# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMPONENT: ResultViewer - plots a collection of related results # # This widget plots a collection of results that all represent # the same quantity, but for various ranges of input values. It # is normally used as part of an Analyzer, to plot the various # results selected by a ResultSet. # ====================================================================== # AUTHOR: Michael McLennan, Purdue University # Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ====================================================================== package require Itk itcl::class Rappture::ResultViewer { inherit itk::Widget itk_option define -width width Width 4i itk_option define -height height Height 4i itk_option define -colors colors Colors "" itk_option define -clearcommand clearCommand ClearCommand "" itk_option define -simulatecommand simulateCommand SimulateCommand "" constructor {args} { # defined below } destructor { # defined below } public method add {index xmlobj path label {uq_part ""}} public method clear {{index ""}} public method value {xmlobj} public method plot {option args} public method download {option args} protected method _plotAdd {xmlobj {settings ""}} protected method _fixScale {args} protected method _xml2data {xmlobj path label {uq_part ""}} protected method _cleanIndex {index} private variable _dispatcher "" ;# dispatchers for !events private variable _mode "" ;# current plotting mode (xy, etc.) private variable _mode2widget ;# maps plotting mode => widget private variable _dataslots "" ;# list of all data objects in this widget private variable _xml2data ;# maps xmlobj => data obj in _dataslots } itk::usual ResultViewer { keep -background -foreground -cursor -font } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONSTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::constructor {args} { #puts "Creating RV $args" # create a dispatcher for events Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher $_dispatcher register !scale $_dispatcher dispatch $this !scale \ [itcl::code $this _fixScale] eval itk_initialize $args } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # DESTRUCTOR # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::destructor {} { foreach slot $_dataslots { foreach obj $slot { itcl::delete object $obj } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: add # # Adds a new result to this result viewer at the specified . # Data is taken from the object at the . # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::add {index xmlobj path label {uq_part ""}} { #puts "RV add index=$index path=$path label=$label uq_part=$uq_part" set index [_cleanIndex $index] set dobj [_xml2data $xmlobj $path $label $uq_part] # # If the index doesn't exist, then fill in empty slots and # make it exist. # for {set i [llength $_dataslots]} {$i <= $index} {incr i} { lappend _dataslots "" } set slot [lindex $_dataslots $index] # only add dobj if it isn't already there. if {[lsearch -exact $slot $dobj] < 0} { lappend slot $dobj #puts "slot=$slot" set _dataslots [lreplace $_dataslots $index $index $slot] $_dispatcher event -idle !scale } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: clear ?|? # # Clears one or all results in this result viewer. If a particular # is specified, then all data objects at that index are # deleted. If a particular is specified, then all data # objects related to that are removed--regardless of whether # they reside at one or more indices. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::clear {{index ""}} { #puts "RV::clear $index" if {$index ne ""} { # clear one result if {[catch {_cleanIndex $index} i] == 0} { if {$i >= 0 && $i < [llength $_dataslots]} { set slot [lindex $_dataslots $i] foreach dobj $slot { if {"" != $_mode} { $_mode2widget($_mode) delete $dobj } itcl::delete object $dobj } set _dataslots [lreplace $_dataslots $i $i ""] $_dispatcher event -idle !scale } } else { foreach key [array names _xml2data $index-*] { set dobj $_xml2data($key) # search for and remove all references to this data object for {set n 0} {$n < [llength $_dataslots]} {incr n} { set slot [lindex $_dataslots $n] set pos [lsearch -exact $slot $dobj] if {$pos >= 0} { set slot [lreplace $slot $pos $pos] set _dataslots [lreplace $_dataslots $n $n $slot] $_dispatcher event -idle !scale } } if {"" != $_mode} { $_mode2widget($_mode) delete $dobj } # destroy the object and forget it itcl::delete object $dobj unset _xml2data($key) } } } else { # clear all results plot clear foreach slot $_dataslots { foreach dobj $slot { itcl::delete object $dobj } } set _dataslots "" catch {unset _xml2data} } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: value # # Convenience method for showing a single value. Loads the value # into the widget via add/clear, then immediately plots the value. # This makes the widget consistent with other widgets, such as # the DeviceEditor, etc. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::value {xmlobj} { clear if {"" != $xmlobj} { add 0 $xmlobj "" plot add 0 "" } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: plot add ? ...? # USAGE: plot clear # # Used to manipulate the contents of this viewer. The "plot clear" # command clears the current viewer. Data is still stored in the # widget, but the results are not shown on screen. The "plot add" # command adds the data at the specified to the plot. Each # is the simulation number, like "#1", "#2", "#3", etc. If # the optional are specified, then they are applied # to the plot; otherwise, default settings are used. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::plot {option args} { #puts "RV plot option=$option args=$args" switch -- $option { add { set params "" foreach {index opts} $args { if {$index == "params"} { set params $opts continue } set index [_cleanIndex $index] lappend opts "-simulation" [expr $index + 1] set reset "-color autoreset" set slot [lindex $_dataslots $index] foreach dobj $slot { set settings "" # start with color reset, only for first object in series if {"" != $reset} { set settings $reset set reset "" } # add default settings from data object if {[catch {$dobj hints style} style] == 0} { eval lappend settings $style } if {[catch {$dobj hints type} type] == 0} { if {"" != $type} { eval lappend settings "-type $type" } } # add override settings passed in here eval lappend settings $opts _plotAdd $dobj $settings } } if {"" != $params && "" != $_mode} { eval $_mode2widget($_mode) parameters $params } } clear { # clear the contents of the current mode if {"" != $_mode} { $_mode2widget($_mode) delete } } default { error "bad option \"$option\": should be add or clear" } } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _plotAdd # # Used internally to add a representing some data to # the plot at the top of this widget. The data is added to the # current plot. Use the "clear" function to clear before adding # new data. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::_plotAdd {dataobj {settings ""}} { #puts "RV _plotAdd $dataobj : [$dataobj info class] : $settings" switch -- [$dataobj info class] { ::Rappture::UqInfo { set mode "uq" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.uq Rappture::UqNotebook $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } ::Rappture::DataTable { set mode "datatable" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.datatable Rappture::DataTableResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } ::Rappture::Drawing { set mode "vtkviewer" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.vtkviewer Rappture::VtkViewer $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } ::Rappture::Histogram { set mode "histogram" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.histogram Rappture::HistogramResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } ::Rappture::Curve { set type [$dataobj hints type] set mode "xy" if { $type == "bars" } { if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.xy Rappture::BarchartResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } else { if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.xy Rappture::XyResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } } ::Rappture::Map { if { ![$dataobj isvalid] } { return; # Ignore invalid map objects. } set mode "map" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.$mode Rappture::MapViewer $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } ::Rappture::Field { if { ![$dataobj isvalid] } { return; # Ignore invalid field objects. } set dims [lindex [lsort [$dataobj components -dimensions]] end] switch -- $dims { 1D { set mode "xy" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.xy Rappture::XyResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } default { set mode [$dataobj viewer] if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.$mode if { ![winfo exists $w] } { Rappture::FieldResult $w -mode $mode } set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } } } ::Rappture::Mesh { if { ![$dataobj isvalid] } { return; # Ignore invalid mesh objects. } set mode "vtkmeshviewer" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.$mode Rappture::VtkMeshViewer $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } ::Rappture::Table { set cols [Rappture::EnergyLevels::columns $dataobj] if {"" != $cols} { set mode "energies" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.energies Rappture::EnergyLevels $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } } ::Rappture::LibraryObj { switch -- [$dataobj element -as type] { string - log { set mode "log" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.log Rappture::TextResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } structure { set mode "structure" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.struct Rappture::DeviceResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } number - integer { set mode "number" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.number Rappture::NumberResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } boolean - choice - multichoice { set mode "value" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.value Rappture::ValueResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } } } ::Rappture::Image { set mode "image" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.image Rappture::ImageResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } ::Rappture::Sequence { set mode "sequence" if {![info exists _mode2widget($mode)]} { set w $itk_interior.image Rappture::SequenceResult $w set _mode2widget($mode) $w } } default { error "don't know how to plot <$type> data [$dataobj info class]" } } # Are we plotting in a new mode? then change widgets if {$_mode2widget($mode) != [pack slaves $itk_interior]} { # remove any current window foreach w [pack slaves $itk_interior] { pack forget $w } pack $_mode2widget($mode) -expand yes -fill both set _mode $mode $_dispatcher event -idle !scale } $_mode2widget($mode) add $dataobj $settings } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _fixScale ?...? # # Invoked automatically whenever a new dataset is added to fix the # overall scales of the viewer. This makes the visualizer consistent # across all in this widget, so that it can plot all # available data. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::_fixScale {args} { if {"" != $_mode} { set dlist "" set objclass "" foreach slot $_dataslots { foreach dobj $slot { if {$objclass == ""} { set objclass [$dobj info class] } else { if {$objclass != [$dobj info class]} { # If some of the objects are different classes # then we cannot use the same scale, so give up. return } } lappend dlist $dobj } } eval $_mode2widget($_mode) scale $dlist } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: download coming # USAGE: download controls # USAGE: download now # # Clients use this method to create a downloadable representation # of the plot. Returns a list of the form {ext string}, where # "ext" is the file extension (indicating the type of data) and # "string" is the data itself. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::download {option args} { if {"" == $_mode} { return "" } return [eval $_mode2widget($_mode) download $option $args] } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _xml2data # # Used internally to create a data object for the data at the # specified in the . # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::_xml2data {xmlobj path label {uq_part ""}} { #puts "RV:_xml2data $path ([$xmlobj element -as type $path]) label=$label uq_part=$uq_part" if {$uq_part != ""} { if {[info exists _xml2data($xmlobj-$label)]} { $_xml2data($xmlobj-$label) add $xmlobj $path $uq_part return $_xml2data($xmlobj-$label) } } elseif {[info exists _xml2data($xmlobj-$path]} { return $_xml2data($xmlobj-$path) } if {$uq_part != ""} { set type "UQ" } else { set type [$xmlobj element -as type $path] } switch -- $type { UQ { set dobj [Rappture::UqInfo ::#auto $xmlobj $path $uq_part] set path $label } curve { set dobj [Rappture::Curve ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } datatable { set dobj [Rappture::DataTable ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } histogram { set dobj [Rappture::Histogram ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } field { set dobj [Rappture::Field ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } map { set dobj [Rappture::Map ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } mesh { set dobj [Rappture::Mesh ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } table { set dobj [Rappture::Table ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } image { set dobj [Rappture::Image ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } sequence { set dobj [Rappture::Sequence ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } string - log { set dobj [$xmlobj element -as object $path] } structure { set dobj [$xmlobj element -as object $path] } number - integer - boolean - choice - multichoice { set dobj [$xmlobj element -as object $path] } drawing3d - drawing { set dobj [Rappture::Drawing ::#auto $xmlobj $path] } time - status { set dobj "" } default { error "don't know how to plot <$type> data path=$path" } } # store the mapping xmlobj=>dobj so we can find this result later if {$dobj ne ""} { set _xml2data($xmlobj-$path) $dobj } return $dobj } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # USAGE: _cleanIndex # # Used internally to create a data object for the data at the # specified in the . # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::body Rappture::ResultViewer::_cleanIndex {index} { set index [lindex $index 0] if {[regexp {^#([0-9]+)} $index match num]} { return [expr {$num-1}] ;# start from 0 instead of 1 } elseif {[string is integer -strict $index]} { return $index } error "bad plot index \"$index\": should be 0,1,2,... or #1,#2,#3,..." } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -width # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::ResultViewer::width { set w [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) $itk_option(-width)] set h [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) $itk_option(-height)] if {$w == 0 || $h == 0} { pack propagate $itk_component(hull) yes } else { component hull configure -width $w -height $h pack propagate $itk_component(hull) no } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CONFIGURATION OPTION: -height # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- itcl::configbody Rappture::ResultViewer::height { set h [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) $itk_option(-height)] set w [winfo pixels $itk_component(hull) $itk_option(-width)] if {$w == 0 || $h == 0} { pack propagate $itk_component(hull) yes } else { component hull configure -width $w -height $h pack propagate $itk_component(hull) no } }