Changeset 3017

May 25, 2012, 8:14:09 AM (12 years ago)

changes to templates for histogram

10 edited


  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2170 r3017  
    134134    code "\n/* save output value for $path */"
    135135    code "/* this shows just one point -- modify as needed */"
    136     code "/* (x,h,w) = x-coord, height of bar, and width of bar (optional) */"
    137     code "sprintf(line, \"%g %g %g\\n\", x, h, w);"
    138     code "rpPutString(io,\"$path.component.xhw\", line, RPLIB_APPEND);"
     136    code "/* (x,y) = x-label, y-coordinate is height of bar */"
     137    code "sprintf(line, \"%s %g\\n\", x, y);"
     138    code "rpPutString(io,\"$path.component.xy\", line, RPLIB_APPEND);"
    139139  }
    140140  output image {
  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2170 r3017  
    130130    code "\nc       save output value for $path"
    131131    code "c       this shows just one point -- modify as needed"
    132     code "c       (x,h,w) = x-coord, height of bar, and width of bar (optional)"
    133     code "        write(strVal,'(E20.12,E20.12,E20.12,A)') x, h, w, char(10)"
    134     code "        call rp_lib_put_str(io,\n     +    \"$path.component.xhw\",strVal,1)"
     132    code "c       (x,y) = x-label, y-coordinate is height of bar"
     133    code "        write(strVal,'(A20,E20.12,A)') label, x, h, char(10)"
     134    code "        call rp_lib_put_str(io,\n     +    \"$path.component.xy\",strVal,1)"
    135135  }
    136136  output image {
  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2170 r3017  
    9191    code "\n// save output value for $path"
    9292    code "// this shows just one point -- modify as needed"
    93     code "// (x,h,w) = x-coord, height of bar, and width of bar (optional)"
    94     code "str = String.format(\"%g %g %g\\n\", x, h, w);"
    95     code "io.put(\"$path.component.xhw\", line, true);"
     93    code "// (x,y) = x-label, y-coordinate is height of bar"
     94    code "str = String.format(\"%s %g\\n\", x, y);"
     95    code "io.put(\"$path.component.xy\", line, true);"
    9696  }
    9797  output image {
  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2170 r3017  
    8383  output histogram {
    8484    code "\n% save output value for $path"
    85     code "% vectors x,h,w: x-coord, height of bar, and width of bar (optional)"
    86     code "xhwdata = \[x;h;w\];"
    87     code "str = sprintf('%12g %12g %12g\\n', xhwdata);"
    88     code "rpLibPutString(io,'$path.component.xhw',str,0);"
     85    code "% vectors x,y: x-label, y-coordinate is height of bar"
     86    code "xydata = \[x;y\];"
     87    code "str = sprintf('%s %12g\\n', x, y);"
     88    code "rpLibPutString(io,'$path.component.xy',str,0);"
    8989  }
    9090  output image {
  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2170 r3017  
    9595  output integer {
    9696    code "\n% save output value for $path"
    97     code "rpLibPutString(io,'$path.current',num2str($id),0);"
     97    code "rpLibPutString(io,'$path.current',int2str($id),0);"
    9898  }
    9999  output number {
  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2170 r3017  
    7979    code "\n# save output value for $path"
    8080    code "# this shows just one point -- modify as needed"
    81     code "# (x,h,w) = x-coord, height of bar, and width of bar (optional)"
    82     code "\$io->put(\"$path.component.xhw\", \"\$x \$h \$w\\n\", 1);"
     81    code "# (x,y) = x-label, y-coordinate is height of bar"
     82    code "\$io->put(\"$path.component.xy\", \"\$x \$y\\n\", 1);"
    8383  }
    8484  output image {
  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2294 r3017  
    8585    code "\n# save output value for $path"
    8686    code "# this shows just one point -- modify as needed"
    87     code "# (x,h,w) = x-coord, height of bar, and width of bar (optional)"
    88     code "line = \"%g %g %g\n\" % (x, h, w)"
    89     code "io.put('$path.component.xhw', line, append=1)"
     87    code "# (x,y) = x-label, y-coordinate is  height of bar"
     88    code "line = \"%s %g\n\" % (x, y)"
     89    code "io.put('$path.component.xy', line, append=1)"
    9090  }
    9191  output image {
  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2945 r3017  
    7979    code "\n# save output value for $path"
    8080    code "# assumes output in vectors x and y"
    81     code "str <- paste(sprintf(\"%g %g\\n\",x,y), collapse=\"\")"
     81    code "str <- paste(sprintf(\"%s %g\\n\",x,y), collapse=\"\")"
    8282    code "rp_lib_put_string(io,\"$path.component.xy\",str,FALSE)"
    8383  }
  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2170 r3017  
    7979    code "\n# save output value for $path"
    8080    code "# this shows just one point -- modify as needed"
    81     code "# (x,h,w) = x-coord, height of bar, and width of bar (optional)"
    82     code "str = sprintf(\"%g %g %g\\n\", x, h, w)"
     81    code "# (x,y) = x-label, y-coordinate is height of bar"
     82    code "str = sprintf(\"%g %g %g\\n\", x, y)"
    8383    code "io.put(\"$path.component.xhw\", str, Rappture::APPEND)"
    8484  }
  • branches/blt4/builder/scripts/templates/

    r2170 r3017  
    7979    code "\n# save output value for $path"
    8080    code "# this shows just one point -- modify as needed"
    81     code "# (x,h,w) = x-coord, height of bar, and width of bar (optional)"
    82     code "\$io put -append yes $path.component.xy \"\$x \$h \$w\\n\""
     81    code "# (x,y) = x-label, y-coordinate is height of bar"
     82    code "\$io put -append yes $path.component.xy \"\$x \$y\\n\""
    8383  }
    8484  output image {
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