Changeset 2028 for trunk/gui

Jan 12, 2011 10:04:22 PM (14 years ago)

video widget updates
various bug fixes

7 edited


  • trunk/gui/scripts/flowdial.tcl

    r1924 r2028  
    6161    public method clear {}
    6262    public method color {value}
    6464    protected method _redraw {}
    6565    protected method _click {x y}
    8282    public variable max 1.0
    8585itk::usual Flowdial {
    8686    keep -background -foreground -cursor -font
  • trunk/gui/scripts/pushbutton.tcl

    r1929 r2028  
    8080itcl::body Rappture::PushButton::invoke {} {
    8181    if { !$_enabled } {
    82         puts "in invoke button not enabled"
    8382        return
    8483    }
  • trunk/gui/scripts/videodial2.tcl

    r2025 r2028  
    5959    protected method _fixOffsets {}
     61    private method _calculateDialDimensions {}
     62    private method _calculateDisplayRange {args}
     63    private method _drawDial {disp_min disp_max}
     64    private method _getFramenumFromId {id}
     65    private method _nearestFrameMarker {x y}
    6166    private method _current {value}
    6267    private method _see {item}
    6469    private method ms2rel {value}
    6570    private method rel2ms {value}
    6672    private common _click             ;# x,y point where user clicked
    6773    private common _marks             ;# list of marks
     74    private common _dd                ;# holds the dimensions of the dial
    6875    private variable _values ""       ;# list of all values on the dial
    6976    private variable _val2label       ;# maps value => string label(s)
    7784    private variable _minortick 1
    7885    private variable _majortick 5
     86    private variable _lockdial 0
     87    private variable _displayMin 0
     88    private variable _displayMax 0
    100110    bind $itk_component(minordial) <Configure> [itcl::code $this _redraw]
    102     bind $itk_component(minordial) <ButtonPress-1> [itcl::code $this _move click %x %y]
    103     bind $itk_component(minordial) <B1-Motion> [itcl::code $this _move drag %x %y]
    104     bind $itk_component(minordial) <ButtonRelease-1> [itcl::code $this _move release %x %y]
     112    _bindings timeline
    106114    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    119127    $itk_component(minordial) configure -background cyan
    121     #$itk_component(minordial) configure -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
    123129    _fixOffsets
    144150        return
    145151    }
     153    if {$value < ${_min}} {
     154        set value ${_min}
     155    }
     157    if {$value > ${_max}} {
     158        set value ${_max}
     159    }
    146161    _current [ms2rel $value]
    147     # event generate $itk_component(hull) <<Value>>
    157171# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    158172itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_current {relval} {
     174    if {[string is double $relval] == 0} {
     175        error "bad value \"$relval\": expected relval to be a double"
     176    }
     177    if {${_current} == $relval} {
     178        # nothing to do
     179        return
     180    }
    159182    if { $relval < 0.0 } {
    160183        set relval 0.0
    163186        set relval 1.0
    164187    }
    165189    set _current $relval
    166     _redraw
    168     # update the current marker and move the canvas so current is centered
    169190    set framenum [expr round([rel2ms $_current])]
    170     after idle [itcl::code $this _see "frame$framenum"]
    171     after idle [_setmark current $framenum]
     192    set updated 0
     193    if {${_lockdial} == 1} {
     194        # the dial is "locked" this means we don't center the dial
     195        # on the current value. we only move the dial if the
     196        # current value is less than or greater than the marks alredy
     197        # shown on the dial.
     198        if {[expr ${_displayMin}+${_majortick}] >= $framenum} {
     199            set newdmin [expr $framenum-${_majortick}]
     200            foreach {dmin dmax} [_calculateDisplayRange -min $newdmin] break
     201            incr updated
     202        } elseif {[expr ${_displayMax}-${_majortick}] <= $framenum} {
     203            set newdmax [expr $framenum+${_majortick}]
     204            foreach {dmin dmax} [_calculateDisplayRange -max $newdmax] break
     205            incr updated
     206        }
     207    } else {
     208        # center the current marker
     209        foreach {dmin dmax} [_calculateDisplayRange] break
     210        incr updated
     211    }
     213    if {$updated == 1} {
     214        _drawDial $dmin $dmax
     215    }
     217    after idle [_setmark currentmark $framenum]
    173219    # update the upvar variable
     227# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     228# USAGE: _centerCurrentMark <type> ?args?
     229# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     230itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_bindings {type args} {
    180234# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    181235# USAGE: _bindings <type> ?args?
