Changeset 1904 for trunk/gui/scripts

Sep 2, 2010, 7:20:04 PM (14 years ago)

Added a way to get more debugging info as part of all bug reports.
Just put "Rappture::bugreport::instrumented" in front of various proc's
and itcl::body's. This automatically records the entrance into the
body and exit from the body, complete with the result code. This
information is included along with the errorInfo, and helps you better
understand what was going on when the error occurred. If you want to
add other information within the body, you can call Rappture::bugreport::remark
with extra text that will be included with the rest of the stack trace.

Also added a settings() array with information that gets inserted into
the ticket, such as the user's login, group, the ticket type, etc.
These can be overridden by setting them to different values for various

1 edited


  • trunk/gui/scripts/bugreport.tcl

    r1868 r1904  
    44#  This redefines the usual Tcl bgerror command to install a nicer
    5 #  looking bug handler.
     5#  looking bug handler.  Bug reports can be submitted back to a
     6#  HUBzero-based site as support tickets.  Additional information
     7#  can be obtained by defining procedures as bugreport::instrumented
     8#  proc (captures entrance/exit from proc) and by calling
     9#  bugreport::remark with extra info along the way.
    610# ======================================================================
    711#  AUTHOR:  Michael McLennan, Purdue University
    2630namespace eval Rappture::bugreport {
    27     # details from the current trouble report
     31    # details from the current trouble report, which user may decide to submit
    2832    variable details
     34    # status from bugreport::instrumented/remark in case a bug occurs
     35    variable extraStack ""
     36    variable extraInfo ""
    3038    # assume that if there's a problem launching a job, we should know it
    3139    variable reportJobFailures 1
     41    # submit these kinds of tickets by default
     42    variable settings
     43    set settings(user) $::tcl_platform(user)
     44    set settings(type) "automatic"
     45    set settings(group) ""
     46    set settings(category) "Rappture"
    4055# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    4156proc Rappture::bugreport::install {} {
    42     proc ::bgerror {err} { ::Rappture::bugreport::activate $err }
     57    ::proc ::bgerror {err} { ::Rappture::bugreport::activate $err }
    5368    global env errorInfo
    5469    variable details
     70    variable settings
    5672    if {"@SHOWDETAILS" == $err} {
    103119 configure -state normal
    104120 delete 1.0 end
    105 insert end "    USER: $details(login)\n"
     121 insert end "    USER: $settings(user)\n"
    106122 insert end "HOSTNAME: $details(hostname)\n"
     123 insert end "PLATFORM: $details(platform)\n"
     124 insert end "CATEGORY: $details(category)\n"
    107125 insert end "    TOOL: $details(referrer)\n"
    108126 insert end " SESSION: $details(session)\n"
    109 insert end "CATEGORY: $details(category)\n"
    110127 insert end " SUMMARY: $details(summary)\n"
    111128 insert end "---------\n"
    139156    # reset the grab in case it's hosed
    140157    Rappture::grab::reset
     160# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     161# USAGE: instrumented <what> <name> <arglist> <body>
     163# Used instead of the usual Tcl "proc" or itcl::body to define a
     164# procedure that will automatically register information about its
     165# execution in the bugreport mechanism.  The <what> parameter should
     166# be either "proc" or "itcl::body" or something like that.  When the
     167# procedure starts, it pushes its call information onto the stack,
     168# then invokes the procedure body, then adds information about the
     169# return code.
     170# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     171proc Rappture::bugreport::instrumented {what name arglist body} {
     172    set avals ""
     173    foreach term $arglist {
     174        set aname [lindex $term 0]
     175        append avals "\$$aname "
     176    }
     177    uplevel [list $what $name $arglist [format {
     178        Rappture::bugreport::remark -enter "PROC %s: %s"
     179        set __status [catch {%s} __result]
     180        Rappture::bugreport::remark -leave "PROC %s: code($__status) => $__result"
     181        switch -- $__status {
     182            0 - 2 {
     183                return $__result
     184            }
     185            3 {
     186                set __result "invoked \"break\" outside of a loop"
