source: trunk/gui/scripts/mainwin.tcl @ 17

Last change on this file since 17 was 17, checked in by mmc, 19 years ago

Added a capability to MainWin? to syncCutBuffer with the
application. The VNC Java client uses the cutbuffer
instead of the selection for Copy/Paste? to desktop, and
this mechanism keeps the two in sync so Copy/Paste? works
properly. Also, added Cut/Copy/Paste? menus to the right
mouse button of various widgets.

Fixed 3D plotting to work with the vtkCutter so it works
better. Also, added support for 3D meshes in addition
to clouds. Meshes store connectivity, so they are better
at representing holes in data. Fixed the 3D plotter so
that rotate is more intuitive, and added lights so you can
see your data better at any angle.

Fixed the loader so that it can load elements with the ""
value, and so that it doesn't duplicate entries found
more than once by *.xml pattern matching.

File size: 10.9 KB
1# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2#  COMPONENT: mainwin - main application window for Rappture
4#  This widget acts as the main window for a Rappture application.
5#  It can be configured to run in two modes:  1) normal desktop
6#  application, and 2) web-based application.  In web-based mode,
7#  the application window runs inside a VNC window, and it takes
8#  the full screen and blends in with the web page.
9# ======================================================================
10#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
11#  Copyright (c) 2004-2005
12#  Purdue Research Foundation, West Lafayette, IN
13# ======================================================================
14package require Itk
15package require BLT
17option add *MainWin.mode desktop widgetDefault
18option add *MainWin.borderWidth 0 widgetDefault
19option add *MainWin.relief raised widgetDefault
20option add *MainWin.anchor center widgetDefault
21option add *MainWin.titleFont \
22    -*-helvetica-bold-o-normal-*-*-140-* widgetDefault
24itcl::class Rappture::MainWin {
25    inherit itk::Toplevel
27    itk_option define -mode mode Mode ""
28    itk_option define -anchor anchor Anchor "center"
29    itk_option define -bgscript bgScript BgScript ""
31    constructor {args} { # defined below }
33    public method draw {option args}
34    public method syncCutBuffer {option args}
36    protected method _redraw {}
38    private variable _contents ""  ;# frame containing app
39    private variable _sync         ;# to sync current selection and cut buffer
40    private variable _bgscript ""  ;# script of background drawing cmds
41    private variable _bgparser ""  ;# parser for bgscript
44itk::usual MainWin {
45    keep -background -cursor foreground -font
48# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
50# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
51itcl::body Rappture::MainWin::constructor {args} {
52    itk_component add area {
53        canvas $itk_interior.area
54    } {
55        usual
56        rename -background -bgcolor bgColor Background
57    }
58    pack $itk_component(area) -expand yes -fill both
59    bind $itk_component(area) <Configure> [itcl::code $this _redraw]
61    itk_component add app {
62        frame $itk_component(area).app
63    } {
64        usual
65        keep -borderwidth -relief
66    }
67    bind $itk_component(app) <Configure> "
68        after cancel [itcl::code $this _redraw]
69        after idle [itcl::code $this _redraw]
70    "
72    itk_component add menu {
73        menu $
74    }
75    itk_component add filemenu {
76        menu $itk_component(menu).file
77    }
78    $itk_component(menu) add cascade -label "File" -underline 0 \
79        -menu $itk_component(filemenu)
80    $itk_component(filemenu) add command -label "Exit" -underline 1 \
81        -command exit
83    #
84    # Create a parser for the -bgscript option that can
85    # execute drawing commands on the canvas.  This allows
86    # us to draw a background that blends in with web pages.
87    #
88    set _bgparser [interp create -safe]
89    $_bgparser alias rectangle [itcl::code $this draw rectangle]
90    $_bgparser alias oval [itcl::code $this draw oval]
91    $_bgparser alias line [itcl::code $this draw line]
92    $_bgparser alias polygon [itcl::code $this draw polygon]
93    $_bgparser alias text [itcl::code $this draw text]
94    $_bgparser alias image [itcl::code $this draw image]
96    eval itk_initialize $args
98    bind RapptureMainWin <Destroy> { exit }
99    set btags [bindtags $itk_component(hull)]
100    bindtags $itk_component(hull) [lappend btags RapptureMainWin]
102    set _sync(cutbuffer) ""
103    set _sync(selection) ""
104    syncCutBuffer ifneeded
107# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
108# USAGE: syncCutBuffer ifneeded
109# USAGE: syncCutBuffer transfer <offset> <maxchars>
110# USAGE: syncCutBuffer lostselection
112# Invoked automatically whenever the mouse pointer enters or leaves
113# a main window to sync the cut buffer with the primary selection.
114# This helps applications work properly with the "Copy/Paste with
115# Desktop" option on the VNC applet for the nanoHUB.
117# The "ifneeded" option syncs the cutbuffer and the primary selection
118# if either one has new data.
120# The "fromselection" option syncs from the primary selection to the
121# cut buffer.  If there's a primary selection, it gets copied to the
122# cut buffer.
123# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
124itcl::body Rappture::MainWin::syncCutBuffer {option args} {
125    set mainwin $itk_component(hull)
126    switch -- $option {
127        ifneeded {
128            #
129            # See if the incoming cut buffer has changed.
130            # If so, then sync the new input to the primary selection.
131            #
132            set s [blt::cutbuffer get]
133            if {"" != $s && ![string equal $s $_sync(cutbuffer)]} {
134                set _sync(cutbuffer) $s
136                if {![string equal $s $_sync(selection)]
137                      && [selection own -selection PRIMARY] != $mainwin} {
138                    set _sync(selection) $s
140                    clipboard clear
141                    clipboard append -- $s
