Changeset 4262 for trunk/packages

Mar 24, 2014, 9:56:35 PM (11 years ago)

Doc update

1 edited


  • trunk/packages/vizservers/geovis/geovis_protocol.txt

    r4261 r4262  
    6565    Add a GDAL image layer from a file or URL
    6666map layer add wms <url> <layers> <format> <transparent> <layerName>
    67     Add a WMS image layer from a URL/layer string
     67    Add a WMS image layer from a URL + layer string
    6868    <url> = URL of WMS service
    6969    <layers> = layers string for WMS server
    7070    <format> = Image format to return (e.g. 'png')
    7171    <transparent> = bool
    72 map layer add tms <url> <tmsType> <format> <layerName>
    73     Add a WMS image layer from a URL/layer string
    74     <url> = URL of WMS service
    75     <layers> = layers string for WMS server
     72map layer add tms <url> <layerName>
     73    Add a TMS image layer from a URL
     74    <url> = URL of TMS service
    7675map layer add elevation <url> <layerName>
    7776    Add a GDAL elevation image layer from a file or URL
    9695    Load an .earth file from a network address
    9796map reset <type> <?profile?> <?xmin?> <?ymin?> <?xmax?> <?ymax?>
     97    Clear the scene and rebuild a new map from scratch.  When resetting the
     98    map to geocentric, a profile and extents should be omitted.  When the map
     99    type is projected, the profile is required and extents are optional.
    98100    type = geocentric|projected
    99101    profile = Well known profile string, e.g. 'global-geodetic',
    100     'global-mercator'
     102    'global-mercator'.  If specifying bounds (i.e. not global), use 'geodetic'
     103    or 'spherical-mercator' or an SRS init string (such as an EPSG code)
    101104    xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax = map bounds (in profile projection/units)
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