source: trunk/gui/scripts/filexfer.tcl @ 3515

Last change on this file since 3515 was 3330, checked in by gah, 12 years ago

merge (by hand) with Rappture1.2 branch

File size: 14.4 KB
1# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
2# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
3#  COMPONENT: filexfer - support for file transfer with user's desktop
5#  Supports interactions with the filexfer middleware, enabling
6#  Rappture to transfer files to and from the user's desktop.
7#  Files are downloaded by invoking "exportfile", and uploaded by
8#  invoking "importfile".  The middleware handles the rest.
9# ======================================================================
10#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
11#  Copyright (c) 2004-2012  HUBzero Foundation, LLC
13#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
14#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
15# ======================================================================
16package require BLT
18namespace eval Rappture { # forward declaration }
19namespace eval Rappture::filexfer {
20    variable enabled 0   ;# set to 1 when middleware is in place
21    variable commands    ;# complete path to exportfile/importfile
22    variable job         ;# used to manage bgexec jobs
25# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
26# USAGE: Rappture::filexfer::init
28# Called in the main application to see if the filexfer middleware
29# is installed.  Returns 1 if the middleware is installed, and 0
30# otherwise.
31# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
32proc Rappture::filexfer::init {} {
33    variable enabled
34    variable commands
36    #
37    # Look for the exportfile/importfile commands and see if
38    # they appear to be working.  If we have both, then this
39    # is "enabled".
40    #
41    foreach op {export import} {
42        set prog "${op}file"
43        set path [auto_execok $prog]
44        if {"" == $path} {
45            foreach dir {/apps/bin /apps/filexfer/bin} {
46                set p [file join $dir $prog]
47                if {[file executable $p]} {
48                    set path $p
49                    break
50                }
51            }
52        }
53        if {[file executable $path]} {
54            # the new filexfer has a --provenance arg for file names
55            set info [exec $path --help  2>@1]
56            if {[regexp -- {--provenance} $info]} {
57                lappend path --provenance
58            }
59            set commands($op) $path
60        } else {
61            return 0
62        }
63    }
65    return [set enabled 1]
68# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
69# USAGE: Rappture::filexfer::enabled
71# Clients use this to see if the filexfer stuff is up and running.
72# If so, then the GUI will provide "Download..." and other filexfer
73# options.  If not, then Rappture must be running within an
74# environment that doesn't support it.  As a backup, Rappture provides
75# file load/save operations instead.
76# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
77proc Rappture::filexfer::enabled {} {
78    variable enabled
79    return $enabled
82# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
83# USAGE: Rappture::filexfer::label upload|download
85# Clients use this to query the proper label for an "upload" or
86# "download" opertion.  These are usually "Upload..." and "Download",
87# but could change to "Load File..." and "Save As..." for applications
88# in desktop mode.
89# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
90proc Rappture::filexfer::label {operation} {
91    switch -- $operation {
92        upload {
93            if {[Rappture::filexfer::enabled]} {
94                return "Upload..."
95            } else {
96                return "Load File..."
97            }
98        }
99        uploadWord {
100            if {[Rappture::filexfer::enabled]} {
101                return "Upload"
102            } else {
103                return "Browse"
104            }
105        }
106        download {
107            if {[Rappture::filexfer::enabled]} {
108                return "Download"
109            } else {
110                return "Save As..."
111            }
112        }
113        downloadWord {
114            if {[Rappture::filexfer::enabled]} {
115                return "Download"
116            } else {
117                return "Save"
118            }
119        }
120        default {
121            error "bad option \"$operation\": should be upload, uploadWord, download, or downloadWord"
122        }
123    }
127# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
128# USAGE: Rappture::filexfer::upload <toolName> <controlList> <callback>
130# Clients use this to prompt the user to upload a file.  The string
131# <toolName> is used to identify the application within the web form.
132# The <controlList> is a list of controls that could be uploaded:
134#   { <id1> <label1> <desc1>  <id2> <label2> <desc2> ... }
136# The user is prompted for each of the controls in <controlList>.
