Changeset 2746 for branches/blt4

Dec 27, 2011, 9:42:16 PM (13 years ago)
2 edited


  • branches/blt4/gui/scripts/xyprint.tcl

    r2745 r2746  
    3838    private variable _preview "";       # Preview image.
    3939    private variable _savedSettings;    # Array of settings.
     40    private variable _outputFormatType "";
    4142    private common _oldSettingsFile "~/.rpsettings"
    105106        ignore -highlightthickness -borderwidth -background
    106107    }
     108    set inner [frame $itk_interior.frame -bg grey]
    107109    itk_component add preview {
    108         label $itk_interior.preview \
     110        label $inner.preview \
    109111            -highlightthickness 0 -bd 0 -image $_preview -width 2.5i \
    110112                -height 2.5i -background grey
    127129    }
    128130    blt::table $itk_interior \
    129         0,0 $itk_component(preview) -cspan 2 -fill both \
    130         1,0 $itk_component(tabs) -fill both -cspan 2 \
    131         2,1 $itk_component(cancel) -padx 2 -pady 2 -width .9i -fill y \
    132         2,0 $itk_component(ok) -padx 2 -pady 2 -width .9i -fill y
    133     blt::table configure $itk_interior r1 -resize none
    134     blt::table configure $itk_interior r1 -resize both
     131        0,0 $inner -fill both \
     132        0,1 $itk_component(tabs) -fill both -cspan 2 \
     133        1,2 $itk_component(cancel) -padx 2 -pady 2 -width .9i -fill y \
     134        1,1 $itk_component(ok) -padx 2 -pady 2 -width .9i -fill y
     135    blt::table $inner \
     136        0,0 $itk_component(preview) -fill both -padx 10 -pady 10
     138    #blt::table configure $itk_interior c1 c2 -resize none
     139    blt::table configure $itk_interior c0 -resize both
    136140    BuildGeneralTab
    137141    BuildAxisTab
    184188    # Get the selected format of the download.
    185189    set page $itk_component(graph_page)
    186     set format $_settings($this-general-format)
    188     # Handle JPEG or PNG image formats.
     190    set m $
     191    set format [$m item cget $_settings($this-general-format) -value]
    189192    if { $format == "jpg" } {
    190193        set img [image create picture]
    553556    }
    554557    set type [GetAxisType $axis]
    555     if { [$_clone grid cget -map${type}] == $axis } {
    556         set _settings($this-axis-grid) 1
    557     }  else {
    558         set _settings($this-axis-grid) 0
    559     }
    560558    set _settings($this-axis-plotpad${type}) \
    561559        [Pixels2Inches [$_clone cget -plotpad${type}]]
    681679    blt::comboentry $page.format \
    682680        -width 30 \
    683         -textvariable [itcl::scope _format] \
     681        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-general-format)] \
    684682        -editable no -menu $m \
    685683        -command [itcl::code $this ApplyGeneralSettings]
    687685        -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    688686        -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    689         -textvariable [itcl::scope _format] \
     687        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-general-format)] \
    690688        -height { 0 2i }
    691689    blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    697695    $m add -value "png" -text "PNG Portable Network Graphics Format"
    698696    $m add -value "gif" -text "GIF Graphics Interchange Format"
    699     $m item configure all \
    700         -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-general-format)]
    701697    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.format_l "Set the format of the image."