    182 #
    183236# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    184237itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_bindings {type args} {
    189242            bind $itk_component(minordial) <B1-Motion> [itcl::code $this _marker $tag drag %x %y]
    190243            bind $itk_component(minordial) <ButtonRelease-1> [itcl::code $this _marker $tag release %x %y]
    191             $itk_component(minordial) configure -cursor hand2
     244            $itk_component(minordial) configure -cursor sb_h_double_arrow
    192245        }
    193246        "timeline" {
    194             bind $itk_component(minordial) <ButtonPress-1> [itcl::code $this _move click %x %y]
    195             bind $itk_component(minordial) <B1-Motion> [itcl::code $this _move drag %x %y]
    196             bind $itk_component(minordial) <ButtonRelease-1> [itcl::code $this _move release %x %y]
     247            # bind $itk_component(minordial) <ButtonPress-1> [itcl::code $this _move click %x %y]
     248            # bind $itk_component(minordial) <B1-Motion> [itcl::code $this _move drag %x %y]
     249            # bind $itk_component(minordial) <ButtonRelease-1> [itcl::code $this _move release %x %y]
     250            bind $itk_component(minordial) <ButtonPress-1> { }
     251            bind $itk_component(minordial) <B1-Motion> { }
     252            bind $itk_component(minordial) <ButtonRelease-1> { }
    197253            $itk_component(minordial) configure -cursor ""
    198254        }
    241297# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     298# USAGE: _getFramenumFromId <id>
     299# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     300itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_getFramenumFromId {id} {
     301    set where 0
     303    # find the frame# tag to associate with the marker with
     304    if {[regexp {frame([0-9]+)} $id] == 0} {
     305        foreach tags [$c gettags $id] {
     306            if {"" != [set tmp [lsearch -inline -regexp $tags {frame[0-9]+}]]} {
     307                set where $tmp
     308                break
     309            }
     310        }
     311    } else {
     312        set where $id
     313    }
     314    # store the frame number in where
     315    regexp {frame([0-9]+)} $where match where
     317    # restrict <where> to valid frames between min and max
     318    if {$where < ${_min}} {
     319        set where ${_min}
     320    }
     321    if {$where > ${_max}} {
     322        set where ${_max}
     323    }
     325    return $where
     328# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    242329# USAGE: _setmark <type> ?[-xcoord|-tag]? <where>
    244331# Clients use this to add a mark to the timeline
    245 #   type can be any one of loopstart, loopend, particle, measure
     332#   type can be any of loopstart, loopend, particle, measure, currentmark
    246333#   where is interpreted based on the preceeding flag if available.
    247334#       in the default case, <where> is interpreted as a frame number
    307394            "-tag" {
    308395                set id [lindex $args 1]
    309                 # find the frame# tag to associate with the marker with
    310                 if {[regexp {frame([0-9]+)} $id] == 0} {
    311                     foreach tags [$c gettags $id] {
    312                         if {"" != [set tmp [lsearch -inline -regexp $tags {frame[0-9]+}]]} {
    313                             set where $tmp
    314                             break
    315                         }
    316                     }
    317                 } else {
    318                     set where $id
    319                 }
    320                 # store the frame number in where
    321                 regexp {frame([0-9]+)} $where match where
    323                 # restrict <where> to valid frames between min and max
    324                 if {$where < ${_min}} {
    325                     set where ${_min}
    326                 }
    327                 if {$where > ${_max}} {
    328                     set where ${_max}
    329                 }
     396                set where [_getFramenumFromId $id]
    331397                foreach {frx0 fry0 frx1 fry1} [$c coords frame$where] break
    332398            }
    375441                $smx4 $smy4 \
    376442                $smx5 $smy5 \
    377                 -outline black -fill black -tags $tag
     443                -outline black -fill black -tags [list $tag dialval]
    379445            $c bind $tag <Enter> [itcl::code $this _bindings marker $tag]
    418484                $emx4 $emy4 \
    419485                $emx5 $emy5 \
    420                 -outline black -fill black -tags $tag
     486                -outline black -fill black -tags [list $tag dialval]
    422488            $c bind $tag <Enter> [itcl::code $this _bindings marker $tag]
    434500                }
    435501            }
    437502        }
    438503        "particle*" {
    445510            set tag $type
     511            $c delete $tag
    446512            $c create oval $coords \
    447513                -fill green \
    448514                -outline black \
    449515                -width 1 \
    450                 -tags $tag
     516                -tags [list $tag dialval]
    452518            #$c bind $tag <Enter> [itcl::code $this _bindings marker $tag]
    456522                set _marks($type) $where
    457523            }
    460524        }
    461525        "measure*" {
    468532            set tag $type
     533            $c delete $tag
    469534            $c create line $coords \
    470535                -fill red \
    471536                -width 3  \
    472                 -tags $tag
     537                -tags [list $tag dialval]
    474539            #$c bind $tag <Enter> [itcl::code $this _bindings marker $tag]
    478543                set _marks($type) $where
    479544            }
    481         }
    482         "current" {
     545        }
     546        "currentmark" {
    484548            set cmx0 $frx0                              ;# current marker x0
    502566                $cmx3 $cmy3 \
    503567                $cmx4 $cmy4 \
    504                 -outline black -fill red -tags $tag
    505             $c create line $cmx0 $cmy0 $cmx0 $cy1 -fill red -tags $tag
    507             #$c bind $tag <Enter> [itcl::code $this _bindings marker $tag]
    508             #$c bind $tag <Leave> [itcl::code $this _bindings timeline]