137# If successful, the <callback> is invoked to handle the uploaded
138# information.  If anything goes wrong, the same callback is used
139# to post errors near the widget that invoked this operation.
141# The <id> is usually a Rappture path for the control that is being
142# uploaded into.  It is passed along to the <callback>, so that code
143# knows where to put the result.  If <id> is "@@<dir>", then the file
144# is uploaded into the specified directory <dir> using the name that
145# comes from the remote upload.
146# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
147proc Rappture::filexfer::upload {tool controlList callback} {
148    global env
149    variable enabled
150    variable commands
151    variable job
153    if {$enabled} {
154        set cmd $commands(import)
155        if {"" != $tool} {
156            lappend cmd --for "for $tool"
157        }
159        set dir ~/data/sessions/$env(SESSION)/spool
160        if {![file exists $dir]} {
161            catch {file mkdir $dir}
162        }
164        set i 0
165        foreach {path label desc} $controlList {
166            set file [file join $dir upload[pid]-[incr i]]
167            set file2path($file) $path
168            set file2label($file) $label
169            lappend cmd --label $label $file
170        }
172        uplevel #0 [list $callback error "Upload starting...\nA web browser page should pop up on your desktop.  Use that form to handle the upload operation.\n\nIf the upload form doesn't pop up, make sure that you're allowing pop ups from this site.  If it still doesn't pop up, you may be having trouble with the version of Java installed for your browser.  See our Support area for details.\n\nClick anywhere to dismiss this message."]
174        set job(output) ""
175        set job(error) ""
177        set status [catch {eval \
178            blt::bgexec ::Rappture::filexfer::job(control) \
179              -output ::Rappture::filexfer::job(output) \
180              -error ::Rappture::filexfer::job(error) \
181              $cmd
182        } result]
184        if {$status == 0} {
185            set changed ""
186            set errs ""
187            foreach line [split $job(output) \n] {
188                # the new filexfer reports "file <= desktopName"
189                # the old one just reports "file"
190                set remote ""
191                if {![regexp {(.+) +<= +(.+)} $line match file remote]} {
192                    set file [string trim $line]
193                }
195                # load the uploaded for this control
196                set status [catch {
197                    set fid [open $file r]
198                    fconfigure $fid -translation binary -encoding binary
199                    set info [read $fid]
200                    close $fid
201                    if {[string match @@* $file2path($file)]} {
202                        if {$remote ne "" && $remote ne "@CLIPBOARD"} {
203                            set dir [string range $file2path($file) 2 end]
204                            if {$dir eq ""} { set dir [pwd] }
205                            set newloc [file join $dir $remote]
206                            file rename -force -- $file $newloc
207                        }
208                    } else {
209                        file delete -force $file
210                    }
211                } result]
213                if {$status != 0} {
214                    append errs "Error loading data for \"$file2label($file)\":\n$result\n"
215                } else {
216                    lappend changed $file2path($file)
217                    set cmd [list $callback path $file2path($file) local $file data $info]
218                    if {$remote ne ""} {
219                        lappend cmd remote $remote
220                    }
221                    uplevel #0 $cmd
222                }
223            }
224            if {[llength $changed] == 0} {
225                set errs "The form was empty, so none of your controls were changed.  In order to upload a file, you must select the file name--or enter text into the copy/paste area--before pushing the Upload button."
226            }
227            if {[string length $errs] > 0} {
228                uplevel #0 [list $callback error $errs]
229            }
230        } else {
231            uplevel #0 [list $callback error $job(error)]
232        }
233    } else {
234        #
235        # Filexfer via importfile is disabled.  This tool must be
236        # running in a desktop environment.  Instead of uploading,
237        # perform a "Load File..." operation with a standard file
238        # selection dialog.
239        #
240        set i 0
241        foreach {path label desc} $controlList {
242            set file [tk_getOpenFile -title "Load File: $label"]
243            if {"" != $file} {
244                set cmds {
245                    # try to read first as binary
246                    set fid [open $file r]
247                    fconfigure $fid -encoding binary -translation binary
248                    set info [read $fid]
249                    close $fid
250                    if {![Rappture::encoding::is binary $info]} {
251                        # not binary? then re-read and translate CR/LF
252                        set fid [open $file r]
253                        set info [read $fid]
254                        close $fid
255                    }
256                }
257                if {[catch $cmds err]} {
258                    uplevel #0 [list $callback error "Error loading file [file tail $file]: $err"]
259                } else {
260                    uplevel #0 [list $callback path $path data $info filename $file]
261                }
262            }
263        }
264    }
267# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
268# USAGE: Rappture::filexfer::download <string> ?<filename>?
