Feb 10, 2015, 6:30:24 PM (10 years ago)

turning off button1 motion probing because there are still problems with moving the mouse over the legend too fast.

1 edited


  • branches/uiuc_vtk_viewers/gui/scripts/vtkisosurfaceviewer.tcl

    r4954 r4991  
    25352535    set value [LegendPointToValue $x $y]
     2537    # Setup the location of the tooltip
    25372538    set tx [expr $x + 15]
    25382539    set ty [expr $y - 5]
     2541    # Setup the text for the tooltip
    25392542    if { [info exists _isolines($y)] } {
    25402543        Rappture::Tooltip::text $c [format "$title %g (isosurface)" $_isolines($y)]
    25422545        Rappture::Tooltip::text $c [format "$title %g" $value]
    25432546    }
     2548    # Show the tooltip
    25442549    Rappture::Tooltip::tooltip show $c +$tx,+$ty
    25842589itcl::body Rappture::VtkIsosurfaceViewer::ReceiveLegend { colormap title min max size } {
    2585     #puts stderr "ReceiveLegend colormap=$colormap title=$title range=$min,$max size=$size"
     2590    # puts stderr "ReceiveLegend colormap=$colormap title=$title range=$min,$max size=$size"
    25862591    set _title $title
    25872592    regsub {\(mag\)} $title "" _title
    26032608# DrawLegend --
    2605 #       Draws the legend in its own canvas on the right side of the plot area.
     2610#       Draws the legend on the canvas on the right side of the plot area.
    26072612itcl::body Rappture::VtkIsosurfaceViewer::DrawLegend {} {
    26582663        $c bind sensor <Motion> [itcl::code $this MotionLegend %x %y]
    26592664        $c bind sensor <ButtonPress-1>   [itcl::code $this LegendB1Motion press %x %y]
    2660         $c bind sensor <B1-Motion>       [itcl::code $this LegendB1Motion motion %x %y]
     2665#        $c bind sensor <B1-Motion>       [itcl::code $this LegendB1Motion motion %x %y]
    26612666        $c bind sensor <ButtonRelease-1> [itcl::code $this LegendB1Motion release %x %y]
    27892794# USAGE: LegendTitleAction apply <value>
    2791 # Used internally to handle the dropdown list for the field range text inputs.
    2792 # The post option is invoked when a field range is pressed to launch a text
    2793 # input field.  The enter option is invoked when the user mouses over a field
    2794 # range.  The leave option is invoked when the user moves the mouse away from a
    2795 # field range.  The save option is invoked whenever a value is set for a field
    2796 # range, and alerts the visualization server.
     2796# Used internally to handle the mouseover and popup entry for the field range
     2797# inputs.  The enter option is invoked when the user moves the mouse over the
     2798# min or max field range. The leave option is invoked when the user moves the
     2799# mouse away from the min or max field range. The popup option is invoked when
     2800# the user click's on a field range. The popup option stores internally which
     2801# widget is requesting a popup ( in the _mouseOver variable) and calls the
     2802# activate command of the widget. The widget's activate command calls back to
     2803# this method to get the xywh dimensions of the popup editor. After the user
     2804# changes focus or sets the value in the editor, the editor calls this methods
     2805# validate and apply options to set the value.
    27982807# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    28102819        }
    28112820        popup {
     2821            DisableMouseRotationBindings
    28122822            set which [lindex $args 0]
    28132823            set _mouseOver $which
    28212831            set info(w) [expr $x2 - $x1]
    28222832            set info(h) [expr $y2 - $y1]
    2823             puts "array: [array get info]"
    28242833            return [array get info]
    28252834        }
    28282837                error "wrong # args: should be \"editor validate value\""
    28292838            }
     2839            SetupMouseRotationBindings
    28302840        }
    28312841        apply {
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