source: trunk/instant/hierlist.tcl @ 1944

Last change on this file since 1944 was 1742, checked in by mmc, 14 years ago

Added preview of outputs to the irappture builder. Fixed a problem
with the file chooser for the "save as" dialog. Added a distinction
between errors and warnings when looking for problems in the tool

Fixed a few problems in RapptureGUI affecting the scroller and the
way it refreshes itself when the frame within it suddenly shrinks.
Fixed the histogram to avoid errors when the histogram data is
empty. Fixed the analyzer so you can create it without setting
the -notebookpage option. All of these errors showed up in the
irappture builder.

File size: 19.7 KB
1# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2#  COMPONENT: hierlist - hierarchical list of elements
4#  This widget is similar to the BLT hierbox or treeview, but it
5#  allows for embedded windows at each node.
6# ======================================================================
7#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
8#  Copyright (c) 2004-2010  Purdue Research Foundation
10#  See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and
11#  redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
12# ======================================================================
13package require Itk
14package require BLT
16option add *Hierlist.width 2i widgetDefault
17option add *Hierlist.height 3i widgetDefault
18option add *Hierlist.indent 20 widgetDefault
19option add *Hierlist.icon {treepl treemn} widgetDefault
20option add *Hierlist.selectBackground cyan widgetDefault
21option add *Hierlist.dropLineColor blue widgetDefault
22option add *Hierlist.font {helvetica -12} widgetDefault
24itcl::class Rappture::Hierlist {
25    inherit itk::Widget Rappture::Dragdrop
27    itk_option define -indent indent Indent 10
28    itk_option define -padding padding Padding 4
29    itk_option define -icon icon Icon ""
30    itk_option define -font font Font ""
31    itk_option define -title title Title "%type: %id"
32    itk_option define -selectbackground selectBackground Foreground ""
33    itk_option define -droplinecolor dropLineColor Foreground ""
35    constructor {args} { # defined below }
36    destructor { # defined below }
38    public method tree {option args}
39    public method select {what {how "-notify"}}
40    public method curselection {args}
41    public method toggle {what}
43    public method xview {args} { eval $itk_component(area) xview $args }
44    public method yview {args} { eval $itk_component(area) yview $args }
46    protected method _redraw {args}
47    protected method _redrawChildren {node indent ypos}
48    protected method _edit {option node field args}
50    # define these for drag-n-drop support of items
51    protected method dd_get_source {widget x y}
52    protected method dd_scan_target {x y data}
53    protected method dd_finalize {option args}
55    private variable _dispatcher ""  ;# dispatcher for !events
56    private variable _tree ""        ;# BLT tree object for node data
57    private variable _current ""     ;# current selected node
58    private variable _droppos ""     ;# node index for dragdrop target pos
59    private variable _imh            ;# open/close images
62itk::usual Hierlist {
63    keep -cursor -font -foreground -background
66# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
68# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
69itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::constructor {args} {
70    itk_option add hull.width hull.height
71    pack propagate $itk_component(hull) off
73    # create a dispatcher for events
74    Rappture::dispatcher _dispatcher
75    $_dispatcher register !redraw
76    $_dispatcher dispatch $this !redraw [itcl::code $this _redraw]
78    # create a root node
79    set _tree [blt::tree create]
80    $_tree set 0 terminal yes  ;# so you can't drop at the top level
82    itk_component add area {
83        canvas $itk_interior.area -highlightthickness 0
84    } {
85        usual
86        ignore -borderwidth -relief
87        ignore -highlightthickness -highlightbackground -highlightcolor
88        keep -xscrollcommand -yscrollcommand
89    }
90    pack $itk_component(area) -expand yes -fill both
92    # this widget exports nodes via drag-n-drop
93    dragdrop source $itk_component(area)
95    set _imh(open) [image create photo]
96    set _imh(close) [image create photo]
98    eval itk_initialize $args
101# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
103# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
104itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::destructor {} {
105    foreach name [array names _imh] {
106        image delete $_imh($name)
107    }
108    blt::tree destroy $_tree
111# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
112# USAGE: tree insert <node> <pos> ?<field1> <val1> <field2> <val2> ...?
113# USAGE: tree delete ?<node> <node> ...?
114# USAGE: tree get <node> <field>
115# USAGE: tree set <node> <field> <value>
116# USAGE: tree path <node> ?<pattern>?
