/* * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * RpReadPoints - * * ====================================================================== * AUTHOR: Michael McLennan, Purdue University * Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC * * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and * redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. * ====================================================================== */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tcl.h" #define UCHAR(c) ((unsigned char) (c)) static INLINE const char * SkipSpaces(const char *s, const char *endPtr) { while ((s < endPtr) && ((*s == ' ') || (*s == '\t'))) { s++; } return s; } static INLINE const char * GetLine(Tcl_DString *dsPtr, const char *s, const char *endPtr) { const char *line, *p; Tcl_DStringSetLength(dsPtr, 0); line = SkipSpaces(s, endPtr); for (p = line; p < endPtr; p++) { if (*p == '\n') { if (p == line) { line++; continue; } Tcl_DStringAppend(dsPtr, line, p - line); return p + 1; } } Tcl_DStringAppend(dsPtr, line, p - line); return p; } int GetDouble(Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *s, double *valuePtr) { char *end; double d; errno = 0; d = strtod(s, &end); /* INTL: TCL source. */ if (end == s) { badDouble: if (interp != (Tcl_Interp *) NULL) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "expected floating-point number but got \"", s, "\"", (char *) NULL); } return TCL_ERROR; } if (errno != 0 && (d == HUGE_VAL || d == -HUGE_VAL || d == 0)) { if (interp != (Tcl_Interp *) NULL) { char msg[64 + TCL_INTEGER_SPACE]; sprintf(msg, "unknown floating-point error, errno = %d", errno); Tcl_AppendToObj(Tcl_GetObjResult(interp), msg, -1); Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "ARITH", "UNKNOWN", msg, (char *) NULL); } return TCL_ERROR; } while ((*end != 0) && isspace(UCHAR(*end))) { /* INTL: ISO space. */ end++; } if (*end != 0) { goto badDouble; } *valuePtr = d; return TCL_OK; } /* * ReadPoints string dimVar pointsVar */ static int ReadPoints(ClientData clientData, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc, Tcl_Obj *const *objv) { Tcl_Obj *listObjPtr; const char *p, *pend; const char *string; int count, length, dim; Tcl_DString ds; if (objc != 4) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # arguments: should be \"", Tcl_GetString(objv[0]), " string dimVar pointsVar\"", (char *)NULL); return TCL_ERROR; } dim = 0; string = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[1], &length); count = 0; Tcl_DStringInit(&ds); listObjPtr = Tcl_NewListObj(0, (Tcl_Obj **)NULL); for (p = string, pend = p + length; p < pend; /*empty*/) { const char *line; int i, argc; const char **argv; char saved; int result; p = GetLine(&ds, p, pend); if (Tcl_DStringLength(&ds) == 0) { break; /* EOF */ } result = Tcl_SplitList(interp, Tcl_DStringValue(&ds), &argc, &argv); if (result != TCL_OK) { goto error; } if (argc == 0) { Tcl_Free((char *)argv); goto error; } if (dim == 0) { dim = argc; } if (dim != argc) { Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "wrong # of elements on line \"", line, "\"", (char *)NULL); Tcl_Free((char *)argv); goto error; } for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { double d; if (GetDouble(interp, argv[i], &d) != TCL_OK) { Tcl_Free((char *)argv); goto error; } Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, listObjPtr, Tcl_NewDoubleObj(d)); count++; } Tcl_Free((char *)argv); } Tcl_DStringFree(&ds); if (Tcl_ObjSetVar2(interp, objv[2], NULL, Tcl_NewIntObj(dim), TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } if (Tcl_ObjSetVar2(interp, objv[3], NULL, listObjPtr, TCL_LEAVE_ERR_MSG) == NULL) { return TCL_ERROR; } return TCL_OK; error: Tcl_DStringFree(&ds); return TCL_ERROR; } /* * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * RpReadPoints_Init -- * * Invoked when the Rappture GUI library is being initialized * to install the "ConvertDxToVtk" command into the interpreter. * * Returns TCL_OK if successful, or TCL_ERROR (along with an error * message in the interp) if anything goes wrong. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ int RpReadPoints_Init(Tcl_Interp *interp) { /* install the widget command */ Tcl_CreateObjCommand(interp, "Rappture::ReadPoints", ReadPoints, NULL, NULL); return TCL_OK; }