source: trunk/gui/scripts/pager.tcl @ 676

Last change on this file since 676 was 676, checked in by mmc, 18 years ago

Fixed all fonts to set pixelsize instead of pointsize, so that fonts in
the latest X distribution look right.

Added initial Rappture::bugreport::submit command for submitting bug
reports to This isn't tied in yet, but it's a start.

File size: 22.8 KB
1# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2#  COMPONENT: pager - notebook for displaying pages of widgets
4#  This widget is something like a tabbed notebook, but with a little
5#  more flexibility.  Pages can be inserted and deleted, and then shown
6#  in various arrangements.
7# ======================================================================
8#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
9#  Copyright (c) 2004-2005  Purdue Research Foundation
11#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
12#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
13# ======================================================================
14package require Itk
15package require BLT
17option add *Pager.arrangement "pages" widgetDefault
18option add *Pager.width 0 widgetDefault
19option add *Pager.height 0 widgetDefault
20option add *Pager.padding 8 widgetDefault
21option add *Pager.crumbColor black widgetDefault
22option add *Pager.crumbNumberColor white widgetDefault
23option add *Pager.dimCrumbColor gray70 widgetDefault
24option add *Pager.activeCrumbColor blue widgetDefault
25option add *Pager.crumbFont \
26    -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-* widgetDefault
28blt::bitmap define Pager-arrow {
29#define arrow_width 9
30#define arrow_height 9
31static unsigned char arrow_bits[] = {
32   0x10, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x70, 0x00, 0xff, 0x00, 0xff, 0x01, 0xff, 0x00,
33   0x70, 0x00, 0x30, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00};
36itcl::class Rappture::Pager {
37    inherit itk::Widget
39    itk_option define -width width Width 0
40    itk_option define -height height Height 0
41    itk_option define -padding padding Padding 0
42    itk_option define -crumbcolor crumbColor Foreground ""
43    itk_option define -crumbnumbercolor crumbNumberColor Foreground ""
44    itk_option define -crumbfont crumbFont Font ""
45    itk_option define -dimcrumbcolor dimCrumbColor DimForeground ""
46    itk_option define -activecrumbcolor activeCrumbColor ActiveForeground ""
47    itk_option define -arrangement arrangement Arrangement ""
49    constructor {args} { # defined below }
51    public method insert {pos args}
52    public method delete {first {last ""}}
53    public method index {name}
54    public method page {args}
55    public method current {args}
57    protected method _layout {}
58    protected method _fixSize {}
59    protected method _drawCrumbs {how}
61    private variable _counter 0      ;# counter for page names
62    private variable _dispatcher ""  ;# dispatcher for !events
63    private variable _pages ""       ;# list of known pages
64    private variable _page2info      ;# maps page name => -frame,-title,-command
65    private variable _current ""     ;# page currently shown
68itk::usual Pager {
71# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
73# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
74itcl::body Rappture::Pager::constructor {args} {
75    Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher
76    $_dispatcher register !layout
77    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !layout "[itcl::code $this _layout]; list"
78    $_dispatcher register !fixsize
79    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !fixsize "[itcl::code $this _fixSize]; list"
81    itk_component add controls {
82        frame $itk_interior.cntls
83    }
85    itk_component add next {
86        button $itk_component(controls).next -text "Next >" \
87            -command [itcl::code $this current next>]
88    }
89    pack $itk_component(next) -side right
91    itk_component add back {
92        button $itk_component(controls).back -text "< Back" \
93            -command [itcl::code $this current <back]
94    }
95    pack $itk_component(back) -side left
97    set font [$itk_component(next) cget -font]
98    set ht [font metrics $font -linespace]
99    itk_component add breadcrumbs {
100        canvas $itk_interior.breadcrumbs -width 10 -height [expr {$ht+2}]
101    }
103    itk_component add line {
104        frame $itk_interior.line -height 2 -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
105    }
108    itk_component add inside {
109        frame $itk_interior.inside
110    }
111    pack $itk_component(inside) -expand yes -fill both
112    pack propagate $itk_component(inside) no
114    eval itk_initialize $args
115    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
118# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
119# USAGE: insert <pos> ?-name <name>? ?-title <label>? ?-command <str>?
