source: trunk/gui/scripts/controls.tcl @ 3407

Last change on this file since 3407 was 3330, checked in by gah, 12 years ago

merge (by hand) with Rappture1.2 branch

File size: 26.9 KB
1# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3#  COMPONENT: controls - a container for various Rappture controls
5#  This widget is a smart frame acting as a container for controls.
6#  Controls are added to this panel, and the panel itself decides
7#  how to arrange them given available space.
8# ======================================================================
9#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
10#  Copyright (c) 2004-2012  HUBzero Foundation, LLC
12#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
13#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
14# ======================================================================
15package require Itk
16package require BLT
18option add *Controls.padding 4 widgetDefault
19option add *Controls.labelFont \
20    -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-* widgetDefault
22itcl::class Rappture::Controls {
23    inherit itk::Widget
25    itk_option define -padding padding Padding 0
27    constructor {owner args} { # defined below }
28    destructor { # defined below }
30    public method insert {pos path}
31    public method delete {first {last ""}}
32    public method index {name}
33    public method control {args}
34    public method refresh {}
36    protected method _layout {}
37    protected method _monitor {name state}
38    protected method _controlChanged {name}
39    protected method _controlValue {path {units ""}}
40    protected method _formatLabel {str}
41    protected method _changeTabs {{why -program}}
42    protected method _resize {}
44    private variable _owner ""       ;# controls belong to this owner
45    private variable _tabs ""        ;# optional tabset for groups
46    private variable _frame ""       ;# pack controls into this frame
47    private variable _counter 0      ;# counter for control names
48    private variable _dispatcher ""  ;# dispatcher for !events
49    private variable _controls ""    ;# list of known controls
50    private variable _showing ""     ;# list of enabled (showing) controls
51    private variable _name2info      ;# maps control name => info
52    private variable _scheme ""      ;# layout scheme (tabs/hlabels)
55itk::usual Controls {
58# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
60# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
61itcl::body Rappture::Controls::constructor {owner args} {
62    Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher
63    $_dispatcher register !layout
64    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !layout "[itcl::code $this _layout]; list"
65    $_dispatcher register !resize
66    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !resize "[itcl::code $this _resize]; list"
68    set _owner $owner
70    Rappture::Scroller $ -xscrollmode none -yscrollmode auto
71    pack $ -expand yes -fill both
72    set f [$ contents frame]
74    set _tabs [blt::tabset $f.tabs -borderwidth 0 -relief flat \
75        -side top -tearoff 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
76        -selectbackground $itk_option(-background) \
77        -selectcommand [itcl::code $this _changeTabs -user]]
79    set _frame [frame $f.inner]
80    pack $_frame -expand yes -fill both
82    #
83    # Put this frame in whenever the control frame is empty.
84    # It forces the size to contract back now when controls are deleted.
85    #
86    frame $_frame.empty -width 1 -height 1
88    #
89    # Set up a binding that all inserted widgets will use so that
90    # we can monitor their size changes.
91    #
92    bind Controls-$this <Configure> \
93        [list $_dispatcher event -idle !resize]
95    eval itk_initialize $args
98# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
100# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
101itcl::body Rappture::Controls::destructor {} {
102    delete 0 end
105# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
106# USAGE: insert <pos> <path>
108# Clients use this to insert a control into this panel.  The control
109# is inserted into the list at position <pos>, which can be an integer
110# starting from 0 or the keyword "end".  Information about the control
111# is taken from the specified <path>.
113# Returns a name that can be used to identify the control in other
114# methods.
115# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
116itcl::body Rappture::Controls::insert {pos path} {
117    if {"end" == $pos} {
118        set pos [llength $_controls]
119    } elseif {![string is integer $pos]} {
120        error "bad index \"$pos\": should be integer or \"end\""
121    }
123    incr _counter
124    set name "control$_counter"
125    set path [$_owner xml element -as path $path]
127    set _name2info($name-path) $path
128    set _name2info($name-label) ""
129    set _name2info($name-type) ""
130    set _name2info($name-value) [set w $_frame.v$name]
131    set _name2info($name-enable) "yes"
132    set _name2info($name-disablestyle) "greyout"
134    set type [$_owner xml element -as type $path]
135    set _name2info($name-type) $type
136    switch -- $type {
137        choice {
138            Rappture::ChoiceEntry $w $_owner $path
139            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
140        }
141        group {
142            Rappture::GroupEntry $w $_owner $path
143        }
144        loader {
145            Rappture::Loader $w $_owner $path -tool [$_owner tool]
146            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
147        }
148        number {
149            Rappture::NumberEntry $w $_owner $path
150            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
151        }
152        integer {
153            Rappture::IntegerEntry $w $_owner $path
154            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
155        }
156        boolean {
157            Rappture::BooleanEntry $w $_owner $path
158            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
159        }
160        string {
161            Rappture::TextEntry $w $_owner $path
162            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
163        }
164        drawing {
165            Rappture::DrawingEntry $w $_owner $path
166        }
167        image {
168            Rappture::ImageEntry $w $_owner $path
169        }
170        control {
171            set label [$_owner xml get $path.label]
172            if {"" == $label} { set label "Simulate" }
173            set service [$_owner xml get $path.service]
174            button $w -text $label -command [list $service run]
175        }
176        separator {
177            # no widget to create
178            set _name2info($name-value) "--"
179        }
180        note {
181            Rappture::Note $w $_owner $path
182        }
183        periodicelement {
184            Rappture::PeriodicElementEntry $w $_owner $path
185            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
186        }
187        default {
188            error "don't know how to add control type \"$type\""
189        }
190    }
192    #
193    # If this element has an <enable> expression, then register
194    # its controlling widget here.
195    #
196    set notify [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.about.notify]]
198    set disablestyle [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.about.disablestyle]]
199    if { $disablestyle != "" } {
200        set _name2info($name-disablestyle) $disablestyle
201    }
202    #
203    # If this element has an <enable> expression, then register
204    # its controlling widget here.
205    #
206    set enable [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.about.enable]]
207    if {"" == $enable} {
208        set enable yes
209    }
210    if {![string is boolean $enable]} {
211        set re {([a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*|\([^\(\)]+\)|[a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*\([^\(\)]+\))(\.([a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*|\([^\(\)]+\)|[a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*\([^\(\)]+\)))*(:[-a-zA-Z0-9/]+)?}
212        set rest $enable
213        set enable ""
214        set deps ""
215        while {1} {
216            if {[regexp -indices $re $rest match]} {
217                foreach {s0 s1} $match break
219                if {[string index $rest [expr {$s0-1}]] == "\""} {
220                    # string in ""'s? then leave it alone
221                    append enable [string range $rest 0 [expr {$s0-1}]]
222                    set rest [string range $rest $s0 end]
223                    if {[regexp -indices {[^\"]+\"} $rest match]} {
224                        foreach {s0 s1} $match break
225                        append enable [string range $rest $s0 $s1]
226                        set rest [string range $rest [expr {$s1+1}] end]
227                    } else {
228                        puts stderr "WARNING: mismatched quote in enable condition for $path"
229                        puts stderr "   expr: [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.about.enable]]"
230                        set rest ""
231                    }
232                } else {
233                    #
234                    # This is a symbol which should be substituted
235                    # it can be either:
236                    #
237                    #
238                    #
239                    set cpath [string range $rest $s0 $s1]
240                    set parts [split $cpath :]
241                    set ccpath [lindex $parts 0]
242                    set units [lindex $parts 1]
244                    # make sure we have the standard path notation
245                    set stdpath [$_owner regularize $ccpath]
246                    if {"" == $stdpath} {
247                        puts stderr "WARNING: don't recognize parameter $cpath in <enable> expression for $path.  This may be buried in a structure that is not yet loaded."
248                        set stdpath $ccpath
249                    }
250                    # substitute [_controlValue ...] call in place of path
251                    append enable [string range $rest 0 [expr {$s0-1}]]
252                    append enable [format {[_controlValue %s %s]} $stdpath $units]
253                    lappend deps $stdpath
254                    set rest [string range $rest [expr {$s1+1}] end]
255                }
256            } else {
257                append enable $rest
258                break
259            }
260        }
262        foreach cpath $deps {
263            $_owner dependenciesfor $cpath $path
264        }
265    }
266    set _name2info($name-enable) $enable
268    set hidden [$_owner xml get $_name2info($name-path).hide]
269    if { $hidden != "" } {
270        set _name2info($name-enable) [expr !$hidden]
271    }
272    $_owner widgetfor $path $w
274    if {[lsearch {control group separator note} $type] < 0} {
275        # make a label for this control
276        set label [$w label]
277        if {"" != $label} {
278            set _name2info($name-label) $_frame.l$name
279            set font [option get $itk_component(hull) labelFont Font]
280            label $_name2info($name-label) -text [_formatLabel $label] \
281                -font $font
282        }
284        # register the tooltip for this control
285        set tip [$w tooltip]
286        if {"" != $tip} {
287            Rappture::Tooltip::for $w $tip -log $path
289            # add the tooltip to the label too, if there is one
290            if {$_name2info($name-label) != ""} {
291                Rappture::Tooltip::for $_name2info($name-label) $tip -log $path
292            }
293        }
294    }
296    # insert the new control onto the known list
297    set _controls [linsert $_controls $pos $name]
298    _monitor $name on
300    # now that we have a new control, we should fix the layout
301    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
302    _controlChanged $name
304    return $name
307# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
308# USAGE: delete <first> ?<last>?
