# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT: deviceLayout1D - visualizer for 1D device geometries # # This widget is a simple visualizer for the layout of 1D devices. # It takes the Rappture XML representation for a 1D device and draws # the series of slabs representing the various material layers in the # device. It can be configured to allow simple selection and editing # of material layers. # ====================================================================== # AUTHOR: Michael McLennan, Purdue University # Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Purdue Research Foundation # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ====================================================================== package require Itk package require BLT option add *DeviceLayout1D.width 3.5i widgetDefault option add *DeviceLayout1D.deviceSize 0.25i widgetDefault option add *DeviceLayout1D.deviceOutline black widgetDefault option add *DeviceLayout1D.annotate all widgetDefault option add *DeviceLayout1D.font \ -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-* widgetDefault itcl::class Rappture::DeviceLayout1D { inherit itk::Widget itk_option define -font font Font "" itk_option define -device device Device "" itk_option define -width width Width 0 itk_option define -devicesize deviceSize DeviceSize 0 itk_option define -deviceoutline deviceOutline DeviceOutline "" itk_option define -leftmargin leftMargin LeftMargin 0 itk_option define -rightmargin rightMargin RightMargin 0 constructor {args} { # defined below } public method limits {} public method extents {what} public method controls {option args} protected method _layout {} protected method _redraw {} protected method _drawLayer {index x0 x1} protected method _drawIcon {index x0 x1 imh} protected method _drawAnnotation {index x0 x1} protected method _mater2color {mater} private variable _dispatcher "" ;# dispatcher for !events private variable _sizes ;# maps size name => pixels private variable _device "" ;# LibraryObj for device representation private variable _slabs "" ;# list of node names for slabs in device private variable _z0 "" ;# list parallel to _slabs with z0 ;# coord for lhs of each slab private variable _z1 "" ;# list parallel to _slabs with z1 ;# coord for rhs of each slab private variable _maters "" ;# list parallel to _slabs with material ;# for each slab private variable _colors "" ;# list parallel to _slabs with color ;# for each slab private variable _controls ;# maps control path => status on/off private variable _icons ;# maps icon data => image handle } itk::usual DeviceLayout1D { keep -background -cursor keep -device -deviceoutline -devicesize keep -selectbackground -selectforeground -selectborderwidth keep -width } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::DeviceLayout1D::constructor {args} { Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher $_dispatcher register !layout $_dispatcher dispatch $this !layout "[itcl::code $this _layout]; list" $_dispatcher register !redraw $_dispatcher dispatch $this !redraw "[itcl::code $this _redraw]; list" pack propagate $itk_component(hull) no itk_component add area { canvas $itk_interior.area -borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 } { usual ignore -borderwidth -relief ignore -highlightthickness -highlightbackground -highlightcolor } pack $itk_component(area) -expand yes -fill both bind $itk_component(area) \ [list $_dispatcher event -idle !redraw] eval itk_initialize $args set _sizes(header) 1 set _sizes(bararea) 1 } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: limits # # Clients use this to query the limits of the x-axis for the # current device. Returns the min/max limits indicating the # physical size of the device. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::DeviceLayout1D::limits {} { if {[$_dispatcher ispending !layout]} { $_dispatcher cancel !layout _layout } set zmin [lindex $_z0 0] set zmax [lindex $_z1 end] return [list $zmin $zmax] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: extents # # Clients use this to query the size of various things within this # widget--similar to the "extents" method of the BLT graph. Returns # the size of some item in pixels. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::DeviceLayout1D::extents {what} { switch -- $what { bar3D { return $_sizes(bar45) } default { error "bad option \"$what\": should be bar3D" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: controls add # # Clients use this to add hints about the controls that should be # added to the layout area. Common paths are components.slab#.material # and components.slab#.thickness. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::DeviceLayout1D::controls {option args} { switch -- $option { add { if {[llength $args] != 1} { error "wrong # args: should be \"controls add path\"" } set path [lindex $args 0] set _controls($path) 1 $_dispatcher event -idle !layout } remove { error "not yet implemented" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _layout # # Called automatically whenever something changes that affects the # layout of the widget. Recalculates the layout and computes a good # overall value for the minimum height of the widget. This may cause # the widget to change size, which in turn would trigger another # _redraw. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::DeviceLayout1D::_layout {} { # # First, recompute the overall width/height of this widget... # # requested minimum size set wmax [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) $itk_option(-width)] if {$wmax <= 0} { set wmax 100 } # size of an ordinary material bar: set hmax [expr {$_sizes(bar)+$_sizes(bar45)+2}] # add the maximum size of any embedded icons: if {$_device != ""} { foreach nn [$_device children components] { set icon [$_device get components.$nn.about.icon] if {"" != $icon} { if {[info exists _icons($icon)]} { set imh $_icons($icon) } else { set imh [image create photo -data $icon] set _icons($icon) $imh } set w [image width $_icons($icon)] if {$w > $wmax} { set wmax $w } set h [image height $_icons($icon)] if {$h > $hmax} { set hmax $h } } } } set _sizes(bararea) $hmax set fnt $itk_option(-font) # see if any of the slabs has a material foreach m $_maters { if {"" != $m} { set extra [expr {1.5*[font metrics $fnt -linespace]}] set hmax [expr {$hmax+$extra}] break } } # see if any of the slabs has a label if {$_device != ""} { foreach nn [$_device children components] { if {"" != [$_device get components.$nn.about.label]} { set extra [expr {1.2*[font metrics $fnt -linespace]}] set hmax [expr {$hmax+$extra}] break } } } set oldw [component hull cget -width] set oldh [component hull cget -height] if {$wmax != $oldw || $hmax != $oldh} { component hull configure -width $wmax -height $hmax $_dispatcher event -idle !redraw } set _sizes(header) [expr {$hmax - $_sizes(bararea)}] # next, scan through the device and compute layer positions set slabs "" set z0 "" set z1 "" set maters "" set colors "" if {$_device != ""} { # get the default system of units set units [set defunits [$_device get units]] if {$units == "arbitrary" || $units == ""} { set defunits "m" set units "um" } foreach nn [$_device children components] { switch -glob -- $nn { box* { # get x-coord for each corner set c0 [$_device get components.$nn.corner0] regsub -all , $c0 { } c0 set c0 [lindex $c0 0] set c0 [Rappture::Units::convert $c0 \ -context $defunits -to $units -units off] set c1 [$_device get components.$nn.corner1] regsub -all , $c1 { } c1 set c1 [lindex $c1 0] set c1 [Rappture::Units::convert $c1 \ -context $defunits -to $units -units off] lappend slabs components.$nn lappend z0 $c0 lappend z1 $c1 set m [$_device get components.$nn.material] lappend maters $m if {"" != $m} { set c [_mater2color $m] } else { set c [$_device get components.$nn.about.color] } if {"" == $c} { set c gray } lappend colors $c } default { # element not recognized -- skip it } } } } # something change? then store new layout and redraw if {![string equal $z0 $_z0] || ![string equal $z1 $_z1] || ![string equal $maters $_maters] || ![string equal $colors $_colors]} { set _slabs $slabs set _z0 $z0 set _z1 $z1 set _maters $maters set _colors $colors $_dispatcher event -idle !redraw } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _redraw # # Called automatically whenever the device geometry changes, or when # the canvas changes size, to redraw all elements within it. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::DeviceLayout1D::_redraw {} { set c $itk_component(area) # clean up images and delete all other items $c delete all set w [expr {[winfo width $c]-1 - $_sizes(lm) - $_sizes(rm)}] set x0 $_sizes(lm) set x1 [expr {$x0 + $w}] set zmax [lindex $_z1 end] set xx0 $x0 set xx1 $x1 for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $_slabs]} {incr i} { set name [lindex $_slabs $i] set z0 [lindex $_z0 $i] set z1 [lindex $_z1 $i] set xx0 [expr {double($z0)/$zmax * ($x1-$x0) + $x0}] set xx1 [expr {double($z1)/$zmax * ($x1-$x0) + $x0}] set icon [$_device get $name.about.icon] if {"" != $icon} { if {[info exists _icons($icon)]} { set imh $_icons($icon) } else { set imh [image create photo -data $icon] set _icons($icon) $imh } _drawIcon $i $xx0 $xx1 $imh } else { _drawLayer $i $xx0 $xx1 } _drawAnnotation $i $xx0 $xx1 } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _drawLayer # # Used internally within _redraw to draw one material layer at the # within the slab list into the active area. The layer is # drawn between coordinates and on the canvas. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::DeviceLayout1D::_drawLayer {index x0 x1} { set c $itk_component(area) set h [expr {$_sizes(header) + $_sizes(bararea) - 1}] set bsize [expr {$_sizes(bar)+$_sizes(bar45)+2}] set y0 [expr {$h - 0.5*$_sizes(bararea) + 0.5*$bsize}] set y0p [expr {$y0-$_sizes(bar45)}] set y1p [expr {$y0-$_sizes(bar)}] set y1 [expr {$y1p-$_sizes(bar45)}] set x0p [expr {$x0+$_sizes(bar45)}] set x1p [expr {$x1+$_sizes(bar45)}] set lcolor $itk_option(-deviceoutline) if {$index < [llength $_slabs]} { set fcolor [lindex $_colors $index] # # Draw one segment of the bar in the canvas: # # ___________________ ____ y1 # / /| ____ y0p # /__________________/ / ____ y1p # |__________________|/: ____ y0 # : : : : # x0 x0p x1 x1p # $c create polygon \ $x0 $y0 $x1 $y0 $x1p $y0p $x1p $y1 $x0p $y1 $x0 $y1p $x0 $y0 \ -outline $lcolor -fill $fcolor $c create line $x0 $y1p $x1 $y1p -fill $lcolor # # Draw the outline around the end cap # $c create line $x1 $y0 $x1 $y1p $x1p $y1 -fill $lcolor } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _drawIcon # # Used internally within _redraw to draw a material layer that is # represented by an icon. The layer sits at within the slab # list into the active area. The layer is drawn between coordinates # and on the canvas. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::DeviceLayout1D::_drawIcon {index x0 x1 imh} { set c $itk_component(area) set h [expr {$_sizes(header) + $_sizes(bararea) - 1}] set bsize [expr {$_sizes(bar)+$_sizes(bar45)+2}] set y0 [expr {$h - 0.5*$_sizes(bararea) + 0.5*$bsize}] set y0p [expr {$y0-$_sizes(bar45)}] set y1p [expr {$y0-$_sizes(bar)}] set y1 [expr {$y1p-$_sizes(bar45)}] set x0p [expr {$x0+$_sizes(bar45)}] set x1p [expr {$x1+$_sizes(bar45)}] set xx0 [expr {0.5*($x0+$x0p)}] set xx1 [expr {0.5*($x1+$x1p)}] set y [expr {0.5*($y0+$y0p) + 0.5*($y1-$y0p)}] $c create image [expr {0.5*($xx0+$xx1)}] $y -anchor c -image $imh } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _drawAnnotation # # Used internally within _redraw to draw one material layer at the # within the slab list into the active area. The layer is # drawn between coordinates and on the canvas. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::DeviceLayout1D::_drawAnnotation {index x0 x1} { set c $itk_component(area) set ytop [expr {$_sizes(header)+1}] set x0p [expr {$x0+$_sizes(bar45)}] set x1p [expr {$x1+$_sizes(bar45)}] set xmid [expr {0.5*($x0p+$x1p)}] set fnt $itk_option(-font) set lh [font metrics $fnt -linespace] set ymid [expr {$ytop-2-0.5*$lh}] set y [expr {$ytop-4}] # # If there's a .material control for this slab, draw it here. # set elem [lindex $_slabs $index] set mater [lindex $_maters $index] if {"" != $mater} { set x $x1p $c create rectangle [expr {$x-10}] [expr {$y-14}] \ [expr {$x-0}] [expr {$y-4}] \ -outline black -fill [_mater2color $mater] set x [expr {$x-12}] $c create text $x [expr {$y-7}] -anchor e \ -text $mater set y [expr {$y-1.5*$lh}] } # # If there's a