     187            }
     188            4 {
     189                set __result "invoked \"continue\" outside of a loop"
     190            }
     191        }
     192        error $__result $::errorInfo
     193    } $name $avals $body $name]]
     196# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     197# USAGE: remark ?-enter|-leave? <message>
     199# Adds the <message> to the current "extraInfo" being kept about the
     200# program.  This adds useful debugging info to the report that gets
     201# sent back when an unexpected error is trapped.  The -enter and -leave
     202# options are used when a bugreport::instrumented proc starts/exits to
     203# change the indent level for future messages.
     204# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     205proc Rappture::bugreport::remark {args} {
     206    variable extraStack
     207    variable extraInfo
     209    if {[llength $args] > 1} {
     210        set option [lindex $args 0]
     211        set args [lrange $args 1 end]
     212        switch -- $option {
     213            -enter {
     214                if {[llength $args] != 1} {
     215                    error "wrong # args: should be \"remark -enter message\""
     216                }
     217                set mesg [lindex $args 0]
     218                if {[llength $extraStack] == 0} {
     219                    set extraInfo ""
     220                }
     221                append extraInfo [remark -indent ">> $mesg"]
     222                set extraStack [linsert $extraStack 0 $mesg]
     223                return
     224            }
     225            -leave {
     226                if {[llength $args] != 1} {
     227                    error "wrong # args: should be \"remark -leave message\""
     228                }
     229                set mesg [lindex $args 0]
     230                set extraStack [lrange $extraStack 1 end]
     231                append extraInfo [remark -indent "<< $mesg"]
     232                return
     233            }
     234            -indent {
     235                if {[llength $args] != 1} {
     236                    error "wrong # args: should be \"remark -indent message\""
     237                }
     238            }
     239            default {
     240                error "bad option \"$option\": should be -enter, -leave, -indent"
     241            }
     242        }
     243    }
     244    set mesg [lindex $args 0]
     245    set nlevel [llength $extraStack]
     246    set indent [string repeat { } [expr {2*$nlevel}]]
     247    foreach line [split $mesg \n] {
     248        append extraInfo "$indent$line\n"
     249        set prefix "   "
     250    }
    204314    global errorInfo tcl_platform
    205315    variable details
     316    variable settings
     317    variable extraInfo
    207319    #
    209321    # submitted, so we can show the user.
    210322    #
    211     set stackTrace "$err\n---------\n$errorInfo"
     323    set stackTrace "$err\n---------\n$errorInfo\n---------\n$extraInfo"
    212324    if {![regexp {^([^\n]+)\n} $stackTrace match summary]} {
    213325        if {[string length $stackTrace] == 0} {
    224336        set category "Tools"
    225337    } else {
    226         set category "Rappture"
     338        set category $settings(category)
    227339    }
    265377    set details(category) $category
    266378    set details(stackTrace) $stackTrace
    267     set details(login) $tcl_platform(user)
    268379    set details(hostname) [info hostname]
    269380    set details(session) [Rappture::Tool::resources -session]
    270     set details(referrer) "tool \"[Rappture::Tool::resources -appname]\""
     381    set details(referrer) [Rappture::Tool::resources -appname]
     382    set details(platform) [array get tcl_platform]
    282394proc Rappture::bugreport::send {} {
    283395    variable details
     396    variable settings
    285398    package require http
    298411        no_html 1 \
    299412        report $report \
    300         login $details(login) \
    301413        sesstoken $details(session) \
    302414        hostname $details(hostname) \
     415        os $settings(platform) \
    303416        category $details(category) \
    304417        summary $details(summary) \
    305418        referrer $details(referrer) \
     419        login $settings(user) \
     420        group $settings(group) \
     421        type $settings(type) \
    306422    ]
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