Aug 16, 2005, 1:12:56 AM (19 years ago)
  • Added a new Rappture.result() function to the Python library. This makes it easy to finalize results. See examples/graph for example use.
  • Added examples/graph to illustrate a simple tool with a string and two numbers for input.
  • Fixed the XY graph to show crosshairs and pop-up info when you mouse over particular points.
  • Fixed Rappture::exec so that it doesn't add stray newlines when a program has lots (more than 8k) of output.
  • Fixed the analyzer to recognize the <tool><analyzer> tag. When set to "last", this automatically clears the last result. Handy for programs like SPICE, where you don't compare much, but keep running one new simulation after another.
  • Fixed <string> entries to enable the Simulate button after each editing keystroke.
2 added

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