310# Clients use this to delete one or more controls from this widget.
311# The <first> and <last> represent the integer index of the desired
312# control.  You can use the "index" method to convert a control name to
313# its integer index.  If only <first> is specified, then that one
314# control is deleted.  If <last> is specified, then all controls in the
315# range <first> to <last> are deleted.
316# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
317itcl::body Rappture::Controls::delete {first {last ""}} {
318    if {$last == ""} {
319        set last $first
320    }
321    if {![regexp {^[0-9]+|end$} $first]} {
322        error "bad index \"$first\": should be integer or \"end\""
323    }
324    if {![regexp {^[0-9]+|end$} $last]} {
325        error "bad index \"$last\": should be integer or \"end\""
326    }
328    foreach name [lrange $_controls $first $last] {
329        _monitor $name off
331        if {"" != $_name2info($name-label)} {
332            destroy $_name2info($name-label)
333        }
334        if {"" != $_name2info($name-value)} {
335            destroy $_name2info($name-value)
336        }
337        $_owner widgetfor $_name2info($name-path) ""
338        array unset _name2info $name-*
339    }
340    set _controls [lreplace $_controls $first $last]
342    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
345# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
346# USAGE: index <name>|@n
348# Clients use this to convert a control <name> into its corresponding
349# integer index.  Returns an error if the <name> is not recognized.
350# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
351itcl::body Rappture::Controls::index {name} {
352    set i [lsearch $_controls $name]
353    if {$i >= 0} {
354        return $i
355    }
356    if {[regexp {^@([0-9]+)$} $name match i]} {
357        return $i
358    }
359    if {$name == "end"} {
360        return [expr {[llength $_controls]-1}]
361    }
362    error "bad control name \"$name\": should be @int or one of [join [lsort $_controls] {, }]"
365# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
366# USAGE: control ?-label|-value|-path|-enable? ?<name>|@n?
368# Clients use this to get information about controls.  With no args, it
369# returns a list of all control names.  Otherwise, it returns the frame
370# associated with a control name.  The -label option requests the label
371# widget instead of the value widget.  The -path option requests the
372# path within the XML that the control affects.  The -enable option
373# requests the enabling condition for this control.
374# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
375itcl::body Rappture::Controls::control {args} {
376    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
377        return $_controls
378    }
379    Rappture::getopts args params {
380        flag switch -value default
381        flag switch -label
382        flag switch -path
383        flag switch -enable
384        flag switch -disablestyle
385    }
386    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
387        error "missing control name"
388    }
389    set i [index [lindex $args 0]]
390    set name [lindex $_controls $i]
392    set opt $params(switch)
393    return $_name2info($name$opt)
396# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
397# USAGE: refresh
399# Clients use this to refresh the layout of the control panel
400# whenever a widget within the panel changes visibility state.
401# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
402itcl::body Rappture::Controls::refresh {} {
403    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
406# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
407# USAGE: _layout
409# Used internally to fix the layout of controls whenever controls
410# are added or deleted, or when the control arrangement changes.
411# There are a lot of heuristics here trying to achieve a "good"
412# arrangement of controls.
413# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
414itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_layout {} {
415    #
416    # Clear any existing layout
417    #
418    foreach name $_controls {
419        foreach elem {label value} {
420            set w $_name2info($name-$elem)
421            if {$w != "" && [winfo exists $w]} {
422                grid forget $w
423            }
424        }
425    }
426    if {[$_tabs size] > 0} {
427        $_tabs delete 0 end
428    }
429    grid forget $_frame.empty
431    #
432    # Decide which widgets should be shown and which should be hidden.
