconfigure $_frame 1 -weight 1 } incr row grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -minsize $itk_option(-padding) incr row } grid $_frame.empty -row $row # # If there are any hidden items, then make the bottom of # this form fill up any extra space, so the form floats # to the top. Otherwise, it will jitter around as the # hidden items come and go. # if {[llength $hidden] > 0 && !$expand} { grid rowconfigure $_frame 99 -weight 1 } else { grid rowconfigure $_frame 99 -weight 0 } } horizontal { # # SCHEME: horizontal # lay out left to right # if {[$_tabs size] > 0} { $_tabs delete 0 end } pack $_frame -expand yes -fill both $_tabs configure -width [winfo reqwidth $_frame] \ -height [winfo reqheight $_frame] set col 0 set pad [expr {$itk_option(-padding)/2}] foreach name $showing { set wl $_name2info($name-label) if {$wl != "" && [winfo exists $wl]} { grid $wl -row 0 -column $col -sticky e -padx $pad incr col } set wv $_name2info($name-value) if {$wv != "" && [winfo exists $wv]} { grid $wv -row 0 -column $col -sticky ew -padx $pad grid columnconfigure $_frame $col -weight 0 incr col } } } sentence:* { # # SCHEME: sentence # lay out left to right with sentence parts: "( [x] , [y] )" # if {[$_tabs size] > 0} { $_tabs delete 0 end } pack $_frame -expand yes -fill both $_tabs configure -width [winfo reqwidth $_frame] \ -height [winfo reqheight $_frame] set col 0 set pad [expr {$itk_option(-padding)/2}] foreach widget $_sentenceparts(all) { grid $widget -row 0 -column $col -padx $pad incr col } } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _monitor # # Used internally to add/remove bindings that cause the widget # associated with to notify this controls widget of size # changes. Whenever there is a size change, this controls widget # should fix its layout. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_monitor {name state} { set tag "Controls-$this" set wv $_name2info($name-value) if {[catch {bindtags $wv} btags]} { return } set i [lsearch $btags $tag] if {$state} { if {$i < 0} { bindtags $wv [linsert $btags 0 $tag] } } else { if {$i >= 0} { bindtags $wv [lreplace $btags $i $i] } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _controlChanged # # Invoked automatically whenever the value for a control changes. # Sends a notification along to the tool controlling this panel. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_controlChanged {name} { set path $_name2info($name-path) # # Let the owner know that this control changed. # if {"" != $_owner} { $_owner changed $path } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _controlValue ?? # # Used internally to get the value of a control with the specified # . Returns the current value for the control. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_controlValue {path {units ""}} { if {"" != $_owner} { set val [$_owner valuefor $path] if {"" != $units} { set val [Rappture::Units::convert $val -to $units -units off] } return $val } return "" } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _formatLabel # # Used internally to format a label . Trims any excess # white space and adds a ":" to the end. That way, all labels # have a uniform look. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_formatLabel {str} { set str [string trim $str] if {"" != $str && [string index $str end] != ":"} { append str ":" } return $str } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _changeTabs ?-user|-program? # # Used internally to change tabs when the user clicks on a tab # in the "tabs" layout mode. This mode is used when the widget # contains nothing but groups, as a compact way of representing # the groups. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_changeTabs {{why -program}} { set i [$_tabs index select] # we use _showing here instead of _controls because sometimes tabs # are disabled, and the index of the choosen tab always matches # _showing, even if tabs are disabled. set name [lindex $_showing $i] if {$name ne ""} { foreach w [grid slaves $_frame] { grid forget $w } set wv $_name2info($name-value) grid $wv -row 0 -column 0 -sticky nsew $_tabs tab configure [$_tabs get $i] -window $_frame if {$why eq "-user"} { Rappture::Logger::log group $_name2info($name-path) } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _resize # # Used internally to resize the widget when its contents change. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_resize {} { switch -glob -- $_scheme { tabs { # in "tabs" mode, the overall size is the largest for all pages set maxw 0 set maxh 0 update idletasks foreach name $_controls { set wv $_name2info($name-value) set w [winfo reqwidth $wv] if {$w > $maxw} { set maxw $w } set h [winfo reqheight $wv] if {$h > $maxh} { set maxh $h } } # Turn off propagation temporarily so that we don't keep # recursing back into this routine when we change the frame's # dimensions below. grid propagate $_frame no $_frame configure -width $maxw -height $maxh # Turn progagation back on so that the parent widget recognizes # when the widget changes size or is unpacked. grid propagate $_frame yes } vertical - horizontal - sentence* { # in other modes, just use normal size propagation grid propagate $_frame yes } default { error "bad layout scheme \"$_scheme\"" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -padding # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Controls::padding { $_dispatcher event -idle !layout } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # OPTION: -layout # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::Controls::layout { # clear any existing sentence parts if {[array size _sentenceparts] > 0} { foreach part $_sentenceparts(fragments) { destroy $part } catch {unset _sentenceparts} } if {![regexp {^(|horizontal|vertical|tabs|sentence:.+)$} $itk_option(-layout)]} { puts "ERROR: bad layout option \"$itk_option(-layout)\" -- should be horizontal, vertical, tabs or sentence:..." set itk_option(-layout) "" } # recompute the layout at some point $_dispatcher event -idle !layout }