source: trunk/gui/scripts/map.tcl @ 4503

Last change on this file since 4503 was 4386, checked in by ldelgass, 10 years ago

Fix for gdal.url, add ogr driver tag for features (osgearth also supports wfs,
tfs, though protocol doesn't yet).

File size: 12.0 KB
1# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
3# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4#  COMPONENT: map - extracts data from an XML description of a field
6#  This object represents a map of data in an XML description of
7#  simulator output.  A map is similar to a field, but a field is
8#  a quantity versus position in device.  A map is any quantity
9#  versus any other quantity.  This class simplifies the process of
10#  extracting data vectors that represent the map.
11# ======================================================================
12#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
13#  Copyright (c) 2004-2012  HUBzero Foundation, LLC
15#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
16#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
17# ======================================================================
18package require Itcl
19package require BLT
21namespace eval Rappture {
22    # forward declaration
25itcl::class Rappture::Map {
26    private variable _tree "";         # Tree of information about the map.
27    private variable _isValid 0;
28    private common _nextLayer 0;        # Counter used to generate unique
29                                       # layer names.
30    private common _layerTypes
31    private common _mapTypes
32    array set _layerTypes {
33        "image"         0
34        "elevation"     1
35        "polygon"       2
36        "points"        3
37        "icon"          4
38        "line"          5
39        "label"         6
40    }
41    array set _mapTypes {
42        "geocentric"    0
43        "projected"     1
44    }
45    protected method Parse { xmlobj path }
47    constructor {xmlobj path} {
48        # defined below
49    }
50    destructor {
51        # defined below
52    }
54    public method isGeocentric {}
55    public method layers {}
56    public method layer { layerName }
57    public method hints { args }
58    public method isvalid {} {
59        return $_isValid;
60    }
61    public method type { layerName }
62    public method earthfile {}
65# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
67# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
68itcl::body Rappture::Map::constructor {xmlobj path} {
69    if {![Rappture::library isvalid $xmlobj]} {
70        error "bad value \"$xmlobj\": should be LibraryObj"
71    }
72    Parse $xmlobj $path
75# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
77# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
78itcl::body Rappture::Map::destructor {} {
79    if { $_tree != "" } {
80        blt::tree destroy $_tree
81    }
85# hints --
87itcl::body Rappture::Map::hints { args } {
88    switch -- [llength $args] {
89        0 {
90            return [$_tree get root]
91        }
92        1 {
93            set field [lindex $args 0]
94            return [$_tree get root $field ""]
95        }
96        default {
97            error "wrong # args: should \"hints ?name?\""
98        }
99    }
103# Parse --
105#       Parses the map description in the XML object.
107itcl::body Rappture::Map::Parse { xmlobj path } {
109    set map [$xmlobj element -as object $path]
111    if { $_tree != "" } {
112        blt::tree destroy $_tree
113    }
114    set _tree [blt::tree create]
115    set parent [$_tree insert root -label "layers"]
116    set layers [$map element -as object "layers"]
117    foreach layer [$layers children -type layer] {
118        # Unique identifier for layer.
119        set name "layer[incr _nextLayer]"
120        set child [$_tree insert $parent -label $name]
121        set layerType [$layers get $layer.type]
122        if { ![info exists _layerTypes($layerType)] } {
123            error "invalid layer type \"$layerType\": should be one of [array names _layerTypes]"
124        }
125        $_tree set $child "name" $layer
126        $_tree set $child "type" $layerType
127        foreach key { label description } {
128            $_tree set $child $key [$layers get $layer.$key]
129        }
130        # Common settings (for all layer types) with defaults
131        foreach { key defval } { visible true } {
132            $_tree set $child $key $defval
133            set val [$layers get $layer.$key]
134            if {$val != ""} {
135                $_tree set $child $key $val
136            }
137        }
138        # These are settings for which there should be no default
139        # We want to know if they have been set by the user or not
140        # Not all layer types use these
141        foreach key { opacity content priority style } {
142            set val [$layers get $layer.$key]
143            if {$val != ""} {
144                $_tree set $child $key $val
145            }
146        }
147        $_tree set $child "driver" "debug"
148        set gdal [$layers element -as type $layer.gdal]
149        if { $gdal != "" } {
150            foreach key { url } {
151                set value [$layers get $layer.gdal.$key]
152                $_tree set $child "gdal.$key" $value
153            }
154            set file [$layers get $layer.gdal.file]
155            if { $file != "" } {
156                # FIXME: Add test for valid file path
157                $_tree set $child "gdal.url" $file
158            }
159            $_tree set $child "driver" "gdal"
160        }
161        set ogr [$layers element -as type $layer.ogr]
162        if { $ogr != "" } {
163            foreach key { url } {
164                set value [$layers get $layer.ogr.$key]
165                $_tree set $child "ogr.$key" $value
166            }
167            set file [$layers get $layer.ogr.file]
168            if { $file != "" } {
169                # FIXME: Add test for valid file path
170                $_tree set $child "ogr.url" $file
171            }
172            $_tree set $child "driver" "ogr"
173        }
174        set tfs [$layers element -as type $layer.tfs]
175        if { $tfs != "" } {
176            foreach key { url format } {
177                set value [$layers get $layer.tfs.$key]
178                $_tree set $child "tfs.$key" $value
179            }
180            $_tree set $child "driver" "tfs"
181        }
182        set tms [$layers element -as type $layer.tms]
