source: trunk/gui/scripts/controls.tcl @ 761

Last change on this file since 761 was 761, checked in by mmc, 17 years ago

Added a new <note> object which can be used to add annotations to
the input side. Each <note> has a <contents> area which contains
a url for a web site or a file. All file urls are treated as
relative to the "docs" directory where the tool.xml is located.

Fixed the output for <number>, <integer>, <boolean>, and <choice>
so that it shows multiple values when "All" is pressed, and it
highlights the current value. Also fixed the download option for
this widget so that it works properly.

Fixed the energy level viewer so that its download option works.

File size: 23.8 KB
1# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2#  COMPONENT: controls - a container for various Rappture controls
4#  This widget is a smart frame acting as a container for controls.
5#  Controls are added to this panel, and the panel itself decides
6#  how to arrange them given available space.
7# ======================================================================
8#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
9#  Copyright (c) 2004-2005  Purdue Research Foundation
11#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
12#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
13# ======================================================================
14package require Itk
15package require BLT
17option add *Controls.padding 4 widgetDefault
18option add *Controls.labelFont \
19    -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-* widgetDefault
21itcl::class Rappture::Controls {
22    inherit itk::Widget
24    itk_option define -padding padding Padding 0
26    constructor {owner args} { # defined below }
27    destructor { # defined below }
29    public method insert {pos path}
30    public method delete {first {last ""}}
31    public method index {name}
32    public method control {args}
33    public method refresh {}
35    protected method _layout {}
36    protected method _monitor {name state}
37    protected method _controlChanged {name}
38    protected method _controlValue {path {units ""}}
39    protected method _formatLabel {str}
40    protected method _changeTabs {}
41    protected method _resize {}
43    private variable _owner ""       ;# controls belong to this owner
44    private variable _tabs ""        ;# optional tabset for groups
45    private variable _frame ""       ;# pack controls into this frame
46    private variable _counter 0      ;# counter for control names
47    private variable _dispatcher ""  ;# dispatcher for !events
48    private variable _controls ""    ;# list of known controls
49    private variable _name2info      ;# maps control name => info
50    private variable _scheme ""      ;# layout scheme (tabs/hlabels)
53itk::usual Controls {
56# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
58# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
59itcl::body Rappture::Controls::constructor {owner args} {
60    Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher
61    $_dispatcher register !layout
62    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !layout "[itcl::code $this _layout]; list"
63    $_dispatcher register !resize
64    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !resize "[itcl::code $this _resize]; list"
66    set _owner $owner
68    Rappture::Scroller $ -xscrollmode none -yscrollmode auto
69    pack $ -expand yes -fill both
70    set f [$ contents frame]
72    set _tabs [blt::tabset $f.tabs -borderwidth 0 -relief flat \
73        -side top -tearoff 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
74        -selectbackground $itk_option(-background) \
75        -selectcommand [itcl::code $this _changeTabs]]
77    set _frame [frame $f.inner]
78    pack $_frame -expand yes -fill both
80    #
81    # Put this frame in whenever the control frame is empty.
82    # It forces the size to contract back now when controls are deleted.
83    #
84    frame $_frame.empty -width 1 -height 1
86    #
87    # Set up a binding that all inserted widgets will use so that
88    # we can monitor their size changes.
89    #
90    bind Controls-$this <Configure> \
91        [list $_dispatcher event -idle !resize]
93    eval itk_initialize $args
96# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
98# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
99itcl::body Rappture::Controls::destructor {} {
100    delete 0 end
103# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
104# USAGE: insert <pos> <path>
106# Clients use this to insert a control into this panel.  The control
107# is inserted into the list at position <pos>, which can be an integer
108# starting from 0 or the keyword "end".  Information about the control
109# is taken from the specified <path>.
111# Returns a name that can be used to identify the control in other
112# methods.
113# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
114itcl::body Rappture::Controls::insert {pos path} {
115    if {"end" == $pos} {
116        set pos [llength $_controls]
117    } elseif {![string is integer $pos]} {
118        error "bad index \"$pos\": should be integer or \"end\""
119    }
121    incr _counter
122    set name "control$_counter"
123    set path [$_owner xml element -as path $path]
125    set _name2info($name-path) $path
126    set _name2info($name-label) ""
127    set _name2info($name-type) ""
128    set _name2info($name-value) [set w $_frame.v$name]
129    set _name2info($name-enable) "yes"
131    set type [$_owner xml element -as type $path]
132    set _name2info($name-type) $type
133    switch -- $type {
134        choice {
135            Rappture::ChoiceEntry $w $_owner $path
136            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
137        }
138        group {
139            Rappture::GroupEntry $w $_owner $path
140        }
141        loader {
142            Rappture::Loader $w $_owner $path -tool [$_owner tool]
143            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
144        }
145        number {
146            Rappture::NumberEntry $w $_owner $path
147            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
148        }
149        integer {
150            Rappture::IntegerEntry $w $_owner $path
151            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
152        }
153        boolean {
154            Rappture::BooleanEntry $w $_owner $path
155            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
156        }
157        string {
158            Rappture::TextEntry $w $_owner $path
159            bind $w <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _controlChanged $name]
160        }
161        image {
162            Rappture::ImageEntry $w $_owner $path
163        }
164        control {
165            set label [$_owner xml get $path.label]
166            if {"" == $label} { set label "Simulate" }
167            set service [$_owner xml get $path.service]
168            button $w -text $label -command [list $service run]
169        }
170        separator {
171            # no widget to create
172            set _name2info($name-value) "--"
173        }
174        note {
175            Rappture::Note $w $_owner $path
176        }
177        default {
178            error "don't know how to add control type \"$type\""
179        }
180    }
182    #
183    # If this element has an <enable> expression, then register
184    # its controlling widget here.
185    #
186    set enable [string trim [$_owner xml get $path.about.enable]]
187    if {"" == $enable} {
188        set enable yes
189    }
190    if {![string is boolean $enable]} {
191        set re {([a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*|\([^\(\)]+\)|[a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*\([^\(\)]+\))(\.([a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*|\([^\(\)]+\)|[a-zA-Z_]+[0-9]*\([^\(\)]+\)))*(:[-a-zA-Z0-9/]+)?}
192        set rest $enable
193        set enable ""
194        set deps ""
195        while {1} {
196            if {[regexp -indices $re $rest match]} {
197                foreach {s0 s1} $match break
199                if {[string index $rest [expr {$s0-1}]] == "\""
200                      && [string index $rest [expr {$s1+1}]] == "\""} {
201                    # string in ""'s? then leave it alone
202                    append enable [string range $rest 0 $s1]
203                    set rest [string range $rest [expr {$s1+1}] end]
204                } else {
205                    #
206                    # This is a symbol which should be substituted
207                    # it can be either:
208                    #
209                    #
210                    #
211                    set cpath [string range $rest $s0 $s1]
212                    set parts [split $cpath :]
213                    set ccpath [lindex $parts 0]
214                    set units [lindex $parts 1]
216                    # make sure we have the standard path notation
217                    set stdpath [$_owner regularize $ccpath]
218                    if {"" == $stdpath} {
219                        puts stderr "WARNING: don't recognize parameter $cpath in <enable> expression for $path.  This may be buried in a structure that is not yet loaded."
220                        set stdpath $ccpath
221                    }
222                    # substitute [_controlValue ...] call in place of path
223                    append enable [string range $rest 0 [expr {$s0-1}]]
224                    append enable [format {[_controlValue %s %s]} $stdpath $units]
225                    lappend deps $stdpath
226                    set rest [string range $rest [expr {$s1+1}] end]
227                }
228            } else {
229                append enable $rest
230                break
231            }
232        }
234        foreach cpath $deps {
235            $_owner dependenciesfor $cpath $path
236        }
237    }
238    set _name2info($name-enable) $enable
240    $_owner widgetfor $path $w
242    if {[lsearch {control group separator note} $type] < 0} {
243        # make a label for this control
244        set label [$w label]
245        if {"" != $label} {
246            set _name2info($name-label) $_frame.l$name
247            set font [option get $itk_component(hull) labelFont Font]
248            label $_name2info($name-label) -text [_formatLabel $label] \
249                -font $font
250        }
252        # register the tooltip for this control
253        set tip [$w tooltip]
254        if {"" != $tip} {
255            Rappture::Tooltip::for $w $tip
257            # add the tooltip to the label too, if there is one
258            if {$_name2info($name-label) != ""} {
259                Rappture::Tooltip::for $_name2info($name-label) $tip
260            }
261        }
262    }
264    # insert the new control onto the known list
265    set _controls [linsert $_controls $pos $name]
266    _monitor $name on
268    # now that we have a new control, we should fix the layout
269    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
270    _controlChanged $name
272    return $name
275# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
276# USAGE: delete <first> ?<last>?