    705701    blt::comboentry $ \
    706702        -width 30 \
    707         -textvariable [itcl::scope _style] \
     703        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-general-style)] \
    708704        -editable no -menu $m \
    709705        -command [itcl::code $this ApplyGeneralSettings]
    711707        -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    712708        -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    713         -textvariable [itcl::scope _style] \
     709        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-general-style)] \
    714710        -height { 0 2i }
    715711    blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    777773    label $page.position_l -text "position"
    778     set m $
    779     blt::comboentry $page.position \
    780         -width 15 \
    781         -textvariable [itcl::scope _position] \
    782         -editable no -menu $m \
    783         -command [itcl::code $this ApplyLegendSettings]
    784     blt::combomenu $m \
    785         -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    786         -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    787         -textvariable [itcl::scope _position] \
    788         -height { 0 2i }
    789     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    790     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.ys
    791     $m add -value "leftmargin"   -text "left margin" 
    792     $m add -value "rightmargin"  -text "right margin" 
    793     $m add -value "bottommargin" -text "bottom margin" 
    794     $m add -value "topmargin"    -text "top margin" 
    795     $m add -value "plotarea"     -text "inside plot"
    796     $m item configure all \
    797         -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-legend-position)]
     774    Rappture::Combobox $page.position -width 15 -editable no
     775    $page.position choices insert end \
     776        "leftmargin" "left margin"  \
     777        "rightmargin" "right margin"  \
     778        "bottommargin" "bottom margin"  \
     779        "topmargin" "top margin"  \
     780        "plotarea" "inside plot"
     781    bind $page.position <<Value>> [itcl::code $this ApplyLegendSettings]
    798782    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.position \
    799783        "Set the position of the legend.  This option and the anchor determine the legend's location."
    893877    label $page.font_l -text "font"
    894     set m $
    895     blt::comboentry $page.fontfamily \
    896         -width 10 \
    897         -textvariable [itcl::scope _legendFontFamily] \
    898         -editable no -menu $m \
    899         -command [itcl::code $this ApplyLegendSettings]
    900     blt::combomenu $m \
    901         -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    902         -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    903         -textvariable [itcl::scope _legendFontFamily] \
    904         -height { 0 2i }
    905     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    906     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.ys
    907     $m style create "courier" -font "{courier new} 9"
    908     $m style create "helvetica" -font "{arial} 9"
    909     $m style create "newcentury" -font "{new century schoolbook} 9"
    910     $m style create "times" -font "{times new roman} 9"
    911     $m add -text "courier" -value "courier" -style "courier"
    912     $m add -text "helvetica" -value "helvetica"  -style "helvetica"
    913     $m add -text "new century schoolbook" -value "new*century*schoolbook" \
    914         -style "newcentury"
    915     $m add -text "symbol" -value "symbol"
    916     $m add -text "times" -value "times" -style "times"
    917     $m item configure all \
    918         -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-legend-font-family)]
    919     $m select "helvetica"
     878    Rappture::Combobox $page.fontfamily -width 10 -editable no
     879    $page.fontfamily choices insert end \
     880        "courier" "courier" \
     881        "helvetica" "helvetica"  \
     882        "new*century*schoolbook"  "new century schoolbook" \
     883        "symbol"  "symbol" \
     884        "times"  "times"         
     885    bind $page.fontfamily <<Value>> [itcl::code $this ApplyLegendSettings]
    920886    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.fontfamily \
    921887        "Set the font of entries in the legend."
    923     set m $
    924     blt::comboentry $page.fontsize \
    925         -width .4i \
    926         -textvariable [itcl::scope _legendFontSize] \
    927         -editable no -menu $m \
    928         -command [itcl::code $this ApplyLegendSettings]
    929     blt::combomenu $m \
    930         -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    931         -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    932         -textvariable [itcl::scope _legendFontSize] \
    933         -height { 0 2i }
    934     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    935     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.ys
    936     $m add -text "8"  -value "8"
    937     $m add -text "9"  -value "9"
    938     $m add -text "10" -value "10"
    939     $m add -text "11" -value "11"
    940     $m add -text "12" -value "12"
    941     $m add -text "14" -value "14"
    942     $m add -text "17" -value "17"
    943     $m add -text "18" -value "18"
    944     $m add -text "20" -value "20"
    945     $m item configure all \
    946         -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-legend-font-size)]
     889    Rappture::Combobox $page.fontsize -width 4 -editable no
     890    $page.fontsize choices insert end \
     891        "8" "8" \
     892        "9" "9" \
     893        "10" "10" \
     894        "11" "11" \
     895        "12" "12" \
     896        "14" "14" \
     897        "17" "17" \
     898        "18" "18" \
     899        "20" "20"
     900    bind  $page.fontsize <<Value>> [itcl::code $this ApplyLegendSettings]
    947901    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.fontsize \
    948902        "Set the size (points) of the font."