183        if { $tms != "" } {
184            foreach key { url tmsType format } {
185                set value [$layers get $layer.tms.$key]
186                $_tree set $child "tms.$key" $value
187            }
188            $_tree set $child "driver" "tms"
189        }
190        set wfs [$layers element -as type $layer.wfs]
191        if { $wfs != "" } {
192            foreach key { url typename outputformat maxfeatures request_buffer } {
193                set value [$layers get $layer.wfs.$key]
194                $_tree set $child "wfs.$key" $value
195            }
196            $_tree set $child "driver" "wfs"
197        }
198        set wms [$layers element -as type $layer.wms]
199        if { $wms != "" } {
200            foreach key { url layers format transparent } {
201                set value [$layers get $layer.wms.$key]
202                $_tree set $child "wms.$key" $value
203            }
204            $_tree set $child "driver" "wms"
205        }
206        set xyz [$layers element -as type $]
207        if { $xyz != "" } {
208            foreach key { url } {
209                set value [$layers get $$key]
210                $_tree set $child "xyz.$key" $value
211            }
212            $_tree set $child "driver" "xyz"
213        }
214    }
215    $_tree set root "label"       [$map get "about.label"]
216    $_tree set root "style"       [$map get "style"]
218    set projection [$map get "projection"]
219    set extents    [$map get "extents"]
220    if { $projection  == "" } {
221        if {$extents != ""} {
222            error "cannot specify extents without a projection"
223        }
224        set projection "global-mercator"; # Default projection.
225    }
226    # FIXME: Verify projection is valid.
227    $_tree set root "projection" $projection
228    $_tree set root "extents"    $extents
230    set mapType [$map get "type"]
231    if { $mapType == "" } {
232        set mapType "projected";           # Default type is "projected".
233    }
234    if { ![info exists _mapTypes($mapType)] } {
235        error "unknown map type \"$mapType\": should be one of [array names _mapTypes]"
236    }
237    $_tree set root "type" $mapType
239    foreach {key path} {
240        toolId
241        toolName
242        toolCommand     tool.execute
243        toolTitle       tool.title
244        toolRevision    tool.version.application.revision
245    } {
246        set str [$xmlobj get $path]
247        if { "" != $str } {
248            $_tree set root $key $str
249        }
250    }
251    set _isValid 1
254# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
255# USAGE: layers
257# Returns a list of IDs for the layers in the map
258# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
259itcl::body Rappture::Map::layers {} {
260    set list {}
261    foreach node [$_tree children root->"layers"] {
262        lappend list [$_tree label $node]
263    }
264    return $list
267# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
268# USAGE: layer <layerName>
270# Returns an array of settings for the named layer
271# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
272itcl::body Rappture::Map::layer { layerName } {
273    set id [$_tree findchild root->"layers" $layerName]
274    if { $id < 0 } {
275        error "unknown layer \"$layerName\""
276    }
277    return [$_tree get $id]
280# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
281# USAGE: type <layerName>
283# Returns the type of the named layer
284# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
285itcl::body Rappture::Map::type { layerName } {
286    set id [$_tree findchild root->"layers" $layerName]
287    if { $id < 0 } {
288        error "unknown layer \"$layerName\""
289    }
290    return [$_tree get $id "type" ""]
293# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
294# USAGE: isGeocentric
296# Returns if the map is geocentric (1) or projected (0)
297# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
298itcl::body Rappture::Map::isGeocentric {} {
299    return [expr {[hints "type"] eq "geocentric"}]
302itcl::body Rappture::Map::earthfile {} {
303    array set info [$_tree get root]
304    append out "<map"
305    append out " name=\"$info(label)\""
306    append out " type=\"$info(type)\""
307    append out " version=\"2\""
308    append out ">\n"
309    # Profile is optional
310    if { [info exists info(projection)] } {
311        append out " <options>\n"
312        append out "  <profile"
313        append out " srs=\"$info(projection)\""
314        if { [info exists info(extents)] && $info(extents) != "" } {
315            foreach {x1 y1 x2 y2} $info(extents) break
316            append out " xmin=\"$x1\""
317            append out " ymin=\"$y1\""
318            append out " xmax=\"$x2\""
319            append out " ymax=\"$y2\""
320        }
321        append out "/>\n"
322        append out " </options>\n"
323    }
324    foreach node [$_tree children root->"layers"] {
325        array unset info
326        array set info [$_tree get $node]
327        set label [$_tree label $node]
328        switch -- $info(type) {
329            "image" {
330                append out " <image"
331                append out " name=\"$label\""
332                append out " driver=\"gdal\""
333                if { [info exists info(opacity)] } {
334                    append out " opacity=\"$info(opacity)\""
335                }
336                if { $info(visible) } {
337                    append out " visible=\"true\""
338                } else {
339                    append out " visible=\"false\""
340                }
341                append out ">\n"
342                append out "  <url>$info(url)</url>\n"
343                append out " </image>\n"
344            }
345            "elevation" {
346                append out " <elevation"
347                append out " name=\"$label\""
348                append out " driver=\"gdal\""
349                if { $info(visible) } {
350                    append out " visible=\"true\""
351                } else {
352                    append out " visible=\"false\""
353                }
354                append out ">\n"
355                append out "  <url>$info(url)</url>\n"
356                append out " </elevation>\n"
357            }
358            default {
359                puts stderr "Type $info(type) not implemented in earthfile"
360            }
361        }
362    }
363    append out "</map>\n"
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