278# Clients use this to delete one or more controls from this widget.
279# The <first> and <last> represent the integer index of the desired
280# control.  You can use the "index" method to convert a control name to
281# its integer index.  If only <first> is specified, then that one
282# control is deleted.  If <last> is specified, then all controls in the
283# range <first> to <last> are deleted.
284# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
285itcl::body Rappture::Controls::delete {first {last ""}} {
286    if {$last == ""} {
287        set last $first
288    }
289    if {![regexp {^[0-9]+|end$} $first]} {
290        error "bad index \"$first\": should be integer or \"end\""
291    }
292    if {![regexp {^[0-9]+|end$} $last]} {
293        error "bad index \"$last\": should be integer or \"end\""
294    }
296    foreach name [lrange $_controls $first $last] {
297        _monitor $name off
299        if {"" != $_name2info($name-label)} {
300            destroy $_name2info($name-label)
301        }
302        if {"" != $_name2info($name-value)} {
303            destroy $_name2info($name-value)
304        }
305        $_owner widgetfor $_name2info($name-path) ""
307        unset _name2info($name-path)
308        unset _name2info($name-label)
309        unset _name2info($name-type)
310        unset _name2info($name-value)
311        unset _name2info($name-enable)
312    }
313    set _controls [lreplace $_controls $first $last]
315    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
318# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
319# USAGE: index <name>|@n
321# Clients use this to convert a control <name> into its corresponding
322# integer index.  Returns an error if the <name> is not recognized.
323# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
324itcl::body Rappture::Controls::index {name} {
325    set i [lsearch $_controls $name]
326    if {$i >= 0} {
327        return $i
328    }
329    if {[regexp {^@([0-9]+)$} $name match i]} {
330        return $i
331    }
332    if {$name == "end"} {
333        return [expr {[llength $_controls]-1}]
334    }
335    error "bad control name \"$name\": should be @int or one of [join [lsort $_controls] {, }]"
338# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
339# USAGE: control ?-label|-value|-path|-enable? ?<name>|@n?
341# Clients use this to get information about controls.  With no args, it
342# returns a list of all control names.  Otherwise, it returns the frame
343# associated with a control name.  The -label option requests the label
344# widget instead of the value widget.  The -path option requests the
345# path within the XML that the control affects.  The -enable option
346# requests the enabling condition for this control.
347# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
348itcl::body Rappture::Controls::control {args} {
349    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
350        return $_controls
351    }
352    Rappture::getopts args params {
353        flag switch -value default
354        flag switch -label
355        flag switch -path
356        flag switch -enable
357    }
358    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
359        error "missing control name"
360    }
361    set i [index [lindex $args 0]]
362    set name [lindex $_controls $i]
364    set opt $params(switch)
365    return $_name2info($name$opt)
368# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
369# USAGE: refresh
371# Clients use this to refresh the layout of the control panel
372# whenever a widget within the panel changes visibility state.
373# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
374itcl::body Rappture::Controls::refresh {} {
375    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
378# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
379# USAGE: _layout
381# Used internally to fix the layout of controls whenever controls
382# are added or deleted, or when the control arrangement changes.
383# There are a lot of heuristics here trying to achieve a "good"
384# arrangement of controls.
385# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
386itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_layout {} {
387    #
388    # Clear any existing layout
389    #
390    foreach name $_controls {
391        foreach elem {label value} {
392            set w $_name2info($name-$elem)
393            if {$w != "" && [winfo exists $w]} {
394                grid forget $w
395            }
396        }
397    }
398    if {[$_tabs size] > 0} {
399        $_tabs delete 0 end
400    }
401    grid forget $_frame.empty
403    #
404    # Decide which widgets should be shown and which should be hidden.