117# USAGE: tree children <node>
119# Clients use this to manipulate items in the tree being displayed
120# within the widget.  Each <node> is an integer node number in the
121# underlying BLT tree object.  The root node is node 0.  Each node
122# has a series of <field>'s with values.  The fields are used for the
123# -title of each node, and the "terminal" field controls whether or
124# not a node can have children added.
125# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
126itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::tree {option args} {
127    switch -- $option {
128        insert {
129            set node [lindex $args 0]
130            set pos [lindex $args 1]
131            if {$pos == "end"} {set pos [llength [$_tree children $node]]}
132            set args [lrange $args 2 end]
133            set newnode [$_tree insert $node -at $pos -data [eval list open yes terminal yes dragdrop yes $args]]
135            # make sure we fix up the layout at some point
136            $_dispatcher event -idle !redraw
138            return $newnode
139        }
140        delete {
141            if {$args == "all"} {
142                $_tree delete 0
143            } else {
144                foreach node $args {
145                    $_tree delete $node
146                }
147            }
149            # make sure we fix up the layout at some point
150            $_dispatcher event -idle !redraw
151        }
152        get {
153            return [eval $_tree get $args]
154        }
155        set {
156            # changed an option -- may be %type or %id -- update display
157            $_dispatcher event -idle !redraw
159            return [eval $_tree set $args]
160        }
161        path {
162            if {[llength $args] < 1 || [llength $args] > 2} {
163                error "wrong # args: should be \"tree path node ?pattern?\""
164            }
165            set node [lindex $args 0]
166            set pattern [lindex $args 1]
167            if {$pattern == ""} { set pattern %id }
169            set path ""
170            while {$node > 0} {
171                catch {unset info}
172                foreach {name val} [$_tree get $node] {
173                    set info(%$name) $val
174                    set info(%lc:$name) [string tolower $val]
175                    set info(%uc:$name) [string toupper $val]
176                }
177                set name [string map [array get info] $pattern]
178                set path "$name.$path"
179                set node [$_tree parent $node]
180            }
181            return [string trimright $path .]
182        }
183        children {
184            set node [lindex $args 0]
185            return [$_tree children $node]
186        }
187        default {
188            error "bad option \"$option\": should be insert, delete, get, set, path, children"
189        }
190    }
193# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
194# USAGE: select <what> ?-notify|-silent?
196# Called when you click on an item to select it.  Highlights the item
197# and returns information about it for the curselection.  This normally
198# triggers a <<Selection>> event on the widget, but that is suppressed
199# if the -silent option is given.
200# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
201itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::select {what {how "-notify"}} {
202    set c $itk_component(area)
203    if {$what == "none"} {
204        set what ""
205    }
206    set same [string equal $what $_current]
208    if {"" != $_current} {
209        # clear any current selection
210        $c itemconfigure item:$_current-bg -fill ""
211        set _current ""
212    }
214    if {"" != $what} {
215        $c itemconfigure item:$what-bg -fill $itk_option(-selectbackground)
216        set _current $what
217    }
219    if {!$same && ![string equal $how "-silent"]} {
220        # selection changed? then tell clients
221        event generate $itk_component(hull) <<Selection>>
222    }
225# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
226# USAGE: curselection
227# USAGE: curselection -path <string>
228# USAGE: curselection -field <name>
230# Returns information about the current selection.  Returns "" if
231# there is no selection.  If "-field <name>" is specified, then it
232# returns the value of that field for the current selection.  If
233# the "-path <string>" is specified, then it returns the path to
234# the current node, using <string> as a pattern for each node name
235# and filling in any %field items for each node.  With no extra args,
236# it returns the node number from the underlying BLT tree.
237# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
238itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::curselection {args} {
239    if {"" == $_current} {
240        return ""
241    }
243    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
244        return $_current
246    } elseif {[llength $args] == 2} {
247        switch -- [lindex $args 0] {
248            -path {
249                set pattern [lindex $args 1]
250                return [tree path $_current $pattern]
251            }
252            -field {
253                return [$_tree get $_current [lindex $args 1]]
254            }
255            default {
256                error "bad option \"[lindex $args 0]\": should be -field, -path"
257            }
258        }
259    } else {
260        error "wrong # args: should be \"curselection ?-path str? ?-field name?\""
261    }
264# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
265# USAGE: toggle <what>
267# Called when you click on an item to select it.  Highlights the item
268# and returns information about it for the curselection.
269# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
270itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::toggle {what} {
271    set flipped [expr {![$_tree get $what open]}]
272    $_tree set $what open $flipped
273    $_dispatcher event -idle !redraw
276# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
277# USAGE: _redraw ?<eventArgs>...?