    1004958        -text "Axis" -padx 2 -pady 2 -window $page -fill both
    1006     label $page.axis_l -text "axis"
    1007     set m $
    1008     blt::comboentry $page.axis \
    1009         -width 10 \
    1010         -textvariable [itcl::scope _axis] \
    1011         -editable no -menu $m \
    1012         -command [itcl::code $this GetAxis]
    1013     itk_component add axis_menu {
    1014         blt::combomenu $m \
    1015             -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    1016             -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    1017             -textvariable [itcl::scope _axis] \
    1018             -height { 0 2i }
    1019     }
    1020     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    1021     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.ys
    1022     Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.axis "Select the current axis."
    1024     label $page.title_l -text "title"
     960    blt::tk::label $page.axis_l -text "axis"
     961    itk_component add axis_combo {
     962        Rappture::Combobox $page.axis -width 20 -editable no
     963    }
     964    bind $itk_component(axis_combo) <<Value>> [itcl::code $this GetAxis]
     965    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.axis \
     966        "Select the current axis."
     968    blt::tk::label $page.title_l -text "title"
    1025969    entry $page.title \
    1026970        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-title)]
    1029973        "Set the title of the current axis."
    1031     label $page.min_l -text "min"
     975    blt::tk::label $page.min_l -text "min"
    1032976    entry $page.min -width 10 \
    1033977        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-min)]
    1036980        "Set the minimum limit for the current axis. If empty, the minimum is automatically determined."
    1038     label $page.max_l -text "max"
     982    blt::tk::label $page.max_l -text "max"
    1039983    entry $page.max -width 10 \
    1040984        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-max)]
    1043987        "Set the maximum limit for the current axis. If empty, the maximum is automatically determined."
    1045     label $page.subdivisions_l -text "subdivisions"
     989    blt::tk::label $page.subdivisions_l -text "subdivisions"
    1046990    entry $page.subdivisions \
    1047991        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-subdivisions)]
    1051995        "Set the number of subdivisions (minor ticks) for the current axis."
    1053     label $page.stepsize_l -text "step size"
     997    blt::tk::label $page.stepsize_l -text "step size"
    1054998    entry $page.stepsize \
    1055999        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-stepsize)]
    10651009        "Set major ticks outside of the limits for the current axis."
    1067     label $page.plotpad_l -text "pad" 
     1011    blt::tk::label $page.plotpad_l -text "pad" 
    10681012    entry $page.plotpad -width 6 \
    10691013        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-plotpad)]
    10851029        "Display a line at zero for the current axis."
    1087     label $page.tickfont_l -text "tick font"
     1031    blt::tk::label $page.tickfont_l -text "tick font"
    10881032    set m $
    10891033    blt::comboentry $page.tickfontfamily \
    10901034        -width 10 \
    1091         -textvariable [itcl::scope _tickFontFamily] \
     1035        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-ticks-fontfamily)] \
    10921036        -editable no -menu $m \
    10931037        -command [itcl::code $this ApplyAxisSettings]
    10951039        -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    10961040        -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    1097         -textvariable [itcl::scope _tickFontFamily] \
     1041        -textvariable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-ticks-fontfamily)] \
    10981042        -height { 0 2i }
    10991043    blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    11101054    $m add -text "times" -value "times" -style "times"
    11111055    $m item configure all \
    1112         -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-tickfont-family)]
     1056        -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-ticks-fontfamily)]
    11131057    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.tickfontfamily \
    11141058        "Set the font of the ticks for the current axis."