     568                -outline black \
     569                -fill red \
     570                -tags [list $tag dialval]
     571            $c create line $cmx0 $cmy0 $cmx0 $cy1 \
     572                -fill red \
     573                -tags [list $tag dialval]
     575            $c bind $tag <Enter> [itcl::code $this _bindings marker $tag]
     576            $c bind $tag <Leave> [itcl::code $this _bindings timeline]
    510578            if {[string compare "" $where] != 0} {
    511579                set _marks($type) $where
    512580            }
    514581        }
    515582        default {
    524591#   debug function to print out the bounding box information for
    525592#   minor dial
    526 #
    527593# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    528594itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::bball {} {
    543 itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_redraw {args} {
    545     set disp_min 0
    546     set disp_max 0
    548     if {[llength $args] == 2} {
    549         foreach {disp_min disp_max} $args break
    551         if {[string is integer $disp_min] != 1} {
    552             error "bad value \"$disp_min\": should be an integer"
    553         }
    554         if {($disp_min < ${_min}) || ($disp_min > ${_max})} {
    555             error "bad value \"$disp_min\": should be between ${_min} and ${_max}"
    556         }
    558         if {[string is integer $disp_max] != 1} {
    559             error "bad value \"$disp_max\": should be an integer"
    560         }
    561         if {($disp_max < ${_min}) || ($disp_max > ${_max})} {
    562             error "bad value \"$disp_max\": should be between ${_min} and ${_max}"
    563         }
    565         if {$disp_min > $disp_max} {
    566             set tmp $disp_min
    567             set disp_min $disp_max
    568             set disp_max $tmp
    569         }
    571     } elseif {[llength $args] != 0} {
    572         error "wrong # args: should be \"_redraw ?<disp_min> <disp_max>?\""
    573     }
     609# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     610# USAGE: _calculateDisplayRange
     611#   calculate the minimum and maximum values to display on the dial
     612# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     613itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_calculateDisplayRange {args} {
     615    Rappture::getopts args params {
     616        value -min 0
     617        value -max 0
     618    }
     620    set disp_min $params(-min)
     621    set disp_max $params(-max)
     623    if {($disp_min == 0) && ($disp_max == 0)} {
     624        # calculate the display min and max by
     625        # centering the current value on the dial
     626        set framenum [expr round([rel2ms ${_current}])]
     627        set disp_min [expr ($framenum-$_dd(ni))]
     628        set disp_max [expr ($framenum+$_dd(ni))]
     629    } elseif {($disp_min != 0) && ($disp_max == 0)} {
     630        # user supplied disp_min value
     631        # calculate disp_max
     632        set disp_max [expr round($disp_min+($_dd(ni)*2.0))]
     633    } elseif {($disp_min == 0) && ($disp_max != 0)} {
     634        # user supplied disp_max value
     635        # calculate disp_min
     636        set disp_min [expr round($disp_max-($_dd(ni)*2.0))]
     637    }
     639    # deal with edge cases
     641    if {($disp_min < ${_min})} {
     642        # don't display marks less than ${_min}
     643        set disp_min ${_min}
     644        set disp_max [expr round(${_min}+($_dd(ni)*2.0))]
     645        if {$disp_max > ${_max}} {
     646            set disp_max ${_max}
     647        }
     648    }
     650    if {($disp_max > ${_max})} {
     651        # don't display marks greater than ${_max}
     652        set disp_min [expr round(${_max}-($_dd(ni)*2.0))]
     653        if {$disp_min < ${_min}} {
     654            set disp_min ${_min}
     655        }
     656        set disp_max ${_max}
     657    }
     659    return [list $disp_min $disp_max]
     662# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     663# USAGE: _calculateDialDimensions
     664#   calculate dimensions used to draw the dial
     665# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     666itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_calculateDialDimensions {} {
    576667    set c $itk_component(minordial)
    577     $c delete all
    579     set fg $itk_option(-foreground)
    581668    set w [winfo width $c]
    582669    set h [winfo height $c]
     678    # add intermediate marks between markers
     679    set imw 1.0                                 ;# intermediate mark width
     681    set imsh [expr {$t/3.0}]                    ;# intermediate mark short height
     682    set imsy0 [expr {$y0+(($t-$imsh)/2.0)}]     ;# precalc'd imark short y0 coord
     683    set imsy1 [expr {$imsy0+$imsh}]             ;# precalc'd imark short y1 coord
     685    set imlh [expr {$t*2.0/3.0}]                ;# intermediate mark long height
     686    set imly0 [expr {$y0+(($t-$imlh)/2.0)}]     ;# precalc'd imark long y0 coord
     687    set imly1 [expr {$imly0+$imlh}]             ;# precalc'd imark long y1 coord
     689    set imty [expr {$y0-5}]                     ;# height of marker value
     691    set x [expr ($x1-$x0)/2.0]
     692    set ni [expr int(($x-$x0)/${_imspace})]
     694    set _dd(x0) $x0
     695    set _dd(y0) $y0
     696    set _dd(x1) $x1
     697    set _dd(y1) $y1
     698    set _dd(ni) $ni
     699    set _dd(imly0) $imly0
     700    set _dd(imly1) $imly1
     701    set _dd(imw) $imw
     702    set _dd(imty) $imty
     703    set _dd(imsy0) $imsy0
     704    set _dd(imsy1) $imsy1
     708# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     709# USAGE: _redraw
     710#   calculate dimensions, display range, and draw the dial, again
     711# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     712itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_redraw {args} {
     714    _calculateDialDimensions
     716    foreach {disp_min disp_max} [_calculateDisplayRange] break
     718    set c $itk_component(minordial)
     719    $c delete all
    591721    # draw the background rectangle for the minor time line
    592     $c create rectangle $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 \
     722    $c create rectangle $_dd(x0) $_dd(y0) $_dd(x1) $_dd(y1) \
    593723        -outline $itk_option(-dialoutlinecolor) \
