Changeset 1343 for trunk

Mar 18, 2009, 3:11:32 PM (16 years ago)

fixed comment

7 edited


  • trunk/gui/scripts/contourresult.tcl

    r1342 r1343  
    477477        }
    478478        now {
    479             # Get image data (as base64) and decode back to binary.  This is
    480             # better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch the BLT
    481             # picture image it won't be necessary to decode the image data.
     479            # Get the image data (as base64) and decode it back to binary.
     480            # This is better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch
     481            # to the BLT picture image it won't be necessary to decode the
     482            # image data.
    482483            set bytes [$_download data -format "jpeg -quality 100"]
    483484            set bytes [Rappture::encoding::decode -as b64 $bytes]
  • trunk/gui/scripts/flowvisviewer.tcl

    r1342 r1343  
    775775            switch -- $_downloadPopup(format) {
    776776                jpg {
    777                     # Get image data (as base64) and decode back to binary.
    778                     # This is # better than writing to temporary files.  When
    779                     # we switch the BLT # picture image it won't be necessary
    780                     # to decode the image data.
     777                    # Get the image data (as base64) and decode it back to
     778                    # binary.  This is better than writing to temporary files.
     779                    # When we switch to the BLT picture image it won't be
     780                    # necessary to decode the image data.
    781781                    set bytes [$_image(download) data \
    782782                                  -format "jpeg -quality 100"]
  • trunk/gui/scripts/heightmapviewer.tcl

    r1342 r1343  
    493493        }
    494494        now {
    495             # Get image data (as base64) and decode back to binary.  This is
    496             # better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch the BLT
    497             # picture image it won't be necessary to decode the image data.
     495            # Get the image data (as base64) and decode it back to binary.
     496            # This is better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch
     497            # to the BLT picture image it won't be necessary to decode the
     498            # image data.
    498499            set bytes [$_image(download) data -format "jpeg -quality 100"]
    499500            set bytes [Rappture::encoding::decode -as b64 $bytes]
  • trunk/gui/scripts/imageresult.tcl

    r1342 r1343  
    309309                return ""
    310310            }
    311             # Get image data (as base64) and decode back to binary.  This is
    312             # better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch the BLT
    313             # picture image it won't be necessary to decode the image data.
     311            # Get the image data (as base64) and decode it back to binary.
     312            # This is better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch
     313            # to the BLT picture image it won't be necessary to decode the
     314            # image data.
    314315            set bytes [$top data $tmpfile -format "jpeg -quality 100"]
    315316            set bytes [Rappture::encoding::decode -as b64 $bytes]
  • trunk/gui/scripts/moleculeViewer.tcl

    r1342 r1343  
    328328        }
    329329        now {
    330             # Get image data (as base64) and decode back to binary.  This is
    331             # better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch the BLT
    332             # picture image it won't be necessary to decode the image data.
     330            # Get the image data (as base64) and decode it back to binary.
     331            # This is better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch
     332            # to the BLT picture image it won't be necessary to decode the
     333            # image data.
    333334            set bytes [$_download data -format "jpeg -quality 100"]
    334335            set bytes [Rappture::encoding::decode -as b64 $bytes]
  • trunk/gui/scripts/molvisviewer.tcl

    r1342 r1343  
    547547            switch -- $_downloadPopup(format) {
    548548                jpg {
    549                     # Get image data (as base64) and decode back to binary.
    550                     # This is better than writing to temporary files.  When we
    551                     # switch the BLT picture image it won't be necessary to
    552                     # decode the image data.
     549                    # Get the image data (as base64) and decode it back to
     550                    # binary.  This is better than writing to temporary
     551                    # files.  When we switch to the BLT picture image it
     552                    # won't be necessary to decode the image data.
    553553                    set bytes [$_image(plot) data -format "jpeg -quality 100"]
    554554                    set bytes [Rappture::encoding::decode -as b64 $bytes]
  • trunk/gui/scripts/nanovisviewer.tcl

    r1342 r1343  
    710710        }
    711711        now {
    712             # Get image data (as base64) and decode back to binary.  This is
    713             # better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch the BLT
    714             # picture image it won't be necessary to decode the image data.
     712            # Get the image data (as base64) and decode it back to binary.
     713            # This is better than writing to temporary files.  When we switch
     714            # to the BLT picture image it won't be necessary to decode the
     715            # image data.
    715716            set bytes [$_image(plot) data -format "jpeg -quality 100"]
    716717            set bytes [Rappture::encoding::decode -as b64 $bytes]
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