433    #
434    set hidden ""
435    set showing ""
436    foreach name $_controls {
437        set show 1
438        set cond $_name2info($name-enable)
439        if {[string is boolean $cond] && !$cond} {
440            # hard-coded "off" -- ignore completely
441        } elseif {[catch {expr $cond} show] == 0} {
442            set type $_name2info($name-type)
443            set disablestyle $_name2info($name-disablestyle)
444            set lwidget $_name2info($name-label)
445            set vwidget $_name2info($name-value)
446            if {[lsearch -exact {group image structure} $type] >= 0 ||
447                $disablestyle == "hide" } {
448                if {$show ne "" && $show} {
449                    lappend showing $name
450                } else {
451                    lappend hidden $name
452                }
453            } else {
454                # show other objects, but enable/disable them
455                lappend showing $name
456                if {$show ne "" && $show} {
457                    if {[winfo exists $vwidget]} {
458                        $vwidget configure -state normal
459                    }
460                    if {[winfo exists $lwidget]} {
461                        $lwidget configure -foreground \
462                            [lindex [$lwidget configure -foreground] 3]
463                    }
464                } else {
465                    if {[winfo exists $vwidget]} {
466                        $vwidget configure -state disabled
467                    }
468                    if {[winfo exists $lwidget]} {
469                        $lwidget configure -foreground gray
470                    }
471                }
472            }
473        } else {
474            bgerror "Error in <enable> expression for \"$_name2info($name-path)\":\n  $show"
475        }
476    }
478    # store the showing tabs in the object so it can be used in _changeTabs
479    set _showing $showing
481    #
482    # Decide on a layout scheme:
483    #   tabs ...... best if all elements within are groups
484    #   hlabels ... horizontal labels (label: value)
485    #
486    if {[llength $showing] >= 2} {
487        # assume tabs for multiple groups
488        set _scheme tabs
489        foreach name $showing {
490            set w $_name2info($name-value)
492            if {$w == "--" || [winfo class $w] != "GroupEntry"} {
493                # something other than a group? then fall back on hlabels
494                set _scheme hlabels
495                break
496            }
497        }
498    } else {
499        set _scheme hlabels
500    }
502    switch -- $_scheme {
503      tabs {
504        #
505        # SCHEME: tabs
506        # put a series of groups into a tabbed notebook
507        #
509        # use inner frame within tabs to show current group
510        pack $_tabs -before $_frame -fill x
512        set gn 1
513        foreach name $showing {
514            set wv $_name2info($name-value)
515            $wv configure -heading no
517            set label [$wv component heading cget -text]
518            if {"" == $label} {
519                set label "Group #$gn"
520            }
521            set _name2info($name-label) $label
522            $_tabs insert end $name -text $label \
523                -activebackground $itk_option(-background)
525            incr gn
526        }
528        # compute the overall size
529        # BE CAREFUL: do this after setting "-heading no" above
530        $_dispatcher event -now !resize
532        grid propagate $_frame off
533        grid columnconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 1
534        grid rowconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 1
536        $_tabs select 0; _changeTabs
537      }
539      hlabels {
540        #
541        # SCHEME: hlabels
542        # simple "Label: Value" layout
543        #
544        pack forget $_tabs
545        grid propagate $_frame on
546        grid columnconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 0
547        grid rowconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 0
549        set expand 0  ;# most controls float to top
550        set row 0
551        foreach name $showing {
552            set wl $_name2info($name-label)
553            if {$wl != "" && [winfo exists $wl]} {
554                grid $wl -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
555            }
557            set wv $_name2info($name-value)
558            if {$wv != "" && [winfo exists $wv]} {
559                if {$wl != ""} {
560                    grid $wv -row $row -column 1 -sticky ew
561                } else {
562                    grid $wv -row $row -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
563                }
565                grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 0
567                switch -- [winfo class $wv] {
568                    TextEntry {
569                        if {[regexp {[0-9]+x[0-9]+} [$wv size]]} {
570                            grid $wl -sticky n -pady 4
571                            grid $wv -sticky nsew
572                            grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 1
573                            grid columnconfigure $_frame 1 -weight 1
574                            set expand 1
575                        }
576                    }
577                    GroupEntry {
578                        $wv configure -heading yes
580                        #
581                        # Scan through all children in this group
582                        # and see if any demand more space.  If the
583                        # group contains a structure or a note, then
584                        # make sure that the group itself is set to
585                        # expand/fill.