    594724        -fill $itk_option(-dialfillcolor) \
    595725        -tags "imbox"
    597     # add intermediate marks between markers
    598     set imw 1.0                                 ;# intermediate mark width
    600     set imsh [expr {$t/3.0}]                    ;# intermediate mark short height
    601     set imsy0 [expr {$y0+(($t-$imsh)/2.0)}]     ;# precalc'd imark short y0 coord
    602     set imsy1 [expr {$imsy0+$imsh}]             ;# precalc'd imark short y1 coord
    604     set imlh [expr {$t*2.0/3.0}]                ;# intermediate mark long height
    605     set imly0 [expr {$y0+(($t-$imlh)/2.0)}]     ;# precalc'd imark long y0 coord
    606     set imly1 [expr {$imly0+$imlh}]             ;# precalc'd imark long y1 coord
    608     set imty [expr {$y0-5}]                     ;# height of marker value
    610     set imx $x0
    612     if {($disp_min == 0) && ($disp_max == 0)} {
    613         set x [expr ($x1-$x0)/2.0]
    614         set ni [expr ($x-$x0)/${_imspace}]
    616         set framenum [expr round([rel2ms ${_current}])]
    618         set disp_min [expr ($framenum-$ni)]
    619         set disp_max [expr ($framenum+$ni)]
    621         # deal with edge cases
    622         if {($disp_min < ${_min})} {
    623             # don't display marks less than ${_min}
    624             set disp_min ${_min}
    625             set disp_max [expr (${_min}+($ni*2.0))]
    626             if {$disp_max > ${_max}} {
    627                 set disp_max ${_max}
    628             }
    629         }
    631         if {($disp_max > ${_max})} {
    632             # don't display marks greater than ${_max}
    633             set disp_min [expr (${_max}-($ni*2.0))]
    634             if {$disp_min < ${_min}} {
    635                 set disp_min ${_min}
    636             }
    637             set disp_max ${_max}
    638         }
    639     }
    641     for {set i [expr {int($disp_min)}]} {$i <= $disp_max} {incr i} {
    642         if {($i%${_majortick}) == 0} {
    643             # draw major tick
    644             $c create line $imx $imly0 $imx $imly1 \
    645                 -fill red \
    646                 -width $imw \
    647                 -tags [list longmark-c imark-c "frame$i"]
    649             $c create text $imx $imty -anchor center -text $i \
    650                 -font $itk_option(-font) -tags "frame$i"
    652             set imx [expr $imx+${_imspace}]
    653         } elseif {($i%${_minortick}) == 0 } {
    654             # draw minor tick
    655             $c create line $imx $imsy0 $imx $imsy1 \
    656                 -fill blue \
    657                 -width $imw \
    658                 -tags [list shortmark-c imark-c "frame$i"]
    660             set imx [expr $imx+${_imspace}]
    661         }
    662     }
     727    _drawDial $disp_min $disp_max
    665729    # calculate the height of the intermediate tick marks
    672736    $c coords "imbox" $box
    674     # add an invisible box 15 pixels above and 20 pixels below imbox
     738    # add an invisible box 20 pixels above and below imbox
    675739    # to keep the canvas from changing sizes when the we add
    676740    # particle, loopstart, loopend, and line markers
    677741    foreach {x0 y0 x1 y1} $box break
    678     $c create rectangle $x0 [expr $y0-15] $x1 [expr $y1+20] \
     742    $c create rectangle $x0 [expr $y0-20] $x1 [expr $y1+20] \
    679743        -outline "" \
    680744        -fill "" \
    681745        -tags "markerbox"
     747    # re-add any marks that the user previously specified
     748    # do it again because we changed the size of imbox
     749    foreach n [array names _marks] {
     750        if {($_marks($n) > ${_displayMin}) && ($_marks($n) < ${_displayMax})} {
     751            _setmark $n $_marks($n)
     752        }
     753    }
     755    _fixSize
     759# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     760# USAGE: _drawDial
     761#   draw the dial
     762# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     763itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_drawDial {dmin dmax} {
     764    set c $itk_component(minordial)
     765    $c delete dialval
     767    set _displayMin [expr int($dmin)]
     768    set _displayMax [expr int($dmax)]
     770    set imx [expr $_dd(x0)+5]
     771    for {set i ${_displayMin}} {$i <= ${_displayMax}} {incr i} {
     772        if {($i%${_majortick}) == 0} {
     773            # draw major tick
     774            $c create line $imx $_dd(imly0) $imx $_dd(imly1) \
     775                -fill red \
     776                -width $_dd(imw) \
     777                -tags [list dialval longmark imark "frame$i"]
     779            $c create text $imx $_dd(imty) \
     780                -anchor center \
     781                -text $i \
     782                -font $itk_option(-font) \
     783                -tags [list dialval frame$i frame$i-text]
     785            set imx [expr $imx+${_imspace}]
     786        } elseif {($i%${_minortick}) == 0 } {
     787            # draw minor tick
     788            $c create line $imx $_dd(imsy0) $imx $_dd(imsy1) \
     789                -fill blue \
     790                -width $_dd(imw) \
     791                -tags [list dialval shortmark imark "frame$i"]
     793            set imx [expr $imx+${_imspace}]
     794        }
     795    }
     797    if {(${_displayMin}%${_majortick}) == 0} {
     798        # first tick is numbered, delete the text if
     799        # it shows up outside of our desired imbox
     800        foreach {dmx0 dmy0 dmx1 dmy1} [$c bbox frame${_displayMin}-text] break
     801        # need to check for if dmx0 exists because there
     802        # are some cases when the widget is first being
     803        # created where _calculateDisplayRange gives
     804        # back bad values, dmin > dmax.
     805        if {[info exists dmx0] && ($dmx0 < $_dd(x0))} {
     806            $c delete frame${_displayMin}-text
     807        }
     808    }
     809    if {(${_displayMax}%${_majortick}) == 0} {
     810        # last tick is numbered, delete the text if
     811        # it shows up outside of our desired imbox
     812        foreach {dmx0 dmy0 dmx1 dmy1} [$c bbox frame${_displayMax}-text] break
     813        # need to check for if dmx1 exists because there
     814        # are some cases when the widget is first being
     815        # created where _calculateDisplayRange gives
     816        # back bad values, dmin > dmax.