405    #
406    set hidden ""
407    set showing ""
408    foreach name $_controls {
409        set show 1
410        set cond $_name2info($name-enable)
411        if {[string is boolean $cond] && !$cond} {
412            # hard-coded "off" -- ignore completely
413        } elseif {[catch {expr $cond} show] == 0} {
414            set type $_name2info($name-type)
415            set lwidget $_name2info($name-label)
416            set vwidget $_name2info($name-value)
417            if {[lsearch -exact {group image structure} $type] >= 0} {
418                if {$show} {
419                    lappend showing $name
420                } else {
421                    lappend hidden $name
422                }
423            } else {
424                # show other objects, but enable/disable them
425                lappend showing $name
426                if {$show} {
427                    if {[winfo exists $vwidget]} {
428                        $vwidget configure -state normal
429                    }
430                    if {[winfo exists $lwidget]} {
431                        $lwidget configure -foreground \
432                            [lindex [$lwidget configure -foreground] 3]
433                    }
434                } else {
435                    if {[winfo exists $vwidget]} {
436                        $vwidget configure -state disabled
437                    }
438                    if {[winfo exists $lwidget]} {
439                        $lwidget configure -foreground gray
440                    }
441                }
442            }
443        } else {
444            bgerror "Error in <enable> expression for \"$_name2info($name-path)\":\n  $show"
445        }
446    }
448    #
449    # Decide on a layout scheme:
450    #   tabs ...... best if all elements within are groups
451    #   hlabels ... horizontal labels (label: value)
452    #
453    if {[llength $showing] >= 2} {
454        # assume tabs for multiple groups
455        set _scheme tabs
456        foreach name $showing {
457            set w $_name2info($name-value)
459            if {$w == "--" || [winfo class $w] != "GroupEntry"} {
460                # something other than a group? then fall back on hlabels
461                set _scheme hlabels
462                break
463            }
464        }
465    } else {
466        set _scheme hlabels
467    }
469    switch -- $_scheme {
470      tabs {
471        #
472        # SCHEME: tabs
473        # put a series of groups into a tabbed notebook
474        #
476        # use inner frame within tabs to show current group
477        pack $_tabs -before $_frame -fill x
479        set gn 1
480        foreach name $showing {
481            set wv $_name2info($name-value)
482            $wv configure -heading no
484            set label [$wv component heading cget -text]
485            if {"" == $label} {
486                set label "Group #$gn"
487            }
488            set _name2info($name-label) $label
490            $_tabs insert end $label \
491                -activebackground $itk_option(-background)
493            incr gn
494        }
496        # compute the overall size
497        # BE CAREFUL: do this after setting "-heading no" above
498        $_dispatcher event -now !resize
500        grid propagate $_frame off
501        grid columnconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 1
502        grid rowconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 1
504        $_tabs select 0; _changeTabs
505      }
507      hlabels {
508        #
509        # SCHEME: hlabels
510        # simple "Label: Value" layout
511        #
512        pack forget $_tabs
513        grid propagate $_frame on
514        grid columnconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 0
515        grid rowconfigure $_frame 0 -weight 0
517        set row 0
518        foreach name $showing {
519            set wl $_name2info($name-label)
520            if {$wl != "" && [winfo exists $wl]} {
521                grid $wl -row $row -column 0 -sticky e
522            }
524            set wv $_name2info($name-value)
525            if {$wv != "" && [winfo exists $wv]} {
526                if {$wl != ""} {
527                    grid $wv -row $row -column 1 -sticky ew
528                } else {
529                    grid $wv -row $row -column 0 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
530                }
532                grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 0
534                switch -- [winfo class $wv] {
535                    TextEntry {
536                        if {[regexp {[0-9]+x[0-9]+} [$wv size]]} {
537                            grid $wl -sticky n -pady 4
538                            grid $wv -sticky nsew
539                            grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 1
540                            grid columnconfigure $_frame 1 -weight 1
541                        }
542                    }
543                    GroupEntry {
544                        $wv configure -heading yes
545                    }
546                    Note {
547                        grid $wv -sticky nsew
548                        grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -weight 1
549                    }
550                }
551                grid columnconfigure $_frame 1 -weight 1
552            } elseif {$wv == "--"} {
553                grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -minsize 10
554            }
556            incr row
557            grid rowconfigure $_frame $row -minsize $itk_option(-padding)
558            incr row
559        }
560        grid $_frame.empty -row $row
562        #
563        # If there are any hidden items, then make the bottom of
564        # this form fill up any extra space, so the form floats
565        # to the top.  Otherwise, it will jitter around as the
566        # hidden items come and go.