    1116     set m $
    1117     blt::comboentry $page.tickfontsize \
    1118         -width .4i \
    1119         -textvariable [itcl::scope _tickFontSize] \
    1120         -editable no -menu $m \
    1121         -command [itcl::code $this ApplyAxisSettings]
    1122     blt::combomenu $m \
    1123         -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    1124         -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    1125         -textvariable [itcl::scope _tickFontSize] \
    1126         -height { 0 2i }
    1127     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    1128     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.ys
    1129     $m add -text "8"  -value "8"
    1130     $m add -text "9"  -value "9"
    1131     $m add -text "10" -value "10"
    1132     $m add -text "11" -value "11"
    1133     $m add -text "12" -value "12"
    1134     $m add -text "14" -value "14"
    1135     $m add -text "17" -value "17"
    1136     $m add -text "18" -value "18"
    1137     $m add -text "20" -value "20"
    1138     $m item configure all \
    1139         -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-tickfont-size)]
     1060    if 0 {
     1061    label $page.tickfont_l -text "tick font"
     1062    Rappture::Combobox $page.tickfontfamily -width 10 -editable no
     1063    $page.tickfontfamily choices insert end \
     1064        "courier" "courier" \
     1065        "helvetica" "helvetica"  \
     1066        "new*century*schoolbook"  "new century schoolbook" \
     1067        "symbol"  "symbol" \
     1068        "times"  "times"         
     1069    bind $page.tickfontfamily <<Value>> [itcl::code $this ApplyAxisSettings]
     1070    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.tickfontfamily \
     1071        "Set the font of the ticks for the current axis."
     1072    }
     1073    Rappture::Combobox $page.tickfontsize -width 4 -editable no
     1074    $page.tickfontsize choices insert end \
     1075        "8" "8" \
     1076        "9" "9" \
     1077        "10" "10" \
     1078        "11" "11" \
     1079        "12" "12" \
     1080        "14" "14" \
     1081        "17" "17" \
     1082        "18" "18" \
     1083        "20" "20"
     1084    bind $page.tickfontsize <<Value>> [itcl::code $this ApplyAxisSettings]
    11401085    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.tickfontsize \
    11411086        "Set the size (points) of the tick font."
    11631108    label $page.titlefont_l -text "title font"
    1164     set m $
    1165     blt::comboentry $page.titlefontfamily \
    1166         -width 10 \
    1167         -textvariable [itcl::scope _titleFontFamily] \
    1168         -editable no -menu $m \
    1169         -command [itcl::code $this ApplyAxisSettings]
    1170     blt::combomenu $m \
    1171         -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    1172         -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    1173         -textvariable [itcl::scope _titleFontFamily] \
    1174         -height { 0 2i }
    1175     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    1176     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.ys
    1177     $m style create "courier" -font "{courier new} 9"
    1178     $m style create "helvetica" -font "{arial} 9"
    1179     $m style create "newcentury" -font "{new century schoolbook} 9"
    1180     $m style create "times" -font "{times new roman} 9"
    1181     $m add -text "courier" -value "courier" -style "courier"
    1182     $m add -text "helvetica" -value "helvetica"  -style "helvetica"
    1183     $m add -text "new century schoolbook" -value "new*century*schoolbook" \
    1184         -style "newcentury"
    1185     $m add -text "symbol" -value "symbol"
    1186     $m add -text "times" -value "times" -style "times"
    1187     $m item configure all \
    1188         -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-titlefont-family)]
     1109    Rappture::Combobox $page.titlefontfamily -width 10 -editable no
     1110    $page.titlefontfamily choices insert end \
     1111        "courier" "courier" \
     1112        "helvetica" "helvetica"  \
     1113        "new*century*schoolbook"  "new century schoolbook" \
     1114        "symbol"  "symbol" \
     1115        "times"  "times"         
     1116    bind $page.titlefontfamily <<Value>> [itcl::code $this ApplyAxisSettings]
    11891117    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.titlefontfamily \
    11901118        "Set the font of the title for the current axis."