     817        if {[info exists dmx1] && ($dmx1 > $_dd(x1))} {
     818            $c delete frame${_displayMax}-text
     819        }
     820    }
    683822    # add any marks that the user previously specified
    684823    foreach n [array names _marks] {
    685         if {($_marks($n) > $disp_min) && ($_marks($n) < $disp_max)} {
     824        if {($_marks($n) > ${_displayMin}) && ($_marks($n) < ${_displayMax})} {
    686825            _setmark $n $_marks($n)
    687826        }
    688827    }
    690     _fixSize
    733870# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     871# USAGE: _nearestFrameMarker <x> <y>
     873# Called automatically whenever the user clicks or drags on a marker
     874# widget.  Moves the selected marker to the next nearest tick mark.
     875# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     876itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_nearestFrameMarker {x y} {
     878    set c $itk_component(minordial)
     880    foreach {junk y0 junk y1} [$c bbox "imark"] break
     881    set id ""
     882    # FIXME:
     883    # the amount added to _imspace should be 1
     884    # but for some reason the dial is slightly shifted
     885    # on the canvas by 2 or 3 pixels. so we have to
     886    # add a larger value like 3 to _imspace to find
     887    # the next frame marker
     888    set x0 [expr {$x-round((${_imspace}+3)/2.0)}]
     889    set x1 [expr {$x+round((${_imspace}+3)/2.0)}]
     891    #$c delete scrap
     892    #$c create rectangle $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1 \
     893        -outline green -tags "scrap"
     895    foreach item [$c find enclosed $x0 $y0 $x1 $y1] {
     896        set itemtags [$c gettags $item]
     898        foreach {x00 junk x11 junk} [$c bbox $item] break
     900        if {[lsearch -exact $itemtags "imark"] != -1} {
     901            set id [lsearch -inline -regexp $itemtags {frame[0-9]}]
     902            break
     903        }
     904    }
     905    if {[string compare "" $id] == 0} {
     906        # something went wrong
     907        # we should have found an imark with
     908        # an associated "frame#" tag to snap to
     909        # bailout
     910        #error "could not find an intermediate mark to snap marker to"
     911        puts stderr "could not find an intermediate mark to snap marker to"
     912    }
     914    return $id
     918# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    734919# USAGE: _marker <tag> click <x> <y>
    735920#        _marker <tag> drag <x> <y>
    741926itcl::body Rappture::Videodial2::_marker {tag action x y} {
    742927    set c $itk_component(minordial)
    743     set x [_offsetx $x]
    744928    switch $action {
    745929        "click" {
     930            if {"currentmark" == $tag} {
     931                set _lockdial 1
     932            }
    746933        }
    747934        "drag" {
    748             _setmark $tag -xcoord $x
    749             # if we are too close to the edge, scroll the canvas.
    750             # $c xview scroll $dist "unit"
     935            set x [_offsetx $x]
     937            # as the marker passes over frame marks, snap to the closest frame mark
     938            set id [_nearestFrameMarker $x $y]
     939            if {"" == $id} {
     940                return
     941            }
     943            if {"currentmark" == $tag} {
     944                # update the current frame shown on the screen
     945                # this doesn't quite work yet, i think because
     946                # the seek requests are buffered until the gui
     947                # is idle
     948                set newfn [_getFramenumFromId $id]
     949                set oldfn [expr round([rel2ms ${_current}])]
     950                if {$newfn != $oldfn} {
     951                    _current [ms2rel $newfn]
     952                    event generate $itk_component(hull) <<Value>>
     953                }
     954            } else {
     955                _setmark $tag -tag $id
     956            }
    751957        }
    752958        "release" {
    753             # on release, snap to the closest imark
    754             foreach {junk y0 junk y1} [$c bbox "imark-c"] break
    755             set id ""
    756             foreach item [$c find enclosed [expr {$x-((${_imspace}+1)/2.0)}] $y0 \
    757                                            [expr {$x+((${_imspace}+1)/2.0)}] $y1] {
    758                 set itemtags [$c gettags $item]
    759                 if {[lsearch -exact $itemtags "imark-c"] != -1} {
    760                     set id [lsearch -inline -regexp $itemtags {frame[0-9]}]
    761                     break
    762                 }
    763             }
    764             if {[string compare "" $id] == 0} {
    765                 # something went wrong
    766                 # we should have found an imark with
    767                 # an associated "frame#" tag to snap to
    768                 # bailout
    769                 error "could not find an intermediate mark to snap marker to"
    770             }
    772             _setmark $tag -tag $id
     960            _marker $tag drag $x $y
     962            if {"currentmark" == $tag} {
     963                set _lockdial 0
     964            }
    774966            # take care of cases where the mouse leaves the marker's boundries
    777969            # generate the "Leave" event.
