Changeset 1718 for trunk/gui/scripts

May 18, 2010, 3:40:43 PM (14 years ago)
1 edited


  • trunk/gui/scripts/molvisviewer.tcl

    r1711 r1718  
    102102    private method ReceiveImage { size cacheid frame rock }
    103103    private method WaitIcon { option widget }
     104    private method DownloadPopup { popup command }
     105    private method EnableDownload { popup what }
    105107    protected method Map {}
    118120    public method ResetView {}
    119121    public method add {dataobj {options ""}}
    120     public method spherescale {option {models "all"} }
    121     public method stickradius {option {models "all"} }
     122    public method cartoontrace {option {model "all"}}
    122123    public method delete {args}
    123124    public method download {option args}
    125126    public method isconnected {}
    126127    public method labels {option {model "all"}}
    127     public method cartoontrace {option {model "all"}}
    128128    public method opacity {option {models "all"} }
    129129    public method parameters {title args} {
    130130        # do nothing
    131131    }
     132    public method snap { w h }
     133    public method spherescale {option {models "all"} }
     134    public method stickradius {option {models "all"} }
    132135    public method projection {option}
    133136    public method representation {option {model "all"} }
    134137    public method rock {option}
    135     private method DownloadPopup { popup command }
    136     private method EnableDownload { popup what }
    710711        SendCmd "raw -defer {set auto_color,0}"
    711712        SendCmd "raw -defer {set auto_show_lines,0}"
    712         SendCmd "raw -defer {set connect_mode,1}"
    713713    }
    714714    set dlist [get]
    838838        set _state(client) 1
    839839        SendCmd "frame 1"
     840        set flush 1
    840841    } elseif { ![info exists _imagecache($state,$_rocker(client))] } {
    841842        set _state(server) $state
    842843        set _state(client) $state
    843844        SendCmd "frame $state"
     845        set flush 1
    844846    } else {
    845847        set _state(client) $state
    846848        Update
     849        set flush 0
    847850    }
    848851    if { $_restore } {
    859862        }]
    860863        debug "rebuild: rotate $_view(mx) $_view(my) $_view(mz)"
    861         # foreach all models
     865        # Default settings for all models.
    862866        spherescale update
    863867        stickradius update
    868872        projection update
    869873        representation update
     874        SendCmd "raw -defer {zoom complete=1}"
    870875        set _restore 0
    871876    }
     878    if { $flush } {
     879        SendCmd "bmp";                  # Flush the results.
     880    }
    873881    set _buffering 0;                   # Turn off buffering.
    874     # Actually write the commands to the server socket.  If it fails, we don't
    875     # care.  We're finished here.
    876883    blt::busy hold $itk_component(hull)
     885    # Actually write the commands to the server socket. 
     886    # If it fails, we don't care.  We're finished here.
    877887    SendBytes $_outbuf;                 
     888    set _outbuf "";                     # Clear the buffer.             
    878889    blt::busy release $itk_component(hull)
    879     set _outbuf "";                     # Clear the buffer.             
    881891    debug "exiting rebuild"
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