# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # P2P: foreman node in P2P mesh, sending jobs out for execution # # This file provides an API for clients to connect to the P2P network, # solicit bids on jobs, and send them off for execution. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Michael McLennan (mmclennan@purdue.edu) # ====================================================================== # Copyright (c) 2004-2012 HUBzero Foundation, LLC # # See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and # redistribution of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES. # ====================================================================== package require Rappture # recognize other library files in this same directory set dir [file dirname [info script]] lappend auto_path $dir # handle log file for this foreman log channel error on log channel debug on log channel system on proc ::bgerror {err} { log error "ERROR: $err $::errorInfo" } # set of connections for authority servers p2p::options register authority_hosts # ====================================================================== # PROTOCOL: hubzero:foreman<-authority/1 # # The foreman initiates communication with the authority, and the # authority responds by sending the following messages back. # ====================================================================== p2p::protocol::register hubzero:foreman<-authority/1 { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # INCOMING: options ... # These option settings coming from the authority override the # option settings built into the client. The authority probably # has a more up-to-date list of other authorities and better # policies for living within the network. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ define options {args} { foreach {key val} $args { catch {p2p::options set $key $val} } return "" } # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # INCOMING: workers # This message comes in after this foreman has sent the "workers" # message to request the current list of workers. The # is a list of host:port addresses that this # foreman should contact to enter the p2p network. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ define workers {wlist} { global workers set workers $wlist foreman-solicit goto informed return "" } } # ====================================================================== # PROTOCOL: hubzero:foreman<-worker/1 # # The foreman initiates communication with a worker, and the # worker responds by sending the following messages back. # ====================================================================== p2p::protocol::register hubzero:foreman<-worker/1 { # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # INCOMING: proffer
# ------------------------------------------------------------------ define proffer {token details} { puts "PROFFER:\n$details" after idle {foreman-solicit goto informed} return "" } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # PEER-TO-PEER CONNECTION # # This is the state machine representing the connection of the foreman # to the peer-to-peer network. We start in the "init" state, then # move to "fetching" while waiting for an authority to return a list # of workers, then move to "informed". At any point, we can move # from "informed" to "connected" and connect to one of the workers # in the peer-to-peer network, then move back to "informed" when # the information has been gathered. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- StateMachine foreman-solicit foreman-solicit statedata authoritycnx "" foreman-solicit statedata workercnx "" # sit here whenever we don't have a connection # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - foreman-solicit state init # sit here while we're connected to the authority and fetching data # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - foreman-solicit state fetching # when moving to the fetching state, connect to the authority # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - foreman-solicit transition init->fetching -onchange { # connect to the authority and request a list of peers statedata authoritycnx "" foreach addr [randomize [p2p::options get authority_hosts]] { if {[catch {p2p::client -address $addr \ -sendprotocol hubzero:authority<-foreman/1 \ -receiveprotocol hubzero:foreman<-authority/1} result] == 0} { statedata authoritycnx $result break } } if {"" != [statedata authoritycnx]} { [statedata authoritycnx] send "identity foreman" [statedata authoritycnx] send "workers" } else { error "can't connect to any authority\nAUTHORITY LIST: [p2p::options get authority_hosts]" } } # sit here after we've gotten a list of workers # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - foreman-solicit state informed # when moving to the fetching state, connect to the authority # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - foreman-solicit transition fetching->informed -onchange { # connect to the authority and request a list of peers if {"" != [statedata authoritycnx]} { catch {itcl::delete object [statedata authoritycnx]} statedata authoritycnx "" } after idle {foreman-solicit goto connected} } # sit here when we're connected to the p2p network # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - foreman-solicit state connected # when moving to the connected state, connect to the p2p worker # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - foreman-solicit transition informed->connected -onchange { # connect to the p2p network and send a solicitation global workers statedata workercnx "" foreach addr [randomize $workers 100] { if {[catch {p2p::client -address $addr \ -sendprotocol hubzero:worker<-foreman/1 \ -receiveprotocol hubzero:foreman<-worker/1} result] == 0} { statedata workercnx $result break } } if {"" != [statedata workercnx]} { [statedata workercnx] send "identity foreman" [statedata workercnx] send "solicit -job [expr {rand()}]" } else { after 2000 {foreman-solicit goto connected} error "can't connect to any worker in the p2p network" } } # when moving back to the informed state, disconnect from p2p network # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - foreman-solicit transition connected->informed -onchange { # have an open connection? then close it if {"" != [statedata workercnx]} { catch {itcl::delete object [statedata workercnx]} statedata workercnx "" } } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # API # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval Rappture::foreman { # forward declaration } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMMAND: Rappture::foreman::bids -callback # # Clients use this to solicit bids for jobs. Connects to an # authority, if necessary, to determine a list of workers, and then # connects to one of the workers to kick off the bid process. # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- proc Rappture::foreman::bids {args} { global workers if {![info exists workers] || [llength $workers] == 0} { foreman-solicit goto fetching } else { foreman-solicit goto connected } }