    778970            set leave 1
     971            set x [_offsetx $x]
    779972            foreach item [$c find overlapping $x $y $x $y] {
    780973                if {[lsearch -exact [$c gettags $item] $tag] != -1} {
    788981                # event generate $c <Leave>
    789982                _bindings timeline
    790             }
    791             if {"current" == $tag} {
    792                 # if we move the current marker, update the frame number
    793                 current [mark position current]
    794                 event generate $itk_component(hull) <<Value>>
    795983            }
    796984        }
  • trunk/gui/scripts/videodistance.tcl

    r2025 r2028  
    200200            error "bad value: \"$val\": frame number should be an integer"
    201201        }
    202203        set _frame $val
  • trunk/gui/scripts/videoparticle.tcl

    r2025 r2028  
    408408            error "bad value: \"$val\": frame number should be an integer"
    409409        }
    410411        set _frame $val
    412413        if {"" != $itk_option(-onframe)} {
    413414            uplevel \#0 $itk_option(-onframe) ${_frame}
     415        }
     417        drawVectors
     418        if {[string compare "" ${_prevnode}] != 0} {
     419            ${_prevnode} drawVectors
    414420        }
    415421    } elseif {[llength $args] != 0} {
  • trunk/gui/scripts/videopreview.tcl

    r2024 r2028  
    122122            -onimage [Rappture::icon flow-pause] \
    123123            -offimage [Rappture::icon flow-play] \
     124            -disabledimage [Rappture::icon flow-play] \
    124125            -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-play)] \
    125126            -command [itcl::code $this video play]
    128129    Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(play) \
    129130        "Play/Pause movie"
     131    $itk_component(play) disable
    131133    # Video Dial Major
    194196    $itk_component(main) configure -background black
    195     puts "width = [$itk_component(main) cget -width]"
    196     puts "height = [$itk_component(main) cget -height]"
    269269    # update the dial with video information
    270270    $itk_component(dialmajor) configure -min 0 -max ${_lastFrame}
     271    $itk_component(play) enable
    272273    fixSize
    351352    # make the canvas fit the image
    352353    $itk_component(main) configure -width ${_width} -height ${_height}
    353     puts "bbox = [$itk_component(main) bbox all]"
  • trunk/gui/scripts/videoscreen.tcl

    r2025 r2028  
    6060    private method calculateTrajectory {args}
    6161    private method writeText {x y text color tags width}
     62    private method clearDrawings {}
    6364    # video dial tools
    6667    private common   _settings
    6768    private common   _pendings
     69    private common   _pbvars
     70    private common   _counters
    6972    private variable _width -1      ;# start x for rubberbanding
    7881                                    ;# underlying c lib in milliseconds
    7982    private variable _delay  0      ;# milliseconds between play calls
    80     private variable _waiting 0     ;# number of frames behind we are
    8183    private variable _nextframe 0   ;#
    83     private variable _pbvlist ""    ;# list of the pushbutton variables
    84     private variable _pcnt 0        ;# counter for naming particles
     85    private variable _px2dist 0     ;# conversion for pixels to user specified distance
    8586    private variable _particles ""  ;# list of particles
    86     private variable _px2dist 0     ;# conversion for pixels to user specified distance
    87     private variable _measTags ""   ;# tags of measurement lines
    88     private variable _measCnt 0     ;# counter for naming measure lines
     87    private variable _measurements "" ;# list of all measurement lines
    8988    private variable _obj ""        ;# temp var holding the last created object
    103102    array set _settings [subst {
    104         $this-framenum          0
    105         $this-loop              0
    106         $this-play              0
    107         $this-speed             1
     103        framenum          0
     104        loop              0
     105        play              0
     106        speed             1
    108107    }]
    110     array set _pendings [subst {
     109    array set _pendings {
    111110        seek 0
    112111        play 0
    113     }]
     112    }
     114    array set _counters {
     115        particle 0
     116        measure 0
     117    }
    116119    # Create flow controls...
    153156            -image [Rappture::icon upload] \
    154157            -command [itcl::code $this loadcb]
    155             #-command [Rappture::filexfer::upload {piv tool} {id label desc} [itcl::code $this Upload]]
    156             #-command [itcl::code $this video seek 0]
    157     } {
    158         usual
    159         ignore -borderwidth
    160         rename -highlightbackground -controlbackground controlBackground \
    161             Background
     158    } {
     159        usual
    162160    }
    163161    Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(fileopen) \
    170168            -onimage $measImg \
    171169            -offimage $measImg \
    172             -command [itcl::code $this togglePtrCtrl measPbVar] \
    173             -variable measPbVar
    174     } {
    175         usual
    176     }
     170            -disabledimage $measImg \
     171            -command [itcl::code $this togglePtrCtrl "measure"] \
     172            -variable [itcl::scope _pbvars(measure)]
     173    } {
     174        usual
     175    }
     176    $itk_component(measure) disable
    177177    Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(measure) \
    178178        "Measure the distance of a structure"
    179     lappend _pbvlist measPbVar
    181180    # ==== particle mark tool ====
    183182    itk_component add particle {
    184183        Rappture::PushButton $itk_component(moviecontrols).particlepb \
    185            -onimage $particleImg \
     184            -onimage $particleImg \
    186185            -offimage $particleImg \
    187             -command [itcl::code $this togglePtrCtrl partPbVar] \
    188             -variable partPbVar
    189     } {
    190         usual
    191     }
     186            -disabledimage $particleImg \
     187            -command [itcl::code $this togglePtrCtrl "particle"] \
     188            -variable [itcl::scope _pbvars(particle)]
     189    } {
     190        usual
     191    }
     192    $itk_component(particle) disable
    192193    Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(particle) \