270# Clients use this to send a file off to the user.  The <string>
271# is stored in a file called <filename> in the user's spool directory.
272# If there is already a file by that name, then the name is modified
273# to make it unique.  Once the string has been stored in the file,
274# a message is sent to all clients listening, letting them know
275# that the file is available.
277# If anything goes wrong, this function returns a string that should
278# be displayed to the user to explain the problem.
279# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
280proc Rappture::filexfer::download {string {filename "output.txt"}} {
281    global env
282    variable enabled
283    variable commands
284    variable job
286    if {$enabled} {
287        # make a spool directory, if we don't have one already
288        set dir ~/data/sessions/$env(SESSION)/spool
289        if {![file exists $dir]} {
290            catch {file mkdir $dir}
291        }
293        if {[file exists [file join $dir $filename]]} {
294            #
295            # Find a similar file name that doesn't conflict
296            # with an existing file:  e.g., output2.txt
297            #
298            set root [file rootname $filename]
299            set ext [file extension $filename]
300            set counter 2
301            while {1} {
302                set filename "$root$counter$ext"
303                if {![file exists [file join $dir $filename]]} {
304                    break
305                }
306                incr counter
307            }
308        }
310        #
311        # Save the file in the spool directory, then have it
312        # exported.
313        #
314        if {[catch {
315            set file [file join $dir $filename]
316            set fid [open $file w]
317            fconfigure $fid -encoding binary -translation binary
318            puts -nonewline $fid $string
319            close $fid
320        } result]} {
321            return $result
322        }
324        set job(output) ""
325        set job(error) ""
327        # Make sure we normalize the file name here.  Don't count
328        # on filexfer command understanding tildes.
329        set file [file normalize $file]
331        set status [catch {blt::bgexec ::Rappture::filexfer::job(control) \
332            -output ::Rappture::filexfer::job(output) \
333            -error ::Rappture::filexfer::job(error) \
334            $commands(export) --timeout 300 --delete $file} result]
336        if {$status != 0} {
337            return $Rappture::filexfer::job(error)
338        }
339    } else {
340        #
341        # Filexfer via exportfile is disabled.  This tool must be
342        # running in a desktop environment.  Instead of downloading,
343        # perform a "Save As..." operation with a standard file
344        # selection dialog.
345        #
346        set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Save As..." -initialfile $filename]
347        # FIXME: Why is there a grab still pending?
348        set grab [grab current]
349        if { $grab != "" } {
350            grab release $grab
351        }
352        if {"" != $file} {
353            if {[catch {
354                set fid [open $file w]
355                if {[Rappture::encoding::is binary $string]} {
356                    fconfigure $fid -encoding binary -translation binary
357                    puts -nonewline $fid $string
358                } else {
359                    puts $fid $string
360                }
361                close $fid
362            } result]} {
363                return $result
364            }
365        }
366    }
367    return ""
370# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
371# USAGE: Rappture::filexfer::webpage <url>
373# Clients use this to pop up a web page for the specified <url> on
374# the user's desktop.  The <url> should start with http:// or https://.
375# If anything goes wrong, this function beeps.
376# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
377proc Rappture::filexfer::webpage {url} {
378    if {[regexp -nocase {^https?://} $url]} {
379        foreach prog {
380              clientaction
381              /usr/lib/hubzero/clientaction
382              /apps/bin/clientaction
383              /apps/xvnc/bin/clientaction
384              /usr/lib/mw/bin/clientaction
385              ""
386        } {
387            if {"" != [auto_execok $prog]} {
388                break
389            }
390        }
391        if {"" != $prog} {
392            exec $prog url $url &
393            return
394        }
395    }
396    bell
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.