Changeset 3671

May 22, 2013, 6:44:15 PM (11 years ago)

Fixed the background coordinate scaling for the drawing. Now works with
either "coordinates" or "coords" and handles the "at XX% YY%" parts for
either end point.

Fixed the builder so that it doesn't warn about groups that have an empty
label. You should be able to create those sorts of invisible groups.

4 edited


  • trunk/gui/scripts/drawingentry.tcl

    r3670 r3671  
    849849itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ScreenX { x } {
    850     set norm [expr {($x - $_xMin) * $_xScale}]
    851     set x [expr {int($norm * $_drawingWidth) + $_xOffset}]
    852     return $x
     850    return [expr {($x - $_xMin)*$_xScale + $_xOffset}]
    855853itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ScreenY { y } {
    856     set norm [expr {($y - $_yMin) * $_yScale}]
    857     set y [expr {int($norm * $_drawingHeight) + $_yOffset}]
    858     return $y
     854    return [expr {($y - $_yMin)*$_yScale + $_yOffset}]
    928924itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseScreenCoordinates { values } {
    929     set len [llength $values]
    930     if { $len == 4 } {
    931         if { [scan $values "%g %g %g %g" x1 y1 x2 y2] != 4 } {
    932             error "bad coordinates specification \"$values\""
    933         }
    934         set _xScale [expr 1.0 / ($x2 - $x1)]
    935         set _yScale [expr 1.0 / ($y2 - $y1)]
    936         set _xMin $x1
    937         set _yMin $y1
    938     } elseif { $len == 10 } {
    939         if { [scan $values "%g %g %s %d%% %d%% %g %g %s %d%% %d%%" \
    940                   sx1 sy1 at1 x1 y1 sx2 sy2 at2 x2 y2] != 10 } {
    941             error "bad coordinates specification \"$values\""
    942         }
    943         if { $at1 != "at" || $at2 != "at" } {
    944             error "bad coordinates specification \"$values\""
    945         }           
    946         set x1 [expr $x1 / 100.0]
    947         set x2 [expr $x2 / 100.0]
    948         set y1 [expr $y1 / 100.0]
    949         set y2 [expr $y2 / 100.0]
    950         set _xScale [expr ($sx2 - $sx1) / ($x2 - $x1)]
    951         set _yScale [expr ($sy2 - $sy2) / ($y2 - $y2)]
    952         set _xMin $x1
    953         set _yMin $y1
    954     }
     925    set bad ""
     926    foreach point {1 2} {
     927        set xvals($point) [lindex $values 0]
     928        if {![string is double -strict $xvals($point)]} {
     929            set bad "missing background coordinate point $point in \"$values\""
     930            break
     931        }
     933        set yvals($point) [lindex $values 1]
     934        if {![string is double -strict $yvals($point)]} {
     935            set bad "missing background coordinate point $point in \"$values\""
     936            break
     937        }
     938        set values [lrange $values 2 end]
     940        # each corner point can be place anywhere from 0% to 100%
     941        if {[lindex $values 0] eq "at"} {
     942            if {[regexp {^([0-9]+)%$} [lindex $values 1] match xpcnt]
     943              && [regexp {^([0-9]+)%$} [lindex $values 2] match ypcnt]} {
     944                set wherex($point) [expr {0.01*$xpcnt}]
     945                set wherey($point) [expr {0.01*$ypcnt}]
     946                set values [lrange $values 3 end]
     947            } else {
     948                set bad "expected \"at XX% YY%\" but got \"$values\""; break
     949            }
     950        } else {
     951            set wherex($point) [expr {($point == 1) ? 0 : 1}]
     952            set wherey($point) [expr {($point == 1) ? 0 : 1}]
     953        }
     954    }
     955    if {$bad eq "" && $wherex(1) == $wherex(2)} {
     956        set bad [format "drawing background limits have x points both at %d%%" [expr {round($wherex(1)*100)}]]
     957    }
     958    if {$bad eq "" && $wherey(1) == $wherey(2)} {
     959        set bad [format "drawing background limits have y points both at %d%%" [expr {round($wherex(1)*100)}]]
     960    }
     962    if {$bad eq "" && $xvals(1) == $xvals(2)} {
     963        set bad "drawing background coordinates have 0 range in x"
     964    }
     965    if {$bad eq "" && $yvals(1) == $yvals(2)} {
     966        set bad "drawing background coordinates have 0 range in y"
     967    }
     968    if {$bad eq "" && [llength $values] > 0} {
     969        set bad "extra coordinates \"$values\""
     970    }
     972    if {$bad ne ""} {
     973        puts "WARNING: $bad"
     974        puts "assuming default \"0 0 1 1\" coordinates"
     975        array set xvals {1 0 2 1}
     976        array set yvals {1 0 2 1}
     977        array set wherex {1 0 2 1}
     978        array set wherey {1 0 2 1}
     979    }
     981    # compute min/scale for each axis based on the input values
     982    if {$wherex(1) < $wherex(2)} {
     983        set min 1; set max 2
     984    } else {
     985        set min 2; set max 1
     986    }
     988    set slope [expr {double($xvals($max)-$xvals($min))
     989                      / ($wherex($max)-$wherex($min))}]
     990    set _xMin [expr {-$wherex($min)*$slope + $xvals($min)}]
     991    set xmax [expr {(1-$wherex($max))*$slope + $xvals($max)}]
     992    set _xScale [expr {[winfo width $itk_component(drawing)]/($xmax-$_xMin)}]
     994    if {$wherey(1) < $wherey(2)} {
     995        set min 1; set max 2
     996    } else {
     997        set min 2; set max 1
     998    }
     1000    set slope [expr {double($yvals($max)-$yvals($min))
     1001                      / ($wherey($max)-$wherey($min))}]
     1002    set _yMin [expr {-$wherey($min)*$slope + $yvals($min)}]
     1003    set ymax [expr {(1-$wherey($max))*$slope + $yvals($max)}]
     1004    set _yScale [expr {[winfo height $itk_component(drawing)]/($ymax-$_yMin)}]
    9571007itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::ParseBackground {} {
    9581008    foreach elem [$_xmlobj children $_path.background] {
    959         switch -glob -- $elem {
    960             "color*" {
     1009        switch -- $elem {
     1010            "color" {
    9611011                #  Background color of the drawing canvas (default white)
    9621012                set value [XmlGet $_path.background.$elem]
    9631013                $itk_component(drawing) configure -background $value
    9641014            }
    965             "aspect*" {
     1015            "aspect" {
    9661016                set value [XmlGet $_path.background.$elem]
    9671017                foreach { xAspect yAspect } $value break
    9681018                AdjustDrawingArea $xAspect $yAspect
    9691019            }
    970             "coordinates*" {
     1020            "coords" - "coordinates" {
    9711021                set value [XmlGet $_path.background.$elem]
    9721022                ParseScreenCoordinates $value
    9731023            }
    974             "width*" {
     1024            "width" {
    9751025                set width [XmlGet $_path.background.$elem]
    9761026                $itk_component(drawing) configure -width $width
    9771027            }
    978             "height*" {
     1028            "height" {
    9791029                set height [XmlGet $_path.background.$elem]
    9801030                $itk_component(drawing) configure -height $height
    9811031            }
     1032            default {
     1033                puts "WARNING: don't understand \"$elem\" in $_path"
     1034            }
    9821035        }
    9831036    }
    9891042itcl::body Rappture::DrawingEntry::Invoke {cpath x y} {
    9901043    if {![info exists _cpath2popup($cpath)]} {
    991         error "internal error: no controls for hotspot at $cpath"
     1044        puts "WARNING: no controls for hotspot at $cpath"
     1045        return
    9921046    }
    9931047    set popup $_cpath2popup($cpath)
  • trunk/lang/tcl/scripts/objects.tcl