    193194        "Mark the location of a particle to follow"
    194     lappend _pbvlist partPbVar
    207207            Background
    208208    }
     209    $itk_component(rewind) configure -state disabled
    209210    Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(rewind) \
    210211        "Rewind movie"
    222223            Background
    223224    }
     225    $itk_component(seekback) configure -state disabled
    224226    Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(rewind) \
    225227        "Seek backwards 1 frame"
    230232            -onimage [Rappture::icon flow-pause] \
    231233            -offimage [Rappture::icon flow-play] \
    232             -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-play)] \
     234            -disabledimage [Rappture::icon flow-play] \
     235            -variable [itcl::scope _settings(play)] \
    233236            -command [itcl::code $this video play]
    234237    }
    235     set fg [option get $itk_component(hull) font Font]
     238    $itk_component(play) disable
    236239    Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(play) \
    237240        "Play/Pause movie"
    249252            Background
    250253    }
     254    $itk_component(seekforward) configure -state disabled
    251255    Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(seekforward) \
    252256        "Seek forward 1 frame"
    257261            -onimage [Rappture::icon flow-loop] \
    258262            -offimage [Rappture::icon flow-loop] \
    259             -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-loop)] \
     263            -disabledimage [Rappture::icon flow-loop] \
     264            -variable [itcl::scope _settings(loop)] \
    260265            -command [itcl::code $this toggleloop]
    261266    }
     267    $itk_component(loop) disable
    262268    Rappture::Tooltip::for $itk_component(loop) \
    263269        "Play continuously between marked sections"
    276282            -linecolor "" -activelinecolor "" \
    277283            -min 0 -max 1 \
    278             -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-framenum)] \
     284            -variable [itcl::scope _settings(framenum)] \
    279285            -dialoutlinecolor black \
    280286            -knobimage [Rappture::icon knob2] -knobposition center@middle
    293299            -min 0 -max 1 \
    294300            -minortick 1 -majortick 5 \
    295             -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-framenum)] \
     301            -variable [itcl::scope _settings(framenum)] \
    296302            -dialoutlinecolor black
    297303    } {
    301307    $itk_component(dialminor) current 0
    302308    bind $itk_component(dialminor) <<Value>> [itcl::code $this video update]
     310    set fg [option get $itk_component(hull) font Font]
    304312    itk_component add framenumlabel {
    315323        label $itk_component(frnumfr).framenum \
    316324            -background white -font "arial 9" \
    317             -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-framenum)]
     325            -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings(framenum)]
    318326    } {
    319327        usual
    357365        0,0 $itk_component(dialmajor) -fill x \
    358366        1,0 $itk_component(dialminor) -fill x
    361368    blt::table $itk_component(moviecontrols) \
    391398# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    392399itcl::body Rappture::VideoScreen::destructor {} {
    393     array unset _settings $this-*
     400    array unset _settings *
     401    array unset _pendings *
     402    array unset _pbvars *
     403    array unset _counters *
    394406    if {[info exists _imh]} {
    395         image delete $_imh
     407        image delete ${_imh}
     408        set _imh ""
     409    }
     411    if {[info exists measImg]} {
     412        image delete $measImg
     413        set measImg ""
     414    }
     416    if {[info exists particleImg]} {
     417        image delete $particleImg
     418        set particleImg ""
     419    }
     421    if {("" != [info commands ${_movie}])} {
     422        # clear the movie if it is still open
     423        ${_movie} release
     424        set _movie ""
     425    }
     427    clearDrawings
     430# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     431# clearDrawings - delete all particle and measurement objects
     432# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     433itcl::body Rappture::VideoScreen::clearDrawings {} {
     435    # delete all previously placed particles
     436    set obj [lindex ${_particles} end]
     437    while {"" != [info commands $obj]} {
     438        itcl::delete object $obj
     439        set _particles [lreplace ${_particles} end end]
     440        if {[llength ${_particles}] == 0} {
     441            break
     442        }
     443        set obj [lindex ${_particles} end]
     444    }
     446    # delete all previously placed measurements
     447    set obj [lindex ${_measurements} end]
     448    while {"" != [info commands $obj]} {
     449        itcl::delete object $obj
     450        set _measurements [lreplace ${_measurements} end end]
     451        if {[llength ${_measurements}] == 0} {
     452            break
     453        }
     454        set obj [lindex ${_measurements} end]
    396455    }
    409468    # open the file
    411469    set fname ""
    412470    switch $type {
    413471        "data" {
     472            if {"" == $data} {
     473                error "bad value \"$data\": data should be a movie"
     474            }
    414476            set fname "/tmp/tmpVV[pid].video"
    415477            set fid [open $fname "w"]
    421483        }
    422484        "file" {
     485            if {"" == $data} {
     486                error "bad value \"$data\": data should be a movie file path"
     487            }
    423488            # do nothing
    424489        }
    430495    video stop
    432     if {([info exists _movie]) && ("" != ${_movie})} {
    433         ${_movie} release
     497    if {"file" == $type} {
     498        if {("" != [info commands ${_movie}])} {
     499            # compare the new file name to the name of the file
     500            # we already have open in our _movie object.
     501            # if they are the same, do not reopen the video.
     502            # if they are different, close the old movie
     503            # and clear out all old drawings from the canvas.
     504            set err [catch {${_movie} get filename} filename]
     505            if {($err == 0)&& ($data == $filename)} {
     506                # video file already open, don't reopen it.