    1192     set m $
    1193     blt::comboentry $page.titlefontsize \
    1194         -width .4i \
    1195         -textvariable [itcl::scope _titleFontSize] \
    1196         -editable no -menu $m \
    1197         -command [itcl::code $this ApplyAxisSettings]
    1198     blt::combomenu $m \
    1199         -xscrollbar $m.xs \
    1200         -yscrollbar $m.ys  \
    1201         -textvariable [itcl::scope _titleFontSize] \
    1202         -height { 0 2i }
    1203     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.xs
    1204     blt::tk::scrollbar $m.ys
    1205     $m add -text "8"  -value "8"
    1206     $m add -text "9"  -value "9"
    1207     $m add -text "10" -value "10"
    1208     $m add -text "11" -value "11"
    1209     $m add -text "12" -value "12"
    1210     $m add -text "14" -value "14"
    1211     $m add -text "17" -value "17"
    1212     $m add -text "18" -value "18"
    1213     $m add -text "20" -value "20"
    1214     $m item configure all \
    1215         -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-titlefont-size)]
     1120    Rappture::Combobox $page.titlefontsize -width 4 -editable no
     1121    $page.titlefontsize choices insert end \
     1122        "8" "8" \
     1123        "9" "9" \
     1124        "10" "10" \
     1125        "11" "11" \
     1126        "12" "12" \
     1127        "14" "14" \
     1128        "17" "17" \
     1129        "18" "18" \
     1130        "20" "20"
     1131    bind $page.titlefontsize <<Value>> [itcl::code $this ApplyAxisSettings]
    12161132    Rappture::Tooltip::for $page.titlefontsize \
    12171133        "Set the size (point) of the title font."
    12451161        3,2 $page.min -fill x \
    12461162        3,3 $page.stepsize_l -anchor e \
    1247         3,4 $page.stepsize -fill both -cspan 3 \
     1163        3,4 $page.stepsize -fill x -cspan 3 \
    12481164        4,1 $page.max_l -anchor e \
    1249         4,2 $page.max -fill both \
     1165        4,2 $page.max -fill x \
    12501166        4,3 $page.subdivisions_l -anchor e \
    1251         4,4 $page.subdivisions -fill both -cspan 3  \
     1167        4,4 $page.subdivisions -fill x -cspan 3  \
    12521168        5,1 $page.titlefont_l -anchor e \
    12531169        5,2 $page.titlefontfamily -fill x -cspan 2 \
    12661182        8,4 $page.plotpad -fill both -cspan 3
    1268     blt::table configure $page  c0 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 -resize none
     1184    blt::table configure $page  r* c0 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 -resize none
     1185    blt::table configure $page  r* -pady 1
     1186    blt::table configure $page r9 -resize both
     1193itcl::body Rappture::XyPrint::ApplyLegendSettings {} {
     1194    set page $itk_component(legend_page)
     1195    set _settings($this-legend-position)  [$page.position current]
     1196    set _settings($this-legend-anchor)    [$page.anchor current]
     1198    foreach option { -hide -position -anchor -borderwidth } {
     1199        SetComponentOption legend $option
     1200    }
     1201    set _settings($this-legend-fontfamily)  [$page.fontfamily value]
     1202    set _settings($this-legend-fontsize)    [$page.fontsize value]
     1203    lappend font $_settings($this-legend-fontfamily)
     1204    lappend font $_settings($this-legend-fontsize)
     1205    lappend font $_settings($this-legend-fontweight)
     1206    lappend font $_settings($this-legend-fontslant)
     1207    $_clone legend configure -font fixed -font $font
     1208    ApplyElementSettings
    12761211itcl::body Rappture::XyPrint::ApplyAxisSettings {} {
    12821217        SetNamedComponentOption axis $axis $option
    12831218    }
    1284     set _settings($this-axis-ticks-fontfamily)  [$page.tickfontfamily value]
     1219    #set _settings($this-axis-ticks-fontfamily)  [$page.tickfontfamily value]
     1220    #set _settings($this-axis-ticks-fontfamily) $_settings($this-$axis-ticks-fontfamily) 
    12851221    set _settings($this-axis-ticks-fontsize)    [$page.tickfontsize value]
    12861222    set _settings($this-axis-title-fontfamily)  [$page.titlefontfamily value]
    13001236        lappend titlefont $_settings(${general}-${attr})
    13011237    }
     1238    set style [$ item cget \
     1239               $_settings($this-axis-ticks-fontfamily) -style]
