source: trunk/gui/scripts/sequenceresult.tcl @ 3515

Last change on this file since 3515 was 3330, checked in by gah, 12 years ago

merge (by hand) with Rappture1.2 branch

File size: 21.0 KB
1# -*- mode: tcl; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
3# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
4#  COMPONENT: sequenceresult - series of results forming an animation
6#  This widget displays a series of results of the same type that are
7#  grouped together and displayed as an animation.  The user can play
8#  through the results, or single step through individual values.
9# ======================================================================
10#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
11#  Copyright (c) 2004-2012  HUBzero Foundation, LLC
13#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
14#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
15# ======================================================================
16package require Itk
17package require BLT
19option add *SequenceResult.width 3i widgetDefault
20option add *SequenceResult.height 3i widgetDefault
21option add *SequenceResult.controlBackground gray widgetDefault
22option add *SequenceResult.dialProgressColor #ccccff widgetDefault
23option add *SequenceResult.font \
24    -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-12-* widgetDefault
25option add *SequenceResult.boldFont \
26    -*-helvetica-bold-r-normal-*-12-* widgetDefault
28itcl::class Rappture::SequenceResult {
29    inherit itk::Widget
31    constructor {args} {
32        # defined below
33    }
34    destructor {
35        # defined below
36    }
37    public method add {dataobj {settings ""}}
38    public method get {}
39    public method delete {args}
40    public method scale {args}
41    public method parameters {title args} {
42        # do nothing
43    }
44    public method download {option args}
46    public method play {{why -program}}
47    public method pause {{why -program}}
48    public method goto {{newval ""}}
50    protected method _rebuild {args}
51    protected method _playFrame {}
52    protected method _fixValue {}
54    private variable _dispatcher "" ;# dispatcher for !events
55    private variable _dlist ""      ;# list of data objects
56    private variable _topmost ""    ;# topmost data object in _dlist
57    private variable _indices ""    ;# list of active indices
58    private variable _pos 0         ;# current position in the animation
59    private variable _afterId ""    ;# current "after" event for play op
61    private common _play            ;# options for "play" operation
62    set _play(speed) 60
63    set _play(loop) 0
66itk::usual SequenceResult {
67    keep -background -foreground -cursor -font
70# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
72# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
73itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::constructor {args} {
74    Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher
75    $_dispatcher register !rebuild
76    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !rebuild [itcl::code $this _rebuild]
78    option add hull.width hull.height
79    pack propagate $itk_component(hull) no
81    itk_component add player {
82        frame $itk_interior.player
83    }
84    pack $itk_component(player) -side bottom -fill x
85    grid columnconfigure $itk_component(player) 1 -weight 1
87    itk_component add play {
88        button $itk_component(player).play \
89            -bitmap [Rappture::icon play] \
90            -command [itcl::code $this play -user]
91    }
92    grid $itk_component(play) -row 0 -rowspan 2 -column 0 \
93        -ipadx 2 -padx {0 4} -pady 4 -sticky nsew
95    itk_component add dial {
96        Rappture::SequenceDial $itk_component(player).dial \
97            -length 10 -valuewidth 0 -valuepadding 0 -padding 6 \
98            -linecolor "" -activelinecolor "" \
99            -knobimage [Rappture::icon knob2] -knobposition center@middle
100    } {
101        usual
102        keep -dialprogresscolor
103    }
104    grid $itk_component(dial) -row 1 -column 1 -sticky ew
105    bind $itk_component(dial) <<Value>> [itcl::code $this _fixValue]
107    # use this command for logging "goto" interactions
108    $itk_component(dial) configure -interactcommand \
109        [format {Rappture::Logger::log sequence goto [%s get -format label current]} $itk_component(dial)]
111    itk_component add info {
112        frame $itk_component(player).info
113    }
114    grid $itk_component(info) -row 0 -column 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ew
116    itk_component add indexLabel {
117        label $itk_component(info).ilabel
118    } {
119        usual
120        rename -font -boldfont boldFont Font
121    }
122    pack $itk_component(indexLabel) -side left
124    itk_component add indexValue {
125        label $itk_component(info).ivalue -padx 0
126    }
127    pack $itk_component(indexValue) -side left
129    # add an element.about.label stanza
130    itk_component add eleLabel {
131        label $itk_component(info).elabel -padx 10
132    }
133    pack $itk_component(eleLabel) -side left
135    itk_component add options {
136        button $itk_component(player).options -text "Options..." \
137            -padx 1 -pady 0 -relief flat -overrelief raised
138    }
139    grid $itk_component(options) -row 1 -column 2 -sticky sw
141    #
142    # Popup option panel
143    #
144    set fn [option get $itk_component(hull) font Font]
145    set bfn [option get $itk_component(hull) boldFont Font]
