Jun 25, 2012, 3:43:37 PM (12 years ago)

Fixed an error in the builder "preview" mode related to the reorganization of
the Analyzer code and changed component names.

Fixed the "periodicelement" type in the builder to save/load properly and
offer drop-down lists for default value and other properties.

3 added
2 edited


  • trunk/lang/tcl/scripts/Makefile.in

    r2698 r3056  
    6262TYPEFILES       = \
     63                $(srcdir)/types/atomactive.tcl \
     64                $(srcdir)/types/atomelem.tcl \
     65                $(srcdir)/types/atomprops.tcl \
    6366                $(srcdir)/types/boolean.tcl \
    6467                $(srcdir)/types/choices.tcl \
  • trunk/lang/tcl/scripts/objects/periodicelement/periodicelement.rp

    r2638 r3056  
    1818    help http://rappture.org/wiki/rp_xml_ele_periodicelement
    20     attr active -title "Active Elements" \
    21         -type string -path default -only input \
    22         -tooltip "Specifies the set of elements that can be selected.\n\nCan be a list of element symbols or groups: actinoid, alkali-metal, alkaline-earth-metal, halogen, lanthanoid, metalloid, noble-gas, other-non-metal, post-transition-metal, transition-metal, or unknown."
    23     attr inactive -title "Inactive Elements" \
    24         -type string -path default -only input \
    25         -tooltip "Specifies the set of elements that can't be selected.\n\nCan be a list of element symbols or groups: actinoid, alkali-metal, alkaline-earth-metal, halogen, lanthanoid, metalloid, noble-gas, other-non-metal, post-transition-metal, transition-metal, or unknown."
     20    attr default -title "Default Value" -type atomelem -path default -only input -tooltip "Sets the value that this input has when the program first starts.  This value is used by default unless the user explicitly changes it."
    27     attr returnvalue -title "Return value" -type string -path default -only input -tooltip "Specifies the return value: name, symbol, number, or weight."
     22    attr returnvalue -title "Return value" -type atomprops -path returnvalue -only input -tooltip "Specifies how the selected element is reported to your program: name, symbol, number, or weight."
    29     attr default -title "Default Value" -type string -path default -only input -tooltip "Sets the value that this input has when the program first starts.  This value is used by default unless the user explicitly changes it."
     24    attr active -title "Allowed Elements" \
     25        -type atomactive -path active -only input -tooltip "Specifies the set of elements that can be selected.\n\nCan allow or disallow one or more groups of elements on the periodic table: actinoid, alkali-metal, alkaline-earth-metal, halogen, lanthanoid, metalloid, noble-gas, other-non-metal, post-transition-metal, transition-metal, or unknown."
    3127    check default {
    32         if {[llength $attr(options)] > 0} {
    33             if {[string length [string trim $attr(default)]] == 0} {
    34                 return [list error "Must have a default value for this periodicelement."]
     28        set defval [string trim $attr(default)]
     29        if {[string length $defval] == 0} {
     30            return [list error "Must have a default value for this periodicelement."]
     31        }
     33        # make sure that the given value is a valid element type
     34        if {[Rappture::PeriodicTable::FindElement $defval] eq ""} {
     35            return [list error "Bad value \"$defval\": must be a known element in the periodic table."]
     36        }
     38        # make sure that the given value isn't in conflict with allowed values
     39        if {$attr(active) ne "" && [regexp {^(active|inactive): (.+)} $attr(active) match polarity vlist]} {
     40            set found [eval Rappture::PeriodicTable::ElementIsType $attr(default) [split $vlist ,]]
     41            if { (!$found && $polarity eq "active")
     42                  || ($found && $polarity eq "inactive") } {
     43                return [list error "Default value \"$attr(default)\" is not one of the allowed values"]
    3544            }
     45        }
     46    }
    37             # make sure that the default is really a choice
    38             set defval [string trim $attr(default)]
    39             set found 0
    40             foreach rec $attr(options) {
    41                 set label [string trim [lindex $rec 0]]
    42                 set value [string trim [lindex $rec 1]]
    43                 if {$defval eq $label || $defval eq $value} {
    44                     set found 1
    45                     break
    46                 }
    47             }
    48             if {!$found} {
    49                 return [list error "Default value must be a label or value for one of the current periodicelements."]
    50             }
     48    check returnvalue {
     49        if {[string length [string trim $attr(returnvalue)]] == 0} {
     50            return [list error "Must choose at least one return value to report the selected element to your program."]
    5151        }
    5252    }
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