     1240    set font [$ style cget $style -font]
     1241    $page.tickfontfamily configure -font $font
    13021243    $_clone axis configure $axis -tickfont $tickfont -titlefont $titlefont
    13031244    $_clone marker configure ${type}-zero -hide $_settings($this-axis-zero)
    1304     GetAxis
     1245    #GetAxis
    13051246    RegeneratePreview
    13511292    # General settings
    1353     # Always set to "ps" "ieee"
    1354     set _settings($this-general-format) ps
    1355     set _settings($this-general-style) ieee
     1294    # Always set to "jpg" "ieee"
     1295    set _settings($this-general-format)   \
     1296        "JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group Format"
     1297    set _settings($this-general-style)    ieee
    13561298    set _settings($this-general-remember) 0
    13571299    set page $itk_component(graph_page)
    1358     $page.format value [$page.format label $_settings($this-general-format)]
    1359     $ value [$ label $_settings($this-general-style)]
    13611301    # Layout settings
    14001340    set page $itk_component(axis_page)
    14011341    set names [lsort [$_clone axis names]]
    1402     $itk_component(axis_menu) delete all
     1342    $itk_component(axis_combo) choices delete 0 end
    14031343    foreach axis $names {
    14041344        if { $axis == "z" } {
    14061346        }
    14071347        if { ![$_clone axis cget $axis -hide] } {
    1408             $itk_component(axis_menu) add -text $axis -value $axis \
    1409                 -variable [itcl::scope _settings($this-axis-selected)]
     1348            $itk_component(axis_combo) choices insert end $axis $axis
    14101349        }
    14111350        lappend axisnames $axis
    14121351    }
    1413     set axis [lindex $axisnames 0]
    1414     set _settings($this-axis-selected) $axis
    1416     array set info [font configure $axis-title]
    1417     set _settings($this-axis-title-fontfamily) $info(-family)
    1418     set _settings($this-axis-title-fontsize)   $info(-size)
    1419     set _settings($this-axis-title-fontweight) $info(-weight)
    1420     set _settings($this-axis-title-fontslant)  $info(-slant)
    1422     array set info [font configure $axis-ticks]
    1423     set _settings($this-axis-tick-fontfamily) $info(-family)
    1424     set _settings($this-axis-tick-fontsize)   $info(-size)
    1425     set _settings($this-axis-tick-fontweight) $info(-weight)
    1426     set _settings($this-axis-tick-fontslant)  $info(-slant)
     1352    set axis [lindex $names 0]
     1354    $page.titlefontfamily value $_settings($this-$axis-title-fontfamily)
     1355    $page.titlefontsize value   $_settings($this-$axis-title-fontsize)
     1356    #set _settings($this-axis-ticks-fontfamily) $_settings($this-$axis-ticks-fontfamily)
     1357    $page.tickfontsize value    $_settings($this-$axis-ticks-fontsize)
    14281359    # Always hide the zero line.
    14311362    # Pick the first axis to initially display
    14321363    set axis [lindex $axisnames 0]
    1433     set $_settings($this-axis-selected) $axis
     1364    $itk_component(axis_combo) value $axis
    14341365    GetAxis
     1366    RegeneratePreview
  • branches/blt4/gui/scripts/xyresult.tcl

    r2745 r2746  
    16161616        set ycol "$ylabel ($label)"
    16171617        foreach comp [$dataobj components] {
    1618             set row [expr [$table row length] + 1]
     1618            set row [expr [$table numrows] + 1]
    16191619            if { [$table column exists $xcol] } {
    1620                 set row [expr [$table row length] + 1]
     1620                set row [expr [$table numrows] + 1]
    16211621                $table row set $row $xcol NaN $ycol NaN
    16221622                $table row unset $row
    16371637        set xcol "$xlabel ($label)"
    16381638        set ycol "$ylabel ($label)"
    1639         set row [expr [$table row length] + 1]
     1639        set row [expr [$table numrows] + 1]
    16401640        if { [$table column exists $xcol] } {
    1641             set row [expr [$table row length] + 1]
     1641            set row [expr [$table numrows] + 1]
    16421642            $table row set $row $xcol NaN $ycol NaN
    16431643            $table row unset $row
Note: See TracChangeset for help on using the changeset viewer.