567        #
568        if {[llength $hidden] > 0} {
569            grid rowconfigure $_frame 99 -weight 1
570        } else {
571            grid rowconfigure $_frame 99 -weight 0
572        }
573      }
574    }
577# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
578# USAGE: _monitor <name> <state>
580# Used internally to add/remove bindings that cause the widget
581# associated with <name> to notify this controls widget of size
582# changes.  Whenever there is a size change, this controls widget
583# should fix its layout.
584# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
585itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_monitor {name state} {
586    set tag "Controls-$this"
587    set wv $_name2info($name-value)
588    if {$wv == "--" || [catch {bindtags $wv} btags]} {
589        return
590    }
591    set i [lsearch $btags $tag]
593    if {$state} {
594        if {$i < 0} {
595            bindtags $wv [linsert $btags 0 $tag]
596        }
597    } else {
598        if {$i >= 0} {
599            bindtags $wv [lreplace $btags $i $i]
600        }
601    }
604# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
605# USAGE: _controlChanged <name>
607# Invoked automatically whenever the value for a control changes.
608# Sends a notification along to the tool controlling this panel.
609# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
610itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_controlChanged {name} {
611    set path $_name2info($name-path)
613    #
614    # Let the owner know that this control changed.
615    #
616    if {"" != $_owner} {
617        $_owner changed $path
618    }
621# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
622# USAGE: _controlValue <path> ?<units>?
624# Used internally to get the value of a control with the specified
625# <path>.  Returns the current value for the control.
626# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
627itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_controlValue {path {units ""}} {
628    if {"" != $_owner} {
629        set val [$_owner valuefor $path]
630        if {"" != $units} {
631            set val [Rappture::Units::convert $val -to $units -units off]
632        }
633        return $val
634    }
635    return ""
638# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
639# USAGE: _formatLabel <string>
641# Used internally to format a label <string>.  Trims any excess
642# white space and adds a ":" to the end.  That way, all labels
643# have a uniform look.
644# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
645itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_formatLabel {str} {
646    set str [string trim $str]
647    if {"" != $str && [string index $str end] != ":"} {
648        append str ":"
649    }
650    return $str
653# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
654# USAGE: _changeTabs
656# Used internally to change tabs when the user clicks on a tab
657# in the "tabs" layout mode.  This mode is used when the widget
658# contains nothing but groups, as a compact way of representing
659# the groups.
660# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
661itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_changeTabs {} {
662    set i [$_tabs index select]
663    set name [lindex $_controls $i]
664    if {"" != $name} {
665        foreach w [grid slaves $_frame] {
666            grid forget $w
667        }
669        set wv $_name2info($name-value)
670        grid $wv -row 0 -column 0 -sticky new
671    }
674# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
675# USAGE: _resize
677# Used internally to resize the widget when its contents change.
678# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
679itcl::body Rappture::Controls::_resize {} {
680    switch -- $_scheme {
681        tabs {
682            # compute the overall size
683            # BE CAREFUL: do this after setting "-heading no" above
684            set maxw 0
685            set maxh 0
686            update idletasks
687            foreach name $_controls {
688                set wv $_name2info($name-value)
689                set w [winfo reqwidth $wv]
690                if {$w > $maxw} { set maxw $w }
691                set h [winfo reqheight $wv]
692                if {$h > $maxh} { set maxh $h }
693            }
694            $_frame configure -width $maxw -height $maxh
695        }
696        hlabels {
697            # do nothing
698        }
699    }
702# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
703# OPTION: -padding
704# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
705itcl::configbody Rappture::Controls::padding {
706    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
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