    r3177 r3671  
    819819            array set object $extra
    820820        } else {
    821             array set object [list type [type] palettes $palettes help $help]
    822         }
    824         # handle checks defined in a base class
    825         foreach baseobj [cget -inherit] {
    826             eval lappend rlist [$baseobj check $side $data $debug [array get object]]
    827         }
    829         # add checks defined in the current class
     821            array set object [list type [type] palettes $palettes help $help checked ""]
     822        }
     824        # do checks defined in the current class
    830825        for {set n 1} {$n <= $_checks(num)} {incr n} {
     826            set aname $_checks($n-attr)
     828            # if we already did this check on a derived class, then skip it
     829            # derived classes override the base class
     830            if {[lsearch $object(checked) $aname] >= 0} {
     831                continue
     832            }
    831834            # look at the -only option and see if the check applies here
    832             set aname $_checks($n-attr)
    833835            set only [getAttr $aname -only]
    834836            if {$only ne "" && [lsearch $only $side] < 0} {
    838840            # execute the code to look for errors in the value
    839841            set status [catch $_checks($n-code) result]
     842            lappend object(checked) $aname
    840844            if {$status != 0 && $status != 2} {
    841845                puts stderr "ERROR DURING VALUE CHECK:\n$result"
    848852            }
    849853        }
     855        # handle checks defined in a base class
     856        foreach baseobj [cget -inherit] {
     857            eval lappend rlist [$baseobj check $side $data $debug [array get object]]
     858        }
    850860        return $rlist
    851861    }
  • trunk/lang/tcl/scripts/objects/group/group.rp

    r3177 r3671  
    1818    help
    1919    terminal no
     21    check label {
     22        # it's okay to have a blank label for invisible groups
     23    }
     25    check description {
     26        set label [string trim $attr(label)]
     27        set desc [string trim $attr(description)]
     28        if {$label ne ""} {
     29            # label is set, so must have a good description
     30            if {$desc eq ""} {
     31                return [list warning "You should include a description of what this group represents."]
     32            } elseif {$desc eq $label} {
     33                return [list warning "The description should be different from the label and give additional information about this group."]
     34            }
     35        }
     36    }
  • trunk/lang/tcl/scripts/objects/string/string.rp

    r3177 r3671  
    2020    attr default -title "Default Value" -type string -path default -only input -tooltip "Sets the value that this input has when the program first starts.  This value is used by default unless the user explicitly changes it."
    22     attr size -title "Size" -type string:validate=size -path size -only input -tooltip "Sets the desired size for the string.  Strings are normally 1 line of text, but if the size is set to some WxH, then the entry area will be at least W chars wide and H lines tall.  For example, 40x5 says that the string should be 40 chars wide and 10 lines tall."
     22    attr size -title "Size" -type string:validate=size -path size -only input -tooltip "Sets the desired size for the string.  Strings are normally 1 line of text, but if the size is set to some WxH, then the entry area will be at least W chars wide and H lines tall.  For example, 40x5 says that the string should be 40 chars wide and 5 lines tall."
    2424    attr hints -title "Hint String" -type string -path about.hints -only input -tooltip "Sets a line of text displayed beneath the entry area for the string.  This is used to give a hint to the user about what should be entered in the string area."
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