147    Rappture::Balloon $itk_component(hull).popup \
148        -title "Player Settings" -padx 4 -pady 4
149    set inner [$itk_component(hull).popup component inner]
151    label $inner.loopl -text "Loop:" -font $bfn
152    grid $inner.loopl -row 0 -column 0 -sticky e
153    radiobutton $inner.loopOn -text "Play once and stop" -font $fn \
154        -variable ::Rappture::SequenceResult::_play(loop) -value 0
155    grid $inner.loopOn -row 0 -column 1 -sticky w
156    radiobutton $inner.loopOff -text "Play continuously" -font $fn \
157        -variable ::Rappture::SequenceResult::_play(loop) -value 1
158    grid $inner.loopOff -row 1 -column 1 -sticky w
159    grid rowconfigure $inner 2 -minsize 8
161    label $inner.speedl -text "Speed:" -font $bfn
162    grid $inner.speedl -row 3 -column 0 -sticky e
163    frame $inner.speed
164    grid $inner.speed -row 3 -column 1 -sticky ew
165    label $inner.speed.slowl -text "Slower" -font $fn
166    pack $inner.speed.slowl -side left
167    ::scale $inner.speed.value -from 100 -to 1 \
168        -showvalue 0 -orient horizontal \
169        -variable ::Rappture::SequenceResult::_play(speed)
170    pack $inner.speed.value -side left
171    label $inner.speed.fastl -text "Faster" -font $fn
172    pack $inner.speed.fastl -side left
174    $itk_component(options) configure -command \
175        [list $itk_component(hull).popup activate $itk_component(options) above]
177    #
178    # Main viewer
179    #
180    itk_component add area {
181        frame $itk_interior.area
182    }
183    pack $itk_component(area) -expand yes -fill both
185    eval itk_initialize $args
188# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
190# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
191itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::destructor {} {
192    pause  ;# stop any animation that might be playing
195# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
196# USAGE: add <sequence> ?<settings>?
198# Clients use this to add a data sequence to the viewer.  The optional
199# <settings> are used to configure the display of the data.  Allowed
200# settings are -color, -brightness, -width, -linestyle and -raise.
201# The only setting used here is -raise, which indicates the current
202# object.
203# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
204itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::add {dataobj {settings ""}} {
205    array set params {
206        -color auto
207        -brightness 0
208        -width 1
209        -raise 0
210        -linestyle solid
211        -description ""
212        -param ""
213    }
214    foreach {opt val} $settings {
215        if {![info exists params($opt)]} {
216            error "bad setting \"$opt\": should be [join [lsort [array names params]] {, }]"
217        }
218        set params($opt) $val
219    }
221    if {$params(-raise) && "" == $_topmost} {
222        set _topmost $dataobj
223    }
224    lappend _dlist $dataobj
225    $_dispatcher event -idle !rebuild
228# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
229# USAGE: get
231# Clients use this to query the list of data objects being displayed,
232# in order from bottom to top of this result.
233# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
234itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::get {} {
235    # put the dataobj list in order according to -raise options
236    set dlist $_dlist
238    set i [lsearch $_dlist $_topmost]
239    if {$i >= 0} {
240        set dlist [lreplace $dlist $i $i]
241        set dlist [linsert $dlist 0 $_topmost]
242    }
243    return $dlist
246# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
247# USAGE: delete ?<dataobj1> <dataobj2> ...?
249# Clients use this to delete a data object from the viewer.  If no
250# data objects are specified, then all data objects are deleted.
251# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
252itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::delete {args} {
253    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
254        set args $_dlist
255    }
256    pause
258    # delete all specified curves
259    set changed 0
260    foreach dataobj $args {
261        set pos [lsearch -exact $_dlist $dataobj]
262        if {$pos >= 0} {
263            set _dlist [lreplace $_dlist $pos $pos]
264            set changed 1
266            if {$dataobj == $_topmost} {
267                set _topmost ""
268            }
269        }
270    }
272    # if anything changed, then rebuild the plot
273    if {$changed} {
274        $_dispatcher event -idle !rebuild
275    }
278# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
279# USAGE: scale ?<dataobj1> <dataobj2> ...?
281# Sets the default limits for the overall plot according to the
282# limits of the data for all of the given <dataobj> objects.  This
283# accounts for all data objects--even those not showing on the screen.
284# Because of this, the limits are appropriate for all data objects as
285# the user scans through data in the ResultSet viewer.
286# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
287itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::scale {args} {
288    # do nothing
291# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
292# USAGE: download coming
293# USAGE: download controls <downloadCommand>
294# USAGE: download now
296# Clients use this method to create a downloadable representation
297# of the plot.  Returns a list of the form {ext string}, where
298# "ext" is the file extension (indicating the type of data) and
299# "string" is the data itself.
300# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
301itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::download {option args} {
302    if { ![winfo exists $itk_component(area).viewer] } {
303        return "";      # No data, no viewer, no download.
304    }
305    switch $option {
306        coming {
307            return [$itk_component(area).viewer download coming]
308        }
309        controls {
310            return [eval $itk_component(area).viewer download controls $args]
311        }
312        now {
313            if {0} {
314                # produce a movie of results
315                set rval ""
316                if {"" != $_topmost} {
317                    set max [$_topmost size]
318                    set all ""
319                    for {set i 0} {$i < $max} {incr i} {
320                        set dataobj [lindex [$_topmost value $i] 0]
321                        if {[catch {$dataobj tkimage} imh] == 0} {
322                            lappend all $imh
323                        }
324                    }
325                    if {[llength $all] > 0} {
326                        set delay [expr {int(ceil(pow($_play(speed)/10.0+2,2.0)*15))}]
327                        set rval [eval Rappture::icon::gif_animate $delay $all]
328                    }
329                }
330                if {[string length $rval] > 0} {
331                    return [list .gif $rval]
332                }
333                return ""
334            }
335            # otherwise, return download of single frame
336            return [eval $itk_component(area).viewer download now $args]
337        }
338        default {
339            error "bad option \"$option\": should be coming, controls, now"
340        }
341    }
344# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
345# USAGE: play ?-user|-program?
347# Invoked when the user hits the "play" button to play the current
348# sequence of frames as a movie.
349# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
350itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::play {{why -program}} {
351    if { [llength $_indices] == 0 } {
352        return;                         # No frames (i.e. no data).
353    }
355    if {$why eq "-user"} {
356        Rappture::Logger::log sequence play -loop $_play(loop) -speed $_play(speed)
357    }
359    # Stop any existing animation.
360    pause
362    # At the end? then restart fresh
363    if {$_pos >= [llength $_indices]-1} {
364        goto 0
365    }
367    # Toggle the button to "pause" mode
368    $itk_component(play) configure \
369        -bitmap [Rappture::icon pause] \
370        -command [itcl::code $this pause -user]
372    global readyForNextFrame
373    set readyForNextFrame 1;            # By default, always ready
374    # Schedule the first frame
375    set delay [expr {int(ceil(pow($_play(speed)/10.0+2,2.0)*15))}]
376    set _afterId [after $delay [itcl::code $this _playFrame]]
379# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
380# USAGE: pause ?-user|-program?
382# Invoked when the user hits the "pause" button to stop playing the
383# current sequence of frames as a movie.
384# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
385itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::pause {{why -program}} {
386    if {$why eq "-user"} {
387        Rappture::Logger::log sequence pause
388    }
390    if {"" != $_afterId} {
391        catch {after cancel $_afterId}
392        set _afterId ""
393    }
394    global readyForNextFrame
395    set readyForNextFrame 1;            # By default, always ready
397    # Check if the play button still exists. We may be in the process
398    # of destroying the widget.
399    if { [info exists itk_component(play)] } {
400        # toggle the button to "play" mode
401        $itk_component(play) configure \
402            -bitmap [Rappture::icon play] \
403            -command [itcl::code $this play -user]
404    }
407# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
408# USAGE: goto ?<index>?
410# Used internally to move the current position of the animation to
411# the frame at a particular <index>.  If the <index> is not specified,
412# then it returns the current position.
413# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
414itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::goto {{newval ""}} {
415    if {"" == $newval} {
416        return $_pos
417    }
418    set _pos $newval
419    set val [$itk_component(dial) get -format label @$_pos]
420    $itk_component(dial) current $val
423# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
424# USAGE: _rebuild
426# Invoked automatically whenever the data displayed in this viewer
427# changes.  Loads the data from the topmost (current) value into
428# the viewer.
429# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
430itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::_rebuild {args} {
431    if {"" == $_topmost && [llength $_dlist] > 0} {
432        set _topmost [lindex $_dlist 0]
433    }
435    #
436    # If we have any data, then show the viewer.
437    # Otherwise, hide it.