586                        #
587                        set queue [winfo children $wv]
588                        set expandgroup 0
589                        while {[llength $queue] > 0} {
590                            set w [lindex $queue 0]
591                            set queue [lrange $queue 1 end]
592                            set c [winfo class $w]
593                            if {[lsearch {DeviceEditor Note} $c] >= 0} {
594                                set expandgroup 1
595                                break
596                            }
597                            eval lappend queue [winfo children $w]
598                        }
599                        if {$expandgroup} {
600                            set expand 1
601                            grid $wv -sticky nsew
602                            grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 1
603                        }
604                    }
605                    Note {
606                        grid $wv -sticky nsew
607                        grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 1
608                        set expand 1
609                    }
610                }
611                grid columnconfigure $_frame 1 -weight 1
612            } elseif {$wv == "--"} {
613                grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -minsize 10
614            }
616            incr row
617            grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -minsize $itk_option(-padding)
618            incr row
619        }
620        grid $_frame.empty -row $row
622        #
623        # If there are any hidden items, then make the bottom of
624        # this form fill up any extra space, so the form floats
625        # to the top.  Otherwise, it will jitter around as the
626        # hidden items come and go.
627        #
628        if {[llength $hidden] > 0 && !$expand} {
629            grid rowconfigure $_frame 99 -weight 1
630        } else {
631            grid rowconfigure $_frame 99 -weight 0
632        }
633      }
634    }
637# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
638# USAGE: _monitor <name> <state>
640# Used internally to add/remove bindings that cause the widget
641# associated with <name> to notify this controls widget of size
642# changes.  Whenever there is a size change, this controls widget
643# should fix its layout.
644# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
645itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_monitor {name state} {
646    set tag "Controls-$this"
647    set wv $_name2info($name-value)
648    if {$wv == "--" || [catch {bindtags $wv} btags]} {
649        return
650    }
651    set i [lsearch $btags $tag]
653    if {$state} {
654        if {$i < 0} {
655            bindtags $wv [linsert $btags 0 $tag]
656        }
657    } else {
658        if {$i >= 0} {
659            bindtags $wv [lreplace $btags $i $i]
660        }
661    }
664# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
665# USAGE: _controlChanged <name>
667# Invoked automatically whenever the value for a control changes.
668# Sends a notification along to the tool controlling this panel.
669# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
670itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_controlChanged {name} {
671    set path $_name2info($name-path)
673    #
674    # Let the owner know that this control changed.
675    #
676    if {"" != $_owner} {
677        $_owner changed $path
678    }
681# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
682# USAGE: _controlValue <path> ?<units>?
684# Used internally to get the value of a control with the specified
685# <path>.  Returns the current value for the control.
686# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
687itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_controlValue {path {units ""}} {
688    if {"" != $_owner} {
689        set val [$_owner valuefor $path]
690        if {"" != $units} {
691            set val [Rappture::Units::convert $val -to $units -units off]
692        }
693        return $val
694    }
695    return ""
698# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
699# USAGE: _formatLabel <string>
701# Used internally to format a label <string>.  Trims any excess
702# white space and adds a ":" to the end.  That way, all labels
703# have a uniform look.
704# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
705itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_formatLabel {str} {
706    set str [string trim $str]
707    if {"" != $str && [string index $str end] != ":"} {
708        append str ":"
709    }
710    return $str
713# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
714# USAGE: _changeTabs ?-user|-program?
716# Used internally to change tabs when the user clicks on a tab
717# in the "tabs" layout mode.  This mode is used when the widget
718# contains nothing but groups, as a compact way of representing
719# the groups.
720# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
721itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_changeTabs {{why -program}} {
722    set i [$_tabs index select]
723    # we use _showing here instead of _controls because sometimes tabs
724    # are disabled, and the index of the choosen tab always matches
725    # _showing, even if tabs are disabled.
726    set name [lindex $_showing $i]
727    if {$name ne ""} {
728        foreach w [grid slaves $_frame] {
729            grid forget $w
730        }
732        set wv $_name2info($name-value)
733        grid $wv -row 0 -column 0 -sticky new
735        if {$why eq "-user"} {
736            Rappture::Logger::log group $_name2info($name-path)
737        }
738    }
741# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
742# USAGE: _resize
744# Used internally to resize the widget when its contents change.
745# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
746itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_resize {} {
747    switch -- $_scheme {
748        tabs {
749            # compute the overall size
750            # BE CAREFUL: do this after setting "-heading no" above
751            set maxw 0
752            set maxh 0
753            update idletasks
754            foreach name $_controls {
755                set wv $_name2info($name-value)
756                set w [winfo reqwidth $wv]
757                if {$w > $maxw} { set maxw $w }
758                set h [winfo reqheight $wv]
759                if {$h > $maxh} { set maxh $h }
760            }
761            $_frame configure -width $maxw -height $maxh
762        }
763        hlabels {
764            # do nothing
765        }
766    }
769# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
770# OPTION: -padding
771# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
772itcl::configbody Rappture::Controls::padding {
773    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
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