142                    selection handle -selection PRIMARY $mainwin \
143                        [itcl::code $this syncCutBuffer transfer]
144                    selection own -selection PRIMARY -command \
145                        [itcl::code $this syncCutBuffer lostselection] \
146                        $mainwin
147                }
148            }
150            #
151            # See if the selection has changed.  If so, then sync
152            # the new input to the cut buffer, so it's available
153            # outside the VNC client.
154            #
155            set s ""
156            if {[catch {selection get -selection PRIMARY} s] || "" == $s} {
157                if {[catch {clipboard get} s]} {
158                    set s ""
159                }
160            }
161            if {"" != $s && ![string equal $s $_sync(selection)]} {
162                set _sync(selection) $s
163                blt::cutbuffer set $s
164            }
166            # do this again soon
167            after 1000 [itcl::code $this syncCutBuffer ifneeded]
168        }
169        transfer {
170            if {[llength $args] != 2} {
171                error "wrong # args: should be \"syncCutBuffer transfer offset max\""
172            }
173            set offset [lindex $args 0]
174            set maxchars [lindex $args 1]
175            return [string range $_currseln $offset [expr {$offset+$maxchars-1}]]
176        }
177        lostselection {
178            # nothing to do
179        }
180        default {
181            error "bad option \"$option\": should be ifneeded, transfer, or lostselection"
182        }
183    }
186# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
187# USAGE: draw <option> ?<arg> <arg>...?
189# Used by the -bgscript to draw items in the background area behind
190# the app when "-mode web" is active.  This allows an application
191# to create a background that blends seamlessly with the underlying
192# web page.
193# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
194itcl::body Rappture::MainWin::draw {option args} {
195    set w $itk_component(hull)
196    regsub -all {<w>} $args [winfo screenwidth $w] args
197    regsub -all {<h>} $args [winfo screenheight $w] args
198    eval $itk_component(area) create $option $args
201# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
202# USAGE: _redraw
204# Used internally to redraw the widget whenever it changes size.
205# This matters only when "-mode web" is active, when the background
206# area is actually visible.
207# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
208itcl::body Rappture::MainWin::_redraw {} {
209    $itk_component(area) delete all
210    if {$itk_option(-mode) == "web"} {
211        if {[catch {$_bgparser eval $itk_option(-bgscript)} result]} {
212            bgerror "$result\n    (while redrawing application background)"
213        }
215        set bd 0  ;# optional border
216        set sw [winfo width $itk_component(area)]
217        set sh [winfo height $itk_component(area)]
219        set clip 0
220        set w [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(app)]
221        set h [winfo reqheight $itk_component(app)]
222        if {$w > $sw-2*$bd} {
223            set $w [expr {$sw-2*$bd}]
224            set clip 1
225        }
227        switch -- $itk_option(-anchor) {
228            n {
229                set x [expr {$sw/2}]
230                set y $bd
231            }
232            s {
233                set x [expr {$sw/2}]
234                set y [expr {$sh-$bd}]
235            }
236            center {
237                set x [expr {$sw/2}]
238                set y [expr {$sh/2}]
239            }
240            w {
241                set x $bd
242                set y [expr {$sh/2}]
243            }
244            e {
245                set x [expr {$sw-$bd}]
246                set y [expr {$sh/2}]
247            }
248            nw {
249                set x $bd
250                set y $bd
251            }
252            ne {
253                set x [expr {$sw-$bd}]
254                set y $bd
255            }
256            sw {
257                set x $bd
258                set y [expr {$sh-$bd}]
259            }
260            se {
261                set x [expr {$sw-$bd}]
262                set y [expr {$sh-$bd}]
263            }
264        }
266        # if the app is too big, use w/h. otherwise, 0,0 for default size
267        if {!$clip} {
268            set w 0
269            set h 0
270        }
272        $itk_component(area) create window $x $y \
273            -anchor $itk_option(-anchor) -window $itk_component(app) \
274            -width $w -height $h
275    }
278# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
279# OPTION: -mode
280# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
281itcl::configbody Rappture::MainWin::mode {
282    switch -- $itk_option(-mode) {
283        desktop {
284            component hull configure -menu $itk_component(hull).menu
285            pack $itk_component(app) -expand yes -fill both
286            wm geometry $itk_component(hull) ""
287        }
288        web {
289            component hull configure -menu ""
290            pack forget $itk_component(app)
291            set wx [winfo screenwidth $itk_component(hull)]
292            set wy [winfo screenheight $itk_component(hull)]
293            wm geometry $itk_component(hull) ${wx}x${wy}+0+0
294            _redraw
295        }
296        default {
297            error "bad value \"$itk_option(-mode)\": should be desktop or web"
298        }
299    }
302# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
303# OPTION: -bgscript
304# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
305itcl::configbody Rappture::MainWin::bgscript {
306    _redraw
309# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
310# OPTION: -anchor
311# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
312itcl::configbody Rappture::MainWin::anchor {
313    if {[lsearch {n s e w ne nw se sw center} $itk_option(-anchor)] < 0} {
314        error "bad anchor \"$itk_option(-anchor)\""
315    }
316    _redraw
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