121# Clients use this to insert a new page into this pager.  The page is
122# inserted into the list at position <pos>, which can be an integer
123# starting from 0 or the keyword "end".  The optional <name> can be
124# used to identify the page.  If it is not supplied, a name is created
125# for the page.  The -title and -command are other values associated
126# with the page.
128# Returns the name used to identify the page.
129# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
130itcl::body Rappture::Pager::insert {pos args} {
131    if {"end" == $pos} {
132        set pos [llength $_pages]
133    } elseif {![string is integer $pos]} {
134        error "bad index \"$pos\": should be integer or \"end\""
135    }
137    Rappture::getopts args params {
138        value -name page#auto
139        value -title "Page #auto"
140        value -command ""
141    }
142    if {[llength $args] > 0} {
143        error "wrong # args: should be \"insert pos ?-name n? ?-title t? ?-command c?\""
144    }
146    incr _counter
147    if {$_counter > 1} {
148        set subst "#$_counter"
149    } else {
150        set subst ""
151    }
152    if {[regexp {#auto} $params(-name)]} {
153        regsub -all {#auto} $params(-name) $subst params(-name)
154    }
155    if {[regexp {#auto} $params(-title)]} {
156        regsub -all {#auto} $params(-title) $subst params(-title)
157    }
159    # allocate the page
160    if {[info exists _page2info($params(-name)-frame)]} {
161        error "page \"$params(-name)\" already exists"
162    }
163    set win $itk_component(inside).page$_counter
164    frame $win
165    set _page2info($params(-name)-frame) $win
166    set _page2info($params(-name)-title) $params(-title)
167    set _page2info($params(-name)-command) $params(-command)
168    set _pages [linsert $_pages $pos $params(-name)]
170    bind $win <Configure> \
171        [itcl::code $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize]
173    # the number of pages affects the arrangment -- force an update
174    configure -arrangement $itk_option(-arrangement)
176    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
178    return $params(-name)
181# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
182# USAGE: delete <first> ?<last>?
184# Clients use this to delete one or more pages from this widget.
185# The <first> and <last> represent the integer index of the desired
186# page.  You can use the "index" method to convert a page name to
187# its integer index.  If only <first> is specified, then that one
188# page is deleted.  If <last> is specified, then all pages in the
189# range <first> to <last> are deleted.
190# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
191itcl::body Rappture::Pager::delete {first {last ""}} {
192    if {$last == ""} {
193        set last $first
194    }
195    if {![regexp {^[0-9]+|end$} $first]} {
196        error "bad index \"$first\": should be integer or \"end\""
197    }
198    if {![regexp {^[0-9]+|end$} $last]} {
199        error "bad index \"$last\": should be integer or \"end\""
200    }
202    foreach name [lrange $_pages $first $last] {
203        if {[info exists _page2info($name-frame)]} {
204            destroy $_page2info($name-frame)
205            unset _page2info($name-frame)
206            unset _page2info($name-title)
207            unset _page2info($name-command)
208        }
209    }
210    set _pages [lreplace $_pages $first $last]
212    # the number of pages affects the arrangment -- force an update
213    configure -arrangement $itk_option(-arrangement)
215    $_dispatcher event -idle !layout
218# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
219# USAGE: index <name>|@n
221# Clients use this to convert a page <name> into its corresponding
222# integer index.  Returns an error if the <name> is not recognized.
223# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
224itcl::body Rappture::Pager::index {name} {
225    set i [lsearch $_pages $name]
226    if {$i >= 0} {
227        return $i
228    }
229    if {[regexp {^@([0-9]+)$} $name match i]} {
230        return $i
231    }
232    error "bad page name \"$name\": should be @int or one of [join [lsort $_pages] {, }]"
235# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
236# USAGE: page
237# USAGE: page <name>|@n ?-frame|-title|-command? ?<newvalue>?
239# Clients use this to get information about pages.  With no args, it
240# returns a list of all page names.  Otherwise, it returns the
241# requested information for a page specified by its <name> or index
242# @n.  By default, it returns the -frame for the page, but it can
243# also return the -title and -command.  The -title and -command
244# can also be set to a <newvalue>.
245# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
246itcl::body Rappture::Pager::page {args} {
247    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
248        return $_pages
249    }
250    set i [index [lindex $args 0]]
251    set name [lindex $_pages $i]
253    set args [lrange $args 1 end]
254    Rappture::getopts args params {
255        flag what -frame default
256        flag what -title
257        flag what -command
258    }
260    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
261        set opt $params(what)
262        return $_page2info($name$opt)
263    } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
264        set val [lindex $args 0]
265        if {$params(-title)} {
266            set _page2info($name-title) $val
267        } elseif {$params(-command)} {
268            set _page2info($name-command) $val
269        }
270    } else {
271        error "wrong # args: should be \"page ?which? ?-frame|-title|-command? ?newvalue?\""
272    }
275# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
276# USAGE: current ?<name>|next>|<back?
278# Used to query/set the current page in the notebook.  With no args,
279# it returns the name of the current page.  Otherwise, it sets the
280# current page.  The special token "next>" is used to set the pager
281# to the next logical page, and "<back" sets to the previous.
282# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
283itcl::body Rappture::Pager::current {args} {
284    switch -- [llength $args] {
285        0 {
286            return $_current
287        }
288        1 {
289            if {$itk_option(-arrangement) != "pages"} {
290                return ""
291            }
292            set name [lindex $args 0]
293            set index 0
294            if {$name == "next>"} {
295                if {$_current == ""} {
296                    set index 0
297                } else {
298                    set i [lsearch -exact $_pages $_current]
299                    set index [expr {$i+1}]
300                    if {$index >= [llength $_pages]} {
301                        set index [expr {[llength $_pages]-1}]
302                    }
303                }
304                set _current [lindex $_pages $index]
305            } elseif {$name == "<back"} {
306                if {$_current == ""} {
307                    set index end
308                } else {
309                    set i [lsearch -exact $_pages $_current]
310                    set index [expr {$i-1}]
311                    if {$index < 0} {
312                        set index 0
313                    }
314                }
315                set _current [lindex $_pages $index]
316            } else {
317                if {$name == ""} {
318                    set _current ""
319                    set index 0
320                } else {
321                    set index [lsearch -exact $_pages $name]
322                    if {$index < 0} {
323                        error "can't move to page \"$name\""
324                    }
325                    set _current [lindex $_pages $index]
326                }
327            }
329            foreach w [pack slaves $itk_component(inside)] {
330                pack forget $w
331            }
332            if {$_current != ""} {
333                pack $_page2info($_current-frame) -expand yes -fill both \
334                    -padx $itk_option(-padding) -pady $itk_option(-padding)
335            }
337            if {$index == 0} {
338                pack forget $itk_component(back)
339            } else {
340                set prev [expr {$index-1}]
341                if {$prev >= 0} {
342                    set label "< [page @$prev -title]"
343                } else {
344                    set label "< Back"
345                }
346                $itk_component(back) configure -text $label
347                pack $itk_component(back) -side left
348            }
349            if {$index == [expr {[llength $_pages]-1}]} {
350                pack forget $itk_component(next)
351            } else {
352                set next [expr {$index+1}]
353                if {$next <= [llength $_pages]} {
354                    set label "[page @$next -title] >"
355                } else {
356                    set label "Next >"
357                }
358                $itk_component(next) configure -text $label
359                pack $itk_component(next) -side right
360            }
361            _drawCrumbs current
363            #
364            # If this new page has a command associated with it, then
365            # invoke it now.
366            #
367            if {"" != $_current
368                  && [string length $_page2info($_current-command)] > 0} {
369                uplevel #0 $_page2info($_current-command)
370            }
371        }
372        default {
373            error "wrong # args: should be \"current name|next>|<back\""
374        }
375    }
378# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
379# USAGE: _layout
381# Used internally to fix the current page management whenever pages
382# are added or deleted, or when the page arrangement changes.
383# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
384itcl::body Rappture::Pager::_layout {} {
385    if {$itk_option(-arrangement) == "pages"} {
386        if {$_current == ""} {
387            set _current [lindex $_pages 0]
388            if {$_current != ""} {
389                current $_current
390            }
391        }
392        _drawCrumbs all
393    }
396# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
397# USAGE: _fixSize
399# Invoked automatically whenever a page changes size or the -width
400# or -height options change.  When the -width/-height are zero, this
401# method computes the minimum size needed to accommodate all pages.
402# Otherwise, it passes the size request onto the hull.
403# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
404itcl::body Rappture::Pager::_fixSize {} {
405    set sw [expr {[winfo screenwidth $itk_component(hull)]-200}]
406    set sh [expr {[winfo screenheight $itk_component(hull)]-200}]
408    update  ;# force layout changes so sizes are correct
409    switch -- $itk_option(-arrangement) {
410        pages {
411            if {$itk_option(-width) <= 0} {
412                set maxw [expr {
413                    [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(next)]
414                    + 10
415                    + [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(back)]}]
417                foreach name $_pages {
418                    set w [winfo reqwidth $_page2info($name-frame)]
419                    if {$w > $maxw} { set maxw $w }
420                }
421                set maxw [expr {$maxw + 2*$itk_option(-padding)}]
422                if {$maxw > $sw} { set maxw $sw }
423                $itk_component(inside) configure -width $maxw
424            } else {
425                $itk_component(inside) configure -width $itk_option(-width)
426            }
428            if {$itk_option(-height) <= 0} {
429                set maxh 0
430                foreach name $_pages {
431                    set h [winfo reqheight $_page2info($name-frame)]
432                    if {$h > $maxh} { set maxh $h }
433                }
434                set maxh [expr {$maxh + 2*$itk_option(-padding)}]
435                if {$maxh > $sh} { set maxh $sh }
436                $itk_component(inside) configure -height $maxh
437            } else {
438                $itk_component(inside) configure -height $itk_option(-height)
439            }
440        }
441        side-by-side {
442            if {$itk_option(-width) <= 0} {
443                set maxw [expr {
444                    [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(next)]
445                    + 10
446                    + [winfo reqwidth $itk_component(back)]}]
448                set wtotal 0
449                foreach name $_pages {
450                    set w [winfo reqwidth $_page2info($name-frame)]
451                    set wtotal [expr {$wtotal + $w + 2*$itk_option(-padding)}]
452                }
453                if {$wtotal > $maxw} { set maxw $wtotal }
454                if {$maxw > $sw} { set maxw $sw }
455                $itk_component(inside) configure -width $maxw
456            } else {
457                $itk_component(inside) configure -width $itk_option(-width)
458            }
460            if {$itk_option(-height) <= 0} {
461                set maxh 0
462                foreach name $_pages {
463                    set h [winfo reqheight $_page2info($name-frame)]
464                    if {$h > $maxh} { set maxh $h }
465                }
466                set maxh [expr {$maxh + 2*$itk_option(-padding)}]
467                if {$maxh > $sh} { set maxh $sh }
468                $itk_component(inside) configure -height $maxh
469            } else {
470                $itk_component(inside) configure -height $itk_option(-height)
471            }
472        }
473    }
476# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
477# OPTION: -arrangement
478# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
479itcl::configbody Rappture::Pager::arrangement {
480    switch -- $itk_option(-arrangement) {
481        pages {
482            pack forget $itk_component(inside)
483            pack $itk_component(controls) -side bottom -fill x -padx 8 -pady 8
484            if {[llength $_pages] > 2} {
485                pack $itk_component(breadcrumbs) -side top -fill x \
486                    -padx 8 -pady 8
487                pack $itk_component(line) -side top -fill x
488            }
489            pack $itk_component(inside) -expand yes -fill both
490            current [lindex $_pages 0]
491        }
492        side-by-side {
493            pack forget $itk_component(controls)
494            pack forget $itk_component(line)
495            pack forget $itk_component(breadcrumbs)
497            foreach w [pack slaves $itk_component(inside)] {
498                pack forget $w
499            }
500            foreach name $_pages {
501                pack $_page2info($name-frame) -side left \
502                    -expand yes -fill both \
503                    -padx $itk_option(-padding) -pady $itk_option(-padding)
504            }
505        }
506        default {
507            error "bad value \"$itk_option(-arrangement)\": should be pages or side-by-side"
508        }
509    }
510    $_dispatcher event -now !fixsize
513# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
514# OPTION: -width
515# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
516itcl::configbody Rappture::Pager::width {
517    $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize
520# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
521# OPTION: -height
522# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
523itcl::configbody Rappture::Pager::height {
524    $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize
527# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
528# OPTION: -padding
529# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
530itcl::configbody Rappture::Pager::padding {
531    if {$_current != ""} {
532        pack $_page2info($_current-frame) -expand yes -fill both \
533            -padx $itk_option(-padding) -pady $itk_option(-padding)
534    }
535    $_dispatcher event -idle !fixsize
538# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
539# USAGE: _drawCrumbs all|current
541# Invoked automatically whenever the pages change.  The value "all"
542# signifies that the number of pages has changed, so all should be
543# redrawn.  The value "current" means that the current page has
544# changed, so there is just a simple color change.
545# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
546itcl::body Rappture::Pager::_drawCrumbs {how} {
547    set c $itk_component(breadcrumbs)
548    set fnt $itk_option(-crumbfont)
550    switch -- $how {
551        all {
552            $c delete all
554            set x 0
555            set y [expr {[winfo reqheight $c]/2}]
556            set last [lindex $_pages end]
558            set num 1
559            foreach name $_pages {
560                set ht [expr {[font metrics $fnt -linespace]+2}]
561                set id [$c create oval $x [expr {$y-$ht/2}] \
562                    [expr {$x+$ht}] [expr {$y+$ht/2}] \
563                    -outline "" -fill $itk_option(-dimcrumbcolor) \
564                    -tags $name]
565                set id [$c create text [expr {$x+$ht/2}] [expr {$y+1}] \
566                    -text $num -fill $itk_option(-crumbnumbercolor) \
567                    -tags [list $name $name-num]]
568                set x [expr {$x + $ht+2}]
570                set id [$c create text $x [expr {$y+1}] -anchor w \
571                    -text [page $name -title] -font $fnt -tags $name]
573                $c bind $name <Enter> [itcl::code $this _drawCrumbs active]
574                $c bind $name <Leave> [itcl::code $this _drawCrumbs current]
575                $c bind $name <ButtonPress> [itcl::code $this current $name]
577                foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox $id] break
578                set x [expr {$x + ($x1-$x0)+6}]
580                if {$name != $last} {
581                    set id [$c create bitmap $x $y -anchor w \
582                        -bitmap Pager-arrow \
583                        -foreground $itk_option(-dimcrumbcolor)]
584                    foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox $id] break
585                    set x [expr {$x + ($x1-$x0)+6}]
586                }
588                incr num
589            }
591            # fix the scrollregion in case we go off screen
592            $c configure -scrollregion [$c bbox all]
594            _drawCrumbs current
595        }
596        current {
597            # make all crumbs dim
598            foreach name $_pages {
599                $c itemconfigure $name \
600                    -fill $itk_option(-dimcrumbcolor)
601                $c itemconfigure $name-num \
602                    -fill $itk_option(-crumbnumbercolor)
603            }
605            # make all the current crumb bright
606            if {$_current != ""} {
607                $c itemconfigure $_current \
608                    -fill $itk_option(-crumbcolor)
609                $c itemconfigure $_current-num \
610                    -fill $itk_option(-crumbnumbercolor)
612                # scroll the view to see the crumb
613                if {[$c bbox $_current] != ""} {
614                    foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox $_current] break
615                    foreach {xm0 ym0 xm1 ym1} [$c bbox all] break
616                    set xm [expr {double($x0)/($xm1-$xm0)}]
617                    $c xview moveto $xm
618                }
619            } else {
620                $c xview moveto 0
621            }
622        }
623        active {
624            foreach tag [$c gettags current] {
625                if {[lsearch -exact $_pages $tag] >= 0} {
626                    $c itemconfigure $tag -fill $itk_option(-activecrumbcolor)
627                    $c itemconfigure $tag-num -fill white
628                }
629            }
630        }
631    }
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.