279# Used internally to redraw all items in the hierarchy after the
280# tree has changed somehow.
281# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
282itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::_redraw {args} {
283    set c $itk_component(area)
284    $c delete all
286    set lineht [font metrics $itk_option(-font) -linespace]
287    set ypos [expr {0.5*$lineht + $itk_option(-padding)}]
288    _redrawChildren 0 0 ypos
290    foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox text] break
291    $c configure -scrollregion [list 0 0 [expr {$x1+10}] [expr {$y1+10}]]
293    # did a selected node get folded up when the parent closed?
294    if {"" == [$c find withtag selected]} {
295        select none
296    }
299# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
300# USAGE: _redrawChildren <node> <indent> <yposVar>
302# Used internally to redraw all items in the hierarchy after the
303# tree has changed somehow.
304# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
305itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::_redrawChildren {node indent yposVar} {
306    set c $itk_component(area)
307    upvar $yposVar ypos
309    set xmid [expr {$indent + $itk_option(-indent)/2}]
310    set xtxt [expr {$indent + $itk_option(-indent)}]
311    set lineht [font metrics $itk_option(-font) -linespace]
313    foreach n [$_tree children $node] {
314        # background rectangle for selection highlight
315        set tlist [list item:$n item:$n-bg]
316        if {[string equal $n $_current]} {
317            set bg $itk_option(-selectbackground)
318            lappend tlist selected
319        } else {
320            set bg ""
321        }
322        $c create rect 0 [expr {$ypos-0.5*$lineht-1}] 1000 [expr {$ypos+0.5*$lineht+1}] -outline "" -fill $bg -tags $tlist
324        $c bind item:$n <ButtonRelease> [itcl::code $this select $n]
326        # +/- button for expanding the hierarchy
327        if {![$_tree get $n terminal]} {
328            if {[$_tree get $n open]} {
329                set imh $_imh(open)
330            } else {
331                set imh $_imh(close)
332            }
333            $c create image $xmid $ypos -anchor c -image $imh -tags plus:$n
334            $c bind plus:$n <ButtonPress> [itcl::code $this toggle $n]
335        }
337        # label for this node
338        catch {unset data}
339        array set data [$_tree get $n]
340        set xpos $xtxt
342        set subs(%type) ""
343        set subs(%id) ""
344        foreach {name val} [$_tree get $n] {
345            set subs(%$name) $val
346            set subs(%lc:$name) [string tolower $val]
347            set subs(%uc:$name) [string toupper $val]
348        }
350        set str [string map [array get subs] $itk_option(-title)]
351        $c create text $xpos $ypos -anchor w -text $str -font $itk_option(-font) -tags [list text item:$n item:$n-text]
353        set ypos [expr {$ypos+$lineht+$itk_option(-padding)}]
355        # indent and draw all children
356        if {![$_tree get $n terminal] && [$_tree get $n open]} {
357            # if this node has children, draw them here
358            _redrawChildren $n $xtxt ypos
359        }
360    }
363# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
364# USAGE: dd_get_source <widget> <x> <y>
366# Looks at the given <widget> and <x>,<y> coordinate to figure out
367# what data value the source is exporting.  Returns a string that
368# identifies the type of the data.  This string is passed along to
369# targets via the dd_scan_target method.  If the target may check
370# the source type and reject the data.
371# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
372itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::dd_get_source {widget x y} {
373    set data ""
374    foreach id [$itk_component(area) find overlapping $x $y $x $y] {
375        foreach tag [$itk_component(area) gettags $id] {
376            # search for a tag like item:NNN and make sure it's selected
377            if {[regexp {^item:([0-9]+)$} $tag match node]
378                  && $node == $_current} {
380                # some nodes have drag-n-drop turned off
381                if {[$_tree get $node dragdrop]} {
382                    set data [list node:$node [$_tree get $node]]
383                }
384                break
385            }
386        }
387    }
388    # return drag-n-drop data, if we found it
389    return $data
392# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
393# USAGE: dd_scan_target <x> <y> <data>
395# Looks at the given <x>,<y> coordinate and checks to see if the
396# dragdrop <data> can be accepted at that point.  Returns 1 if so,
397# and 0 if the data is rejected.
398# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
399itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::dd_scan_target {x y data} {
400    set c $itk_component(area)
401    set _droppos ""  ;# assume no place to drop
403    switch -glob -- $data {
404        node:* {
405            # convert from screen coords to canvas coords (for scrollbars)
406            set x [$c canvasx $x]
407            set y [$c canvasy $y]
409            # search a little above the hot-spot
410            set y [expr {$y-5}]
412            foreach id [$c find overlapping $x $y $x $y] {
413                foreach tag [$c gettags $id] {
414                    if {[regexp {^item:([0-9]+)$} $tag match node]} {
415                        # draw the dropline beneath the item found
416                        if {"" == [$c find withtag dropline]} {
417                            $c create line 0 0 0 0 \
418                                -fill $itk_option(-droplinecolor) -tags dropline
419                        }
421                        foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} [$c bbox item:$node-bg] break
422                        if {![$_tree get $node terminal]} {
423                            # drop on a node with children
424                            if {$y > $y0 + 0.6*($y1-$y0)} {
425                                # drop near the bottom -- insert as first child
426                                set _droppos "$node -at 0"
427                                set d [$_tree depth $node]
428                                set x0 [expr {($d+1)*$itk_option(-indent)}]
429                                $c coords dropline $x0 $y1 $x1 $y1
430                            } else {
431                                # drop on top -- insert as last child
432                                set x0 [expr {$x0+1}]
433                                set x1 [expr {[winfo width $c]-1}]
434                                $c coords dropline $x0 $y0 $x1 $y0 $x1 $y1 $x0 $y1 $x0 $y0
435                                set last [llength [$_tree children $node]]
436                                set _droppos "$node -at $last"
437                            }
438                        } else {
439                            set pnode [$_tree parent $node]
440                            if {![$_tree get $pnode terminal]} {
441                                set pos [expr {[$_tree position $node]+1}]
442                                set _droppos "$pnode -at $pos"
443                                set d [$_tree depth $node]
444                                set x0 [expr {$d*$itk_option(-indent)}]
445                                $c coords dropline $x0 $y1 $x1 $y1
446                            }
447                        }
449                        break
450                    }
451                }
452            }
453            if {"" != $_droppos} {
454                return 1
455            }
456            $c coords dropline -1 -1 -1 -1
457            return 0
458        }
459    }
460    return 0
463# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
464# USAGE: dd_finalize drop -op start|end -from <w> -to <w> \
465#                           -x <x> -y <y> -data <data>
466# USAGE: dd_finalize cancel
468# Handles the end of a drag and drop operation.  The operation can be
469# completed with a successful drop of data, or cancelled.
470# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
471itcl::body Rappture::Hierlist::dd_finalize {option args} {
472    $itk_component(area) delete dropline
474    if {$option == "drop" && "" != $_droppos} {
475        array set params $args
476        switch -glob -- $params(-data) {
477            node:* {
478                if {$params(-op) == "end"
479                      && [string equal $params(-from) $params(-to)]} {
481                    regexp {node:([0-9]+)} $params(-data) match node
482                    eval $_tree move $node $_droppos
483                    event generate $itk_component(hull) <<SelectionPath>>
484                } else {
485                    set dlist [list open yes terminal yes dragdrop yes]
486                    eval lappend dlist [lrange $params(-data) 1 end]
487                    eval $_tree insert $_droppos -data [list $dlist]
488                }
489                # make sure the parent is open so we can see this node
490                set parent [lindex $_droppos 0]
491                if {![$_tree get $parent open]} {
492                    $_tree set $parent open 1
493                }
495                $_dispatcher event -idle !redraw
496                return 1
497            }
498        }
499        return 0
500    }
503# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
505# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
506itcl::configbody Rappture::Hierlist::icon {
507    set imh0 [lindex $itk_option(-icon) 0]
508    set imh1 [lindex $itk_option(-icon) 1]
509    if {$imh1 == ""} { set imh1 $imh0 }
511    set imh0 [Rappture::icon $imh0]
512    if {$imh0 == ""} {
513        $_imh(open) configure -width 1 -height 1
514        $_imh(open) blank
515    } else {
516        $_imh(open) configure -width [image width $imh0] -height [image height $imh0]
517        $_imh(open) copy $imh0
518    }
520    set imh1 [Rappture::icon $imh1]
521    if {$imh1 == ""} {
522        $_imh(close) configure -width 1 -height 1
523        $_imh(close) blank
524    } else {
525        $_imh(close) configure -width [image width $imh1] -height [image height $imh1]
526        $_imh(close) copy $imh1
527    }
530# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
531# CONFIGURATION OPTION: -selectbackground
532# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
533itcl::configbody Rappture::Hierlist::selectbackground {
534    $itk_component(area) itemconfigure select \
535        -background $itk_option(-selectbackground)
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.