438    #
439    set w $itk_component(area).viewer
440    if {[winfo exists $w]} {
441        if {"" == $_topmost} {
442            pack forget $w
443            pack forget $itk_component(player)
444            return
445        } else {
446            pack $w -expand yes -fill both
447            pack $itk_component(player) -side bottom -fill x
448        }
449    } else {
450        if {"" == $_topmost} {
451            return
452        }
454        set type ""
455        if {[$_topmost size] > 0} {
456            set dataobj [lindex [$_topmost value 0] 0]
457            set type [$dataobj info class]
458        }
459        switch -- $type {
460            ::Rappture::Drawing {
461                Rappture::VtkViewer $w
462                pack $w -expand yes -fill both
463            }
464            ::Rappture::Curve {
465                Rappture::XyResult $w
466                pack $w -expand yes -fill both
467            }
468            ::Rappture::Histogram {
469                Rappture::HistogramResult $w
470                pack $w -expand yes -fill both
471            }
472            ::Rappture::DataTable {
473                Rappture::DataTable $w
474                pack $w -expand yes -fill both
475            }
476            ::Rappture::Image {
477                Rappture::ImageResult $w
478                pack $w -expand yes -fill both
479            }
480            ::Rappture::Field {
481                set dimensions ""
482                set dim ""
483                foreach dim [$dataobj components -dimensions] {
484                    # check to see if the dimensions are the same
485                    # for all elements of the field. i dont think
486                    # we can display fields of differing dimensions
487                    # within the same field object.
488                    if {"" != $dimensions} {
489                        if {$dimensions != $dim} {
490                            error "don't know how to view sequences of $type\
491                                with dimensions as follows:\
492                                [$dataobj components -dimensions]"
493                        }
494                    } else {
495                        set dimensions $dim
496                    }
497                }
498                set mode [$dataobj viewer]
499                switch -- $dimensions {
500                    2D {
501                        Rappture::Field2DResult $w -mode $mode
502                    }
503                    3D {
504                        Rappture::Field3DResult $w -mode $mode
505                    }
506                    default {
507                        error "don't know how to view sequences of $type\
508                            with \"$dimensions\" dimensions dim=[$dataobj components -dimensions]"
509                    }
510                }
511                pack $w -expand yes -fill both
512            }
513            ::Rappture::LibraryObj {
514                switch -- [$dataobj element -as type] {
515                    structure {
516                        Rappture::DeviceResult $w
517                        pack $w -expand yes -fill both
518                    }
519                    default {
520                        error "don't know how to view sequences of [$dataobj element -as type]"
521                    }
522                }
523            }
524            default {
525                puts stderr "don't know how to view sequences of type \"$type\""
526                puts stderr "Is the sequence empty?"
527                return
528            }
529        }
530    }
531    #
532    # Load the current sequence info the viewer.
533    #
534    $itk_component(indexLabel) configure -text [$_topmost hints indexlabel]
536    $w delete
537    $itk_component(dial) clear
539    set max [$_topmost size]
540    set all ""
541    for {set i 0} {$i < $max} {incr i} {
542        eval lappend all [$_topmost value $i]
543    }
544    eval $w scale $all
546    set _indices ""
547    for {set i 0} {$i < $max} {incr i} {
548        set index [$_topmost index $i]
549        eval $itk_component(dial) add $index
550        lappend _indices [lindex $index 0]
551    }
552    _fixValue
555# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
556# USAGE: _playFrame
558# Used internally to advance each frame in the animation.  Advances
559# the frame and displays it.  When we reach the end of the animation,
560# we either loop back or stop.
561# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
562itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::_playFrame {} {
563    global readyForNextFrame
564    if { $readyForNextFrame } {
565        set _pos [expr {$_pos+1}]
566        set last [expr {[llength $_indices]-1}]
568        if {$_pos > $last} {
569            if {$_play(loop)} {
570                set _pos 0
571            } else {
572                set _pos $last
573                pause
574                return
575            }
576        }
577        goto $_pos
578        set delay [expr {int(ceil(pow($_play(speed)/10.0+2,2.0)*15))}]
579    } else {
580        set delay 50;                   # Poll for completion
581    }
582    set _afterId [after $delay [itcl::code $this _playFrame]]
585# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
586# USAGE: _fixValue
588# Invoked automatically whenever the value on the dial changes.
589# Updates the viewer to display the value for the selected result.
590# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
591itcl::body Rappture::SequenceResult::_fixValue {} {
592    set w $itk_component(area).viewer
593    if {![winfo exists $w]} {
594        return
595    }
596    $w delete
597    if { $_topmost == "" } {
598        return
599    }
600    set val [$itk_component(dial) get -format label current]
601    set _pos [lsearch -glob $_indices $val*]
603    # populate the label for this element
604    if { "" != [$_topmost hints indexlabel] } {
605        $itk_component(indexValue) configure -text "= $val"
606    }
607    $itk_component(eleLabel) configure -text "[$_topmost label $_pos]"
608    foreach dataobj [$_topmost value $_pos] {
609        set settings "-color autoreset -width 2"
610        if {[catch {$dataobj hints style} style] == 0} {
611            eval lappend settings $style
612        }
613        if { [catch {$dataobj hints type} type] == 0} {
614            if {"" != $type} {
615                lappend settings -type $type
616            }
617        }
618        $w add $dataobj $settings
619    }
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