     507                return
     508            } else {
     509                # clear the old movie
     510                ${_movie} release
     512                # delete drawings objects from canvas
     513                clearDrawings
     514            }
     515        }
    434516    }
    436518    set _movie [Rappture::Video $type $data]
    437     file delete $fname
     519    if {"" != $fname} {
     520        file delete $fname
     521    }
    438522    set _framerate [${_movie} get framerate]
    439523    video speed
    443527    # update the dial and framenum widgets
    444     set _settings($this-framenum) 0
     528    set _settings(framenum) 0
    460544    $itk_component(dialmajor) configure -min 0 -max ${_lastFrame}
    461545    $itk_component(dialminor) configure -min 0 -max ${_lastFrame}
     547    # turn on the buttons and dials
     548    $itk_component(measure) enable
     549    $itk_component(particle) enable
     550    $itk_component(rewind) configure -state normal
     551    $itk_component(seekback) configure -state normal
     552    $itk_component(play) enable
     553    $itk_component(seekforward) configure -state normal
     554    $itk_component(loop) enable
    463556    fixSize
    531624    switch -- $option {
    532625        "play" {
    533             if {$_settings($this-play) == 1} {
     626            if {$_settings(play) == 1} {
    534627                eventually play
    535628            } else {
    537630                after cancel $_id
    538631                set _pendings(play) 0
    539                 set _settings($this-play) 0
     632                set _settings(play) 0
    540633            }
    541634        }
    545638        "stop" {
    546639            after cancel $_id
    547             set _settings($this-play) 0
     640            set _settings(play) 0
    548641        }
    549642        "speed" {
    554647        }
    555648        "update" {
    556             eventually seek [expr round($_settings($this-framenum))]
    557             # Seek [expr round($_settings($this-framenum))]
     649            eventually seek [expr round($_settings(framenum))]
     650            # Seek [expr round($_settings(framenum))]
    558651        }
    559652        default {
    619712    # update the dial and framenum widgets
    620     set _settings($this-framenum) $cur
     713    set _settings(framenum) $cur
    626719    # if looping is turned on and markers setup,
    627720    # then loop back to loopstart when cur hits loopend
    628     if {$_settings($this-loop)} {
     721    if {$_settings(loop)} {
    629722        if {$cur == [$itk_component(dialminor) mark position loopend]} {
    630723            Seek [$itk_component(dialminor) mark position loopstart]
    657750    if {[string compare $cur $val] == 0} {
    658751        # already at the frame to seek to
     752        set _pendings(seek) 0
    659753        return
    660754    }
    664758    # update the dial and framenum widgets
    665     set _settings($this-framenum) [$_movie get position cur]
     759    set _settings(framenum) [$_movie get position cur]
    666760    event generate $itk_component(main) <<Frame>>
     762    # removing pending
     763    set _pendings(seek) 0
    678774    switch -- $option {
    679775        "seek" {
    680             if {$_pendings(seek) == 0} {
     776            if {0 == $_pendings(seek)} {
    681777                # no seek pending, schedule one
    682                 set $_pendings(seek) 1
     778                set _pendings(seek) 1
    683779                after idle [itcl::code $this Seek [lindex $args 1]]
    684780            } else {
    707803#                 rectangle, measure, particlemark
    708804# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    709 itcl::body Rappture::VideoScreen::togglePtrCtrl {pbvar} {
    711     upvar 1 $pbvar inState
    712     if {$inState == 1} {
     805itcl::body Rappture::VideoScreen::togglePtrCtrl {tool} {
     807    if {[info exists _pbvars($tool)] == 0} {
     808        return
     809    }
     811    if {$_pbvars($tool) == 1} {
    713812        # unpush previously pushed buttons
    714         foreach pbv $_pbvlist {
    715             if {[string compare $pbvar $pbv] != 0} {
    716                 upvar 1 $pbv var
    717                 set var 0
    718             }
    719         }
    720     }
    721     togglePtrBind $pbvar
     813        foreach pbv [array names _pbvars] {
     814            if {[string compare $tool $pbv] != 0} {
     815                set _pbvars($pbv) 0
     816            }
     817        }
     818    }
     819    togglePtrBind $tool
    728826# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    729827itcl::body Rappture::VideoScreen::whatPtrCtrl {} {
    730     foreach pbv $_pbvlist {
    731         upvar #0 $pbv var
    732         if {$var != "" && $var != 0} {
     828    foreach pbv [array names _pbvars] {
     829        if {$_pbvars($pbv) != 0} {
    733830            return $pbv
    734831        }
    746843    }
    748     if {[string compare $pbvar rectPbVar] == 0} {
     845    if {[string compare $pbvar rectangle] == 0} {
    750847        # Bindings for selecting rectangle
    758855            [itcl::code $this Rubberband release %W %x %y]
    760     } elseif {[string compare $pbvar measPbVar] == 0} {
     857    } elseif {[string compare $pbvar measure] == 0} {
    762859        # Bindings for measuring distance
    770867            [itcl::code $this Measure release %W %x %y]
    772     } elseif {[string compare $pbvar partPbVar] == 0} {
     869    } elseif {[string compare $pbvar particle] == 0} {
    774871        # Bindings for marking particle locations
    858955    switch -- $status {
    859956        "new" {
    860             incr _measCnt
    861             set name "measure${_measCnt}"
    862             lappend _measTags $name
     957            set name "measure[incr _counters(measure)]"
    864959            set _obj [Rappture::VideoDistance $itk_component(main).$name $name $win \
    875970            ${_obj} Coords $x $y $x $y
    876971            ${_obj} Show object
     972            lappend _measurements ${_obj}
    877973        }
    878974        "drag" {
    9231019    switch -- $status {
    9241020        "new" {
    925             incr _pcnt
    926             set name "particle${_pcnt}"
     1021            set name "particle[incr _counters(particle)]"
    9271022            set _obj [Rappture::VideoParticle $itk_component(main).$name $name $win \
    9281023                        -fncallback [itcl::code $this query framenum] \
    11151210# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    11161211itcl::body Rappture::VideoScreen::toggleloop {} {
    1117     if {$_settings($this-loop) == 0} {
     1212    if {$_settings(loop) == 0} {
    11181213        $itk_component(dialminor) mark remove loopstart
    11191214        $itk_component(dialminor) mark remove loopend
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.